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You Are Too Dumb To Decide What To Eat

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posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 07:48 AM
Is there a reason we wash the salad veggies before making the salad?
Of course! We have to make sure the deadly poisons and crop sprays are removed from the surface of the lettuce.
The food cops dont seem to raid grocery stores for selling unpasteurised lettuce!
There are far too many instances of the corporations demanding the goverment do this or ban that in order to increase or promote the sale of their products exclusively.They have little care for the customers, it is the bottom lime of profits they seek.
What about the flouride weve been consuming solely for the convenience of the manufacturers of aluminium and other flouride producing industrial processes.
It has been proved that flouride is not effectively helping your teeth many times over.
YET they still put it in the water.
WHY? Because its easier to feed it to US than DISPOSE of this toxic crap SAFELY!
Truth is, the goverment is increasingly using its police powers to imrove cor[porate profits.
Raw MILK is NOT the ISSUE here!
PS> i raised my kids on it,drank many gallons of it myself, and never once suffered from ill effects.
Common sense is what is being banned....our intelligence being dampened,
and our freedom to choose our own destiny revoked.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:04 AM
There is, obviously, an ideological and political battle between natural whole food and medicine proponents and conventional processed manufactured foods and meds. The difference, however, is that those on the side of corporate products, are fighting to make it so that the alternatives are largely unavailable to everyone, whereas the opposing side is just fighting for the right to choose what they want. This is pretty telling. What is also pretty telling is that though there are many proven and effective vitamin and herbal treatments for diseases and conditions, that have almost no side effects, all minor....not a single western doctor will ever prescribe a single vitamin or herb for treatment of disease, which quite illustrates their bias.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by mnemeth1

Edit: what I said below is wrong. I wrote what's below based on bad info. Oops! Thanks for calling me out!

It's not whole milk, it's RAW milk. Ask any nutritionist or anyone who knows anything about food at all and they will tell you that it's potential for making you sick is overwhelming.

You can think raw milk is natural and good all day, but when your kid dies from drinking raw milk, maybe then you'll be a little more open minded.

Edit: not everything is a conspiracy where the powers are doing everything they can to wipe out things that are natural in order to increase the profits of industrialism.

Drinking raw milk is like eating raw chicken. But if you don't believe me, go get some and drink it yourself. Please come back here and report the results

[edit on 27-7-2010 by brianmg5]

[edit on 27-7-2010 by brianmg5]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:19 AM
There are many many articles online about how good raw milk is for you, and I have yet to read a SINGLE parents horror story about how their kid died from drinking it on ANY of the comments sections of those articles, or indeed from any articles at all. Stop fear mongering. As i said, NSAIDS kill over 7000 people a year, and i doubt i would ever find you telling someone "wait till your kid dies from taking tylenol, THEN you'll be sorry!"
Over 60k people die annually from alcohol, but im sure you drink, and im sure you wouldnt make such comments about their kid having a glass of wine. Pharmeceutical drugs AS PRESCRIBED account for over 100000 deaths annually, but I doubt i would ever see you saying "wait till your kid DIES from taking prescription drugs, THEN you will be sorry!!" Its all propaganda and fear mongering.

Speaking of propaganda. Just like most nutritionists and doctors will tell you once you are diagnosed with early diabetes, that you must get on insulin, which means a steady decline ending in amputation and death for massive amounts. Because they are Mis informed. When any naturopath can tell you that by aggressively changing diet and lifestyle and cutting out all carbs you can reverse your diabetes and be completely recovered shortly. Just because they are industry leaders does not mean they have all the info. Most nutritionists actually think that dairy is a "food group", and an essential part of nutritional health, and that bread is a healthy carb. What a lark.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by pexx421]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:21 AM
It sure is a good thing they had the riot shotguns locked and loaded. I can't stress enough: just how dangerous raw milk and organic honey can be in the wrong hands.

These "natural" "health minded" people and their sick, twisted mentality are nothing more than cleverly disguised domestic terrorists! First they try to jam their logical healthy ways down your throat, then they shirk the almighty throne of capitalism by not obtaining the proper permits? LIFESTYLES DEMAND PERMITS!

I tell you, they're only one step away from ear candles, witchcraft, and SATANISM! Won't you please... please think of the children?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:22 AM
To add...your ridiculous statement "go get some and drink it yourself, and then come report the results"....I have drank many many gallons of raw milk... its the only milk i can drink. And I have NEVER had a problem with it. I see many posters on this blog stating how they or their children grew up on it.... all report favorable results. I have yet to see a SINGLE person on here on the other side relating some horror story about someone they know who drank raw milk and died....or even got ill.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:30 AM
If raw milk is 100% safe the why the # did people even consider pasteurization when it was invented in 1864?

