reply to post by MaxBlack
I need to update some new found material, but to do this correctly, I feel I must fill in some gaps necessary to help others understand why the
information may in some way be related to what I have named the BP Pentagram. BP as in Blood Pentagram. This is just one of many little anomalies
that has me thinking overtime. Anyway, since my last posting to this thread I have been busy looking for anything that might show what this new
pentagram is all about and what codes or findings might be in plain view.
While I still cannot claim I understand that intent, I can provide some new material that I feel I would be foolish to keep from ATS members and
others that have some casual interest in what this new blood pentagram might imply.
While following up on another thread I posted regarding a mysterious microbe that can eat steel and swim through steel as it was not there. Well,
this initial anomaly got me looking at other material. At the time I started that review, I had no idea that it would point back to the Blood
I will attempt to show the relationships and then allow you and others to decide on your own what it means. I am in no way stating I know or
understand what I have found, but to not inform others in my opinion would be wrong.
Anyway, while reviewing hours of BP ROV camera feeds I watched a new video that BP showed an interest in. Upon closer examination of what BP was
looking at, it shows what appears to be a large damaged or destroyed pyramid type complex or perhaps a Star Gate within a pyramid located on the sea
floor located at 5034 feet of depth. Camera feed was for specific video coverage of MC 252, better known as the Deep Water Horizon Oil rig location
and site of an explosion and subsequent major oil spill. It also is ground zero for the Blood Pentagram.
Since the spill began pouring out oil into the Gulf of Mexico, much of what Obama has done and what BP has done has been puzzling and disappointing to
many who felt that Obama and BP collectively responded too slow to the oil spill.
We have had naval assets move out of the region to Costa Rica and we have all the Corexit contamination and the danger of sea bed explosion that will
release huge amounts of methane that has the potential to kill with its initial blast, tsunami, and poison gas clouds. We have talk of mass
evacuation, increasing danger to the health of the population and we have FEMA, the military and any number of agencies on alert and actively
preparing for what appears to be the explosion that will begin the stage of death and destruction that many have spoken of in the many blogs.
OK, that having been said, this morning I found what appeared to be a pyramid that appears damaged and very ancient yet it shows some bright object
that looks like an energy source. Upon closer examination I found what also appears to be a lions head at the base of the pyramid. Now here is where
it gets stranger.
I have been using Google Earth to map and look at the blood pentagram and I have been doing other things to try and identify any code or symbolism
that could reveal any time line or significant dates associated with the blood pentagram. It was when I was doing this review that I decided to look
at the pyramids location on Google Earth and then I was curios how it would look in a mirror image as projected on the Moon, Mars, and the Sky.
When I viewed the mirror image on the Sky I was shown that the location of the BP oil spill and the location for the pyramid structure and the initial
point of the blood pentagram are all the same location. When I was shown LEO in the sky as viewed from ground zero of the BP oil spill and the
pyramid's same location I was puzzled how and why LEO was directly in line in the sky.
When I researched the astrological data regarding LEO I found that Leo commenced its transition through the heavens starting on July 21 through the
28th of July. These are seven days that are key. Then Leo on August 20 is overcome by aspects of Virgo.
Upon realizing that Leo astrologically had just begun I felt that perhaps I was reading too much into what I found. Then I had to recap.
The BP oil spill is located on the Jefferson Ley line. This new blood pentagram comes off the old blood pentagram and then there is the fact that on
the ocean floor at the site of the BP spill is a pyramid looking structure that has a giant Lions head at the base of the pyramid. Then there are the
reports of metal eating bugs that exhibit characteristics not usually found in sea animals known to man.
This are the type of items that I have had to consider because I had to ask myself, what are the odds of looking at a spot on the earth submerged in
deep water and when mirrored on the sky it shows Leo at the exact time that Leo is astrologically moving into Leo. Well, the odds of that are way out
I have posted to my picture gallery all of the screen shots and working material involving the Blood Pentagram and the pyramid like structure found on
the sea floor. I ask that you review these photographs. There are too many photos to post and as such once you view the material, it will be easier
to understand what I am trying to inform others about.
To capture the entirety of the threads that I am following you will have to review and read and or view the video links posted to Metal eating Bugs.
I posted all pyramid data and findings to that posting because I feel that the steel eating bugs could be from the pyramid or star gate complex down
below. With so much to consider, I ask that you review the material and decide for yourself if there is anything to what I have found.
Thanks again for your patience and remember to view my picture gallery to view all related photos that are associated with the Blood Pentagram and the
mysterious metal eating bugs. Underwater pyramid photos and sky maps are included.
Take a look at my picture gallery. It will help to see what I am describing. Here are some photos that shows the pyramid structure and the lions head
at the base of the pyramid. Last is the sky map of the mirror image of the pyramid site. For it to show Leo was for me a real head turner. Anyway,
take a look.
In closing the dates that this LEO discovery has revealed is that July 21 through July 28 are seven key dates that began when Leo entered transit and
it ends on July 28th. Later in the month of August, on the 20th Leo is overcome by Virgo and if anyone noticed, the 20th of August begins a window
that many will remember that can recall Katrina and other significant events that occur on August 20th. of every year. While dates are important they
are only important when combined with astrological and planetary alignments.
July 21-28 and August 20 should be noted as the astrological dates that somehow relate to the underwater pyramid with lions head and to the Blood
Pentagram where dates are also used by those that have ulterior motives.
Take a look and if you need some reading material that may help you to understand how I got to this juncture, read my postings to mysterious metal
eating bugs and you will have all the current material that I have processed regarding the pyramid, star maps and blood pentagram working copies that
I use to study and apply data to.
I am up to my neck in material and with today being July 23, 2010, I did not want to keep these LEO dates to myself in the event they mean something
to someone in the viewing audience.
Thanks for your patience and thank you for your remarks.