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Cal Tech scientists invent new tech' with "extreme destructive capabilities!"

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posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

Ya- and THAT, is cool!! I HAD, one of the ultrasonic emitters- sort of looked like an early Star-Trek phaser. Friggin ex, threw it away, during divorce, 21 years ago!!

"Science is FUN!"

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:01 PM
Gee, how many time have I been told that technology like this simply doesn't exist and how preposterous it was to believe in such things.

Yet, here it is.

Any skeptics out there care to debunk it this time?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:22 PM
Very interesting! Technology that has a chance to be both dubiously and discretely destructive, and then again a chance to heal where current medicine can't.
The wife and I have been praying for something like this. She has a currently benign tumor in her brain, deep and right near the optic nerve. The usual tool for deep tumors is the Gamma Knife, however that can't be used for my wife since the radiation would destroy the optic nerve and almost guarantee blindness.
Perhaps the sound gun could be localized enough to heat/kill the tumor and nothing much else?
Here's to the inventors "Hip-hip-hooray" & *round of applause* !!

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:27 PM
Remember the sound weapon in the movie Dune?

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:29 PM
hey, a new Wunderwaffen... Kool...
im sure this will only be used in the best intentions... not another kill them to save them campaign...

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:33 PM
interesting technology, now its time to stop those sneaky Japanese scientist
from taking a European invention and selling it all over for cheap ! anybody noticed how you always see these japanese man behide a interesting science fair ! they always come behide and take notes and years later you hear how japanese invented the same idea they saw years ago !

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Teknikal

well, all I can say is that nothing is impossible. The military technology is real.
This can be used as a weapon in the military against our "enemies". It can emit real pain, and target your brain, so as to make someone "crazy, incoherent, etc. Just my 2 cents

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by brenboo1
reply to post by Teknikal

well, all I can say is that nothing is impossible. The military technology is real.
This can be used as a weapon in the military against our "enemies". It can emit real pain, and target your brain, so as to make someone "crazy, incoherent, etc. Just my 2 cents

Apparently something similar is being used in Afghanistan or so I read somewhere.

The application is very possible from a scientific and engineering perspective.

Where one object can strike another with kinetic energy, that energy is usually dispersed on impact and absorbed on the outer layers of the material (the first bunch of molecules take the impact and depending on their atomic configuration will move in certain ways causing the molecular chains to disrupt).

Also an equal amount of force will be sent back to the first object striking the second, and then the additional energy created from the impact will also work against the striking object.

With the sound technology it does make sense, the application is essentially imitating "Joe Bloggs with a hammer" hitting the surface, only it's much more targeted and has a much more acute and accurate effect on the surface and the molecular arrangement of the material (even breaking the chains and moving the atoms around maybe?).

Only the effect is repeated with this technology. The sound is probably being compressed and sent as a packet over and over targeting a particular area and literally 'pushing' or agitating the construct of the material at a molecular level (or further).

Like pushing a single brick in a wall out the other side, but a precise point it weakens said wall.

With the right pulse this thing could literally tear a molecular structure apart - that is a scary thought militarily but would be great from a humanitarian perspective (just think, demolition, recovering survivors, working in a new way with exotic materials..).

Thanks for the post OP.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:20 PM
This reminds me of the Dune movie where the characters could focus sound waves into explosions or however it worked. I think this technology is definitely worth developing though, especially for replacing tests that require radiation and for fighting tumors.
I see people here worrying about the weapon potential of this technology; but why would it matter? If we are going to blow something up, would you rather do it with an explosive or with sound waves? We already have all kinds of bombs that can wipe gigantic areas out and whatever other weapons there are... I don't think sound technology could be nearly as bad.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 03:31 PM
They have already deployed the technology, and will be using it any time now:

G20 Police to use sound waves to disporse crowds:

Now, maybe that could have been another reason why they deployed under-cover agents to stir up violence in the protests. They may have been wanting to create the excuse for trying this out on the protesters. Too bad for them that the overwhelming majority remained non-violent. They stuck it to the animals.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 04:39 PM
Zeez new vepinz are a necessary addition to ze arsenal off oligarchy. Venn you haff ze innocent und confused poor, smelling ze aroma off our gourmet meals vafting over ze razor vire around our estates zey might be tempted to drop in for lunch.

