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Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free m

Hedge fund mogul Jeffrey Epstein becomes a free man today, five years after he was first accused of sexually abusing underage girls. After months of reporting, The Daily Beast’s Conchita Sarnoff reveals exclusive details of the investigation and the legal wrangling that saved him from a long prison term. She reports:
(visit the link for the full news article)

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They called me a child pornographer

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Film director Roman Polanski is not the only convicted pedophile to walk free this month and return to a life of privilege. On Wednesday, hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein completes his one-year house arrest in Palm Beach, which has been even less arduous than Polanski’s time at a Swiss ski chalet.

During Epstein’s term of “house arrest,” he made several trips each month to his New York home and his private Caribbean island. In the earlier stage of his sentence for soliciting prostitution with a minor—13 months in the Palm Beach Stockade—he was allowed out to his office each day. Meanwhile, Epstein has settled more than a dozen lawsuits brought by the underage girls who were recruited to perform “massages” at his Palm Beach mansion. Seven victims reached a last-minute deal last week, days before a scheduled trial; each received well over $1 million—an amount that will hardly dent Epstein’s $2 billion net worth.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

When filthy rich people or celebrities get off easy due only to their perceived status, it makes me very angry. Scum-bag Roman Polanski comes to mind, as does the scum-bag that's the focus of this thread. With Polanski, what made it even more disgusting is that Hollywood was publicly defending this guy. It is clear that there are two standards here in America, one for the elite and another for the peasants. As the rich get richer and poor become become poorer, we are only going to see much more of this.

Do you feel like your kids are safe, now that they can be molested by the elite class with no repercussions? Do you feel like your children are safe with state agencies willing to abuse them in order to exert their power?

--airspoon m
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by airspoon

You hit the nail right on the head. We need more men like you out there!

This young 13 year old - now alot older today, gets no justice. What a very sad state of affairs.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:43 PM
In THIS case, the girls got all the justice they sought. They settled out of court, each victim received $1 million. If they felt that they needed justice, apparently justice has a price and they completely sold out for it.

It's not his elite status that got him off, as happened with Polanski - it was his filthy rich bank account.

Just because they're underage, it doesn't make them angels or innocent. It's not much more than an arbitrary line, because maturity develops differently for everyone.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:46 PM
the reality is that there is no justice in this world

you need to learn how to use the system to your advantage and do the justice yourself

nothing more to add, the good people will never be able to beat these psychopaths while money talks, anyone can be admited to any important position without a freaking test to see if the guy is not a danger to the society ...

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Son of Will

During Epstein’s term of “house arrest,” he made several trips each month to his New York home and his private Caribbean island. In the earlier stage of his sentence for soliciting prostitution with a minor—13 months in the Palm Beach Stockade—he was allowed out to his office each day. Meanwhile, Epstein has settled more than a dozen lawsuits brought by the underage girls who were recruited to perform “massages” at his Palm Beach mansion. Seven victims reached a last-minute deal last week, days before a scheduled trial; each received well over $1 million—an amount that will hardly dent Epstein’s $2 billion net worth.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I'm sorry, but the average Joe would not get the same treatment, irregardless of whether they bribed their victims. No, average Joe would get sent to prison, then sewed. I dare the average Joe to try and pay off their victims, they will only get sent to prison anyway, with charges added.

His out of court settlement is for any civil damages, not criminal charges. You can't just pay your way out of criminal charges, or at least you aren't supposed to be able to.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Son of Will
In THIS case, the girls got all the justice they sought. They settled out of court, each victim received $1 million. If they felt that they needed justice, apparently justice has a price and they completely sold out for it.

It's not his elite status that got him off, as happened with Polanski - it was his filthy rich bank account.

Just because they're underage, it doesn't make them angels or innocent. It's not much more than an arbitrary line, because maturity develops differently for everyone.


I completely agree with your first paragraph. However, I completely disagree with your last. Yes, not all underage girls are angels are innocent, and thats a shame, and something that we should work to change. Maturity does develop differently for everyone, but in NO circumstances is it appropriate for a middle-aged man to have sex with an underage girl. To say otherwise is a disgust and a disgrace.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:54 PM
typical morals vs money, and money wins most of the time.
How about some street justice!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Will the lawyers for the molested girls get some of that money?
Better for them than If Epstien went to jail where in a tough pen he would get his butt handed to him..
So would that make the lawyers pimps after the fact....?

Not just Epstiens money, but other peoples' greed...many guilty parties here...flies to honey

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:59 PM
One set of rules for us mere peons

Another set of rules for those in the elite

The law is apparantly broken

Therefore how can one break something which is already broken ?

But as usual people will sit by, add their 2cents/pence about how unjust and corrupt society is and then get on with their lives waiting for the next unjust and corrupt to come along to add their input, without actually ever doing anything about it.