[edit on 27/7/2010 by DGFenrir]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by brianmg5
reply to post by mnemeth1

Drinking raw milk is like eating raw chicken. But if you don't believe me, go get some and drink it yourself. Please come back here and report the results

[edit on 27-7-2010 by brianmg5]

You just pull that statistic out of your bottom, did you?

And just how many children die from drinking raw milk every year? I beseech you to look this up and compare it to regular pasteurized milk deaths before spreading your cheeks to bathe us in your wisdom further.

I grew up in / still live in Wisconsin. You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a dairy farm. My parents bought raw milk and we used it all through my childhood, as did countless of our neighbors. Nobody I know has ever gotten sick or even had mild discomfort from it. None - Never. I've never even heard of anyone that has (unless they're lactose intolerant, but that's going to be reasonable).

I've gotten food poisoning from restaurants 5 times from eating poorly cooked chicken... so yeah... **** your theory.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by EnkiCarbone]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Justoneman

The obvious answer is that this thread has more bovine fecal matter than a farm. Se my last post on page ten. I gave a link to a certification for a company that sells raw milk in grocery stores in california and a link to stores where thier brand can be found. Legally. Janky gave the number for a store that sells it. Repeatedly, in fact. And still people are complaining that it's illegal in california when it's not.

This thread is so full of half truths, misconceptions, and theatrics it's ridiculous. (Not aiming that at you, I mean in general.)

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Another comment....most of the people i know who go through the great trouble of bringing raw milk to others...they dont do it because the "profit" is hoped to be more than the fine. They do it because they believe in their product, and want to share it with others, so others can enjoy their benefits.

Further, if you really want to see the difference between raw milk and pasteurized milk, i advise you to check out the Pottenger Cat Study. He had 900 cats, one group he fed raw meat and milk, the other he fed Pasteurized milk and cooked food. Im sure, since im posting it here you can guess the results, but i assure you the scope would horrify you. Suffice it to say, that while the raw food and milk groups maintained health through the test (several generations), the pasteurized milk and cooked meat group suffered great nutritional deficiencies, started losing hair, became sickly, and only lasted three generations because the third generation was born sterile. Check it out.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:36 AM
Jenna, i have used nothing but facts in my posts, and have not made a comment to the legality of raw milk in california. Regardless, just because they have a few outlets in cali does not mean that there is not a concerted effort to undermine sales of raw milk throughout the US. From what i understand, Cali made it illegal several years ago to sell raw almonds, and mandated that all of them must be irradiated prior to sales. Yum. We can see how rational your state is.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:45 AM
Several years ago there was a study that found that asthma, arthritis, allergies, and other autoimmune disorders could be traced to childhood consumption of wheat and dairy products.

The reason, is that milk comes out of the animal with the enzyme, lactase, that allows you to digest it. However, once its pasteurized, this enzyme is destroyed, and it is difficult for us to digest. Our body does not recognize the undigested bits that are passed through the intestinal wall into our bloodstream, and so our immune system attacks them. Over time this sets our immune system in a constant overreactive state, and this makes it start to react to other things, our lungs, our joints, etc, and this is what winds up causing the other systemic immunological problems. Often people with these aforementioned issues, who take dairy and wheat (the two major hyperallergenic response stimulating foods we eat) out of their diet see incredible relief of their symptoms within a few weeks.

Interestingly, as i stated before, those considered "lactose intolerant" are often able to tolerate raw milk and raw milk products. Similarly, I have heard many stories of people who have various other food allergies, having grown up in the US, that find when travelling abroad to less industrialized countries where sustainable traditional farming, sans GM, is practices, that they can actually eat the foods they have immune responses to at home. Hmm.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:49 AM
This raw milk debate heated up in Wisconsin about a year ago. Then, a couple months ago, they raided some Amish family farm of their raw milk. We've been covering the story at the MSM I work at. We're on your side, but the government failed to act on legalizing it in this legislative session...the bill died by not coming up for a vote before GOVERNMENT VACATION!

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by pexx421

Sorry but the Pottenger Cat Study is complete BS.
Anything else to back up your claims?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by pexx421

You are right and I am humbled. I apologize for my incorrect accusations. I was going off Conversations I've had concerning this topic with someone I considered trustworthy. That was a mistake. Not to mention I was in a terrible mood thus morning.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by pexx421

Most of your points I've agreed with or at least didn't disagree with. The posts I was referring to are the ones claiming raw milk is illegal and/or that it's impossible to pass the certification requirements to sell it. Both off which are flat out lies that some people seem to be buying without checking for themselves.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1

For the real facts about raw milk, here's a report published by the The Weston A. Price Foundation:

These figures mean that raw milk products are implicated in 92 illnesses per year, seven hospitalizations per year, and one death every nine years.

