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Mind Control with Silent Sounds and Super Computers

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Hi-I haven't had a chance to gloss your 77,000 some odd posts, but going by your star to post ratio, I would say that you have some important information, and experience. Chances are you're not an ats watcher anymore, though you may get a kick out of the new direction they're allowing. Now you can start a thread about anything, well, almost anything, and call it a conspiracy. Whiny male tells why he boycotts...nevermind.

One thing that gets me is why in an earlier post you sound broken, helpless, yet later in the same thread you seem to have combated and vanquished all the electrical noise?

There's no stopping the cretins from bopping, though, all you can do is remind them of hell from time to time. Hope you are still around. I am interested in searching out folks such as yourself who understand the flagrant vibes the military industrial complex bleat out using our electrical grid and addiction to phones etc.... Not a good time to be alive, yet there must be some reason for us? Congrats on your p/s ratio.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by starless and bible black

The user you were replying to is a past experimental account that was comprised of many people who chose to respond while not creating personal accounts. The 'stats' for "Anonymous ATS" are from many people...not just one...

Hope that helps...

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Ah, I see. So there are several 'anonymous' aggregated in to 1 account.

Still, sounds like a good basis for a community. Waco mark 2. We hope you enjoy our new direction.

I was about to fire off a letter to this member, after befriending him. Now, what, pray tell, would have been the result of such an action? I may have missed my chance to become inadvertent cult leader.
edit on 6-1-2011 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Can relate to this. Hear tones all the time. Left is a steady, but lightly pulsing, and loud. Right ear picks up different tones. Is steady right now, but not so loud. When this first started happening I began to experience vertigo, became nauseated, dissoriented. Doesn't happen much now, maybe once or twice a year. Its like motion sickness but without the motion. It seemed to come on in waves or pulses. I could tell when this was going to happen because my skin began to itch and tingle and I became anxious. Went to various doctors to try to find out what was happening, but they didn't give me any answers. Left ear has 20% hearing loss now, but the loud tone is still there. Weird. Only time I don't hear these tones and hums is when I'm asleep. Last night though I was awakened 4 or 5 times. Felt hot, and unable to relax. Old age (56)? Not sure what this is but I don't like it and I wish it would stop.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by starless and bible black

Don't like your tone. Go away. Don't comeback, please, dark one.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:20 PM
Ever see an airline boarding pass with the SSSS on it? They use it in the airports! Done wirelessly or through touch screens. Brain states are recorded to gain a 'baseline', any abnormalities triggers SSSS being put on boarding pass so that passenger is given further screening. Not randomly generated. Lots of new technologies being used now. Surveillance cameras that can pick up conversations using infrared beam, or recognize body and facial signals, temperature, heart rate, other 'biometrics'. All linked to databases. Every person is recognizable that the system sees and hears using its sensors. All occurs in milliseconds. Its all part of the panopticon.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Hi, i'm new to this forum.
I think i've had the same experience with frequencies trying to alter my mood, and that humming sound. Also, i've being deeply sleeping and all of a sudden i've being able to feel that 'wave' sensation touching the left side of my body vanishing my desire to sleep completely. I've been ignoring and above all things anchoring my life, my thoughts, and my everything to what the Word of God says about me. I'm not religious.

I'd like to chat with ppl having the same experience, pls, if someone is interested can send an email or add me as a contact: [email protected].

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Guys...we can NOT make you do ANYTHING against your will without physically touching you. (Surgery)

No frequency is going to control you. However it can have effects on your psyche , it can NOT make you do anything against your will.....

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by milkyway12

Could you define your use of the term "we"?

For the most part, I agree with you though...

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:48 PM
I am nothing special. Just in training and love to ask questions to my instructor since it is one on one.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:20 PM
More than the probabilistically expected number of rock stars seem to singing about voices. Here's some example songs...

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by GENERAL EYES

Hi, i'm Velanica Ellis

Most people know me as Loni. This is gonna be a long winded tale so i hope u have ur reading glasses on.

