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A Scientist Takes On Gravity

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posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 09:40 PM
It's strange how even after gravity was "discovered" so many centuries ago, that it still eludes all but accurate predictions and calculations of how it behaves - not yet yielding a very firm understanding of "how".

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by Agent_Denali
Yes you are. Your beliefs are utter crap, I'm afraid. Peace. Education.

Mongolian education teaches what? Lets hear your theory, even if it pollutes ats
Not that you have a right to pollute, because you dont

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I like this thread. The holographic universe theory is one I believe in and my thread is in my signature concerning the downloads I receieved in a month roughly each day, when I contemplated infinity within and met Higher Self for day after day.

Basically this is a simulated reality school, a lot smaller than we imagine, possibly as small as a grain of sand, amongst infinite universe/schools, with the infinity within.

In infinity everything is infinite, its a Quantum platform for all. And inanimate objects recycle endlessly, soul/consciousness/life progresses endelssly. If you exist and question your existence at any moment "I AM", you exist endlessly without beginning or ending. Each segment in "time" is another you, only one clip of you can be in any school system at a time.

Beyond the veil/universe, I call it the Beyond.
To Infinity and Beyond! We are in No Time. All things are happening simultaneously, in No Time. We could sit at an infinite sized table in a conference with all of ourselves. Higher Self is traveling back in "time" to watch over us. We are all watched over. Alll events are happening in the now to us, but are past and therefore fixed events to Higher Self.

Now this universe is like a lviing (the way our biosuit bodies are, not soul but but biological bot), hologram. It contains pigments in it that we erect into a shared reality screen in the backs of our minds. But aside from the pixels, there is really no matter here.

Its all streams of energy that enter into our senses, to energy recognition centers of the mind and are erected to form this 3d structure on the screen in our minds. We are inserted into a what is similar to a telivison DVD because this is all the past, and its recorded and there are infinite runs of the "DVD".

Gravity is merely the sorting program, the mesh, the grid that puts everything into place on the screen in the back of your mind. It creates order out of the chaos of all the energy streams.

It like time, is just a program in your head. In fact, the whole matrix is in your head as well, all that you see.

edit to add: An added bonus is: Infinity equlaizes everyone, for everyone is equal to the infinity,without beginning or ending, even if you plucked a tiny portion of your infinite soul out now and created a "child" soul, and "child" is equal to the parent in size as well, ie, there is no One Creator. with supremacy. You have to invert the pyramid, power to the many, in true equality and love. The pryamid system is constructed by those who are playing an opposite role to progression.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:30 AM
I find that's an neat take on gravity.

Basically he's saying this is how it works out if you throw out the definition of mass from the formula. This is because E=mc^2. So mass is more or less E/c^2. So he's defining gravity as a function of energy density instead of mass, because at the most fundamental level there is no mass. The thermodynamic property comes up because thermodynamics (from what I can understand) says that nature tends to increase the state of entropy in a system. And in what state does the entropy tend to increase? Perhaps most entropy occurs in the state with the highest energy density. Thus by nature it leads to a tendency towards bigger and bigger masses, and the emergent result is gravity.

Not that gravity as a phenomenon is entirely gone, but the underlying mechanism has nothing to do with mass.

Mass has been (and will likely still be) used for convenience though, since in terms of energy - even objects weighing a few grams would yield some rather huge energy values while the resultant attractive forces are rather infinitesimal. When talking in terms of massive objects where the gravity effect is easily observable, the energy values would produce some rather ridiculously huge exponential figures.

Still, if applied in certain ways, it might be an interesting game changer. Modern computers should be able to deal with the kind of numbers it involves.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel

It’s hard to imagine a more fundamental and ubiquitous aspect of life on the Earth than gravity, from the moment you first took a step and fell on your diapered bottom to the slow terminal sagging of flesh and dreams. But what if it’s all an illusion, a sort of cosmic frill, or a side effect of something else going on at deeper levels of reality?

Hum? This is a very interesting theory. I wonder if this guy is correct about this issue. What do you guys think about this?

Our best established theory of gravity is Einstein's general relativity. We had that since 1915. This idea sounds like it could be very interesting - even though I confess I have neither the experience nor the skill to comprehend all of his arguments. He examines the possibility that what we call gravity is more appropriately thought of as a consequence of thermodynamics.

Originally posted by pauljs75
Mass has been (and will likely still be) used for convenience though, since in terms of energy - even objects weighing a few grams would yield some rather huge energy values while the resultant attractive forces are rather infinitesimal. When talking in terms of massive objects where the gravity effect is easily observable, the energy values would produce some rather ridiculously huge exponential figures.

Still, if applied in certain ways, it might be an interesting game changer. Modern computers should be able to deal with the kind of numbers it involves.

Uh... you can simply define a new basic unit of mass or energy to overcome any inconveniences of scale. That is why we use letters like 'c' to substitute for the speed of light in vacuum.
edit on 20-10-2010 by imnotbncre8ive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:09 PM
It's also been said that gravity is perhaps a "phantom force" or "fictitious force" ...
... implying that it's a symptom we see of something we can't.

Fictitous / Phantom Force on Wikipedia

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