Between 1998 and 2005, there were over 10,000 documented outbreaks that contributed to 199,263 documented cases of foodborne illness. Raw milk was associated with 0.4% of these cases.

Imagine that - raw milk is very rare, and isn't the cause of very many illnesses.


This is like saying "recent cases of lead poisoning from gasoline in the US are non-existent, therefore lead additives must be safe" while ignoring the fact that leaded gasoline has been illegal in the US for over 20 years.

It wasn't until 1914—compelled by a typhoid epidemic linked to unpasteurized milk—that New York City finally enforced a pasteurization rule. Seven years later, the city's infant death rate, which had hovered at an appalling 240 of every 1,000 live births, had dropped to 71 deaths per 1,000, a victory many credited to pasteurization.

But not everyone was convinced. (Some consumers thought that the change in milk's taste meant that it was now less nutritious.) It took another decade for the U.S. Public Health Service to adopt a Pasteurized Milk Ordinance restricting transportation of raw milk; the policy came thanks largely to microbiologist Alice Evans, who proved that bacteria in cow's milk could make humans very sick. Evans, in fact, caught one of the diseases she was studying—brucellosis. At the time, the disease was frequently called undulant fever, so named because body temperatures rose and fell in "undulating" waves, accompanied by intense sweating and joint pains. Evans suffered recurring attacks of the fever for years and liked to joke that it was the revenge of the microbes.

It would still take several decades for pasteurization to become the national standard. Public health officials estimated that in 1938, a full fourth of all food-borne illnesses were linked to unpasteurized milk. In one of the more publicized cases of the 1940s, Edsel Ford, son of auto tycoon Henry Ford, died from drinking raw milk from one of the family farms.

Today, just about 0.5 percent of all the milk consumed in this country is unpasteurized. Yet from 1998 to 2008, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention received reports of 85 infectious disease outbreaks linked to raw milk.

Weird. It's half a percent of all milk, yet using the logic of "a lot doesn't get reported," the amount of people sickened is disproportionately high. It's almost like science is a GOOD thing.

In the past few months, physicians have treated salmonella in Utah, brucellosis in Delaware, campylobacter in Colorado and Pennsylvania, and an ugly outbreak of E. coli O157-H7 in Minnesota, which sickened eight people in June. Epidemiologists not only identified a rare strain of the bacteria but matched its DNA to those stricken, the cows on the farm that supplied them with raw milk, and manure smearing the milking equipment and even the animals themselves.

More info:

It's really something that Americans are such babies about everything. We choose to be vegetarian because we have the option of having meat or foregoing it, while the destitute around the world have serious iron deficiencies because they're vegetarians without an option to have meat. And still we stamp our feet and throw hissy fits because we want to have what's denied to us. The rest of the world is quite happy with pasteurization since they 1) would rather not have their kids die and 2) are glad just to have milk at all.

America: Spoiled Rotten.

All that being said, I don't care if people drink raw milk, but if they give it to their son or daughter and the kid dies, that's negligent homicide. Just like foregoing vaccinations or medical procedures that would have saved their kid's life.

I hope they can live with that.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:02 AM
Oh. Pottengers cat study is BS. Im glad you told me. Im assuming you did an opposing study, disproving his? At any rate, please show me the articles you have, which show how many people die annually from raw compared to..say...pasteurized milk, for instance.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:12 AM
Its funny that you say that, mothership, as vaccinations kill more people than raw milk. According to your post, raw milk accounts for one death every 9 years. In the last 2 years alone the H1N1 caused 16 deaths, many permanent neurological disorders, and over 4000 hospitalizations. At any rate, I never was a proponent for nonregulated milk of any sort. Raw milk should have to be tested (and IS when sold from public sources) just like past. milk.

I imagine many people on heres adverse reactions to the OP are from the fact that through most of the country it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to get raw milk. I live in N.O., and i can tell you for sure that you will NOT find any here. I lived in arizona, and had to travel an hour for it....and it cost me a good $9 a gallon...but it was from a place that had the results of its testing posted at all times, and was reputable. People obviously want it. If you need to test it, test it....and charge accordingly, i suppose. Sadly, in much of our country, organic and whole foods in general are out of the price range of the poor and lower middle class. Urban areas I mean, naturally.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by pexx421

Ever heard of taurine?

Originally posted by pexx421
Raw milk should have to be tested (and IS when sold from public sources) just like past. milk.

Then, guns drawn, four officers fanned out across Rawesome Foods in Venice. Skirting past the arugula and peering under crates of zucchini, they found the raid’s target inside a walk-in refrigerator: unmarked jugs of raw milk.

Doesn't unmarked mean the source was unknown and so was the testing of it questionable?

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