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Political Currency : Secret Societies, Those They Blackmail, and the Corrupt Currency...

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posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:19 PM
When it comes to those conglomerates we call "Secret Societies" just about all of them have been spoken of, trashed, spoken ill of, demonized, you name it.

But rarely do people actually discuss the ramifications of the actions they do on the people.

I am talking about the people they allegedly control through surreptitious means.

As well as the people who are lead by these people who want their country run right.

Something I have yet to have seen here on ATS is the concept of blackmail as currency.

For The Love Of Money - The O'Jays (1973)

Not that standard money that is printed out by the Treasury Department of course.

Partial quote from : Wikipedia : Blackmail

Blackmail is the act of threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met.

This information is usually of an embarrassing, socially damaging, and/or incriminating nature.

As the information is substantially true, the act of revealing the information may not be criminal in its own right nor amount to a civil law defamation; it is the making of demands in exchange for withholding the information that is often considered a crime.

Sounds pretty plain and clear-cut to me that this illegal, as a matter of fact it holds a major penalty.

Partial quote from : Wikipedia : Blackmail

English Law creates a much broader definition of blackmail, covering any unwarranted demands with menaces, whether involving revealing information or not.

However, from a libertarian perspective, blackmail is not considered a crime.

Libertarians point out that it is licit to gossip about someone else's secret, to threaten to publicly reveal such information, and to ask that person for money, but it is illegal to combine the threat with the request for money, which raises the paradox, "Why do two rights make a wrong?"

Blackmail is similar to extortion.

The difference is that extortion involves an underlying, independent criminal act, while blackmail does not.

The usual "right" versus "left" debacle is in there somewhere as well.

Through Divide and Conquer it happens of the allegedly powerful over the weak.

But is it the immoral over the weak-minded and the deluded duped by the cunningly criminal?


One sure would wonder why those within Secret Societies allow themselves to be blackmailed.

Or rather why they blackmail each other through endorsed agreement.

It almost seems as if it is some sort of insurance policy that the brotherhood will not be betrayed.

So, is it a moral obligation, an immoral obligation, or an amoral obligation to throw in a chit?

Blackmail : Keep Your Friends Close, Keep Your Enemies Closer, The Threat of Subversion Through Fear

So, why is this not only seen as an insurance policy, of sorts, but as currency among Secret Societies?

Being that this is an immoral action to hold leverage over someone else to gain, politically, monetarily, or whatever else can be gained, why is it something accepted, and or done?

How to Start Your Own Secret Society


Partial Amazon Review :

Rejected by the Freemasons?

Not bright enough for the Illuminati?

Burnt by the Hell Fire Club?

No friends in high places to get you into the Bilderberg or the Bohemian Grove?

Feeling isolated and powerless?

Fear not.

I am not going to specify any one Secret Society over another nor moralize which is more evil.

At least not initially I'm not specifically, not in the opening post, but as they come up.

This thread is merely about the political and or illicit currency those hiding in the shadows trade in.

If you want to bring up a particular one, your favorite, your most hated, or your most revered.

Please, feel free to do so, but please focus on the topic at hand, that blackmail is a currency.

Just Because You're Paranoid, Doesn't Mean They Aren't Out To Get You...

Is it not, blackmail, just another form of psychological warfare, upon one person by another?

Seeking a crack within someone's psyche towards manipulating power out of them?

By illicitly gaining power through leverage thereby using that person to get something another person was not intended to get, as well not only breaking the law, but immorally holding that person prisoner via a point of leverage, giving them a get out of jail card with whoever the focus of who is not being told something they should know, is it not only making more of a fissure, making way for corruption?

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare


Amazon Review :

From 007 to 2001, from Dealey Plaza to the Apollo Moon Flight, from the barrel of a Bulldog .44 to the corridors of the pyramids of Sirius; from the secret symbolism of Jack the Ripper to the public symbolism of the first atomic bomb blast, this work illuminates the crimes and command ideology of the masonic Cryptocracy, where ground zero meets the zero hour in a bestial crucible of ritual murder, human alchemy and demonic invasion.

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare takes the reader to the core of a cosmic cryptogram, a dark Oz where the ancient fables become modern memes for the psychological contagion and devastation of humanity, and where the stratagem the author terms "Revelation of the Method" becomes the key to the finale of the mysteries of the ages.

The reason why this is so important is because apparently our President of the U.S.A. is held in check according to these rules, this power, and or political currency all the time.

I seem to remember being taught that any man can become elected to the office of President.

But where is this within the order of policy, procedure, and protocol of the Presidency?

The Cult of the Presidency: America's Dangerous Devotion to Executive Power


Amazon Review :

The Bush years have given rise to fears of a resurgent Imperial Presidency. Those fears are justified, but the problem cannot be solved simply by bringing a new administration to power.

