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Giants really were really giants.

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posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 04:37 PM

One can accept that there might once have existed giants who were a bit bigger than us, but apon flicking about on YouTube I discovered the above video from a Russian source. It is massively obvious that during the last Ice Age cycle, and perhaps before it, there existed a race of collossal men and women. According to Professor Yostrum of Sweden in his book "Subdue the Earth" he states that during that time sea levels globally were up to 6000 metres lower than today. So I suspect that the main bulk of the archeological evidences for that race of giants would be deep under the present day sea level and largely engulfed in mud.

In the Book of Genesis you can read that before the Flood of Noah there existed a race of giants. Those giants were cannibalism, which according to the author of the Book of Genesis, was reason why the LORD sent the Flood of Noah, so as to wipe away all the sins of men. It is stated that although they were not included in the passengers onboard of the Noahs Ark nevertheless a few of those giants did survive the Flood of Noah.

In what is now the Kingdom of Jordan there are the ruins of the City of Petra. It was destroyed by a massive earthquake in 363 AD. All inhabitats are believed to have died. After that earthquake the Romans usurped the authority of the LORD, thus constructing the Saint Peters in Rome and claiming to bear the Keys of the Church, the Throne of God, the LORD of PETRA, meaning the Ruler of the World. The Rose City. PETRA were a City of Giants. The houses must have been massive constructions towering into the sky.

When the Hebrews left Egypt, it is the LORD of the City of Petra who armed them, and sent them to murder the Cannanites. "The LORD is a man of war. The LORD is his name" The Book of Exodus chapter 15 verse 3. During and just after the last Ice Age the area now called the Kingdom of Jordan was more fertile and moist than it is today. Most of the ruins of Petra are so massive in scale that to the eye of the tourist the ruins are considered to be geological features in the desert landscape. It is only by satellite photography that we get a clear picture as to the gigantic scale of the constructions.


[edit on 4/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Interesting OP. Thanks for this.


I believe that there were giants, or what they called giants back then.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:03 AM
Thanks for the video, I have often wondered whether there was any truth to the idea of Giants in the past.
Honestly I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibility but I would like to see more hard evidence on the subject. I am sure some of the photos in that video have been debunked before, but some of the others perhaps have not..

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:21 AM
The subject of Giants existing in our past is always fascinating. I will have to point out something, though.

I have been to Jordan this year, on a family trip, and we visited the City of Petra. Sorry, but I don't think there were any giants there. The constructions, the water system, tools, houses, everything I have seen is man-size, not Giant size.

That doesn't mean giants never existed. I just don't buy the theory that they lived in Petra. Also, Petra was one of the most hidden cities I have seen, which goes against this theory of a huge city towering high up to the skies. The romans had a hard time even finding it! Which wouldn't be the case if the city was so obviously out there with towering constructions.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 06:44 AM
they may not have lived in the city Petra but don't forget the OP also stated that sealevel was about 6000 metres lower, I think that number also is farfetched because most oceans aren't even deeper than 6000 metres at most places. Point against that is that oxigenlevels would be higher like in dinosaur ages what also produced large species.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:08 AM
Interesting Subject Interesting video

although many pictures in the video have already been proven fake
there is few which I never seen before

Great Topic

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:13 AM
This was a great post...

This is my first time replying on this board, so I ask that you welcome me...been a lurker for a while...

Either way I do believe there were giants. There is too much evidence to support the theory. Its written all throughout the bible. The Lord himself is a giant, its mentioned when he takes Mose's within his hands in Exodus (though I have my own theories on that subject). But what I can't understand is why did he order his people (Israelite's) to destroy the other giants and hybrid giants. The old testament is riddled with this fact.

I don't think the Lord was responsible for the deluge...IMHO I think there were several, 3 to be exact...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 07:22 AM
Thanks, S&F

This is really FarOut... although, it makes alot of Sense. It would explain how many of the ancient structure Sites around the World were built. With Giant Muscle Power !

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:33 PM
Thankyou for responding to my thread. All your various points are valid. As regard to the extent to which sea level goes down during Ice Ages, I quoted from Professor Yostrum of Sweden, in his book "Subdue the Earth", because he was a very good professional geologist, and was widely respected for his ground breaking researches. In his book he made it clear that 6000 metres to the human being seems huge, but when put into a global perspective that 6000 metres is actually relatively nothing. In fact the Oceans of the world are shallow. Yes, in the deepest of the Ice Ages the Oceans of the World literally evaporated, leaving vaste areas that were dry lands. During Ice Ages the continents, where we are now living, become way above the snow line, thus it just snows and snows unendingly, even during the summertime. So where we are now living would have been, and again will be, uninhabitable under deep layers of ice and snow, similar to as is Antarctica. However, the newly exposed land that is presently underwater, was and will again become, habitable for us.

