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Dream of the end?

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:10 PM
This happened to me on Friday am, around 7 or so. I have been haunted by it all weekend, and have tried to think about and analyze it as well.

Before i describe the dream i had, a few caveats:

- i never remember dreams. i sleep too deeply to be able recall. This would be the first in several months. I have mentioned dreams previously on ATS, and when i was a child i dreamt a lot. As an adult, not so much that i can recall.

- i don't take sedatives or anything like that. There is nothing really altering my perceptions that i am aware of (i don't drink, etc).

- although i participated in the dream, and experienced it in the first person, i had/have a third person understanding of it. So i will mention what i saw in the dream, and then put my third person understanding in parenthesis

- I share this more for me, than for anyone else. I want to put it in writing. I don't know why, i just feel this compulsion to do so. If you want to comment, please do. But like i said, this is about me putting something that happened to me in writing to appease my own compulsion.

On Friday morning i woke up in a sweat, panting. My room is very cold at night, so sweating is something that has only happened when i was taking a medication that caused it recently.

The dream was somewhat disjointed to begin with. I was in my room having a intimate moment with my wife. All of a sudden i became angry because my oldest son was hiding under a table in the corner. He is 18, and that is not a behavior that he has ever portrayed (talk about the perfect child, literally).

All of a sudden, that was "wiped" out. I mean literally, the dream melted/dissolved before me, and i was standing in a different dream.

In this dream, everything was symbolic. For example, a couple years ago I authored a thread on a Refinery Explosion in my hometown that happened about 1/4 mile from my home. The refinery sits on the edge of town, right on the interstate with several houses and businesses located within its vicinity.

But in my dream, the refinery was about two miles away from me, across a shallow dry lake bed (which exists outside of town on the other side). Basically, two elements of reality blended into one. I was standing at a 70's era gas station/diner, and across this dry lake bed was the refinery (its brown Cat Cracker easily recognizable). My wife is with me, as is my youngest son (he played no part in the dream, i only know he was there due to my third person knowledge).

All of a sudden, i hear a rumble. It is very similar to the refinery explosion, but in slower motion. For those of you who have been in an earthquake, it is the same rumble as the refinery explosion basically created a ground ripple that radiated out. My wife and I both run outside to investigate what is causing this loud rumbling sound, and we both look at the refinery. It is untouched, which amazes us both so we begin acting puzzled.

I get down on the ground and listen, to see if i can detect the ground rumblings of a train or something. When i look back up at my wife, i can see the refinery in the distance is now on fire, just like on that hellish day i described earlier in the linked thread (the refinery was not actually burning, it was a symbolic burning. even though i see it burning, in the third person i know that it is a symbolic event....but i don't understand the symbology).

As i notice the refinery on fire, i point it out to her. However, i am stopped midsentence by something even stranger and worse. In the sky above us a hole has opened up. It is pitch black in a cloudless blue sky. You can see the hole is above the atmosphere, as you can see the atmosphere being sucked into this hole. You start hearing this sound that is very similar to this:

This sound is somewhat symbolic as well, however (the sound is more like when you open a door to a business when they have evaporative coolers. The wind whistles strongly through the door as it is pushed with great pressure), as you can easily see the atmosphere being sucked into this hole. When you imagine the hole, imagine the following:

Dam Drain

only turned upside down in the sky.

The noise is loud enough that i have to yell for my wife to hear me (although the hole was several miles in the atmosphere).

I then notice that clouds start to form around the edge of this hole, like you would expect if there was an extreme temperature inversion or something. Lightning starts flashing across it, like volcanic lightning. All of a sudden, from the center starts to emerge this yellowish ball of light. It looked like it was made of crystal or something.

As the ball gets to his halfway point, i woke up. I was breathing heavy, sweating profusely, and my wife was sitting there looking at me like i was crazy.

Why do i share this? Well, like i said, i feel compelled to write it down. But if anyone does want to chime in, please do.
I am thoroughly puzzled by how much this dream has effected me.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:45 PM
Intense dream bft, I recently ran across some info they may support a supposed end of days occurrence. It deals with Astrology, for what it's worth, but I have seen some interesting correlations of historic events and planetary alignment.
Could one possible current event be N. Koreas threat of nuclear weapons this week against US war games off of their coast? Pure speculation here, but I thought this may be relatable and contributive.