Ziss must not be permitted und ve can never haff enuff super vepons to deal vith zeez potential disturbances. Heil Hit . . ., I am going to veep. Mein fuhrer, vee still remember your greatness. Vee are returning. More vepons. Vee must haff more vepons to insure our ultimate victory over humanity.

Sieg heil. Zankyou CalTech! Zankyou! Zankyou! Zankyou! Und a special zankyou to all ze Chewish scientists verking on zeez projects. You vill not be forgotten venn ze time comes.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by trollz

You'd be surprised how real that DUNE technology is that you're talking about. People can really do it.

If you want to know more, you should U2U me. I have proof of it.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:08 PM
If, as someone mentioned earlier this tech could beam words into people's heads, it would be a godsend for the hearing impaired...

But most of this sort of tech only gets into civilian use after a war, for a large part... Funny, that.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Everybody, please chill.

This is not a useful weapon, because it requires a nonlinear acoustic "lens" throughout the path of the sound.

If you fire it into free air, all the normal physics of wave propagation, dissipation and viscosity will apply: the energy will dissipate and the wave packet will disperse.

This may be an interesting technology for some industrial fabrication applications or basic science research.

Sharks with laser beams are more frightening.

PS: sound is characterized by a scalar (namely pressure field) in the classical fluid regime so you can call it "scalar waves" and make it seem all sinister and x-filesish.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

This is as always the double edged sword of science. We create things which are incredibly powrefyul and can be used for good or evil. . Now you may think that scaling it up is automatically awful but it could have a number of uses for melting minerals underground and maybe welding large pieces of a structure.

It's what we apply the technology to that is important and i love the idea of using this for medical purposes. Especially kidney stones and tumours. We use ultrasound for kidney stones but sometimes it doesn't work so maybe this could be used in those cases. And inoperable tumours ar an obvious problem that could be better solved with this technology.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 08:38 PM
Sounds really interesting, but all I could do was think it could be used like in that movie "The Core", to blast huge tunnels into masive underground caverns, filled with those massive crystals like in that other thread.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Thanks OP, very interesting.

It's 03:10Hrs so forgive me if it's already been said, but this technology, aside form all the destructive uses it will probably be used for first, has the potential for astoundingly efficient and completely clean electrical energy generation.

Acoustic electrical generators can take several forms, from thermoelectric using pulsed sound waves to create heat and high pressure steam to drive turbines, to directing this tech at a rotor and causing motion to generate energy.

There's also piezoelectric applications and other vibratory methods that could make good use of this tech.

[edit on 25/7/2010 by spikey]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:15 PM
For all interested, here is the actual sonic bullets patent:

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:47 PM
Wasn't there something like this, invented during the 2nd world war?

I remember reading something about this, back in the 1970's...

Don't quote me but I think it was using "Shock Wave tubes", or "Shock Tubes" as they were called back then. They were studying shock wave theory.

Does anyone else now about these or development work done during the 2nd world war ???

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by PPGrocks
require huge amounts of energy to get such little effect with no mention at all about what power goes into the machine just a bunch of talk about the end results..

not 100 % but I'm pretty sure this new system actually collects & puts to use more of the energy available then any other system like it in the past, they've created a very very complicated & clever & precise method of controlling the waves created throughout the whole process. Its pretty cool, tho mostly goes over my head.

originally posted by Patriotgal
ANYTHING they have, WE will have. Hell, I'm planning on making THEM load my truck, before I leave! They have sound cannons- we have rail-guns. Gonna be fun!! Have a FUN Revolution!

nice posts Patriot, made me smile..

originally posted by PsychoX42
Gee, how many time have I been told that technology like this simply doesn't exist and how preposterous it was to believe in such things.

Yet, here it is.

Any skeptics out there care to debunk it this time?

my sentiments exactly, also why I mentioned the non meta-material invisibility cloak, to hopefully deter off topic derailment over it...

