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Russians accuse HAARP of causing heat wave

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 07:38 PM
So whatever they want to say or pusblish is always the truth then?

HAARP has 2 pattents, one for something far more powerful, and not official, thats for sure, but.....the implications are enormous.

This is our news media, cbc researching HAARP. Notice when she confronts him with the 2 patents he lies in the open and denies it and the look on her face.

So, you believe the lie spoken infront of the proof of something more?

I don't. We have to differ on that one I'm afraid.

HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1

HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 2

But of course there is also the Russian Woodpecker as well:

Thats Impossible 2/5 Weather Warfare

They are probably both in on this.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

IMO I think its quite naive to assume that HAARP let the general public know about everything they do.

HAARP and EISCAT are linked. They are both involved in ionospheric research and have shared technologies.

I honestly didnt think someone with any intelligence would believe the Russian missile explanation. Its very obvious that EISCAT were behind the Norway spiral, im sure that dozens of threads on this topic exist on ATS so i am not going to reiterate what others have posted. I am just mystified at how people can say it was the result of a missile.

Ah well to each their own

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I'm sorry? What exactly was the lie? Are you referring to "Memorandum 195"? Can you provide a link to the memorandum for me? I like to verify sources. Where does it say anything about 100 billion watts? Strange we only seem to have Begich's statement about it. Why didn't he actually show the statement instead of just flipping pages? What was the context? What difference does it make? The maximum output of HAARP is 3.6MW.

If the woodpecker can control the weather, why aren't the Russians fighting back against HAARP?

BTW...Begich. He's a snake oil salesman.

That "Dr." he likes to put in front of his name?

Begich received his doctorate in traditional medicine from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines in November 1994.

Sounds good. Lets find out something about the institution.
From 1998.

The University readily agreed to award a doctorate on Falguni Mehta soon after receiving her application and subsequently conferred it when she paid $195 as legal notarisation fee.

"A colleague determined that there was an 'OUI' in Sri Lanka, but it is called Open International University for complementary medicine, and it is not an accredited medical school.' For an additional fee of $400-US, outstanding students are awarded an M.D. (which is their abbreviation for Masters Degree) or other degrees such as B.Science, or extra credentials. (Parenthetical comment his.)

"We were told that 'OIU' has additional prizes such as 'the Albert Schweitzer Award and Knighthood' (for an additional fee of $400-US)." (Parenthetical comment his.)

[edit on 8/4/2010 by Phage]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha

I honestly didnt think someone with any intelligence would believe the Russian missile explanation.

Thank you.
I'm sure that you are very bright. If only I could aspire to that level of brilliance.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:08 PM
[edit on 4/8/10 by MacDonagh]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Phage

The moment the reporter confronted the front man for HAARP with the patents for two versions of this technology, one being very much stronger, and obviously BLACK projects at that, he flat out denied this while she held the documents in her hand.

That was a lie.

All their BS is pretty obvious.

Between HAARP and this isn't just US technology, Russian has its own, and the oil "accidents" and the incredibly toxic retardants which I suspect have interfered with the precipitation cycles, we have a problem here, a big one.

Is weather control involved as well as the ocean disasters? Probably, it would not be very prudent to rule that out.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Phage

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha

I honestly didnt think someone with any intelligence would believe the Russian missile explanation.

Thank you.
I'm sure that you are very bright. If only I could aspire to that level of brilliance.

I'm sure if i typed what i really wanted to here that the moderators would remove it. So all I shall say is that you sir are a condescending, patronizing, little man. But im sure you are probably already well aware of this fact.

Not very good traits to have, you should keep an eye on that

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Can you provide more information about the 2 patents which HAARP holds? I don't think patents for black projects are publicly available for scrutiny and I doubt that the "reporter" would have been waving one around. Something about national security.

The company which was contracted to build the IRI at HAARP (Advanced Power Technologies, Inc) holds quite a few patents, some of which concern the use of phased array antennas and some which don't. Could that be what you're talking about? Given their expertise in the field, it's not surprising that they would be given the contract to built the phased array at HAARP.

The design specifications for HAARP call for an output of 3.6MW. It met those specifications with the final phase of its construction in 2007.

[edit on 8/4/2010 by Phage]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

I tend to be patronizing and condescending when the occasion calls for it.
In most circles (including ATS) an implication of low intelligence is considered an insult.

If you look around ATS you will find that there is an abundance of evidence that the Norway spiral could not have been caused by HAARP (or EISCAT).

[edit on 8/4/2010 by Phage]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Not HAARP, but solar storm impact on Earth -- had a chance to banter
on MSNBC today.

Solar storm sparks northern lights -- A massive solar flare causes a beautiful light show in the northern skies. Space expert James Oberg explains what's behind the celestial show.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
I honestly didnt think someone with any intelligence would believe the Russian missile explanation. Its very obvious that EISCAT were behind the Norway spiral, im sure that dozens of threads on this topic exist on ATS so i am not going to reiterate what others have posted. I am just mystified at how people can say it was the result of a missile.