In his provocative new book, The Cult of the Presidency, Gene Healy argues that the fault lies not in our leaders but in ourselves.

When our scholars lionize presidents who break free from constitutional restraints, when our columnists and talking heads repeatedly call upon the "commander in chief " to dream great dreams and seek the power to achieve them--when voters look to the president for salvation from all problems great and small--should we really be surprised that the presidency has burst its constitutional bonds and grown powerful enough to threaten American liberty?

Is this perhaps why our country never actually gets anything done correctly and for us?

Too many "checks" being "cashed-in" and or "deposited"?

Are our politician's being blackmailed, essentially held hostage, and not doing our bidding?

Due to political blackmail and the currency of the back alley dealings in Washington D.C.?

Would You Accept Illegal Power If It Was Offered To You?

Is it just politics as usual or perhaps the entire reason America is falling apart?

Too many people with too many secrets and no one holding them accountable?

Or possibly just the entire principle our country and others run upon, corruption guaranteeing corruption?

We all know the old adage that power corrupts, and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

But just when it enough going to be enough and we get represented by our representatives?

And all the lies stop, all the corruption stop, and all of our country stops being defrauded?

New World Order : There Is No Such Thing, Architect's of Lies, They Created A Phantom Menace

Seriously one has to wonder just how much corruption makes more corruption.

And just how to end this cycles of currency being used from one to another.

Seeing as it does nothing but completely undermine the entire process of politics and America.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 02:38 PM
I always love a blackmail thread.

Brings back those good memories working for the NSA..

I mean...

But really, I bet a lot of that goes on, especially in big business with Senators and Congressman taking bribes and "gifts" to vote certain ways on bills.

I'm sure that all those huge companies have files and files of data that the subject on the folder would not want the media finding out about.


posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Of course.

And this to some is currency they can cash in on.

A politician portraying themselves as Conservative and caught with a hooker?

Blackmail them into submission on something voted upon.

A politician portraying themselves as a Liberal yet holding Hitleresque views?

Blackmail them into submission on something voted upon.

No, I am not saying it is right, as a matter of fact, I see it as unethical.

Then we go into the politicians actually committing a crime and Law Enforcement.

Some politician did something completely illegal like killed an intern?

Blackmail them into submission on funding allowances for the next fiscal year.

Want the American people to allow funding for another war?

Blackmail them through fear-mongering of a Puppet Dictator.

Personally, I see it as multi-level fraud, and wholly corrupt.

And this is how our politics is ran through Secret Societies apparently.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Blackmail as currency, I bet the streets of Washington flow with that currency.

You brought up the old saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have been using a rider onto that lately, saying that power also attracts corruption and corruptible people.

Just as an example, Maxine Waters is accused of using her power to acquire TARP funds for a bank that she and her husband either worked for or has monetary interest in.

Another, Feinstein and her husband's contract with the FDIC.

The power attracts those that believe in moral relativism. They are blackmailable so to speak.


Will be back to expand on my thoughts. Family member called need some help.


posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Blackmail as currency, I bet the streets of Washington flow with that currency.

Apparently that and fecal matter run rampant through Washington D.C.

I visited once and it is not a place I would ever want to live in.

Yet people keep pushing me towards power in politics because of my strong stances.

And I refuse to align with anyone within a Secret Society.

Men can only serve one master after all.

It is either a political office or the Secret Societies not both.

Originally posted by endisnighe
You brought up the old saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have been using a rider onto that lately, saying that power also attracts corruption and corruptible people.

I think it is because of my strong rejection of that power that people push me.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Just as an example, Maxine Waters is accused of using her power to acquire TARP funds for a bank that she and her husband either worked for or has monetary interest in.

You and I had just discussed that yesterday.

Charles B. Rangel : Universal National Service Act, Being Investigated By An Ethics Committee,...

And it was on C.N.N. earlier today too.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Another, Feinstein and her husband's contract with the FDIC.

But this is high-stakes fraud mixed with money right?

Originally posted by endisnighe
The power attracts those that believe in moral relativism. They are blackmailable so to speak.

What if someone refuses to play ball and calls the bluff though?

Originally posted by endisnighe

Will be back to expand on my thoughts. Family member called need some help.


I will be waiting to see your other thoughts on this topic.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:30 PM
What happened to JFK is a perfect example of how to get rid of those who cant be blackmailed.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
What happened to JFK is a perfect example of how to get rid of those who cant be blackmailed.

You are of course referring to the "magic bullet" and political assassination.

Is that any more right than attempting to hold a secret over someone?

Personally, I see both as evil actions, committed by evil men.

Would You Have Stopped JFK's Assassination...?

How is blackmail an acceptable form of political currency though?

Is it just the fear of being found out or perhaps a system of leverage through submission?