I'm not sure when this all started for me, but somewhere deep inside i know it's been atleast 7+ years. I used to be head strong a bit overwhelming, loud and obnoxious, but when the day was done u we're Proud to call me friend. My brother was murdered 2-2-06 ( our baby brother's 19th B-day) but died on 2-3-06. I was using drugs aready....crack coc aine to be more specific.......I KNOW, I KNOW, UR JUST PARANOID IS THE COMMON REPLY. It wasn't a daily habit just something i used for no particular reason one day even though i spent my whole life hating/loathing, in complete disgust of the #!!!!! ( I wouldn't even DRINK M/D 20/20 cause sum1 said it was liquid crack.) Well one day i woke up and decided to visit my addict uncle Sam, and instead of cussing him for his drug use like normal when "Funny' smell bombarded me I asked him to let me try it. I am glad to know he cared cause he had a Fit like no other, he was outraged at my curiousty and told me to get out of his home. Anyway i saew his girlfriend also a smoker named Trish-ann and i asked her to let me try....she took me somewhere and thats how i got my 1st was about 1 month b4 i tried it again and it stayed that way for a year this was 2004-2005. All of a sudden it seemed to get worse like i needed it all the time.......i swear i felt like i was being PUSHED to do it, my mind was in completed oppisite of what my body was doing but i couldn't help it. From 05-06 i got really aggrivated with my increased use and decided to call it quits. Mostly because after the ADDICTION part kicked in I had decided to be smarter than the average crack-whore and DATE the drug dealer....endless supply and girlfriend w/ benefits included. I'm pretty sexy or was even on drugs i took vitamins to keep me healthy and such. (Velanica Ellis on African american and Dominican).


i wasn't the kinda person who "GEEKED" as it is refered to, that searching the floor and looking out windows crap, yeah not me, but i did laugh at the expense of others who did."geek out"...... for shame i know, crack heads do funny #.

the "dope-boy (slang/ebonics) used to say/do stuff that my college educated crack-head mind would seem to OVER-analyse when i was high. S i did what any smart person would do, i tried to figure crap out.i used to hear things through walls as if some1 talking to me or WANTED me to OVER-hear their conversations or voices that I seemed to know/recognize/understand... AT 1ST I IGNORED IT SOME-WHAT BUT THEN I NOTICED IT ONLY HAPPENED WHEN HE LEFT OR WAS ALREADY IN A MOCKING MOOD W/ THAT UR JUST PARANOID ATTITUDE. i.e. i would be a private eye-ish and asked who we're u talking to upstairs and he would say he wasn't up there or who do i know up-stairs yada yada yada and then i would say something back and he would make a weird remark like what makes u think that it's not like who-ever??? screamed my name or whatever and it was funny because at the time it was sum1 screaming his name durung sex or he'd say it and OUTSIDE our door sum1 would say blah/ blah/ blah which was the same thing we were talking about DIDN'T happen. there were times when u'd here the person he wasn't whatevering with yell his name clear as day and say sumth'n like i hope Loni doesn't bore u to sleep cause ur supposed to take me home in an hour, which in an hour he would get a delivery call that had to be dealt with asap. or he would go visit his kids which was 30+ miles away and the car would be cold as ice when i toched the hood, in spring/summer FLORIDA, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought cars should be hot after driving 60+ miles in 1hr. anyway my paranoia got worse i started listening and looking out window and doors as soon as he would leave.........i'd hear people calling his name J.C. this way or she's right by the door, or his nickname .......................... "Pops" ur girl is THINKING of running this way???????????????????????????????????? it's only a thought, BUT HOW WOULD U KNOW THAT????????????????????????????????. I haven't had a quiet thought or moment since i met him, it seems that my life has gotten worse and worse day by day from a hard working over educated know it all to some useless crack-head felon.......i swear....... after i started indulging and putting more effort into the VOICES they got worse. one day i realized things that happened when i left after him, a horn honked four times or whatever or when i swore i could hear he someone would scream cease in the distance that u could also her up close sort of. a room where i could hear him clear as day would go silent when i approached, music, talking, laughter.....TBC.......