PsychoX42, I hope they can help your wife & whatever they do goes well & I hope this technology is used appropriately and to help people in need, to heal. Thank you for your post.

aspx & brenboo1 -links are broken.

old_god Thank you for sharing that info, those are some frightening revelations & insight you provide.

wcitizen wow..that thing is nasty. thanks for the link, its similar, and while this new tech could do the same thing, this new tech does many other things also, and the way the waves are generated, collected, etc is a new process, new materials.

The picture of the truck on your link reminds me also of the microwave gun they have been bragging about.

When I mentioned earlier about the highly directional loud speaker device the US were using on boats, I was referring to something like this -

Pedestrians on Prince Street might hear a voice asking, directly in their ears, “Who’s there? Who’s there?” a few seconds later, the voice says, “It’s not your imagination,” writes AdAge The technology, created for museums and libraries and other environments that require quiet, is manufactured by Holosonics, which provides sound in a narrow beam, just like light.


just another e.g. of how they are using sound to mess with people...

when things get really 'out there' is when you read conspiracy theories about the broadcast & tuning frequecies, the major record industry using subliminals & brainwave entrainment to give all our craniums a bath.

originally posted by PsychoX42
If you want to know more, you should U2U me. I have proof of it.

sounds interesting, I would like to hear more also if you can U2U me about it...

originally posted by booblessed If, as someone mentioned earlier this tech could beam words into people's heads, it would be a godsend for the hearing impaired...

that's a fantastic idea, it would be good if they could beam it to bypass the broken part of the ear & stimulate whatever stage of the hearing process came next...unfortunately from what I'm aware, the beam of sound only 'seems' by the victim to be 'directly inside their skull' when I'm pretty sure I read they were still actually hearing it through their ears, though if it vibrated their skull the right way, maybe they could hear it? like those lolly pops you can buy that you bite on and hear the tune through your teeth.

originally posted by mbkennelThis is not a useful weapon, because it requires a nonlinear acoustic "lens" throughout the path of the sound. If you fire it into free air, all the normal physics of wave propagation, dissipation and viscosity will apply: the energy will dissipate and the wave packet will disperse.

That's an interesting point, but I believe that the scientists would not have pushed the application against sub's, without taking that into account.
Also, this device is supposed to be so much more powerful than anything existing, and with far more potential left to go, that it could afford to expend that energy & still reach & destroy its target. remember that this thing was 100 times the amplitude of their previous best, and every 6dB is a doubling or halving of 'perceived loudness'. I assume that means we are dealing with a wave initially leaving the device in a highly concentrated state, at an amplitude of at least 7,200 dB, which is alot when you consider that a jet plane taking off is 120dB, which is also the human pain threshold. A truck driving past your house at night can shake your whole house if its big enough and that dB level would be less than 120, so imagine the vibrations caused, even by a widely dispersed wave, of 7,200dB.

originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984 Now you may think that scaling it up is automatically awful

nope. I actually agree with everything you've written. Someone else mentioned how useful it would be for excavation work, and things that would normally require dynamite & things like that.

originally posted by spikey
..has the potential for astoundingly efficient and completely clean electrical energy generation.

Acoustic electrical generators can take several forms, from thermoelectric using pulsed sound waves to create heat and high pressure steam to drive turbines, to directing this tech at a rotor and causing motion to generate energy.

There's also piezoelectric applications and other vibratory methods that could make good use of this tech.

Starred, very cool thought. would love to see that.

cerberus00 awesome, thank you for posting that,
so they're using cylindrical beads instead of spherical? ha HA! so the old sphere is still good for nothing acoustical after all...but what a weird device, its very different to how I imagined, and different again to other images I'd seen of what I thought was the device.

by the way, did you notice the triangle with the lightning bolt through the middle? I really gotta find out more about that 'sons of thunder' stuff...but anyway the bolt & pyramid are *supposed* to be illuminaughty symbolism.

awesome posts guys, keep em comin!

[edit on 25/7/10 by B.Morrison]

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