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Cigarette Smoke Jolts Hundreds of Genes, Researchers Say

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Doctors have long noticed a link between smoking and cancers found in organs beside the lungs, including kidney, colon and bladder cancers.

Now, a new study shows lighting up a cigarette changes a person's gene activity across the body. The findings may be a clue to why smoking affects overall health - from heart disease to combating infections.

A research team from Australia and San Antonio, Texas, analyzed white blood cell samples of 1,240 people, ages 16-94, who were participating in the San Antonio Family Heart Study.

They found that the self-identified smokers in the group - 297 people - were more likely to have unusual patterns of "gene expression" related to tumor development, inflammation, virus elimination, cell death and more. A gene is expressed when it codes for a protein that then instructs, or kick-starts, a process in the body.

The authors of the study found cigarette smoke could increase or decrease the level of expression of 323 genes.

"On some levels, we were surprised by the extent of the influence exposure to cigarette smoke had on gene expression, especially considering we used such a simple measure of smoke exposure: smoker or non-smoker," said lead author Jac Charlesworth, a research fellow at the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania in Australia.

Cigarette Smoke Jolts Hundreds of Genes, Researchers Say

When I read this story I had coincidentally just made a post in regards to American Spirits.

And as I read the article, I wondered if any studies had been done on "additive free" cigarettes, such as American Spirits.

This study finds that cigarette smoke affects not just the lungs but many other organs and genes, and it seems like the researchers don't have any good reasons why.

But could it be any of, or a combination of the affects of the 599 chemicals that are added to most cigarettes?

Here are some of the more deadlier ingredients in most cigarettes, and the process of burning these chemical in turn creates more deadly chemical compounds.

Carbon Monoxide


Hydrogen Cyanide







Propylene Glycol

Now we also have Fire Safe Cigarettes, that have a new chemical.

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate

Thats a chemical used to make expanding foam products that you spray around holes to block in the winter etc... Its also used in shoes, and many other plastic and rubber products.

So, not saying that smoking unadultered tobacco is "safe". But I wonder what the reports and studies would say about smoking additive free cigarettes, versus ones with over 500 chemicals in them and if it were found that the majority of cancer related illness' attributed to cigarette smoking was actually because of the additives and not the tobacco itself, would that in turn cause regulations to remove the chemicals from the cigarettes?

I mistakenly thought that American Spirits had a "loophole" in the FSC ruling. Being that they are an additive free cigarette. But I think either they changed the labeling, or I just didn't notice that it says "additive free tobacco". Since the added rings are in the paper and not the tobacco, I guess thats their loophole.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:03 PM
Get em hooked on smokes..then antibiotics for the illness they cause..then hospitalization..then death.
A great biz with life till death customers.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

I don't doubt that.

But I was more interested in the thought about additive free cigarettes and cancer risks versus "normal" cigarettes.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:32 PM
There will never again be an unbiased study on cigarettes. Everyone think cigarettes and somkers are bad. The bad guy in movies now days almost always smokes, and if the good guy smokes he is either sick or quits for some reason.

Nicotine has a lot of health benefits that are not acknowledged by the "independent agencies" that study these things. They say cigarettes and by association nicotine is bad. When in fact nicotine in and of itself has never been labeled carcinogenic because its not. Let's clean up the medium by which nicotine is delivered instead of just calling the whole package bad.

So instead of demanding cleaner organic cigarettes or regulating the additives in them, let's punish smokers. Smokers are not hurting anyone however alcoholics drive around and kill people and alcohol causes liver and kidney problems.

I smoke Natural American Spirits too by the way. They taste great and you're right, I don't get cravings like I do on other cigarettes. I guess its like Coke and Shasta Cola. Its a lot easier to put that Shasta down than the Coke for some reason. Except in this case the Shasta Cola costs more

The whole cigarettes are bad agenda is a huge conspiracy in my opinion. The brainwashed masses are like lemurs though. Oh and i think the whole 35% of Americans have had a cigarette statistic is bull honkey. I'm sure over half the US has smoked. Im willing to bet a lot more than people suspect sneak a smoke now and then. I've met too many people who rant and rave against smoking, but get them drinking and they ask for one almost one for one.