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 05:47 AM
link noise at all but when i got far enough away and looked up i'm try to carve u or back or whatever i would see people leave. then one day i was smarter than him somehow, i waited for the voices we BOTH could hear and answer but only i seemed to be experiencing according to him said that no one was ready so he would be on his own sort of, anyway i wad2 seconds behind him he got in his car by the time i got to the entrance it should have been exiting in real-time instead NO CAR but i was rewarded watching him walk up the stairs to another room when he should have exited almost 5 minutes ago. i yelled his name and he turned same clothes same face same shocked expression i'd come to know, amnd he took off into room 15. i knocked but no answered i walked right up BEHIND HIM never taking my eyes from that door. i wait a few off to the side and i hear somehow distantly we cant find her she's not in the room, we're looking
, then the door opens and this crackhead chick i knew from the a year ago walked out and looked over the bannister...i went mental and quietly returned to my room making sure i saw no AND GOT A PAIR OF SCISSORS ghetto iknow, i knocked on her door 20 minutes later after checking to see for anyone she opened i enered knocking her to the floor then closing the door quietly behind me, b4 threatining her life, she yells I CANT TAKE THIS I DONT WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, I'D RATHER JUST GO TO trying to slit ur throat and u want to go to jail instead.....for what i just asked where my boyfriend was, albeit meanly and rude but that was the only question, where is he? so she pleaded and begged and of course fore me i didn't actually know what iwas doing i just reacted to the CLICK SOUND IN MY HEAD and was rewarded with him being in our room after walking from her room 2minutes or less asking me what happened to her Caroline, cause she called and sauid i tried to kill her......WOW!!!!! i walked about 500ft from up to down pausing long enough to light a ciggartte and u've already managed to get the low down and prevent her from calling 911 for my actions, wtf i say again....tbc please look me up on facebook it gets worse and my voices are making the roof shake somehow and the shadows seem to turning into spiders, weird huh, oh and i swaer it looks like they built tree-house, bridges or whatever from one house to another, wtf i know still sounds psycho...... feels it too now their REMINDING ME AGAIN that im impeding a federal investigation by typing which they were saying when i staarted typing but i ignored..........wtfhere we go again my son is screaming for me to come help him, atleast they got his voice right this time now it sounds like my son afraid, b4 it sounded like he was asking me a question but amplified and altered here and there......anyone knows as a parent u KNOW ur childs voice or speech pattern, i hope... if he says um its a long winded question and i know actually sounds like my friend/ formewr sister (in slang) oh did i mention theyy said that EVERYONE I HAVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE WAS APART OF THIS HELPING IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER......well it must be true since every voice i've heard or i have come to know or love or atleast know i've recognize since i've know them on and off the last 30 years of my life......weirdest part of it ythe voices of friends or whatever i hear now and then i haven't been able to reach/visit/contact for atleast 3 years when the voices got worse.......the non friends who are friends said it's part of the GAG order that they can not contact or associate witrh me for emotional sanity or some #..............even my ex who i had a child with voice is present he loves our daughter his 1st child and he is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND no forwarding address or phone number but his voice lets me know she is still his #1 priorety but this tasak keeps him from losing her somehow any way i'm tired when i wake up i'll post the rest of this crazy crap, this isn't why i started typing but it the most i can do it seems for now. oh and they tell me i was so smart they hadto hypnotisze me "invisible and that they wish they would've never had the sorrow of having met me...tbc tomorrow it's way more weird TRULLY WEIRD OCCURNCES LEFT, like the being arrested UNDER SUSPICION OF S.I.D by my x bf the dopwe boy jc joyner and how the guy i'm with now Dennis henson is some how part of it....i remember my x telling me HIS NAME was dennis henson at first and the voices reminding me one day about + how they told me that my current bf was actually jc (the drug boyfriend) but only in name and not the same last names atleast???????????????? tell u later

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:00 AM
i had to add their telling me the overwhelming heat i'm feeling and that loud noise that sound like a dog whistle for humans is gonna somehow stop my heart because everyone officially agreed that i'm to noisy , or whatever....i guess i'll try to sleepo now but i doubt they'll let me....theytend to somehow make it feel like my bhead is being electrocuted and my boduy wont move no matter how hard i try, but they tell me it's only a seizure yeah says the girl having a paralyzing seizure fullly aware and in pain w/o movement,...they promised that i have officially comprimiused this investigation and they would finally kill me and my whole family cause i told them and now u all whats been happening to me, i hope i write u tommorrow cause it really does feel like my hearts about to stop, atleast i didn't feel pricks and painful hard moving thing in my legs, which accordin to the as it happened was them tryig to rupture my left venticle....?????? i'm smart but i'm not a doctor so i dont know what that means......but i know the 1st day it supposedly happened i fell asleep on my left side and it felt like my head to my hip were FLOODED and heavey but after i sat up and the woosiness passed it was tolerable but i haven;t laid on that side since outta when it 1st happened i was laying on my right and i swear it felt like getting water stuck in ur chest i couldn't breath for like 20 seconds but they said sit up and it went away..........but now they say their gonna spend their time trying to make me hyper something with salt and butter...which makes no sense cause i like butter....i gtg they said i'm #ed too much info

