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Neanderthal Males Had Popeye-Like Arms

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:00 PM

Arm bone remains show that Neanderthals were unusually pumped up on male hormones, possibly due to an all-meat diet.

This is really amazing find. Can you imagine going toe to toe with a Neanderthal? We're lucky as a species to have survived.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:06 PM
These "people" had larger heads, am I correct? So that means larger brains too? Correct me if I'm wrong, just trying to figure it all out.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:06 PM
It's The Thinker
Neanderthal style! Lol. Great picture.

Anyway, I think it's generally accepted that Neanderthal
was shorter, stockier and much stronger than modern man.

Popeye might still be able to take 'em, though!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel

This is really amazing find. Can you imagine going toe to toe with a Neanderthal? We're lucky as a species to have survived.

They were actually quite successful for a long time. Part of me hates to boil it down to just this, but - We developed ranged weapons (spear throwers, bows, etc). It gave us the technological advantage, so we didn't have to go toe to toe.

Like in hunting - Neanderthal could (and did) apparently hunt by going toe to toe with his dinner. A modern human couldn't really go toe to toe with most ice age critters. But, their brains allowed them to develop ways to kill from a distance.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

You're right! Here's a great article of facts about Neanderthal's.

Did you know we can clone one for a short amount of cash?


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:12 PM
Interesting, thanks for posting.

I wonder if this was also because of creatine levels being high due to the amount of meat eaten?

From Wiki...

Creatine has become increasingly commonly used by body builders to improve their ability to build muscle tissue. "By allowing you to perform more work as a result of additional energy, increased protein synthesis is stimulated. Secondly, when an abundance of creatine phosphate is stored in the muscle, the muscle will hold more water in its cells and become what is known as "volumized" or "super-hydrated." The more volumized a muscle is, the more it will promote the synthesis of protein as well as deter protein breakdown.


posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

You're right! Here's a great article of facts about Neanderthal's.

Did you know we can clone one for a short amount of cash?

So a larger brain means smarter than us correct? I guess there are some things out there with larger brains than us that would prove that wrong. But imagine something powerful and smart like that! It really is a miracle we survived at all!

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Negative. Larger brain does not necessarily equate to intelligence. Interesting synopse

The brain size of Neandertals was close to that of modern humans, and the structural organization of their brains was essentially the same as well. The average Neandertal brain was actually somewhat larger than the brains of most people today. However, the difference is minimal when people of similar body size are compared. In fact, the average Neandertal brain may have been slightly smaller from this perspective. The large heads and massive but short bodies of Neandertals very likely were more efficient in cold climates and were probably selected for by nature. This trend has been observed among contemporary Native American populations living in sub-arctic environments. A larger head and more compact body shape potentially produce more body heat relative to the amount that is lost to the environment through radiation. A bigger brain carries a high energy overhead.

[edit on 6-7-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 08:00 PM
This claims what my wife has been telling me for years. I am a neanderthal. Did I not read something on ATS about a muscle in the forearm about to go extinct? Only about 7% of males in the world have it now.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

I'm going to disagree with the conclusion of popeye arms due to all meat diet as bunk and possibly has a hidden agenda behind it on grounds that there are plenty of muscular vegan body builders.

Protein is protein folks, plant or animal, it's the same thing and yes... You can get popeye arms eating your fruits, nuts and veggies.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by sirnex

You're right! look at Gorillas. Gorillas are herbivores, Gorillas are larger then man and are even stronger then about three men together.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by sirnex

You're right! look at Gorillas. Gorillas are herbivores, Gorillas are larger then man and are even stronger then about three men together.

Don't even have to look at gorillas, just google vegan body builder.

Too many people think that you can only get proteins from eating meat in order to gain muscle mass. Simply uneducated, naive and untrue garbage if you ask me!


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