[edit on 7/15/2010 by dbloch7986]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

I wonder if they considered that by smoking, vitamins & minerals are leeched from the body. It also decreases the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. This could lead to a decrease in immune system function and deterioration of other systems.

All of the above mentioned chemicals certainly can't help, but I think smoking in general (additives or not) still has the ability to pull those vitamins (namely Vitamin C) from the body.


I have started seeing more commercials for the "electronic cigarettes" that
are water vapor only. I'm not sure about them. I don't know anyone that has tried them. But the commercial certainly made me cock my head to one side.

They deliver a nicotine "spray" through the vapor they emit.

Blu Cigarettes

I wonder if these have less of an impact on the body.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:38 PM
Hmm, I am not so concerned about the physical effects, I am curious of what cognitive effects there are, if any. Surely if it effects our genetics it effects our brain too, right? Or, am I completely off base?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by jenmckin

Electronic cigarettes are neither bad nor good for you really, they are neutral. Nicotine is toxic in high dosages but the levels in an e-cig won't do any damage...nicotine actually has a few benefits, people think it may combat Alzheimers for a start. So they are not detrimental to your health and you can smoke e-cig in public places if smoking has been banned in your country. They are becoming quite popular now, although many anti-smoking zealots still don't like them simply because they 'look' like cigs and hence by smoking them in public places you are somehow promoting smoking...

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Solomons]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
Smokers are not hurting anyone

Tell that to the families displaced by some lazy a-holes who fell asleep with a lit cigarette and burned down an entire apartment complex.

Of the thousands of scorched acres of forest.

Smokers arent innocent.

Not to mention they absolutely ruin the resale value of everything they touch by impregnating it with their stink. The filth they leave in a house or apartment is as bad as cat spray.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by jenmckin
reply to post by ThaLoccster

I wonder if they considered that by smoking, vitamins & minerals are leeched from the body. It also decreases the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. This could lead to a decrease in immune system function and deterioration of other systems.

All of the above mentioned chemicals certainly can't help, but I think smoking in general (additives or not) still has the ability to pull those vitamins (namely Vitamin C) from the body.


I have started seeing more commercials for the "electronic cigarettes" that
are water vapor only. I'm not sure about them. I don't know anyone that has tried them. But the commercial certainly made me cock my head to one side.

They deliver a nicotine "spray" through the vapor they emit.

Blu Cigarettes

I wonder if these have less of an impact on the body.

I actually started a website last week called to sell electronic cigs, it isnt just water vapor though, its a flavored nicotine mixture, if they say its just water vapor theyre lying imo. I dont mean to advertise, it just happens to be on topic.

Edit- yes, they are way better for you, its just nicotine.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by CREAM]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by CREAM]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:48 PM
I am aware that smoking causes cancer, but then, non smokers even not in the presence of smokers to give them secondary effects of smoking equally dies of cancer.

All I know is that when I smoke, I tend to calm down and that meditative state as I breathe in and out, I am much more capable of a position to rationalize ideas and thoughts.

Perhaps this is a W.H.O agenda to prevent busy working 24/7 slaves from meditative states and rationalizing thoughts, by forcing nations to make smokes expensive and then outright banning them?

This research is interesting, if it does not get corrupted and manipulated by WHO and TPTB to restrict info to the masses or to churn out more pleasing bootlicking info to ensure researchers' continued funding, the way the climategate scandal was founded upon.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:49 PM
I read a pretty good review on E Cigs. There was a thread here that also has some ATS reviews about them.

From the review I read, they seemed like a great way to stop smoking.

The reviewer was a photographer for a newspaper, and he said he had tried everything from hypnosis to gums and patches.

But that after a month (I think) of smoking the E cigs he was able to reduce his nicotine intake gradually, and ween himself from it. While not experiencing the other harsh side affects of smoking.

I have contemplated getting the $60 starter package, but alas I procrastinate more than I actually do.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I found out long ago that nicotine is actually a stimulant.

