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Are UFO's Created by Humans?

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posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 07:33 AM
ARE UFOs CREATED BY HUMANS? By Richard Vizzutti I'm sure that you have read about a scientist named Nikola Tesla. It was his work in science that had brought about modern day UFOs. He and Viktor Schauberger were the superstars of this new flying disc technology. In WWll, the Nazi's had relied heavily on Tesla's research to create what bomber pilots called "Foo Fighters," or "Kraut Balls." When trying to bomb the Rhine land, these glowing objects would fly right up to the bombers at incredible speeds never seen before or imagined. These Foo Fighters had an ability to screw up their radar so that the American pilots would have to call off the mission. After they were out of the area, the "balls of coloured lights" would suddenly take off on their merry way. This is all well documented and there are even some photos that exist today. The following is from an article called UFO's Alien or Man Made written by Al Pinto. Maybe these craft are some secret government project. There is a lot of evidence indicating this which dates back to WWII. There is a report by Marshall Yarrow, then the Reuters special correspondent to Supreme H.Q. in liberated Paris. This article was published in the South Wales Argus on December 13, 1944. It stated, "The Germans have produced a 'secret' weapon in keeping with the Christmas season. The new device, which is apparently an air defence weapon, and resembles the glass balls that adorn Christmas trees. They have been seen hanging in the air over German territory,sometimes singly, sometimes in clusters. They are coloured silver and are apparently transparent." Another article regarding the German's secret craft was released by the Associated Press in the New York Herald Tribune dated January 2, 1945. It said: "Now, it seems, the Nazis have thrown something new into the night skies over Germany. It is the weird, mysterious 'Foo Fighter' balls which race alongside the wings of fighters flying intruder missions over Germany. Pilots have been encountering this eerie weapon for more than a month in their night flights. No one apparently knows what this sky weapon is. The balls of fire appear suddenly and accompany the planes for miles. They seem to be radio controlled from the ground, so official intelligence reports reveal..." So why didn't the Nazi's win the war with the new Foo Fighter technology? Well just like the German V-2 Rockets and the new Nazi jets, time had run out. The allies were moving in and the war was being end. Hitler pleaded with the German people to hang on for just two more months so that he release a new technology of "super weapons." Well as you know, time did in fact run out. When the allies moved in they began to plunder all the new super technology. America began to be the benefactors of this new technology when the war ended in 1945. Two years later in 1947, Kenneth Arnold a pilot sees high speed flying discs. He said they moved like a saucer skipping on water thus the age of "Flying Saucers" was born. One scientist responsible for the the Nazi flying saucers was Viktor Schauberger. With Tesla's work in hand he began to create new and different designs. After the Soviets had taken what the Americans had left behind in Schauberger's apartment in Leonstein, the Soviets then bombed his apartment. After this there was a rumour that Schauberger had gone on to work on a top secret project for the U.S. Government in Texas. In the early Fifties science was suddenly geared into "anti-gravity" research. Many experiments with flying discs were taking place. Some results were being talked about in science magazines and news papers. Then suddenly in the late 50's the hammer of silence fell. All grant money was being cut off and the media instantly became mute on the subject of this new technology that now had to go underground. It even got to a point where a large number of scientists were falling victim to strange accidents. Schauberger himself had died of ill health. On his deathbed he declared that, "They took everything from me. Everything. I don't even own myself."When flying saucers had been photographed during flaps, upon seeing them, Schauberger had made it clear that someone out there was using his designs. In 1947 when Kenneth Arnold spotted the UFOs, the air force was placed on red alert and quickly dispatched. The reason given was that the American government thought it was a new attack by the Nazis and their Foo Fighters. Photographs and blueprints of Nazi discs now started to appear. In one photo, the German cross can be clearly seen. In another you can see a German tank cannon attached to the underside of the craft. Before the hammer of media silence fell, A Canadian news paper, the Toronto Star, (Feb 11th 1953) began to report on the new technology being produced by Avro a Canadian company. The paper had revealed that Avro was working on a "Flying Saucer" that could "climb straight up in the air." (This is not to be confused with the Avro Car which was shaped liked a flying saucer." The source of information for this eye opening article was C.D. Howe Minister of defence production. By April 21st 1953. The Toronto Star had stated that Field Marshall Montgomery had witnessed a demonstration of the new Avro Flying Saucer and declared the demonstration as being "fantastic." Again on November 1st 1955, the Star had another article that had stated, "A mock-up of the Canadian flying saucer. The highly secret aircraft in whose existence few believe, was yesterday shown to a group of American experts, including military officers and scientists." Why were the Americans there? According to the papers, the Canadian government was planning to form entire squadrons of flying saucers for the defence of Alaska. So why hasn't the government made known this new revolutionary technology. Why, is because one of the other effects that the anti-gravity devices produce is massive amounts of electricity, hundreds of thousands of volts! This is known as "free energy." This kind of electricity is broadcasted out and so does not need wires of any kind. This is why quite often when "UFOs" are seen in an area, all the appliances in a household magically come on. The world is run by a few super rich people that have untold wealth. At the very heart of this wealth is oil, "black gold." If free energy technology was to be used by the public, these rich elites would stand to loose trillions of dollars in lost revenue. Over night the technology of jets, planes, cars, trains, manufacturing, and space flight would become obsolete. NASA's pork space projects would come to an end. The Military Industrial Complex would take massive revenue losses. The lost