New discoveries are always slow to penetrate the psyche of the population. Experts are often reluctant to speak their mind for this very reason. I always knew that some people were a bit on the big side, I am not that small, but what really has shaken me is that the giants were so really exceptionally big. It is astonishing to us now, but in years to come the children of that time will know, that in deed, such huge giants did once exist. Also something to contemplate is the possibility that such giants are still around ?

As regard to the postulation that I make, about PETRA being a city of giants, I am convinced that I am correct. What the tourists are usually shown is no more than a few things constructed by the Romans. What I show you in the several images from space is that the hugeness of the archeological sites is unimaginable to the average man or woman of today. Obviously not everyone in PETRA was a giant, however it is pretty certain that the LORD was a giant. I suspect that he was a really true giant. It would have been very awesome and inspiring dread. Lesser men were probably very glad when the earthquake struck in 363 AD. The Romans immediately leapt onto the opportunity to claim the THRONE OF THE LORD, shifting it to Rome thus establishing the Vatican and the Papal Authority. From their point of view the LORD their GOD actually died. But is now conveniently resurrected [reincarnated] in the body form of Pope Benedict XVI.

The ruins of PETRA were kept as a secret, and were only admitted to in the past few years. What the tourists see is just a hand full of inferior items constructed by the Romans for trade and diplomatic reasons. At the time of Jesus the City of Petra was still in its full glory, and the Jewish were having to pay taxes not just to the Romans, but to the City of Petra as well. Even the Egyptians were wanting taxes from the Jewish ? Egypt in the form of Queen Cleopatra wanted to tax the Romans ? Triple taxation ? Is this why Jesus made commentation saying that one cannot be serving two masters. One will love the one, but will hate the other. Clearly the Jewish had a problem to know which way to turn. Dare I suggest that taxation is slavery ?

Just as extra information. I want to clarify that in my opinion Jesus was certainly not a man and even more certainly not Jewish. How can we know this ? From the Gospels contained in the Bible. We know from science that masculinity is caused by male gamete. It is transmitted sexually. Thus in the Bible Gospels we are told that Mary the Mother of Jesus was not a Jew, nor even a Hebrew, that she was of ancestry going back to Ninevah of Mesopotamia. A sumerian. Aramaic speaking arab. The Bible Gospels are clear about the fact that Mary became pregnant by way of the process of Virgin Conception, known modernly as PARTHENOGENESIS, thus how would male gamete have gotten into the picture where by to make Jesus a masculine child ? Obviously Jesus must have been a daughter. Since Mary was not a Jew therefore Jesus also could not possibly have been a Jew either. I state that it is extremely likely that Jesus was a Buddhist Nun. Buddhism had been in existance a good 600 years prior to the time of Jesus.

The whole belief structure about Jesus being a man and a Jew began in 325 AD through convocation of the "Council of Nicea" paid for by the Roman Emperor Constantine, who later set up shop in Byzantium, changing its name to Constantinople. Now we call it Istanbul. Notice that Rome through supporting Jewish ideas, were subverting the authority of the City of Petra, which was still strong at that time. It was not until 363 AD that the earthquake destroyed the City of Petra forever. Similar as to how in our time the United States of America "New World Order" ILLUMINATI are using support for Israeli Zionism to subvert the authority of the Roman Catholic Church ? I suspect that the USA is home to not just a few giants ? They thinking to restore the Lost Atlantis ?

My conjecture is that the satellite photography, which I have provided here in this thread, is proof that the City of Petra was home to a civilization that is older than, and far greater than, either Mesopotamia or Egypt. The lack of on the ground, in the field, open and fully in the public domain, archeology is cause for the considerable lack of evidence to back up my conjecture. Once the archeological evidences start to show that PETRA was in deed such a majestic capital, I wonder what will be the public reaction ? A civilization of giants ? A race of gods ? Super human intellect ? Even the possibility that PETRA was a space port ? Sadly Professor Sitchin is an old man now and might not live long enough to share his amazement as we probe into the mysterious ruins of the lost City of Petra. I also wonder what Eric Von Daniken, author of the book "Chariots of the Gods", might like to say as regard to PETRA ? Remembering that the ruins are so huge in scale such that no one will be able to understand what it is they are looking at. The bricks used to construct the buildings would be the size of a present day automobile or small bus or even bigger ?

[edit on 5/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:37 PM
Pre-flood humans lived to be 700+ years...

Of course there were giants. You think a 6 foot tall, 500 year old, 180 man made the Ark?

Nope. Noah was a very large, giant, human being...

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by henriquefd
The subject of Giants existing in our past is always fascinating. I will have to point out something, though.

I have been to Jordan this year, on a family trip, and we visited the City of Petra. Sorry, but I don't think there were any giants there. The constructions, the water system, tools, houses, everything I have seen is man-size, not Giant size.

