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Toddler Shot.... No Charges Being Filed !!!

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:31 PM

A 9-year-old boy fatally shot his 2-year-old brother while playing with a gun in Los Angeles, authorities said late Saturday.

The boy found the gun in his house, said Sgt. Tim Walters of the Los Angeles Police Department. While playing with it, he accidentally shot the toddler, Walters said.

No charges will be filed, according to Walters.

Police said they responded to a call Friday and found the toddler suffering from a single gunshot wound to the torso. Paramedics took him to a hospital, where he died later that night.

"Homicide detectives interviewed family members and determined that the gun had gone off while the 9-year-old was playing with it," police said in a statement.


What!!! No Charges being filed. I can't believe it.

Now wait, I'm not talking about charging the 9 year old.

What about the parents? Charge them, or even the gun owner, who's gun was it, how did the 9 year old even have access to the gun?

I want answers !!!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:36 PM
Agreed. Definitely a tragic incident that could've been avoided. The parents should definitely be charged and tried for keeping an unlocked loaded firearm around unsupervised children.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:39 PM
What sketchy news! I too want answers!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:42 PM
I would think that the parents would be charged with the wrongful death of their son, since it was their criminal negligence that allowed for there to be an accessible loaded firearm for an unsupervised child to acquire.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

You can not charge the child as he is within the "Age of Innocence".

As for charging the parents.. Well I think that is a subjective call IMO anyway..

While there was certainly neglect there, sometimes, not always, but sometimes adding a criminal charge to the pain that most parents will feel on losing a child, especially when it is so obviously their fault, can be unbearable..

We are looking for Justice here and not retribution after all... Correct?

VERY very few families remain together after the death of a child. Even if that death is purely accidental and no fault of the parents at all. In a situation such as this, I have little doubt the family will dissolve and many times, that can be a worse penalty than anything the authorities can impose.

In addition, many parents after events such as this, find life unbearable and either waste away or commit suicide..

Disclaimer: All of the foregoing is based solely on my experience...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:47 PM
parents are guilty ... how in the HELL do u let a freaking gun in a way that it can be get by children or any other person

thats just dumb

parents should be killed, lets be realistic, thats what they deserve ...

now, lets analyze this in a psychologically way: they didnt just lose 1 child, they will lose the other too, since I cant believe how in the hell will he live knowing that he killed his brother, and yes, one day he will find out ...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:48 PM
While I can't understand it all, I believe that California has a gun lock law. Meaning that if you don't securely lock up your weapon in either a lock box, or outfit it with a locking mechanism that allows a child to find, and fire it then you can be imprisoned.


Children are attracted to and can operate firearms that can cause severe injuries or death.

Prevent child access by always keeping guns locked away and unloaded when not in use. If you keep a loaded firearm where a child obtains and improperly uses it, you may be fined or sent to prison.

Thats the warning label that gun lock manufacturers have to by law attach to their items they sale.

Here's some of the law, I'm not sure if it only pertains to dealers or if it has any bearing in a case like this.

2008 Dangerous Weapons Control Law: ARTICLE 4.5. FIREARMS SAFETY DEVICES

I do hope the parents are charged.

I have 2 young boys, and I often have firearms in the home. I do keep them where I atleast hope they boys can't gain access to them. But I've also taught them gun safety and how to properly use a weapon.

I've taken them out and shown them that the firearm, unlike their toy gun is not a toy. I would hope that they have learned that a real gun is not a toy, and it will harm others and it should not be handled by a child.

I do plan on getting them "their own" firearms. And letting them go with me when I shoot, to learn how to properly use and respect a firearm.

I feel much sorrow for the family involved, and while persecuting them would only go to further their pain, their ineptitude has allowed this tragedy to blame, and in the end they bear the sole responsibility for it.

Sad situation, indeed.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Fair enough. I guess I should say, again, I want answers at least.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

There should be more information coming after it all settles down.. Police Departments are not completely heartless and will usually tend to keep things out of the media in cases like this; at least for a short while..

There is a period of grieving that must be attended to, regardless of who's fault it may or may not be. IMO of course...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 12:59 PM
So if the 9 year old accidently stabbed his brother with a butcher knife playing swords should the parents be charged? What good would charging the parents do in this situation? What possible worse punishment could they suffer then the loss of thier child?

People need to think, these people are not a danger to society and have already received the worst punishment they possibly could so it would serve no purpose to further punish them. It would break up the family and put there children into the system which would be worse IMO since kids in the system often turn out to be criminals.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Yes but in acting in the "spirit of the law" by not bringing charges against the parents, would be disregarding the fact that they failed to be responsible gun owners by leaving a loaded gun that was accessible to a child.