I like most smokers reach for a smoke when I need to "calm down". But in all actuality, the nicotine raises your heart rate and in turn actually "hypes" you up.

I think the "calming" down affect generally comes from the act of stopping for 5 minutes to smoke, and the deep breaths and act of inhaling/exhaling.

That practice alone goes along way towards calming one down, and after learning the stimulant side of nicotine, have used that technique a few times instead of reaching for a cigarette.

I end up with a cigarette anyways though.

I honestly think a lot of addiction is just due to the act of smoking. I've come to look at cigarettes as a "friend", albeit one who steals things you leave laying around the house.

But for most, they go for a cigarette when they are depressed, anxious, nervous, sad etc.... That friend is there when you need to calm down, take a few minutes to "talk" with yourself.

If not for cigarettes, I would probably have less actual friends, seeing as though I would have killed them long ago, instead of having a smoke and calming down.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:01 PM
maybe its the reason these people smoke ciggs not the ciggs themselves.

often stress is a factor in choosing to pick up a ciggarett maybe stress is also a factor in gene activation. lol duh.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Thanks for your honest appraisal. Perhaps there is more to smokes than is presented and to be understood.

May honest research which will lead to truths prevail so that mankind may make a better and informed decision, not just based upon heresay or opinions.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:22 PM
While everybody else is getting out of bed I'm getting in it, I'm not in it to win it. And there's a thousand ways you can skin it.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by thaknobodi

What does "If its love" by Train have to do with anything?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by thaknobodi
While everybody else is getting out of bed I'm getting in it, I'm not in it to win it. And there's a thousand ways you can skin it.

I feel the same way.

If I interpreted that correctly.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by dbloch7986
Smokers are not hurting anyone

Tell that to the families displaced by some lazy a-holes who fell asleep with a lit cigarette and burned down an entire apartment complex.

Of the thousands of scorched acres of forest.

Smokers arent innocent.

Not to mention they absolutely ruin the resale value of everything they touch by impregnating it with their stink. The filth they leave in a house or apartment is as bad as cat spray.

"Live Free or Die" except if you're a smoker, I guess.

I'm a smoker. I know the risk, my grandfather on my dad's side died of lung cancer. But I smoke any way. Why? Because I like it, don't need any other reason. I'm sick of people who feel like I should apologize every time I light one up.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:02 PM
My take on smoking is this... Its population control or some other nefarious NWO/PTB type agenda. I have many reasons why I believe this but the one that rings true to me. Cigarettes kill you hands down, whether its the additives or the tobacco. Its plastered all over the place. Christ in some countries they have the skull and crossbones on the packs but people buy them buy the millions.
Now, lets say that I'm the guy in charge of the Creating a New Race dept of the NWO. I'm gonna want people that are willing to pay for a slow painful death against all government warning...dead. Who would want someone like that around?? A person that doesn't listen to the govt and pays to kill themselves, makes sense to me.
I do believe however that the govt knows full and willingly what all the chemicals in the cigs due when they interact and are burned and know the deliberate effect it has on the body hence what it was designed for.
Lets take China for example where population control is probably one of the most important agendas their leaders have to tackle. In come the cigs and there desired qualities Practically all their influential types, actors/musicians smoke openly and on stage and screen.
These electric cigarettes if they are safer then the normal cig how long will it take before the govt gets its mitts into them of starts there own electric cig business.
As for the American Spirits brand I believe them to be additive free. I remember when got off the mainstream cig (Camels) and I started smoking Organic cigs. It was like i was quiting and had withdrawals. Why would I still crave a cig if I was smoking one. After a while I was able to walk away and now im a smoke when I drink type.
I dunno maybe its too fantastical maybe I'm spot on who knows but cigarettes kill and our governments do not do anything but say hey you shouldn't do that but if ya do meeh its ok...

[edit on 15-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

[edit on 15-7-2010 by BlastedCaddy]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 05:12 PM
We all breathed campfire smoke three times a day until about 100 years ago.

So fire happened and it expressed 300 genes and the monkey flipped?

Evolution makes sense at last...

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