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I know exactly how to use consciousness to leave

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:37 AM
Hi All,

This is my realisation, it's what i have come to understand through research and practice. It does not mean it is the only way, it does not mean it is the correct way. I will let you decide what you do with this information.

Most people never question their reality, or what, fundamentally, is shaping it. Most people have been conditioned since birth to accept that their 5 senses are all that there is to perceive. If i told someone they are at a critical junction where consciousness is the next evolutionary leap for them they have no idea what i'm talking about, but i do. I've come to realise that you navigate reality with your focus, what your attention is on - the tool we've been led to believe that we have to perceive reality from is this physical body, but this is not all we have.

As a consequence of this conditioning, people believe their thoughts stem from their being, their true self, their center, but this is not true. Holding this belief limits your perception of reality, it reduces what it is there to be percieved and keeps you in a box. The brain (where our thoughts originate to make sense of reality) was necessary for the development of animals, but we no longer need this tool, we are self conscious, and we can go beyond the mind and use something far superior than the subjective view of the brain. A little experiment, try and put all your focus on a candle, or a piece of music - it's difficult isnt it? Why? Because the mind get's in the way, it's a distraction from what is. Some meditation techniques focus on becoming an object, like a flame, because if you deeply focus your intent enough without distraction, you can become a flame, a flame is conscious as it simply "is" - with enough intent, you can view reality through the flame, because you are all that is.

Once you realise that you navigate reality with your focus and intent and a fair effort is made to switch the observational state of yourself to watch your own thoughts, in each and every moment, you'll realise the superiority of this state of being. It will not be explainable to scientists, and they will criticize the very notion of it because they themselves, are stuck in the mind. You will see this, and you will forgive them, because they do not see what you see. It becomes obvious then, that this superior state of being resides in a higher dimension, how do i know this?

Time, the more you shift your focus to this view, the more you observe each moment because you are getting in contact with the conscious part of yourself, the one that sees, your true self. The mind you've been lost is is not your consciousness, it is a tool consciousness uses. As you start shifting away from the mind time slows down, like when you were a child, an entire day is like an adventure, it does not pass in the blink of an eye. You will observe more within each moment, and you will feel things like "intuition" and "peace" because you are returning to consciousness, the all knower. Remember what i said about navigating reality with your focus, think about a car crash victim, how time seems to slow down to the point where people can see their entirely lives in an instant, do you think they were entirely focused on that particular moment before impact. Do you think their focus was anywhere else?


[edit on 26-7-2010 by raiden12]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Eventually, through concentration, you will go beyond the mind and deep into the present moment and the peace it contains, but did you know you can break free from that moment, until you go beyond time? Yes, you can, your 3rd eye peaks beyond time as it is a faculty of your higher dimensional body. I can only attempt to convey what it is like to use consciousness to navigate beyond time, it truly is one of those "aha" moments where you finally see that the remainder of reality was always there to be percieved, you just weren't able to at the time. This is also where all the other beings in this universe are residing. So, we know that we navigate reality with our focus, we know that we are limited by our minds, and we know we can go deep into the present moment with our focus when we aren't distracted by the mind, so what comes next?

Higher dimensional bodies
Think about what happens when you sleep, you are taking all your focus off your physical body and letting all your attention turn to your mind. Remember that the mind, fundamentally, is an unconscious part of self, this is why we only see snippits of our dreams, because the observer is too busy focusing on an unconscious part of ourselves. We can explain the variability of the lucidity of our dreams because the conscious part of ourselves is observing the mind in a place where our intent can create reality. The intent of our mind is survival, so we our minds desires played out in dreams, they may not be what we truly are or who we truly wish to be. The more we shift into the observer point of view the more lucid our dreams become because we are merging with our consciousness. At this point, i will point out that Gnosis and a few other teachings speak of removing our focus from the mind and merging it with consciousness. Don't underestimate the difficulty of this task, it will take the majority of your life, as the mind will not give up quietly.

When we allow our focus to drift away from the physical body through shutting it off to sleep and we do not allow ourselves to get lost in the mind, eventually, our focus will (automatically) shift into another body we have, a higher dimensional body, and this body originates beyond time. You can feel the merging of your focus on this body as a "snap" when it successfully pops out of the density of your physical body - then you are free to navigate a new reality through a new body, with different senses. The goal of this reality is to successfully remove enough of our focus from what keeps us grounded in the 3rd dimension to merge into this body permenantly upon death and reside in the higher dimensions to continue our journeys of understanding ourselves. Thus, the removal of the ego is of the utmost importance.

I should,at this point, say that people have asked that why is it upon death that all realisations are not met immediately. If we already have this higher diemsional body then when we die shouldn't we already return to the higher dimension. The answer is no, because we have created a false sense of self and it exists, as a thought form, in the higher dimension where thought becomes reality. It is therefore necissary to not only remove the focus from the false self, but to destroy it, this is where the sacred work of alchemy comes in, transforming ones energies, and using them to destroy the false self, the ego.