But the opening of Crawford's July issue is definitely the sort of thing that upsets people: "NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE JULY! We mean, of course, the planetary pictures in the sky which are developing towards the tightest harmonic alignments in the most potent areas of the zodiacal circle ever recorded in Earth's written history. These portend increasing and maximizing intensity and rapidity of 'change' on every level of existence: mineral, vegetable, animal, human and spirit. Will Capitalism survive? Will Democracy survive? Will our markets survive? Will governments survive? Will humanity survive? Will Earth survive?
He writes: "Astrologers call it the 'Cardinal Climax.' It is considered to be the most powerful and important planetary alignment of the modern era. Perhaps it heralds the beginning of the real 'Aquarian Age' or the end of the 'Mayan Calendar.' (After all, what's a few months in a 25,600-year cycle?) These energies actually maximize from July 30 through August 3. There have been 'shadows' preceding and will be echoes afterwards for quite some time."
Crawford adds: "This huge alignment will be followed by a Full Moon on the Fall Equinox and a Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice. We expect the depth and scope of dislocations during this period to exceed anything we have ever witnessed, both in otherwise civilized interaction among nations, and likely our fill in natural disasters."

I hope it was "just a dream."


[edit on 26-7-2010 by speculativeoptimist]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by speculativeoptimist

The maddening thing to me is my third person perspective does not tell me what it was that i saw coming through the hole. It came through slowly. Slowly enough that i was worried about losing our entire atmosphere (although i realize that is unlikely given the size of the hole).

I am an intelligent person. I am not prone to having things really effect me. i am usually pretty calm and having a dream ruffle my feathers is unheard of to me.

It ruffled me enough that i felt compelled to type it out, as if i had a religious experience or something.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I had a similar dream a few weeks ago. I was at the store and said to the clerk. would you look at that thats Saturn, and theres mars, I had never seen them so up close and personal before. We walked out into the grocery stor parking lot only to see this large black hole forming, appearance wise about the size of the sun and all the planets were gravitating towards it. I said to myself I guess theis is it, funny thing was I was not afraid at all.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:46 PM
I had a similar dream a couple of months ago... Well more or less similar... a NASA satellite / probe was headed back towards earth with samples from Titan and something happened to it in earths atmosphere.. long story short lots of devastation and also alien viral / bacterial infections world wide.


[edit on 26-7-2010 by Solar.Absolution]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Hmmmmm, interesting.

One time I remember being in another location I was looking up it was night and I saw an opening in the sky that was even blacker..... then the strangest thing happened it was like an illusion the sky/everything lit up like day and the black hole looked like a vent you would have to go through to get out of the Planet. There were Alien ships all over the sky creating this illusion.

It was like the people thought they walked upon a Planet and they don't know they are really inside.

Even I have to admit that was a little strange but hey.

It kind of reminded me of the movie with Jim Carey.....The Truman Show if you know what I mean.

It's funny how when you can hear or read something it triggers a memory.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by observe50

The thing is, i don't really believe in dream interpretations and all that.

But i do believe in premonition, both overt and symbolic.

Framing this has been difficult. It is something my mind keeps going back to.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

That was a rather vivid dream. I have vivid dreams a lot. I suppose most people do. My wife doesn't, for some reason. She never remembers dreaming. Maybe she doesn't have a need to work things out when she sleeps? I dunno.

A dream of the end. Well, I can understand that. There's a hell of a lot of things going on worldwide that could mean the end of many things. Cultures, societies, countries, even the Earth and humans, as well.

I'm interested if you have some dreams about what might occur AFTER "the end" of what we perceive in the here and now.

That might be of more importance..........maybe.........just saying......

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:30 AM

speaking from my experience I have three types of dreams ;

1) Junk Dreams of rubbish

2) symbolic archetypal dreams

3) prophetic dreams

Most nights its 1 and 2, then rarely 3.