revenue from NASA, the defence companies, and the entire Military Industrial Complex, oil and gas companies, and electric companies would dry up considerably. In other words, free energy would kill the golden goose. Imagine this. For pennies man could fly to the moon in flying discs. Tax payers would no longer foot the bill for huge expenses, kick backs and over-pricing in NASA and the military. No longer would the public be fleeced by the Military Industrial Complex to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. International bankers too have a major share of this cash cow and would stand to loose massive amounts of money, never mind the auto industries. People could run their cars, heat their homes, and travel very cheaply. Paying for energy would almost be a thing of the past. Lightning produces hundreds of millions of volts of electricity from the air itself and has no need of dams, cable, ground stations, electric companies, etc. The crux of this international plot is too keep us convinced that energy comes from fossil fuels. This propaganda creates a world that suffers from an "artificial need" for oil that allows the elites to be very rich and very powerful. "He who has the gold rules." So what does the government do with these flying saucers. Right now they are being built and stored all over the world. Cold Lake Alberta in Canada has an underground manufacturing plant much like America has with it's Area 51 in Nevada. Right now the elites are trying to bring about a New World Order. The New World Order is a one world government set up under the United Nations with a new world dictator acting as commander and chief. The foundation of power for this Reich is already in place. Now they just have to convince the people to relinquish all their constitutional rights and surrender to the New World Order. Most people are not willing to do this as they see the New World Order as a threat to their way of life. This is why Militia memberships are at an all time high and growing everyday. So how does the flying saucer technology fit in to all this? "Today America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing that man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government." Henry Kissinger 1991 Remember how President Ronald Reagan had stated that if we were attacked by a power from outer space the world would then unite into one? In 1985 President Reagan told Mikhail Gorbachev at a Geneva summit meeting that: I couldn't help but say to him , just how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on the Earth together." Reuters, "Reagan Images Star Wars," International Herald Tribune, Paris, Dec. 5th, 1985 "The Soviets and the democracies will adopt the best characteristics of each other and, in the process of many years, there will not be a strict line of demarcation between their ideals; therefore no causes for war between them...because of the the developments of science all the countries on earth will have to unite to survive and make a common front against attack by people from other planets." New York Times "M'Arthur Greets Mayor of Naples," Oct. 8, 1955 It's interesting to note here how he uses the word "people" from other planets and not the word creatures or aliens. Does he use the word people because he feels that they will look so much like us? Will they in fact be human pilots. Aliens from the Pentagon so to speak. On January 7th, 1948 a UFO was spotted in Kentucky and Three F-51 Mustang fighter planes under the command of Captain Thomas Mantel gave chase. Two of the planes had to turn back as Mantel continued in hot pursuit. Unfortunately Captain Mantel's radio degraded to a point where it became silent. The next morning the wreckage of his fighter plane was found strewn all all over the ground. According to Renato Vesco and David Childress authors of "Man Made UFOs 1944-1994," Mantel's last words over the radio were, "My God! There are men in it!" Perhaps aliens from planet earth? As I have stated, the whole foundation to this new world government is now in place. It's no longer a question of how, but a question of when. What's needed now is for the elite government to release all the man-made UFOs so that people will be convinced that we are being invaded from another world. But first the masses have to be prepared psychologically for for this event. Right now there is a massive media frenzy about UFOs as well as NASA claiming to have found evidence of life on mars. Movies like independence day and TV shows such as Dark Skies are spreading the message that Aliens are hostile and will stop at nothing to in order to conquer us all. Timed to go with this propaganda blitz is the Roswell Anniversary. With Roswell they are trying to convince us that an alien ship crashed landed in the Nevada desert killing all the aliens aboard. Myth has it that the alien bodies have been kept under lock and key by the American government. Through Roswell, the government is trying to make it appear that they have a captured alien UFO. If you study the CIA and how they operate, you will soon discover how very good they are at creating myths. So why the myth that the government is hiding the fact that they have a captured UFO? Well it's for two reasons. One is to convince people that there really is life out there. The other reason is that when all of a sudden we see all these UFOs hovering over the city to scare us in to a New World Order, other UFOs (our UFOs) will suddenly appear in the skies to fight in a mock battle. So how will the American government explain the sudden emergence of this "new" UFO technology that comes out of nowhere? They will say, "Yes folks. The Roswell incident was true. It's also true that we have been "back-engineering" a captured craft in area Area 51. The crafts that you see with the American flags painted on them belong to us and from the Area 51 development centre. This will act as a perfect explanation as to why all of a sudden we have our own UFOs to fight back with. This phony war will be a sure propaganda victory a New World Order Dictator. According to the Bible, it says, "...and they worshipped the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?...And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. And all who dwell on the earth will worship him..." Revelation 13:5 NKJ "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, (a United Nations World government group) As history has taught us, the Nazi's were an occult party that created a New Age movement called Nazism, and according to the Bible, history is about to repeat itself! In closing I would like to say that Bob Lazar (a famous Area 51 whistle blower) has claimed on film that one of the UFO's he had seen in Area 51 had an American flag on it. Need I say anymore? "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." James P. Warburg