Would not the person just make sure they keep no secrets or skeletons?

Blackmailing the President - Part 1

Blackmailing the President - Part 2

Interesting indeed.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Your system is a major contributor when there are congressmen and senators that serve for 20-30-40 years thats a long time to bring them into the fold and develop them the way you want I bet if you introduced term limits of 6-8 years and had fresh blood coming in all the time you'd cut corruption in half.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by anglodemonicmatrix

By "your system", you are referring, to the American system?


Yes, term limits is something I wholeheartedly agree with, however those in power will not.

How do we as American's get politicians to make that happen?

It's going to have to happen whether they want it to or not.

Preferably this will happen so we can limit the corruption within Washington D.C.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:26 PM
The way i look at it is that 'good men' have nothing to be blackmailed about.

So it doesnt really matter if blackmailing is acceptable or not in politics, it matters more that there is people in power who have things hidden from the public, the public whom they are ment to serve and who voted them into power in the first place.

But this happens in every country, at the risk of sounding dramatic its due to being corrupted and seduced by power.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
The way i look at it is that 'good men' have nothing to be blackmailed about.

Of course.

Although I have never seen that within politics.


Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
So it doesnt really matter if blackmailing is acceptable or not in politics, it matters more that there is people in power who have things hidden from the public, the public whom they are ment to serve and who voted them into power in the first place.

Of course.

Yet again, something I have never seen, within politics.


And the people who elected officials to represent them deserve to be represented.


Originally posted by Lady_Tuatha
But this happens in every country, at the risk of sounding dramatic its due to being corrupted and seduced by power.

Yes, this much is definitely true, the seduction of power.

Personally, I have never cared for power, nor leadership.

Due to my ethics, morals, and beliefs though leadership always finds me.

And through that power.

It is never something I am seeking out either which is quite irritating.

I am ambivalent towards having power because I know the consequences.

Everyone tries to buddy up to you despite your stances.

Many friends become enemies, many enemies try to become allies.

And I hate coat-tail riding hangers-on and butt-kissing wannabees.

If you were not my friend prior to my gaining power, false portrayal of alliances will not help someone, when it comes to me, and seeking power through me because of my station is the firsthand guarantee it will never happen.

Friendship is friendship to me.

No one can buy my friendship nor political favors.

This is why I do not allow my friends to council me politically.

I listen to friends about politics but I'm always listening first for intent.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:37 PM
Its true I realy control amajor part of the United States. lol

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:50 PM
Bohemian Grove and Blackmail.

Here's an old thread.

and to be taken with a grain of salt....

[edit on 2-8-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

That is a very good way to be
regardless of occupation.

Once you know a person's motives it is much easier to know how to deal with that person and to do so accordingly.

I have never been one for leadership and I absolutely hate being the centre of attention in any scenario, but i can truthfully say that i have always and will always stand my ground in any situation where something happens that i feel is wrong or against my morals.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I will expand on my thoughts, just got some time.

Moral relativism

The Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484 – 420 BC) observed that each society regards its own belief system and way of doing things as better than all others. Various other ancient philosophers also questioned the idea of an objective standard of morality.

Philosophers of the past got too deep into their ideas in regards to this attribute. Some sayings, IMO, describe it better. The END justifies the means or actions one take.

Will use "they" to encompass anyone or any group of individuals to circumnavigate society morals.

It is an elitist mentality that "they" know what is best for the society. They can justify anything, if it leads to their idealistic or ideological utopia. For example, in journalism schools across this country, they teach the students that the truth can be twisted even thrown out to further the point that the author wants to disseminate. We definitely see evidence of this in almost all journalism today. See yellow journalism, Creel, Goebbels for example.

Moral relativism, allows the individual to almost seperate themselves from their actions. They defend these slights to moral standards, because the end is the all important outcome for them.

Where this comes into your thesis, is that blackmail as currency is just another means to their agenda. They defend it because they can, in their own mind, see the bigger picture, if a few atrocities or freedoms are destroyed along the way, so be it. Sound familiar?

To end, I would say that if we knew 1/4 of the true crime that goes on in Washington, revolution would have happened 50 times in the last century.

Also, leverage, do you have it, or do "they" have it.

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 Imdb

Battlefield Earth L. Ron Hubbard

The movie was god awful but the book was better. The only redeeming value to the movie was to bring into the vernacular of the public was leverage.

A couple of excerpts from the book.

Terl only felt operational when he had big leverage in terms of potential blackmail.

And now ten years more! Diseased crap, he couldn't stand that! Leverage. He had to have leverage on Numph. Big leverage.

