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Raw-food raid highlights a hunger

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Raw-food raid highlights a hunger

Some people balk at restrictions on selling unprocessed milk and other foods. 'How can we not have the freedom to choose what we eat?' one says. Regulators say the rules exist for safety and fairness.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:44 AM
All of this protecting us from ourselves is nonsense. Another form of control, I suppose - eat your pasteurized food with preservatives, it's good for you, honest!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:50 AM
Some People get sick from prosiest cows milk! it looks like TPTB want to keep it that way, so they send the police to do there dirty work an attack the very people that pay there wages an put there food on the table, how ironic!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 08:56 AM
I grew up on a dairy farm and we had unprocessed milk all the time - as well as farm chickens, geese, pigs, etc. none of which was processed.

You know what I got from all of that? A really strong immune system. I don't remember the last time I was sick, probably 15+ years ago and it's also the reason I don't get flu shots ever. I've never had the flu, so why should I let them give it to me?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:28 AM
We have a Mennonite(sp?) grocery that opened up about a mile from my house. They sell 'raw milk' and other items made from it (butter & buttermilk.)

The info they provided with the first gallon I bought made perfect sense... (paraphrasing b/c I no longer have the pamphlet)
The milk, in its 'raw form' retains the natural bacteria that keep the BAD bacteria at bay, whereas pasteurizing (to kill off bacteria) kills the good with the bad, and allows the bad to eventually flourish. Not unlike taking a high-powered antibiotic to fight infection, and killing off all of the helpful bacteria in your digestive tract as well. I can't remember for sure, but I think pasteurization kills the natural vitamins?

In terms of taste: OMG-- sooo much better. We only by processed milk/butter if the Mennonite store is closed. And when we do, we call it 'that fake stuff' lol. Just to describe, in case you have never tried it: you know how much better butter tastes than margarine? Well, butter made from raw milk tastes THAT MUCH BETTER than 'fake butter' from processed milk. (I wouldn't kid about a thing like butter!)

It just really gripes me that the FDA is sticking their nose in people's right to ingest this perfectly natural substance. Noooo, they'd rather you drink something packed full of growth hormones and deprived of its positive health effects!

(Side note: Because of the powerful natural bacteria, raw milk lasts longer than pasteurized. We've yet to have a gallon 'go bad' in the fridge.)

FDA needs to turn its focus to Big Pharma, considering the increasing number of drugs being recalled & class-action lawsuits being advertised on TV.

I want the milk just the way it came out of the cow, by george, not tainted with processing!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:33 AM
P.S... and where will they draw the line? Are we a h0p-skip-and-a-jump from raw fruits & veggies becoming illegal???

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:36 AM


posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

...and that's another thing. We, Americans, cannot even grow hemp that has minuscule amounts of THC. That's rope, people. It's illegal to grow a plant that makes rope (among other things like fabric, paper, and a substance Henry Ford used to make parts for the first car!)

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by new_here
reply to post by mnemeth1

...and that's another thing. We, Americans, cannot even grow hemp that has minuscule amounts of THC. That's rope, people. It's illegal to grow a plant that makes rope (among other things like fabric, paper, and a substance Henry Ford used to make parts for the first car!)

The reason why you can't grow hemp is clear.

You are simply too dumb to be trusted with growing hemp, much like you are simply too dumb to be allowed to drink raw milk.

The wise all knowing ones have made a decision on this matter for you.

You should trust your overlords.

Do not question your overlords.

They have PhDs from Harvaaard, therefore they are right while you are wrong.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by mythatsabigprobe

Great. Since they haven't had time yet to genetically modify ALL of the food we eat, they're using the quick method of zapping potentially healthy food. Heaven forbid we absorb a few vitamins, eh?

The very thought of it all just burns me up!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Ecidemon
I grew up on a dairy farm and we had unprocessed milk all the time - as well as farm chickens, geese, pigs, etc. none of which was processed.

You know what I got from all of that? A really strong immune system.