posted on Jun, 17 2004 @ 08:33 AM
I thought it was widely accepted that Bob Lazar was a hoax. Read this link for some critisizm:

As the "researcher" said, Lazar seems to have no greater knowledge about physics, he doesn't know much about Groom Lake (although it may be natural to assume that one wouldn't remember a place completely from scratch, but since Lazar worked there he would know at least something), among other things.

I've also heard about the Nazi UFOs. Another theory that I heard was that the Nazis supposedly moved to one of earths poles to establish a "New Germany" around the end of the war. But I think it is strange that they would do this, given they had the tech to move all those stuff in secret, yet, they didn't succeed covering up the Holocaust.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Fantastic, you have put together all pieces in a puzzle that makes good sense. All the way I have thinking that Aliens may exist but may noit be the one piloting the flying discs. Objectively all this stuff is really hard to believe, but quite certainly is the most well thought and accurate study I have ever read. I am sure you are right, probably not less than 60%. You have got my Way Above vote. I would love to read another version of the story where you elaborate on the possibiliy that USA has really reverse engineered the alien space ships.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 05:26 PM
Sure, UFOs and aliens are created by the dominant species of the Universe, that is the human.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 07:42 PM
I totally agree with your conclusion and your essay as a whole. Its billiant and flawless. The only thing I've been trying to do now is locate a few blueprints to, "over-unity" devices made by tesla. Things like free energy machines and the before mentioned propelentless propulsion device.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 12:45 PM
One very good book I've recently returned to the library is titled Rhe Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology by Nick Cook.
For the last 15 years, Cook has been an aviation reporter and editor at Jane's Defence Weekly, a defense industry trade journal.
Far from being an intergalactic alien wild chase, the book is his account of a personal investigation he undertook, after receiving a peculiar newspaper clipping about anti-gravity, from the 50's. Back then, AG was widely talked about as the next big breakthrough by scientists, and they openly shared these views with the press. But all of a sudden, it stopped. Furthermore, it was as if this technology was never mentionned, and anyone referring to it from there on, would be passed off as a crazed whacko.
Anyhow, he set out to investigate why that had been (the sudden stop of interest in such a promising tech.) His findings and conclusions are starteling, and almost perfectly match the claims made in this article. I said almost perfectly, because he doesnt speculate on the "why" these are kept so secret, or rather what there are for in the future (from the illuminati, fake alien invasion stuff). In fact, he proposed that one of the reason that this tech was still in the dark, was that the same machine that you could have to power you house, could be used to create powerfull weapons. The ever sharp double edge of science.
At any rate, i highly recommend it to anyone wanting some excellent, unbiased investigation reading, backing up the "nazi's started ufo's" theories.
He probably does more then just back them up, he really brings foward some hard paper evidence. He event meat with schrauberger's son in order to reconstruct his involvment in the whole ordeal. Years after the fall of nazi germany, the US breifly employed (off the official record, but still backed up) schrauberger, quickly get rid of him. Apprently, they had recovered his work for the nazi's, but couldnt quite get it to work. So they brought him in, kept him around long enough to figure out what they were doing wrong, and steel all his lifetime's work, after which they got him to sign a deal/contract, in which he agreed to give ownership of all his work (or something along those lines) to the us gov. as well as agreeing to never work on this technology, or talk about it. He died a couple weeks following is return to austria.