Ah well to each their own

Proponents of various explanations of the spiral seem to fall into two groups, those who are familiar with real space and missile activity and how it looks to ground observers, who are satisfied that the dec 9 spiral was the pre-announced sub missile test, and those who think they know enough about space and rocket activity but have minds full of misinformation and delusion, but don't realize it, and whose egos won't allow them to even consider the possibility -- who embrace any variety of non-missile non-explanations that make them feel important and knowledgeable, but spuriously.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:10 AM
I do beleive it is someone causing it, dunno if they're using haarp or something else but I do beleive tptb are trying to give some people heat stroke and hoping we die those of us in certain regions look who it's affecting Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, NY I think it's obvious whom they are targetting!!!!! This of course is just in the USA, IDK what is happening in Russia and what regions are suffering there.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Don't forget Oklahoma! 105 today without heat index

Regardless of the type of waves that can transmit the fact is they can transmit enough energy to heat up the atmosphere. Interest in the ionosphere ironically started with Tesla(I think correct if wrong please) Hate to pull that card, but he had his hand in most modern technology. I know the comparison is made to wardenclyfe, but frankly i think that was just too expensive. He later found his "minis" worked just as good. Hate to say it, but 180/3=60 180/6=30 180/9=20

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." — Nikola Tesla

I've heard various hypothesis on this, and I have no real conclusion other than the HAARP, while it might not be a wmd, it could still block communications and adversely effect the environment.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by DavidN

Actually, Tesla did not seem to believe the ionosphere exists (they called it the Heaviside layer in his day).

Terrestrial phenomena which I have noted conclusively show that there is no Heaviside layer, or if it exists, it is of no effect. It certainly would be unfortunate if the human race were thus imprisoned and forever without power to reach out into the depths of space.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:26 AM
It's a matter of wording... Capacitors were once condensers because electricity was thought to be a liquid. Not finished reading that site, but will update/post again after.

The Kennely-Heaviside layer is a separate layer of the ionosphere. Thats no proof he doesn't think it exists. Btw it's referred to as the E

Going to study what Heaviside originally thought to see why Tesla believed it doesn't exist, and why it's subjective to season/sun activity.

[edit on 5-8-2010 by DavidN]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by DavidN

Heaviside predicted a layer of ionization which would reflect radio waves. That is what the ionosphere is. He did not predict the variations within the ionosphere which we now know exist.

Did you also see what Tesla said about radio (Hertzian waves) in that article? He was a good, maybe even great, engineer and inventor but he was wrong about a few things. Heresy, I know.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by Phage]

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 02:24 AM
Personally I think it's a matter of instrumentation. He had to literally construct every piece for quite some time. Not only is that subjective, but you can't create something you've never thought up. Although all of his hypothesis aren't fully correct it still reveals truth. I hardly ever hear of people trying to recreate the effects Tesla was using his coils for. The common people have the shiny effect, and just want to stare at it.

The Hertzian wave misconception was due to the time he was in... He believed 90% was EM and 10% was current from the Earth.
Tell me what you think.

Through the course of my life I plan to prove/debunk Tesla. I am an enthusiast, but I must know if his vision is true.

Say he is wrong about most of what he said, he still influenced later generations and is ever growing in popularity. Dark Void is a new game with him as a mentor.

He was wrong because of the time he was in... image a modern Tesla. He'd most likely be in quantum/nano sciences.

He plunged us into making fringe science common science. HAARP is built off years of ideas past Tesla, but it's a concept he would've been apart of I think.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Phage

And HAARP cannot control the weather.

What's the difference between you and a government issued encyclopedia?

All you do is parrot the "official" word, and seem unable to look past that.

The accusations are that it has secret weather mod, and weapons ability.

All you can come up with is "they aren't able to, because that's what they say".

It borders idiocy, and is at least being as naive as a schoolgirl.

Maybe you are right, but taking their word as proof that they do not have secret capability is just plain stupid.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Point of No Return

I actually read the papers that are published (no, not by the government). I make the effort to understand and learn what they are talking about. I don't accept the out of context quotes. I don't pay attention to hucksters and jackasses like Nick Begich and (mmphh) Jesse Ventura (bwahhaaa).

And what does the conspiracy theory use to "prove" its case.
1) Rumor
2) Distortion
3) Lies
4) Misunderstanding
5) Misdirection
6) Speculation
7) Ignorance
8) Fear
9) And last but certainly not least, a lack of evidence.

Speaking of idiocy.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:21 AM
The fact they can heat up even a portion of the atmosphere shows they can alter the weather. People expect the first steps into advanced science to be tremendous, but we all know once something is developed it starts growing exponentially.

Besides the gov. doesn't have to legally tell you anything until 50 years after it has been discovered. Even then they can deny they discovered it.

Think about the scope of things. HAARP may or may not alter the weather drastically, but its only using a few MW. If it was built to power in the TeV range drastic effects would occur. Realize they only want you to see their powered down version, the real weapon is hidden somewhere.

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