First off, Mods - Do your stuff! (This thread may be in the wrong place, apologies)
OK, with that out of the way, welcome to Livermore, Pennsylvania. A place relatively close to where I live, but still not quite in my back yard. I
just thought I'd share with you the interesting history of this place which is also said to be extremely haunted.
If you look up Livermore, PA on Google you will find a lot of information about a flood that happened there in the early 1900's. The flood (The Great
St. Patrick's Day Flood) wiped out a bridge and fourteen buildings. It is said to have caused at least one fatality.
Source Which leads me to another landmark, which is closely related to that area, the
Livermore Cemetery. The grave markers sits atop a hill, and is possibly the highest area of Livermore. The cemetery is also said to be the place
Night of the Living Dead was filmed, but was later proved to be wrong where as it was actually filmed in Evans City, Pennsylvania. Even
without the cult horror movie being filmed there, it is still said to be extremely haunted.
Which really led me to wonder, why is it so haunted? I didn't understand since the flood apparently only killed one person - What could have made
Livermore so "haunted"? Well, I read a while back that it could have been caused by the need to move the graves from the original cemetery when the
buildings and grounds were damaged by the floods. On top of that though...the real fun began. This is what grabbed me by the collar and dragged me
into the fascinating place that is Livermore.
Being amused in the stories I'd heard so far, and having been there already...I needed to ask around and get as much info on the place as I could.
Aside from the packs of wild dogs running loose through the surrounding woods, the cemetery being private property, and the guy who owns it will shoot
at you if he sees you, I started getting some useful info. First off, it is rumored (then eventually confirmed) that large numbers of people go there
to practice witchcraft (at least during October, but probably more often than that). There are tunnels that have been blasted shut which used to be
paths through the hills for rail carts and minors in the late 1800's and early 1900's. As I said, they'd been blasted shut for safety purposes and
gated so that no one could enter. Until, that is, someone cut one of the bars of the gate and people started going into this tunnel (as far back as
possible until the rubble stopped them maybe fifty yards in) to perform witchcraft.
I always thought that was interesting, until I heard the mother load of all myths about the place. Sadly, that's exactly what it is...a myth. No one
that I've found can actually prove this happened but for the same argument...nobody could disprove the claim either. Apparently, maybe a century (or
longer) before the Great St. Patrick's Day Flood, a witch lived in the small town of Livermore. It was said that she was tried in Livermore, found
guilty of witchcraft, then ultimately burnt at the stake. Before she died though, it is said that she cursed the area and every so often a major flood
rips through the area and claims at least one person's life. The first flood that was a product of her curse wiped out that whole community (her
original community which destroyed her), and to this day you can see the area where-out of the top of the water-sticks out the chimneys and even the
belfry of an old church from that exact town.
Unfortunately, you probably won't find too much information on that witch incident online. I've looked around and never found too much, but if you
ask around Livermore and Latrobe,'s a somewhat popular myth and there are a TON of people who have been there. I've heard at least three
stories about the place from people who have also explored there. I, too, have been there and witnessed a few weird happenings to share as well.
Website Explaining a bit about Livermore
Wikipedia Page for Livermore (explains some of the documented History, and the same
link as the source link above)
Long List of Haunted Places (Livermore included) (crazy-long list of haunted places in
PA. Livermore is listed under "L", instead of listing the County it's in)
So there you have it - Just some of what Livermore has to offer. I will include the stories I've heard about it in a post after this one. If you're
in the area, I definitely suggest you check it out and since it's along a bike trail...You can bring a bike and just enjoy the view while looking for
the sunken town.
If you decide to visit the cemetery, it is private property. Enter and explore at your own risk. Also, the bike trails are closed at night...fines or
worse are a possibility of caught at night. Also, there are wild packs of dogs running around the area.