If anything, i see the mockup alien war would be very plausible, if anything. We know by know that the us gov likes to use scare tactics on its own people to ensure unconditional alligence. 9/11 should clearly be viewed for what it is now (i think its an inside job) the gov allowing it to happen to be "allowed" to wage the wars they see fit, as pearl harbor did.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 02:54 PM
I think the "Master" at the North Pole claimed that his people were "thousands" of years ahead of us. These are not people who fled to the poles at the end of WWII. They may be our own people from the future travelling backwards in time. They are not just Germans, but Americans, Japanese, Nordics, etc. When we go to war with the Germans, for example, their people, from the future or from wherever, will interfere. If that interference doesn't work and they still lose the war it may be because our own people from the future also interfered. Of course, that is just speculation. Furthermore, these aliens or people from our own future do influence us with ideas and inventions. If a German scientist was being given ideas, etc. from the "aliens" they would most likely be showing him how they build their ships if he was working on ideas for space craft. If he then saw one of those ships he would think it was from one of his own designs. I have ideas come to me all the time, every single day. If I have a problem I just wait for information on how to deal with it. This has only been happening since I started seeing the UfO's. Before that I was a Christian and the only ideas that came to me were total nonsense. I can see such a difference. I welcome such ideas by people who are that much more advanced. I dont welcome thoughts from tormenting religous spirit or the people who are the unwitting disinfo agents of the type of alien that has learned to use religion to achieve their own purposes here.

[edit on 9-3-2006 by grasshopper]

[edit on 9-3-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 04:19 PM
It is a very good post indeed, and it does make sense for the most part of it.

However, the first half was very good read, and i think it makes sense really, but the last part; i dont see why the references to the bible are needed here, and secondly the New World Order.

I dont really think people would buy the flying ufos, to me it sounds too ridiculous. The risks in NWO are too great, i dont think it could ever happen.

Also using the roswell as cover-up for UFO's, i dont think people would buy that.

So apart from the NWO theories and references to the bible i think its a great post.

[edit on 9-3-2006 by systemlord_]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:34 AM

I'm sure that you have read about a scientist named Nikola Tesla.
It was his work in science that had brought about modern day UFOs.
He and Viktor Schauberger were the superstars of this new flying
disc technology. In WWll, the Nazi's had relied heavily on Tesla's
research to create what bomber pilots called "Foo Fighters," or
"Kraut Balls."

Having seen , myself, a colored ball of light version of a "Foo Fighter" in 2002 , I sometimes look for similar sightings to my own.

As you can see from my own notes I've taken that these objects or similar UFOs have been witnessed pre-dating the date of Nikola Tesla's birth (1856). ( 1880 Tesla figures out the idea behind the Induction Motor. )

Excerpt from my notes of possible similar UFO sightings gathered from various on-line sources. Some of these out date Nikola Tesla as you can see.

