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US scientists create cloth that can listen

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 10:53 PM
I didn't see this posted on ATS yet so I decided I'll share this amazing news. We all need yo start going to school at MIT!!! This is really amazing news.

NEW YORK (AFP) – This could give a whole new meaning to the phrase power dressing. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a cloth that can hear and emit noise. The team, led by MIT professor Yoel Fink, has reached "a new milestone on the path to functional fibers: fibers that can detect and produce sound," MIT said in a statement. The development, described in the August issue of Nature Materials, transforms the usual passive nature of textiles into a virtually all-singing, all-dancing version.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 11:13 PM
Great find!

Of course, it's very Orwellian, isn't it? But I love the brainpower at MIT.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:15 AM
That is pretty cool, something like that would be nice for law enforcement stings, no more wire to search for, as long as the cloth can shut up.

great find


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