We need to start as a collective standing up to the unjust and corrupt in society so it stops happening, the only reason it does happen is because they can get away with it!

I am disgusted with the current state of society and the human race and I hope for some world changing/ending disaster to give us the kick up the arse we need or we become extinct.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:00 PM
This thread leaves me with a bittersweet taste.

What?!?! How could any part of this be sweet??!!?!?!

(I thought the thread title was "Billions of pedophiles go free")

So, in a sense, that makes this "good news" (To me, since it was only one misguided person "let loose".)

All I can say is, I hope he learned his lesson. Since that is all I can do, or condone.

Bittersweet, nah I changed my mind, this just tastes like [snip].

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by airspoon
I dare the average Joe to try and pay off their victims, they will only get sent to prison anyway, with charges added.

.... and how much, exactly, is the average Joe willing to pay? Don't be stupid.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:40 PM
What a disgusting miscarriage of justice.

He should have been sentenced and then forced to pay his victims that same sum of money as compensation.

And to anyone who says that the girls accepting a settlement was proof of some greed on their part, I say that their lawyers probably recommended they take that because they knew they would never get the justice system to do its job.

Watch the deposition tape. He didnt even have to answer the questions their lawyer was asking him, when Micheal Jackson had to have his bits and pieces photographed for his trial as evidence.

If they didnt accept the settlement, odds are, he would have walked away scot free. They took the only "justice" they were likely to get.

Edit to add;

Originally posted by Discotech

I am disgusted with the current state of society and the human race and I hope for some world changing/ending disaster to give us the kick up the arse we need or we become extinct.

Its not societies fault. Its our (collective) fault. Society reflects what we are. I sometimes hope like you do, that something drastic happens to change us, and save us from ourselves. But there are days, and today is one of them, when I have really very little hope that anything will change us. I know there are good people, but they are the minority. Most of us deserve to be extinct.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Obviously money is freedom. Poverty is a prison. The rich only have their money to be their security ? The poor have God to be their security ? Jesus said "Blessed are the poor" for they shall have God as their security. Which implies that the rich will not have God as their security ? God can do anything for anybody. Rich are rich because God decided that they are to be the rich. Poor persons are poor because God decided that they are to be the poor.

The laws as regard to "sex offences" are difficult to define and impossible to enforce. The age of consent has been fluctuating all through out history. Once it was normal to enforce marriage at birth. Others being celibacy think marriage to be abomination.

The thirteen years age girl that went to bed with Roman Polanski is now a mature woman. I was informed that she is not wanting Roman Polanski to be prosecuted. She is not making any demands or prosecution. Apparantly it be the USA authorities who are persuing him. Anyway the authorities in Switzerland have decided to not cooperate with the USA requested extradition.

Mr Epstein appears to be so rich that he can simply bribe his way out of having to serve a prison sentence ? If the girls are satisfied with the out of court deal that they struck, then I suppose that is the end of the matter ? Or rather should be the end of the matter ?

Whatever the failings of the human justice system, never fear, because the Divine Justice system is perfect. The judgements of God are without fault.

[edit on 21/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:44 PM
The system sucks, and if one of my kids was molested my life goals would change and it would not be a very nice situation for the person who did the deed. Some may disagree, and all I have to say is don't mess with my kids.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I would have to agree with you. If someone harmed a hair on my child's head and justice wasn't served through the system, my life's mission would then take a turn. I would not rest until real justice was served.


posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:59 AM
They should publicly string these 'people' up and bury them alive in their billions, THAT would be a just punishment, maybe

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:06 AM
All the posters here calling for justice to be served, which i agree with. Edited because of mistake(cheers airspoon) on a side note the Polanski case was even more sickening than this because of the support he received imo. Anyway, everyone is right...whether it's for crimes like these or others there is always one rule for the elites and another for the commoner.

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Solomons]

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by airspoon
I would not rest until real justice was served.

And what is your idea of justice ?

I hate to quote something from batman but it applies as most who think they want justice actually just want revenge which is not justice

"Justice is about harmony. Revenge is about you making yourself feel better, which is why we have an impartial system. "

And it's true, what's broken is the system and it needs to be fixed but as long as we as a collective (society) allow corruption to run free then the system will forever remain broken.

Too many people are happy to bury their heads in the sand though unfortunately and because of that the system will forever remain corrupt and broken

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Solomons

You seem to be confusing civil judgements with criminal judgements. The two are completely different. Generally, someone will be charged with a crime and either convicted or aquitted, then they are sued in a civil court. In addition to being sued, a criminal court can also order restitution. So, regardless of whether he goes to prison or not, the families would have been paid.


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