Look around you, you will see the ego, the false self, has successfully managed to survive in the minds of men and create catastrophe. The "powers that be" are aware of this and use it to their advantage, this is why you see lustful images everywhere, violence, fear, all of the "animalistic behaviours" that ensure the ego continues to survive and prosper within you so that you do not have time to focus on anything else. They need to keep people in this box, and so far, they have been successfull.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:38 AM
The journey of understanding the self is one that has been going on for eternity, you are not alone in your journey, this journey is about merging with consciousness, and this consciousness is love and light, the suffering is caused simply by the absence of this love and purity of this light. You are being helped right now by other beings and by your own conscious self more than you realise, and you will, in turn, aid others as they struggle to self realise. Beings who turn inwards and self realise have been called revolutionaries, because it takes a great deal of will and strength to achieve the liberation of your soul.
Please consider this information, and then, watch over the coming days what your mind decides to do with it, even though your soul knows what to do.

Note: I do not advocate the use of drugs to activate the 3rd eye and peak into the present moment through the filter of an ego, it's dangerous and downright stupid as you can damage your higher dimensional bodies, this in turn, damages your chances of awakening for eternity.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:38 AM
THere is no true "self" nor will the flame ever be like "you" or you like "it".

You are talking about the elimination of dualism through meditation and is one of the phenomenon acquainted with becoming enlightened. I doubt you have achieved this state as certain other realities and phenomenon also occur that are described as far more wondrous and the way you speak shows a sense of pride which is not usual at all.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by IamBoon


I too had a moment of clarity like this a few months ago during meditation, so I can relate to the OP. I even wrote about it in detail like the OP, as if I just reached enlightenment, until I meditated further and learned I was at no such point and my ego/self was falsifying my belief.

I think others on this site have described this well as not being the moment of enlightenment, but rather an epiphany or moment of clarity. Keep searching though!

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by raiden12

Interesting thread .......

I came to the realisation a few yrs ago, that our perceived " reality " was indeed an illusion and as you quite correctly say, the majority of souls are trapped deep within the limited 5 sense world

Our eyes can only see what our brain, our mind, is programming them to see !!
To alter the mindset, and come outta the box is VERY difficult at first, due to all the brainwashing and manipulation that is taking place, but once you do, you certainly look at life, and almost EVERYTHING around you in a totally different way

We are not " real ", we are free spirits trapped in a materialistic unreal prison, but what most souls fail to recognise is that we all hold the key to freedom deep in our minds and soul.........

peace n luv

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by IamBoon
THere is no true "self" nor will the flame ever be like "you" or you like "it".

You are talking about the elimination of dualism through meditation and is one of the phenomenon acquainted with becoming enlightened. I doubt you have achieved this state as certain other realities and phenomenon also occur that are described as far more wondrous and the way you speak shows a sense of pride which is not usual at all.

On the other hand I found it illuminating and useful....and I did not sense pride at all although while reading I knew and could feel a clammy wet darkness forming clouds around it to rain upon it...and here you are.

I will try and manage it rather than scoff at it because instead of pragmatic understanding, although this is certainly useful and has a is intuition that has served me best and most faithfully through out this particular manifestation of "life" I AM presently occupying.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Read it again.. He let me clarify for you... and no I am not into meditation but I study religion.


Not , "A wonderful tool for happiness I have learned." or "I used meditation or "focusing" to stop duality ."
Instead we get egotistic and prideful words. "I KNOW" "EXACT" and the title is like me screaming out "I just did something that you should be proud of me for cause I am!"

He then proceeds to "know" death , the afterlife, and why everything happens because he can "focus". You cannot eliminate duality with a rampant ego and certainly cannot achieve it by staring.... maybe a trance but not loss of self awareness while still being aware.

I just think some respect should be had for the writing of Buddhism and its teachers and this looks like a common "I did it already! HAHA" when even stating anything like that means the opposite.

Sorry to be a cloud I thought I was giving good info and If he is happy then so be it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:29 AM
I agree, focus and attention feeds your energy to those which you are focused on. This is why the war on drugs makes our drug problem worse, the war on terrorism makes terrorism worse.. I have changed my focus several times in the past years and I notice an upswing in activity in the areas in which I am focused, not only by myself, but by popular opinion in general.

This leads me to believe that I have more control over my reality that I originally thought, or was taught. I'm not saying I can control reality as a whole, but I can adjust and tune my perception of my reality, which is really all that matters to one..

Now perception is really something to ponder on. Do our perceptions fit into this reality or does this reality fit into our perceptions?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by SeeingBlue

Reality is perception and perception is reality. They are codependent and cannot exist without the other.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by IamBoon

Of course you give good information since I think all information is good as long as there is some truth to it.

You admit you are not into meditation.

As fantastic as it may sound, meditation ignites sensitive pathways, and somehow it revitalizes, or energizes a dormant mental skill most of us don't even know we have.

At worst...with minimal saves your heart, lowers your blood pressure and calms you down.

Until you try it, you can't knock it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:42 AM
our consciousness is like a vehicle we pilot to make ground, to move.