In a time when there are people who look to destroy our Second Amendment rights, it's not comforting to see irresponsible gun owners fuel their flames. I have little sympathy for the parents who should have taken every step to assure that the children in their home could not access the firearm. It was their RESPONSIBILITY!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
So if the 9 year old accidently stabbed his brother with a butcher knife playing swords should the parents be charged? What good would charging the parents do in this situation? What possible worse punishment could they suffer then the loss of thier child?

People need to think, these people are not a danger to society and have already received the worst punishment they possibly could so it would serve no purpose to further punish them. It would break up the family and put there children into the system which would be worse IMO since kids in the system often turn out to be criminals.

lol @ this question.

But my response, as a parent ^&$% yeah those people should be charged.

What makes you think anything good could come of 2 boys chasing each other around with butcher knifes?

"Officer, I didn't think they would actually stab each other, it was just so cute watching them wield these dangerous objects"

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by mistafaz

Agree completely...

However arrest powers are "discretionary" in every state I have ever worked.

This is not an easy situation to make a judgment on.. At least not for me...

I believe that if I was the investigating officer, I would probably wait until after the funeral and then perhaps.. PERHAPS.... quietly issue a criminal summons to the parents and let them plead their case to the court.. Kind of remove myself from the issue, if you know what I mean...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:12 PM
Why would you charge parents who just lost their child? Are they a future risk? Are they a public risk?

I can't see how that could be for the public good.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:18 PM
Well when you look at America.... It is obvious that this kind of tragedy will unfold. With their gun rhetoric what else would you expect. It seems like you want a gun on every coffee table so no duh kids are going to shoot themselves every month.

You can't help the kids unless the parents are helped first.

(My point being what kind of screwed up person would leaved a loaded gun around a child, it is almost as if America lacks common sense - it is happening TOO OFTEN)

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:18 PM
How can you say the parents were irresponsible, a gun is just a tool - like an electric drill, a chainsaw or nail gun and it's fine to leave...


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by 1xion325alpha
Well when you look at America.... It is obvious that this kind of tragedy will unfold. With their gun rhetoric what else would you expect. It seems like you want a gun on every coffee table so no duh kids are going to shoot themselves every month.

You can't help the kids unless the parents are helped first.

(My point being what kind of screwed up person would leaved a loaded gun around a child, it is almost as if America lacks common sense - it is happening TOO OFTEN)

There is a gun in every household in Switzerland by law. You just seem intent on attacking America. Nice.

This is a case of irresponsible parent(s)
Amazingly enough, when Australia Banned guns, your homicide rates stayed steady, just the instruments of death changed.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:43 PM
The parents should be charged with criminal neglect . I do not see much else wrong... mistakes happen all the time and yes they can be prevented. However many of you are going to whine about guns and to keep them locked up is really crazy. We have the right to possess a firearm and if we need it to protect the family it needs to be readily available.

These parents should've LOCKED it up in their room though. The 9-year old obviously knew where to get it and did. Tragic really.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Originally posted by hawkiye
So if the 9 year old accidently stabbed his brother with a butcher knife playing swords should the parents be charged? What good would charging the parents do in this situation? What possible worse punishment could they suffer then the loss of thier child?

People need to think, these people are not a danger to society and have already received the worst punishment they possibly could so it would serve no purpose to further punish them. It would break up the family and put there children into the system which would be worse IMO since kids in the system often turn out to be criminals.

lol @ this question.

But my response, as a parent ^&$% yeah those people should be charged.

What makes you think anything good could come of 2 boys chasing each other around with butcher knifes?

"Officer, I didn't think they would actually stab each other, it was just so cute watching them wield these dangerous objects"

So you keep all your butcher knives locked up and out of reach of your children I take it? The point is the parents were not there watching them play with guns as your false scenario tries to paint. And why should we appease your cry for vengeance instead of looking at what is best for the family in this situation? Again what purpose would it serve? You think they don't know now they just made the most tragic mistake of thier lives? They have already suffered the worst punishment they could.

And further thier neglect was not in not locking the gun up that is a false anti-gun lie that it is necassary to lock up your guns, their neglect is in not teaching thier 9 year old to shoot and what the awesome power of a gun can do. I was actively shooting by the time I was nine and had a healthy respect for what a gun could do. If this nine year old had been trained to shoot with gun safety he never would have been playing around with it like that. That's what happens when people buy into the anti-gun propaganda that your guns should always be locked up when not in use as if they are just adult sports toys and your children who are old enough should not know anything about them. Most people buy guns for self defense so lot of good they will do you locked up if some criminal confronts you in your home or otherwise.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

Im guessing that officials might be thinking that having your own child die, MIGHT, (just might) be punishment enough for being careless with your guns.

If that doesnt teach the parents to be more responsible with their firearms, nothing will, so whats the point of dragging them to court, fining or sentencing them, and spending tax payer money on the issue?

It just seems to me that any punishment on top of losing your child is redundant. Especially if the entire thing has been found to be accidental, and result of the 9 year old finding the gun.

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