After the last 3) dream it frightened me so much I now wake up when I start to have them, as when they occur they challenge everything you know about science / religion.

eg why did I have the dream, what does that say about the nature of the universe and time and what does that dream say about me as person eg why did I have it.

Thats heavy.

The last one, the Hudson River plane dream, traumatised me for two weeks.

Anyone else have that trauma as well, a sort of 'shock' that results from seeing a prophetic dream come true.

Its a bit like PTDD = post traumatic dream disorder that leads to a sort of shock.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:41 AM
How about this for a dream.

I was fast asleep and woke up.

I was fully conscious and fully aware.

I was standing in the middle of the ocean, on a bright sunny day.

I could feel warm water between my toes, the wind on my skin, the sun on my skin.

Under my feet was a smooth surface.

I looked down and saw it was the surface of a giant white, shining pearl that I was standing on.

Suddenly what looked like a tall mirror rose up from the water and in front of me.

I looked in the mirror and saw that looking back was a red headed, pale skinned Neanderthal looking back at me - and I knew I was seeing myself but as I was once, a distant ancestor who I was linked too.

This was about a year ago.

A few months ago this scientific research was announced ;

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:42 AM

your dream reminds me of fenrir being losed in ragnarok, which i always thought sounded like a wormhole being opened. but in the fenrir case, it's alot bigger than what you dreamt.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by wolfofodin

oh the pearl thing is interesting indeed. will have to ponder that.

i've had a series of dreams in the past 2 years, i call the repeaters. it's a different dream each night, but encompasses the same exact topic, and keeps repeating every night until i pray for it to stop. example,

i dreamt i was solving a series of puzzles relating to star gate technology. the puzzle tests had been given to me by people who had a gate, couldn't open it, and wanted to see if they presented tp me the problems they were facing, and did so in the form of riddles, i would inadvertently solve their dilemma without being consciously aware i was aiding them in this endeavor. oddly enough, after nearly 2 weeks of the same type of dream every night, with increasingly harder puzzles to solve, it suddenly dawned on me what was happening and i prayed to have the dreams stop.

i then had a series of dreams that i was on the moon. people were filing by me in blue, one piece jumpsuits with little symbols on the chest. they were quietly filing along, no emotions, no joy, no conversation, nothing, just a steady stream of these nearly robotic workers, marching to work. every night, same dream, with the workers walking past me in an endless line. i remember feeling very sad for them. prayed for the dreams to stop.

next series was about piloting a spacecraft. it had no viewport to the outside, just a control panel and a monitor that had symbols on it. i was standing in some kind of upright metallic restraint that rose from the floor to just above my navel. i was then expected to use the control panel to pilot the thing, using my mind. the screen cleared and i was suddenly navigating a debris field, which faded into a space battle, which resolved into the symbols again. this went on every night for 4 nights in a row, till i prayed for them to stop.

by far, the longest lasting series of dreams were on some foreign planet, on which i was exploring with many other people. occsasionally a battle would arise and we would engage in a video game like skirmish. i chalked this up to the fact i play video games. but the repetitive nature of it, was really frustrating and bizaare.


those are the repeaters. they can all be chalked up to things i was studying, watching on tv/movies, or pondering. but they were interesting in that they would occur until i would pray for them to stop and a new dream series would begin the next night. odd no?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:37 AM
I find your future dreams re space travel very interesting.

I know people have prophetic dreams, as I have had them.

Therefore your dreams may be glimpses far, far into the future.

If we can dream a week ahead, then why not a thousand years ?

It appears that your dreams re the puzzles relate to a series of challenges that unlock more information - perhaps they are tests to see if you are ready to commence 'future travel' whilst in the dream nexus.

I have also had such space type dreams.

I travel to distant planets and interact with species on them.

Have you ever experienced an entity which visits you when you are asleep ?

Either a hooded one or a human / gray hybrid ?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I find your future dreams re space travel very interesting.

I know people have prophetic dreams, as I have had them.

Therefore your dreams may be glimpses far, far into the future.

If we can dream a week ahead, then why not a thousand years ?