1783 , August 18, Windsor Castle , Thomas and Paul Sandby

"An oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit, which came to a halt; this strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour but then its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the East. Then the object changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the South-East; the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit us everything on the ground."

( )

1808 , Sept. 1, Russia, Moscow 8:07 pm ( Recently discovered Manuscript and illustration )

“On September, 1, 1808, at 8 o’clock and 7 minutes in the afternoon, in the sky, clear and sown with stars, a phenomenon appeared, incomparable in its beauty and rigor, as well as in radiance and enormous size, to anything seen before. As we noticed it, attracted by the loud cracking sound, it was rising in an arch over the horizon, from 55’ to almost 90’.

Having passed this distance in an instant, it stopped among the clouds as if over the Kremlin and looked like a long straight plate some nine arshin (6.35 meter) long and half arshin (0.35 meter) thick.

( Not reproduced entirely here )

( )

1816, Biskophsberga

The author goes on to state that some of the balls came to earth near one observer. As it neared the ground it lost its black color and became hard to see until they reached the ground and again became more visible, but this time as a ball of changing colors. The people compared them to soap bubbles (plasma?) These then disappeared leaving a thin film: "....a scarcely perceptible film or pellicle, as thin as a cobwed, which (itself) was still changing colors, but soon dried up and vanished.

North American Review, 3:320-322 Quoted from the "Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena", by William R. Corliss. ( )

1842, Russia, Orenburg

"Small metal objects, perfectly hexagonal, fell out of the sky after a 'strange cloud' was seen hanging over the town for a considerable time" (UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, page 278).

( )

1870 , March 22 Capt. F. W. Banner of Lady of the Lake , records a 30 minute sighting.

"According to Capt. Banner, it was a cloud of circular form, with an included semicircle divided into four parts, the central dividing shaft beginning at the center of the circle and extending far outward, and then curving backward." It "traveled from a point at about 20 degrees above the horizon to a point about 80 degrees above," moving from the south, southeast, where it first appeared, to the northeast, traveling against the wind. "For half an hour this form was visible," writes Fort. "When it did finally disappear [it] was not because it disintegrated like a cloud, but because it was lost to sight in the evening darkness."

Charles Fort , Book of the Damned pg. 280 , from Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. ( )

03-23-1877; Vence, France

An unknown observer wrote, "fiery spheres, extremely luminous, came out of a cloud of a peculiar shape and went slowly toward the north for one hour." It seems many brightly lit shapes emerged from a cloud shaped like a cigar.
( )

1880 Eastern Venezuela.

A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky and hovering near him. He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeeded in backing away in spite of his terror. (Lor. III 2O6)

( )

[edit on 11-3-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 03:38 PM
That must be the whole truth about these UFOs. Man made, how foolish of me to waste all this time thinking that they were alien space craft. I feel so stuped. Oh well, mystery is solved. I won't have to look into this UfO et subject anymore, and I wont need to use ATS for info on it either.

I am out of here, never will look up this topic ever again

I cant believe the government was tricking us into thinking this phenomenon was actual aliens.

The truth will set us free. And this post here has the truth.

Good bye everyone.

*PsYch* Yeah right. Wouldn't a lot of agents want to hear that one

I will NEVER quit on this topic like that.

[edit on 11-3-2006 by Cabanman]

posted on Mar, 12 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Some of the ufo's we see are definatly above top secret militairy devices/vehicles...

no doubt about it...

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 07:40 AM
I am definitely gonna translate this one

Thank YOU!

