+10 more
posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 07:37 AM
Hi All,
This is my realisation, it's what i have come to understand through research and practice. It does not mean it is the only way, it does not mean it
is the correct way. I will let you decide what you do with this information.
Most people never question their reality, or what, fundamentally, is shaping it. Most people have been conditioned since birth to accept that their 5
senses are all that there is to perceive. If i told someone they are at a critical junction where consciousness is the next evolutionary leap for them
they have no idea what i'm talking about, but i do. I've come to realise that you navigate reality with your focus, what your attention is on - the
tool we've been led to believe that we have to perceive reality from is this physical body, but this is not all we have.
As a consequence of this conditioning, people believe their thoughts stem from their being, their true self, their center, but this is not true.
Holding this belief limits your perception of reality, it reduces what it is there to be percieved and keeps you in a box. The brain (where our
thoughts originate to make sense of reality) was necessary for the development of animals, but we no longer need this tool, we are self conscious, and
we can go beyond the mind and use something far superior than the subjective view of the brain. A little experiment, try and put all your focus on a
candle, or a piece of music - it's difficult isnt it? Why? Because the mind get's in the way, it's a distraction from what is. Some meditation
techniques focus on becoming an object, like a flame, because if you deeply focus your intent enough without distraction, you can become a flame, a
flame is conscious as it simply "is" - with enough intent, you can view reality through the flame, because you are all that is.
Once you realise that you navigate reality with your focus and intent and a fair effort is made to switch the observational state of yourself to watch
your own thoughts, in each and every moment, you'll realise the superiority of this state of being. It will not be explainable to scientists, and
they will criticize the very notion of it because they themselves, are stuck in the mind. You will see this, and you will forgive them, because they
do not see what you see. It becomes obvious then, that this superior state of being resides in a higher dimension, how do i know this?
Time, the more you shift your focus to this view, the more you observe each moment because you are getting in contact with the conscious part of
yourself, the one that sees, your true self. The mind you've been lost is is not your consciousness, it is a tool consciousness uses. As you start
shifting away from the mind time slows down, like when you were a child, an entire day is like an adventure, it does not pass in the blink of an eye.
You will observe more within each moment, and you will feel things like "intuition" and "peace" because you are returning to consciousness, the
all knower. Remember what i said about navigating reality with your focus, think about a car crash victim, how time seems to slow down to the point
where people can see their entirely lives in an instant, do you think they were entirely focused on that particular moment before impact. Do you think
their focus was anywhere else?
[edit on 26-7-2010 by raiden12]