That doesn't mean giants never existed. I just don't buy the theory that they lived in Petra. Also, Petra was one of the most hidden cities I have seen, which goes against this theory of a huge city towering high up to the skies. The romans had a hard time even finding it! Which wouldn't be the case if the city was so obviously out there with towering constructions.

I to have been to petra on a few occasions , and agree with your observations , it was carved into the rock about as far as you can get from towering into the skies hence it being called "the lost city of"

[edit on 5-7-2010 by gambon]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Giant do exist. This one was less than 200 years ago:

Angus Mòr MacAskill, frequently referred to as Giant MacAskill (1825 – August 8, 1863), was known as the world's largest "true" giant (normal proportions, no growth abnormalities). The 1981 Guinness Book of World Records lists Angus as the tallest natural giant who ever lived, the strongest man who ever lived, and the man having the largest chest measurements of any non-obese man (80 inches, or 2,000 mm).


As a child he was also said to be of normal stature, but in entering his adolescence he began to grow rapidly and by his 20th year had attained 7 ft 4 in (2.24 m), eventually reaching 7 ft 9 in (2.36 m) within another year or two. His early adult weight was 425 pounds (193 kg), but usually was over 500 pounds (230 kg). His shoulders were 44 inches (110 cm) wide, and the palm of his hand 8 inches (20 cm) wide and 12 inches (30 cm) long; by 1863 he was wearing boots 17.5 inches (44 cm) long. He had deep-set blue eyes, a musical, if somewhat hollow voice and a mild and pleasant manner. Despite his size he was well proportioned.

Just remember that the dude in the pic is 6'4".

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 01:56 PM
Paddy Heron is an Irishman who has studied this topic for many years and has writtten books about giants. He is on youtube doing a presentation which is very interesting.

I think there are 7 parts but it adds to this topic if your interested


PS: please let me know what you think of the Paddy Heron video,s I found them fascinating. Hope you enjoy!

[edit on 5-7-2010 by albertfothergill]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
Pre-flood humans lived to be 700+ years...

Of course there were giants. You think a 6 foot tall, 500 year old, 180 man made the Ark?

Nope. Noah was a very large, giant, human being...

I fully agree. The commentations in the Book of Genesis stating about the Pre Flood "Patriarchs" living to be 900 years old and more, is only now being proven to be reality. Noah did live to be 950 years old. If only we could live to be getting on a thousand years of age, then we too would no doubt also become a race of giants ? I am now 53 years age and in all my life I have never really stopped growing. I have shot up an inch or two since last year. I am now 5' 9". Getting to be a giant probably cannot happen quickly. So long as we take care to be healthy, avoiding cancer, then I think the average life span is going to go up. See how the polititians are cottoning on to this fact and are thus pushing up the retirement age to 75 ? I take all the mineral and vitamins that are recommended. I do not smoke tobacco nor do I drink alcohol and I am certainly not interested in getting hooked on drugs. The other week I was getting pains in all my bones and joints, so I went to the doctor for a chat about it. We joked that it is growing pains, because I am going to become a 15 foot tall nordic giant in my old age.

[edit on 5/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:04 PM
Fascinating stuff, thank you for the information

Curiosity: is there any meaning for the title to be a palindrome?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Someday people are just going to have to face the fact that if the Bible says giants, theres no getting arond the meaning of giants. It's obvious there were giants on the earth at one time and hybrid monsters as described in greek mythology also even. There's your next quest. Many egyptian frescos, reliefs and stele's show genetic hybrids. the thing about ancient art works for me is, I don't believe they wasted time putting lies or fairytales to their artwork. They were honoring something that was real in their art always.

Snf on some different information about another truth of the Bible that certain people will only deny or try to ignore..

[edit on 5-7-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:07 PM
I have no idea if giants existed, but please do keep in mind that the video in the OP contains many images of well known/documented hoaxes ... that in itself all but kills the cred of the video.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:12 PM

I have no idea if giants existed, but please do keep in mind that the video in the OP contains many images of well known/documented hoaxes ... that in itself all but kills the cred of the video
reply to post by schrodingers dog

The video I didn't even watch. I don't have to . There is so much archeological evidence like gigantic axe heads found all over the world.
Besides all I for one need to begin with is the Bible. Nothing but truth there.

[edit on 5-7-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:45 PM
do'nt forgett the agient greek oddyseus told by homerus tricked an giant....

the story might be guinne... couse troy was found by it also....

[edit on 5-7-2010 by ressiv]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM
. Similar as to how in our time the United States of America "New World Order" ILLUMINATI are using support for Israeli Zionism to subvert the authority of the Roman Catholic Church ? I suspect that the USA is home to not just a few giants ? They thinking to restore the Lost Atlantis ?

[edit on 5/7/2010 by CAELENIUM]

You must remember that they are evil and demonic, They are the fallen ones sons. Satan's spawn so to say. Read what Enoch has to say about these Giants and their fathers the WATCHERS. They are very scary.

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