The object above was found in Almere, the Netherlands. Archeologist's don't have a clue what the object is, some suggest it was a toilet seat but
that is not likely.
The object is 63.5 cm high, 37 cm wide and 6 cm thick. It seems made of schist (a type of rock), but certainly is not. On the sides are curved,
parallel grooves present, perhaps made by a chisel? Is unknown when the pier where it was found, was built.
Source: www.almere.nl...
It looks like a religious icon to me. The arch shape could be an arched doorway and a figure could have been standing in the middle or candle placed
My first reaction to seeing the image was that it looked like a frame to hold a mirror. Though now that I'm looking at the size, it's a bit large to
a mirror frame.
Since this was near a pier, maybe it was some sort of thing that rope was woven through to hold a line of rope or weight a net down or something. I
think part of the middle has broken out, so if we know what would be in the middle, we might guess what it is.
Im non too nautically aware...but this looks as if its some sort of rope buckle...or a carabiner kind of aparatus for shortening or lengthening the
slack on a rope.
hmmm. maybe it was a sundial, or some other instrument of measurement .
another thought is some sort of alter or decoration, and my last thought was possibly some sort of cooking or washing container like a colander,
because it seems like the center held some other carving or design, but why wouldn't it be a basket of reeds or grass.
I need more pictures. Is that the only picturey they provide.
And I have come to the conclusion that internet translators botch English as much as they have botched other languages I have tried to use on other
people. LOL
I really don't know what it could be, but based on it's appearance I can't help but think that it is a part of a larger item rather than the item
itself. For example if our society were to collapse tomorrow and in a thousand years all that could be found is a steering wheel from a car, but no
one had the concept of a car they might be mystified as well.
I agree with those who suggest that it is a part of a ship or harbourage through which the mooring rope was passed and tied. It might have been a part
of the pier ? How old is the pier ? Did the modern day pier have a prehistoric original, that was destroyed to make way for the new one ? In that
process parts might have fallen into the water. The grooves would be from the wear and tear from the abrasions of the ropes mooring at the pier. Being
made from stone was because it would thus last longer than its wooden equivalent. Metal fittings might once have been there too, but probably rusted
or were melted as scrap ?
Schist is a fragile type of stone which would indicate that the object is not actually what I speculated it to be in the above paragraph. Instead I
now think that it is more likely to be an object of religious significance. To be used ritualistically in some sort of pagan ceremonial situation. The
pier itself originally might have been home to a pagan temple ? Only later did it take on a more functional existance. Being a circular object it
would be symbolic of the feminine genitalia. Symbolic of the Goddess commonly called ISIS. Water is traditionally her sacred element. Thus the origin
of the English word ICE. In China she is called GUANYIN. Biblically she is refered to as the HOLY SPIRIT. In Chinese context the object would have
been made of Green Jade, the Green Buddha TARA being the True Buddha, the Feminine Buddha, but in the European Danish context of this object the use
of Schist, which is a relatively fragile type of stone, would have been the local equivalent of such Chinese Green Jade ? Same ancient pagan feminist
religion, but far away from each other in time and space. Manifestations of "THE ONE" eternal and unchanging and absolute TRUTH of the
FEMININITY of the TRUE GOD. Notice that the word "one" begins with the letter "O". Is this not the shape of the object we are looking at ? The
name of the town where this object was found is called ALMERE which is Dutch language but is understood despite this as being reference to the
original nature of that community. ALL-MERE being literally translated as a "community composed entirely of virgins girls only". What the pagan
Romans would call a DISTRICT COLOMBIA where only the virgins of the temple were permitted to enter. Or in English it means the Temple District. A
lesbians pagan community dedicated to their Goddess. This object might have been ritualistically important to them, but was destroyed by invading
hords of drunken and violent men [drone bees] raping and pillaging ? One last idea is that the object is a DOOR KNOCKER that was once on the main door
to that [bee hive] Temple of Isis ? Just another possibility is that a giantess, literally the Goddess of that Temple District was using it as an
accutrament for arranging her hair ? Such giants really did exist and if such a Nordic and giant lady [queen bee] were protecting her maidens [worker
bees] that might explain the origins of ALMERE the Bee Hive ?
ALMERE is the Netherlands town where this object was found. I insert the text although it is in Dutch language. Can anyone translate it for us ?
Bijzondere archeologische vondst gedaan in Almere
Op het archeologisch spreekuur van Nieuw Land in Lelystad is onlangs bij archeoloog Dick Velthuizen een bijzondere vondst uit Almere aangemeld.
Het is het tot dusver meest raadselachtige voorwerp uit Almere van de afgelopen tien jaar. De vraag naar wat het is of was, hoe oud, waar het vandaan
komt, door wie en hoe deze merkwaardige steen in het Almeerse Weerwater is terecht gekomen, is uitgezet bij diverse deskundigen. Maar definitieve
antwoorden zijn er nog niet...
Het voorwerp
De vondst werd gedaan aan de oostkant van het Weerwater, in het Lumièrepark. Ten westen van het Fongerspad is een pier in het Weerwater met aan de
voet ervan een natuurstenen oeverbescherming. Het voorwerp is gevonden tussen de stenen van die oeverbescherming en waarschijnlijk daarmee aangevoerd.
Het voorwerp is 63,5 cm hoog, 37 cm breed en 6 cm dik. Het lijkt gemaakt uit schist (een soort gesteente), maar zeker is dat nog niet. Op de zijkanten
zijn gekromde, parallelle groeven aanwezig, misschien van een beitel? Onbekend is ook wanneer de pier is aangelegd.
Heeft u een idee?
De deskundigen onderzoeken op dit moment om wat voor voorwerp het gaat. Heeft u een idee wat het kan zijn? Geef uw suggestie door aan Bureau
Archeologie en Monumentenzorg van de gemeente Almere via [email protected]. Vermeld in de onderwerpregel van de e-mail ‘Archeologische vondst’.
Iedereen die zich meldt, krijgt een leuke archeologische attentie.