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Clone farm's milk is on sale

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posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 04:40 AM
Clone farm's milk is on sale:
Food watchdog investigates after dairy farmer's astonishing admission.

This is a Sickening turn of events, I knew this would happen the powers at be are using us like Guinea Pigs...
what are the implications?
what does everybody think about this????

I think there will be a manhunt for the farmer responsible..

Is this happening with government approval?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:10 AM
Link to source please?

Sounds horrendous, but then...

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 05:13 AM
I just read about this.

Logically, there is no reason why we shouldnt be happily slurping the milk up as im sure there can be no detrimental effects to your health.

But there is certainly something very 'icky' about the thought of drinking the stuff.

Im astonished that this farmer has been allowed to put the milk into the food chain. I'd want to know about it if i was drinking milk from a cloned cow.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Silver Star

It's outrageous!

We don't know what the effects could be, you could be correct about the detrimental effects to our health but should we be the used like guinea pigs to find out?

We are talking about giving this to our children

Who wants to take a chance when the effects on our health have not been fully researched?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Seventytwo

It's a bit disgusting if you ask me.

Here is a link to an article on it:

I wonder what other dubious foodstuffs we are drinking and eating? What other things are we not being told about? It's worrying.

I am fairly confident that this milk isnt harmful but i would have liked to have made that decision for myself.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:13 AM
Cloned cow milk claim investigated

Main source:

All results "cloned Milk" full BBC list

Some other material regarding "Cloned Milk"

Go to 2;20.

corporations to approve whatever the corporations want!

Fox news video about the subject

Ben & Jerry's Lifts the Lid on April Fool's Day Cloning Stunt
Read this copyrighted material:

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:32 AM
if there is no risk to health, i say drink milk.
many ideas to end world hunger or even just reduce prices have failed.
you don't want it just because it's unatural.
i'm concerened about the price and health issues of cloning not the ickyness of it.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by listerofsmeg
if there is no risk to health, i say drink milk.
many ideas to end world hunger or even just reduce prices have failed.
you don't want it just because it's unatural.
i'm concerened about the price and health issues of cloning not the ickyness of it.

The prices wont be reduced, "world hunger" is not because we don't have enough food already it's because of waist and scarcity.

It's about creating a new market and making money.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Seventytwo

are you saying that they want to sell the clone milk as a seperate market?

hunger is absolutely about food.
world hunger is overpoplulation, lack of food and greed.
only the greedy waist.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by listerofsmeg]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by listerofsmeg

Well look at GM food and Organic, these are separate markets.

The flagship for GM was to save world hunger and cheaper food, but all it really does is saves waist and lasts longer so that the Supermarkets make more money.

Maybe someone can correct me but I see no benefits of GM to world hunger.

Yes the greedy waist and hunger is absolutely about food.
we produce enough food to feed the world twice over but the supermarkets encourage us to be greedy, their is no such thing as seasonal food anymore we just fly our Strawberries and oranges past those countries that need them.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Seventytwo

i agree completely but i also beleive that gm foods was somewhat forced to seperate market because theres too much distrust in unatural foods.
i remember seeing hippy "protesters" destroying crops on the news because of this. those hipocrates who preached an end to world hunger to end greed, etc were partially responsible for it being sold this way.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Silver Star
I am fairly confident that this milk isnt harmful but i would have liked to have made that decision for myself.

That's how i feel,
we don't get a say in these matters, everything is done covertly and dishonestly... we get walked all over by the so called "experts", the same experts from generations past that said asbestos is okay don't worry etc..

I feel I have no voice because our governments and the people who should stand up for us give in to the big business.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:51 AM
its not even cloned its from a CLONED cows OFFSPRING
= not cloned

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 10:25 AM
What i dont understand is why they have to clone the cows in the first place?

What's wrong with the old fashioned way of breeding the animals?

Am i missing something, does a cloned cow (or its offspring) produce more milk? If so then perhaps there could be a case made for the practise. I expect this isnt the case though and it is a matter of scientists tinkering with nature just because they can.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I don't understand what the big deal is. Why is milk from a cloned cow any different than regular milk? I have never seen any interest in the parentage of other animals you consume. Seems to me it's just much ado about nothing.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Silver Star

i don't know how long it takes for a cow to give birth and age enough to produce milk but cloning on a larger scale would probably save time.
time is money.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Hmm I wont ever drink it. Then again I havent drunk milk in over 20 years, I use a soy equivalent instead.

Think about it, why drink milk in the first place?... what animal naturally drinks milk beyond infancy? (disregard casts and dogs, since they do so for the high fat content since their food habits are directed towards that sort of thing, as are most predators). But what im getting at is, outside of infancy, no animal seeks milk from some other lactating creature... the mother only produces milk for a short period of time to bolster the babies development.

But we humans turn it upside down and drink it our entire lives.

Throw on top of that as humans we drink the milk of another species, which in its self is kinda disgusting, since such milk wasnt meant for human consumption in the first place, but a bovines.

We dont need milk... period, and we sure as dont need milk from some genetically fiddled with cows. But dairy has been a huge economical driving force for a hundred years so its not going anywhere, anytime soon.

On a side note found out last tonight, that farmers in my country do a practice where they actually induce mother cows to have premature babies so they start to produce milk earlier in order to get more milk production.

Its bad enough when we cart their calf's off to be turned into steak when the mother cows dry up (the calf is their purely to keep the cow lactating). But now they are effectively abort the calf (which cant be used for meat then) to get a few more weeks of milk production... I mean how sick are we as humans.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by BigfootNZ

Thanks a bundle BigfootNZ - You've just put me off milk for life!

When you start to think about drinking milk, it does seem ludicrous. It would make more sense to drink human breast milk but the thought of doing that would be enough to turn (most) peoples stomachs. But at least we would be drinking milk from the same species as ourselves!

Rennet in cheese is another example of the filth we consume. It is an additive that is used to make the milk curdle quicker in the cheese making process but im sure there are a lot of people who are blissfully unaware that it is the digestive fluids of a calf, drained from its stomach.

I did try soya milk in my coffee once, but it made it go all lumpy and it tasted weird so, for me, it is not a viable alternative.

So i either put up with the disgusting nature of milk or i go without. But to be consuming milk from a cloned cow adds an unnecessary unpleasantness to the idea - one which i could well do without.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Have you guys really lost it?

Cloning is a great advancement, its simply another way to create a lifeform and if that species is conscious already it will be given a soul as well.

However even more advancement would be cloing muscle groups and eating meat and proteins without having to kill an animal, advancements in science are actually just that, advancements.

One day your organs can be supplied for you, without having to grow a person, who therefore is alive, and killing them, but just cloning the organ.

One day you will have combination bodies that involve synthetic parts too.

Its not the technology that is the problem but who is running the show, we need advancement in a fee equal world without dictators.

Morally however, there is nothing wrong with this in the least.

Its wrong to allow homeless, to support a system of haves and have nots, dog eat dog world and banks. Its wrong to buy things made from child labor or judge your neighbor or hurt another or support wars wherein 80% of the casualties are civilians and mostly children.

Its not wrong to advance science.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I think the cloning of human body parts and things like that are important and i applaud the advancements in science that are helping to make these things possible. The suffering and desperate need that this frontier technology would alleviate is mindblowing.

However, there is certainly no desperate need to clone cows for milking purposes.

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