It appears that your dreams re the puzzles relate to a series of challenges that unlock more information - perhaps they are tests to see if you are ready to commence 'future travel' whilst in the dream nexus.

I have also had such space type dreams.

I travel to distant planets and interact with species on them.

Have you ever experienced an entity which visits you when you are asleep ?

Either a hooded one or a human / gray hybrid ?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by undo

It was a big hole. Given its height in the atmosphere, i would say a couple hundred miles across.

I am glad you came by, Undo.
I always like to hear from you, and this dream kind of does relate to the things you study.

BTW, i absolutely love the avatar. It is the best avatar i have ever seen.
I may rob a few parts of it for my mom to use on another site.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

fenrir i do believe, was the size of the whole earth. i'd have to re-read it, but that is kinda what i remember. it was immense. it is interesting that a crystal sphere emerged from it. you called it a crystal ball. are you saying like in, a fortune telling device? that kind of crystal ball?

and this avatar i got from glitter graphics:
huge place, really.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

fenrir i do believe, was the size of the whole earth. i'd have to re-read it, but that is kinda what i remember. it was immense. it is interesting that a crystal sphere emerged from it. you called it a crystal ball. are you saying like in, a fortune telling device? that kind of crystal ball?

and this avatar i got from glitter graphics:
huge place, really.

more like a ceiling light that is a crystal half dome attached to a fixture.

but the light inside was unreal. exquisitely beautiful, bright, and amber/yellow.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan
Well I have been seeing many other people post dreams lately
I have been trying to understand a link somewhere.
It certainly interesting.
I wonder if the medication you were taking had something to do with this.
It either enhanced a deep vision or created one.
I have had many dreams of a very vivid nature myself.
The most related to an actual future event was the morning before 9/11

In the early morning of 9/11, about 3 am, I was walking through a field and came across a very brown hilly open area, the sky had turned dark and very cloudy.
As I walked further I began to see white crosses all over like a veteran cemetery park. I started to get a very cold feeling as I began to cry in my dream.. I heard a pop and I woke up.
I was also in a sweat and couldn't get back to sleep.
Told the wife about it when she woke up got ready for work and left,.
Well that mid morning was when 9/11 occurred. many deaths.
That was the only thing I could connect the crosses to.

There have been others, but I am not sure they are relevant to anything important yet.
From what I have been reading on ATS forums is that people have been gaining ability to see things or are ascending to a more conscious level.

Sound crazy, but this phenom seems to be picking up.
lately, being of a very skeptical person in nature I don't dismiss too much that seems odd in this arena.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan
Well I have been seeing many other people post dreams lately
I have been trying to understand a link somewhere.
It certainly interesting.
I wonder if the medication you were taking had something to do with this.
It either enhanced a deep vision or created one.
I have had many dreams of a very vivid nature myself.
The most related to an actual future event was the morning before 9/11

In the early morning of 9/11, about 3 am, I was walking through a field and came across a very brown hilly open area, the sky had turned dark and very cloudy.
As I walked further I began to see white crosses all over like a veteran cemetery park. I started to get a very cold feeling as I began to cry in my dream.. I heard a pop and I woke up.
I was also in a sweat and couldn't get back to sleep.
Told the wife about it when she woke up got ready for work and left,.
Well that mid morning was when 9/11 occurred. many deaths.
That was the only thing I could connect the crosses to.

There have been others, but I am not sure they are relevant to anything important yet.
From what I have been reading on ATS forums is that people have been gaining ability to see things or are ascending to a more conscious level.

Sound crazy, but this phenom seems to be picking up.
lately, being of a very skeptical person in nature I don't dismiss too much that seems odd in this arena.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

i hadn't taken anything. I don't normally take medications. Motrin more often than anything else (why suffer aches and pains needlessly?), but nothing major.

I drink a lot of Dr. Pepper. I am Texan, you know. LOL. Other than that, i am average on what i eat. I don't drink. Alcohol allergy.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

so sweating is something that has only happened when i was taking a medication that caused it recently.

It was because of this statement I thought maybe you may have had residue of something in your body
Mind you I am not speaking against you

[edit on 27-7-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

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