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:21 AM
omg i forgot they want me to constantly say this is not real......or don't push me...then look up, back left right yada yada and fall to the side but i have to be asleep by the time i fall down or something for it work, hypono i'm sure of it cause after that...the thing my shrink Calos Santana syas he didn't do, i started not seeing invisible people.....oh and as they pointed out when i tried to take my scripts to the psych ward with me, they all have f'd up names on them i wanted to post the pictures but i cant find the bottles now it seems.. these r the names of my last 4 doctors Dr fils usf, fl pronounced Dr Feels, spent 1 day as my dr told me he liked my personality and he was sorry that he chose me...... pretty much .....before being transfered to old dementia patients ,Dr Carlos Santana usf, after dr fils, Dr Bose (like the bose radio i like to listen to) who is also a usf hospital, fl doctor who was after Dr Santana...... oh and my fav Dr GaymeN north bay psych hospital fl(i watch gay porn...... ironically most sexually offended women do, something about comfort/justice,,,,,,anyway no matter how many times i've changed dr's because of their names......and how my shadow monster that are also loud and semi clear voices but very mocking remind me they controll everything thats why they laugh when i take too long to notice such weird # or try to change it

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 07:40 AM
The first thing i was told with me was it was a brain implant. I was very skeptical, I didn't have the distraction from the neurological disorder that makes you hear buggy information, thats non existent at the time. Then I was told years later when trying to rent and apartment that I had agreed to a radiation experiment he said he couldent tell me what kind of radiation. I was reminded about brain implant stories. He used terminology in conspiracy books, I think they get people to read them and use them as a cover. when I got my apartment there was noise pollution, i believe they where reading my lips by thermal imagery and enamel ccd camera, or something. I would here responses when my lips moved a little, responses to my thoughts. It was very nerving to not move my lips when i was really focused. The interruption when I did was distressing. I must have had a LRAD directed at me. There was unusual emotion, maybe there was radio frequency in addition. There where periods of heat, maybe there was microwave weapon as well I didn't see one. after I left and was homeless, After months of this i started to hear voices?.

a little more information as to what was going on can be found here, for those curious.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 08:14 AM
From individuals who have been harassed and hounded by the British government, I learned about silent sound technology. From what they have told me, it seems that there is a conditioning process that orients around microwaves to cause an allergy or sensitivity to any emf signal with a measurable power density.

Normally a couple of days or less of this saturation will allow sensitised individuals to hear the silent sounds they seem to hear in their heads. It is this spooky aspects that terrorised the Iraqi Republican Guard which caused them to stampede from the battle field. They had no idea what it was and thought it was "the voice of God".

Anyone interested in the science behind Silent Sound should read the RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION DOSIMETRY HANDBOOK (this is a safety manual that explains the effects of RF signals).

The above is a link to the pdf of the handbook.

This book contains very interesting practical science that shows the effects of RF signals on the human body in a calibrated fashion. It shows for example, the frequency, signal strength and angle of incidence of a microwave beam that will cause a sensitised limb or body part to spasm or even stop functioning. The same techniques can also be used as a carrier signal, as detailed in the OP, to deliver sound into people's heads without a person standing next to them hearing it.

This insidious science is not reserved for war and the battlefield. It can be used on anybody and it seems it is currently reserved for those who cannot defend themselves. VIPs with resources could hire specialists to identify the cause of the problems they confronted by when this technology is deployed against them. Most victims in our countries are ordinary people who have drawn the unwanted attention of the oppressive state on themselves.
edit on 17-3-2012 by MI5edtoDeath because: No ReAsOn GiVeN

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by floorplans

Can you tell how old you are, how long you have felt this way about things, whether you have ties to your family, etc?

I don't want personal details and you shouldn't give them out. I am just trying figure out exactly what is happening to you.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12
Guys...we can NOT make you do ANYTHING against your will without physically touching you. (Surgery)

No frequency is going to control you. However it can have effects on your psyche , it can NOT make you do anything against your will.....

If you are violating someones psychic space without their consent. You are violating their rights and interfering with their freewill.

You can excuse what you are doing ALL you like but the truth remains you are violating a persons will.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:14 AM
they wont control me ever. Ive already suffered the worst forms of mind control and beat them at their own game, now i will turn this world on its face and shake all that loose change from your pockets. thats metaphor for My Psychology pwns yours.

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