It stands to reason that raw milk, or anything unprocessed, is best for the body. But what you said is key ... namely the fact that you grew up on the farm from which the milk was produced. If a person is going to drink raw milk they better be familiar with the farmer and the cow from which it came. For anything the cow suffers from is going to get passed onto the milk and in extreme cases make one extremely sick. Personally I love drinking raw milk but I would never ever buy it from a store.

As far as the guvmint legislating this it is hardly surprising ... in a way they're damned if they do damned if they don't. If someone dies from it they get blamed for reacting too late and until someone does they get blamed for overreacting and taking away our rights to choose what we eat.

If I'm going to buy milk these days I just make sure that it's organic, non gmo, from properly fed cows and without hormones or irradiation, and concede the few beneficial microbes that may be lost in the pasteurization process. That seems reasonable enough to me at least. I should also note that many studies have shown that drinking milk past a certain age does more harm than good anyway.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Clearly there must be government legislation on the matter of raw milk.

Just as there must be government legislation on rat poison, marijuana, and toilet bowls.

We are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Take toilet bowls for example.

If government didn't tell me how many gallons of water to use in a toilet flush, I might use less than what I need to make my poop go down the drain.

This would lead to a stinky house and bad hygiene.

Thank god government is there to tell me how much water should be in each flush of my toilet, for I am simply too god damn dumb to figure this out on my own.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

As far as the guvmint legislating this it is hardly surprising ... in a way they're damned if they do damned if they don't. If someone dies from it they get blamed for reacting too late and until someone does they get blamed for overreacting and taking away our rights to choose what we eat.

Point well taken, schrodingers dog! On the other hand, they did not get blamed for the rotten Peanut Butter processed in Georgia a couple of years ago.

I do agree with you about 'knowing the source' of the raw milk, however. (What's the source of PET brand milk, though?) The local store I mentioned buys from a local dairy. While I don't personally know the dairy farmers, I know and trust the Mennonite family who owns the store. They drink the milk too. They also want to keep my business so I know they don't want to make me hurl from drinking their milk...

(Thanks 'dog, for providing me an opportunity *finally!* to use the barf emoticon)

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by new_here

In terms of taste: OMG-- sooo much better. We only by processed milk/butter if the Mennonite store is closed. And when we do, we call it 'that fake stuff' lol. Just to describe, in case you have never tried it: you know how much better butter tastes than margarine? Well, butter made from raw milk tastes THAT MUCH BETTER than 'fake butter' from processed milk. (I wouldn't kid about a thing like butter!)

The products in Europe, specifically Austria/Switzerland are extremely flavorful. I remember while staying at a monastery, I went down to a small town's grocery store and picked up a bottle of milk. Drank the entire bottle on my way back to the monastery. It was bliss. Our milk is watered piss. Honestly, who the # drinks our #? Over here, I get extremely sick from all our foods, but in Europe, my health improves dramatically.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:10 AM
America and an the UK have become Nanny States were the Politically correct have takin over the asylum! PS it started in the 80s..

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:13 AM



`(k) STANDARDS FOR WATER CLOSETS AND URINALS- (1)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the maximum water use allowed in gallons per flush for any of the following water closets manufactured after January 1, 1994, is the following:
`Gravity tank-type toilets -- 1.6 gpf.


posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by socrates271

The products in Europe, specifically Austria/Switzerland are extremely flavorful. I remember while staying at a monastery, I went down to a small town's grocery store and picked up a bottle of milk. Drank the entire bottle on my way back to the monastery. It was bliss. Our milk is watered piss. Honestly, who the # drinks our #? Over here, I get extremely sick from all our foods, but in Europe, my health improves dramatically.

Ok, that's it. I'm moving in with the Amish!

All joking aside, when did this country get so off course. Seriously, it feels like I blinked and we were no longer 'the greatest country in the world' to live in. I'm just not feelin it anymore. You are not the first one to make me long to live abroad!!!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
PS it started in the 80s..

Forgive the off-topic diversion here, but you answered my question, DCDAVE, whilst I was typing it... just be careful roaming around in my brain. No telling what you'll find!

Ok then, TO TOPIC: OP, this is a great thread-- thanking you for that! Curious, anybody know just how many states are still allowed to sell raw milk?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by new_here

I remember it well, Maggy, Maggy, Maggy, out! out! out!

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