Terl knew leverage when he saw it. As a veteran security officer, he depended on leverage at every turn. And advantage. And blackmail. A method of forcing compliance. And now it was turned around. This man-thing had sensed that it had leverage. He sat there studying the man-thing. Did it have any inkling of the plans? No, of course not. Possibly he had been too insistent, day after day, so that this thing sensed he wanted something of it

I think our government are just a bunch of Psychlos and they are attempting to gain complete leverage over us.

[edit on 8/2/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:04 AM
Listen to the speech that got JFK killed if you still have doubts.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Of course.

And this to some is currency they can cash in on.

A politician portraying themselves as Conservative and caught with a hooker?

Blackmail them into submission on something voted upon.

A politician portraying themselves as a Liberal yet holding Hitleresque views?

Blackmail them into submission on something voted upon.

No, I am not saying it is right, as a matter of fact, I see it as unethical.

Then we go into the politicians actually committing a crime and Law Enforcement.

Some politician did something completely illegal like killed an intern?

Blackmail them into submission on funding allowances for the next fiscal year.

Want the American people to allow funding for another war?

Blackmail them through fear-mongering of a Puppet Dictator.

Personally, I see it as multi-level fraud, and wholly corrupt.

And this is how our politics is ran through Secret Societies apparently.


when doesn't a conservative get caught with a hooker?


posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 04:33 AM
The problem with the political system as a whole is that it is so corrupt, so sordid, so much a real snake pit....that any good person, with honesty and integrity would not survive the system long enough to obtain a position of influence.

To make it in politics you have to play their evil, sordid game. If not, you either won't make it or they will get you out or they will set you up and then blackmail you.

Hence, anyone who reaches the level of the 'political mafia' has to be one of them. It's like there's an invisible 'selection process' in place.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by wcitizen]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 05:58 AM
I have to say stunning thread my friend,star and flag!!!
I have to say you have hit the nail on the head,we all know that manipulation goes on everyday with us all but no one seems to ever adress how it starts! BLACKMAIL is a threat that never goes away.
I have heard politicians say that they would rather try pay back a stolen billion pounds than be caught in one of these scams because there is never a end to it.Also the currency in blackmail never has a crash.Its good for life.
Operation 1. The good old hunny trap,two ways of doing this.either
A. The fake brothel ,a make belive whore house is set up with camera equipment in every posible position and if the "mark" is a bit of jack the lad and is willing to go for some loving on a late night of legislation reading when he feels lonely being away from his wife ,he is easily caught in the act with a prostitute.
This alone is enough to ruin his career and marriage and has done to many a honest politician and has ended a few in new york.
b. The simple walk by and the sweet hello of a hot chick on your way to work or in work,how long can you resist??? same story as above only in a hot girls appartment.Pictures are snapped and stress and negitive energy is abound to put it nicely,but the truth is most people have skeletons somewhere if you look hard enough and most of the time it doesnt have to be set up,its right there.
Example a.
Her mission, it is claimed, is to discredit prominent Kremlin critics by luring them into compromising situations using vintage KGB honey trap techniques.

Offering her own body, sex, and drugs from coc aine to marijuana as an inducement, "Katya" as she is usually known has tried and often succeeded in bedding at least half a dozen high-profile Kremlin critics.

The reputational damage she has inflicted has varied from serious to negligible depending on her victim's marital status and response.

Her latest victim was Viktor Shenderovich, a journalist and the script writer on Russia's now defunct version of the Spitting Image TV satire.

Mr Shenderovich, who is married and has a daughter, admits that he slept with Ms Gerasimova but claims he was set up by the Kremlin.

Though he has tried to laugh the incident off, his credibility as an authoritative critic of Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, appears to have been at least partly dented by the sting and his marriage is now reportedly in trouble.

The editor of Russian Newsweek magazine also fell under Ms Gerasimova's spell and was filmed in his underpants chopping up what looked like coc aine after having sex with her.

A clutch of anti-Kremlin opposition figures and activists including a man who looked like the leader of the radical National Bolshevik Party have also been caught in flagrante delicto with the twentysomething model.

But unlike Soviet times when the secret service used compromising material or 'compromat' as it was known to blackmail, Ms Gerasimova's exploits have been widely publicised in grainy and heavily edited videos on the internet.

The videos are often accompanied by mocking music and subtitles. It has taken a few weeks for her victims to realise that they have all been set up by one and the same girl.
example fromPrairie Pundit
Ill be back shortly and ill write the the fake murder and gay sex set up.
Text thanks for cool thread

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

You're actually spot on the money, Battlefield Earth was written as a parable about our Earth, the Psychlo's are the Psychopathic leaders of our world, you must know that L.Ron.Hubbard was in US intelligence and was "in the know".
All the worlds leaders have been psychologically profiled for years and blackmail/leverage must rank second to original sin.
I would recommend that anyone who wishes to understand the situation and the mentality that creates it should read both Battlefield Earth and the Mission Earth decology.
Good call.

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