posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 03:20 PM
I'm encouraged by the good sense I see in most responses this OP. In all ages we as humans do use symbols to represent those things that language
don't easily convey. I agree with the last post who said "can't we get past that to a point where we don't rely on symbols (paraphrase) to express
our human feelings or "enlightented" thoughts. I think language can express most of what we need to express.
Symbols are useful; they're also dangerous, in that they open doors to rooms or worlds that are not ours - not ruled by us.
I am in no ways a devout or worthy Christian, but I am the son of one who was and my heart still is. He will always a be a much better man than I. In
this sense, I remain a Christian and "enlightenment" is simply to be worthy to stand in the presence of God and humility is may not be the ticket,
but it is the attribute one must continually embrace to maintain that.
All new age religion is in some way built on the foundation of hubris, whether it's luciferian ideology or tranhumanism; the point is to become more
than human, essentially a god.
This is not my in my job description, and despite the many, many shortcomings of organized religions through the ages, the teachings nearly
universally do not preach that we ARE god, but that god can be in us. The metaphor (which I think for the most part is as good as any symbol) is that
we can become the best of what it means to a human being. I'm not going to prosyletize here, nor do I anywhere, but I have seen things that witness
to other powers, other worlds that we stand on the threshold of from time to time. They're not all good; they do speak of powers beyond us and they
do whisper of powers accessible to us. The problem is any part of our humanity we relinquish we become less human and I have seen the most incredibly
inspiring acts come from people who stand rooted in their humanity, their fallibility, their humility and the possession of the things we need not
symbols, but actions to manifest: kindness, generosity, selflessness - in short, heroism. Stay human. Make if mean something better by your actions.
You do not need esoteric knowledge to get there.