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 09:47 AM
hi people.
i believe it is military based ufos.
look at how in the 40s and 50s the technology of these so called "advanced beings" are not as advanced as the ufos of the 90s and 00s.
The pictures clearly show it. we are lead to believe that these beings are advanced but they have only upgraded their technology with our technological advances why?
Why is it also that these beings are seen in major military or war areas. think about it, America invades Mexico, major ufos. Turkey has us air base, major site of ufos, america is conducting tests in the middle of australia and wouldn't you know it Adelaide just south of the middle major ufo sitings.
Why is it that the major military bases in america and area 51 is a major site fro ufos. If the aliens were from out of space wouldn't they be seen everywhere, but no these aliens know to well and go and explore military bases.
We are to minuet to be the only living planet so I do believe in life on other planets. But put yourself in an aliens thought of mind for a minute. Why would you EXPLORE the universe and other planets if your not looking for life?
Then you find some on Earth, wouldn't you try understand the lifeforms you have found? Wouldn't you land and try to communicate with the living species rather than just hover around above? There are those who say they've been abducted by aliens but theres a lot more who just see UFOs in the sky without any interactions.
A lot of the abductions are now thought to be possible hypnosis induced memories - and right when the cia developed that kind of technology is right when the abduction phenomena began.
Finally I would just like to add that footage of the NASA antenna/rod that snaps off. If you haven't watched it please do. Its of this 12 mile long rod that breaks off and NASA keeps taping it. Whilst they are you see 100s of these disc shaped objects swarming around this rod.
I think this is fantastic footage and really only have one question.
This is a leaked footage from NASA and we are told NASA normally edits footage before distributing to the media.
How does NASA LEAK footage? It could be man made objects or ufos in the sky but NASA has the highest level of security involved with all there projects known to man, they don't just leak footage. I'm pretty sure this is just another government ploy to keep us on our heels and to reassure us that a UFO epidemic is about to happen. Subliminal messages are the way the government work - For this reason I think the NASA acronym should be "Never Actually Say Anything".
You mentioned where they were being stored. I think this NASA footage shows where most of them are. Stored just outside our visible

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:02 PM
I always wondered what the green stuff in my underwear was!

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:06 PM
I've read quite a bit about Cold Lake, Alberta. And I do believe some of the crafts are our own, but thats because of reverse engineering and downed ufos.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by lost_shaman

You may like to add to your list the Nuremburg sightings in medeival Germany. It seems real and there were lots of ufo orbs buzzing the sky, also tubes too which sound like our cigar type craft. I love the Nuremburg evidence along with a similar time sighting somewhere in Switzerland. Not too clued up about other types of craft but ufo orbs predate Tesla etc, right back to Jesus and the 'Star' of David

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 04:02 PM
IMO some ufos are made by humans. Some could be around since the dinosaurs. Earth's old fleet. Ships used by our gods to fool us into thinking they had supernatural abilities. Others could be directly from the USA air force. Some people think we have some sort of space command/fleet. The rest aliens/balloons.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by newyorkee]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:16 PM
Well i also feel that the nazis introduced ufos iam skeptical about ufo sightings before the 1940s i belive all ufos are manmade,
That leads me to the greys i think the greys are manmade cyborgs also
the nazis made clones or used dna of abducted humans to create an aryan race which could explain the apperance of nordics on board craft.
the nazi experimeabponting with clonig is still taking place via abductions
the alien cover story keeps the public at ease since if it was proved
that the goverment were toturing certain citizens as in abductions there would be riots.I think part of the reasons for abductions are about creating a superace from select humans.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Did those nazi ufos fly? The American cones that tried to use jet propulsion allegedly did not. Think about it, if we would have had that technology it would have been deployed. In the internet age we would see pictures of parked USAF flying saucers.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:28 PM
The UFO or ship by Tesla was only part of a plan for remote control army, navy and
air force. The Tesla ship going 300 miles per second, in a Tesla statement, seals
the deal for many people that Tesla made the electropropulsive mechanism for the vehicle.
The replication is perhaps now known to more than the official holders.

I now see the aircraft as part of a total defense system as Tesla made many proposals to the
the US government up till the 1940s. Unfortunately Germany was investing in the Tesla
plan and something had to be done with Tesla's work.

With standing waves around the globe Tesla would control all power and communications and
any robot army, navy and air force using his password of course. The US Armed forces develop
their own devices and are a tad late in use the Tesla plan.

So yes Humans make the UFOs that were part of a grand plan by Tesla to rule the world
and has been taken over by the illuminati using satellites and other devices not related to
Tesla except the UFO seems to fit in the Tesla pocket.
edit on 12/3/2010 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

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