If only we could stop the vehicle, step out of the vehicle and make contact with the pavement, to get out of the vehicle and kiss the ground which supports it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:43 AM
You're on a very slippery path. Just be careful to remain compassionate while experiencing this bliss. If you don't, you'll turn into a psychopath. I would only suggest very advanced practitioners to seek out a "non-dual" , or perpetual blissful state. I personally think it's incredibly foolish and without conscience to even attempt to reach such a state considering how much suffering is in the world. All the same, you do what you think is best.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

I agree, I think certain altered states can lead to an unintentional embrace of the thanatos instinct leading to psychotic delusions of grandeur. Intense cross examination of world culture and personal reality on drugs or even sober can lead some people to their doom if they don't take it slow.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by SeeingBlue
I agree, focus and attention feeds your energy to those which you are focused on. This is why the war on drugs makes our drug problem worse, the war on terrorism makes terrorism worse.. I have changed my focus several times in the past years and I notice an upswing in activity in the areas in which I am focused, not only by myself, but by popular opinion in general.

This leads me to believe that I have more control over my reality that I originally thought, or was taught. I'm not saying I can control reality as a whole, but I can adjust and tune my perception of my reality, which is really all that matters to one..

Now perception is really something to ponder on. Do our perceptions fit into this reality or does this reality fit into our perceptions?

Once you realize that you really control nothing, you stop fighting.

You stop swimming upstream, against an imaginary current and flow into a natural state of contentment, a waiting for the world to change, enjoying what beauty and freshness there is, avoiding the stale... meanwhile going inward, where you can learn without receiving jaded, cynical misinformation.

Even NDE's (near death experiencers) are not afraid to die. We are more than a blip on a screen indicating life. We are eternal and everlasting energy and when you know this you fear nothing.

What's the worst that can happen?

If you didn't appreciate this earthly incarnation, or enjoy your time here.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by depth om

Personally, I think every single one of these descriptions of a "higher body", "higher-dimensions", and the like are manifestations of this psychosis.

I'd also like to point out that psychosis and psychopathy are pretty different, though they can coexist in individuals; especially if one meditates too much, too fast. I became somewhat psychotic, and was emotionally detached part of the time to the point that some people thought I was a bit psychopathic.

A lot of meditation techniques widen the sensory experience. If we can't analytically process everything we're experiencing, then we must let it go and allow intuition to process it. Even then, we'll need time to catch up, analytically, so that we don't develop delusions based on irrational intuitions alone. It's pretty difficult, but if you don't learn correctly from the get-go, you'll go psychotic and hopefully eventually learn what works best for you.

I meditated a lot as a child, did a lot of .. substances as a teenager, then started meditating again as a young adult. You reach a point where you see EVERYTHING all at once. I experience everyone speaking in my immediate surroundings, I see all the birds and clouds in the sky and the patterns they make, etc, etc, need lots of time to "decompress".

Seriously, the more meditation you do, the more time you'll need to meditate, the more time you'll seem to need during the week! Don't try to do this advanced stuff without having A LOT of time to dedicate towards the process. If you're trying to do this while working 80hrs a week, or just a reg full-time job while being a parent, or similar, stick to the basics and don't put that much time into it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

That's sort of creepy too, how most people are just too "busy" to think about anything other than their "business". We have all this technology to help us take care of business, but the parameters for this mess of business were formulated by a seemingly malevolent technician.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:35 AM
I read most of the "enlightenment" threads because I find them fascinating.

There is one particular thing that I have noticed about the writings of the OPs and that is that most seem to be extremely egotistical. I wasn't sure why but this seemed very wrong. It felt wrong that it should be projected so strongly in their message.

I go a lot on feelings and if what someone is saying in these enlightenment threads gives me that uncomfortable feeling, I know that its not "true"; not a lie per se, not that the OP is not telling what they believe to be the truth, but that the message isn't wholly true in a spiritual or consciousness sense.

My thanks to all of you who have explained this "ego" road block.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by raiden12

I agree with basically your entire OP. I used to know a Tibetan Buddhist Lama who said "Our consciousness is wherever we want it to be; most people just think it needs to stay in their body."

There actually are scientists working on what you're discussing, me being one of them! It's cutting edge and very few people "get it" but there are groups out there working on EEGs of monks in meditation, EEGs and GSRs of people performing psychic ability, measurements of people doing Reiki distance healing, etc. We're getting closer to a world-wide change in consciousness!

Thanks for taking the time you have to share, and more importantly to understand what you have in your OP!

(I think you'd find a thread of mine interesting: Electromagnetic spectrum causes visual range, what about range of material worlds? )

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:53 AM
the idea of leaving out of this physical habitation should be avoided.

i am not arguing against the navigational or "outside of time" concepts that are in the OP. however, in my understanding, LIFE occurs ONLY at the intersection of the noumenon and phenomenon. the perceiver and the perceived.

even if, when we die, we achieve some other type of embodiment, life is not possible without form.

a disembodied floating consciousness is not alive.

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