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Another Glorious Day for the Religion of Peace

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posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:14 AM
Yes, just another in the never-ending stream of acts of insanity perpetrated by Islamic extremist freakoids...this one against fellow Muslims.

Two homicide bombers...42 dead, scores injured.

Oh, I know...this does not represent mainstream Islam, just because it happens every single day...these are people who have high-jacked the religion, even though Imams the world over preach happened because of America/Britain/Santa Claus, and so hundreds of other Muslims needed to be slaughtered.

I also know that, to say such things, I must not understand Islam...or I am a bigot of some kind...or I am part of the problem.

In response, in advance, I say...blah, blah, blah.

[edit on 2-7-2010 by mobiusmale]

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

And, right on cue...this massacre is America's fault !


posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

If it wasn't the US fault then they probably still funded it...

How much US money is going to Terrorists???

Read a few threads and find out...

We MUST keep them all scared...

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 04:29 AM
Okay that's great. Obviously you don't want us to have a discussion and we all have to agree with your opinion.

What a pointless thread.


posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 05:10 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if it were completely done by US or UK.
for OP btw, you're quite good at jumping into conclusions.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

I certainly do now jump to the conclusion that Islamic "radicals" are the source of a never ending sting of mass murders...against random civilians, including people of their own faith. And countless other atrocities like cutting off the heads of reporters...or stoning rape victims to death...or...well, the list goes on.

How much more evidence does anyone need? Pick up the paper, or click into a news site any day for additional stories if you need them.

As for my tongue-in-cheek "blah, blah, blah"...this is also based on my experience at ATS...that before long the thread would be blessed with the usual crowd of apologists and anti-westerners who either deny that the problem exists, or will blame anybody/anything else but Islam.

As...has happened already.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 07:24 AM

But a spokesman for Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan denied it was involved in Thursday's attack, the second bloody bombing against religious sites in Lahore in just over a month.

"We are not responsible for these attacks, this is a conspiracy by foreign secret agencies, you know we do not attack public places," Azam Tariq told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.

"We condemn this brutal act. Our target is very clear and we only attack police, army and other security personnel," he added.

Did you get this far in the article I wonder?

I certainly do now jump to the conclusion that Islamic "radicals" are the source of a never ending sting of mass murders...against random civilians, including people of their own faith. And countless other atrocities like cutting off the heads of reporters...or stoning rape victims to death...or...well, the list goes on.

Do you want me to start listing what western governments, corporations and military forces have done to their lands and people? Why are you judging them by western standards anyway, we have entirely different cultures. Yes some of the things they do are barbaric but likewise some of the things that happen here are equally as screwed up.

Its 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 10:23 AM
Before 9/11, not too many Westerners cared all that much about what Muslims were doing. Sure, there were always those sympathetic to Israel, that kept their hand on the pulse of the never-ending Palestinian vs. Israeli situation, but for the most part, it wasn't important to the average Joe.

But then came 9/11, which most believe was a false-flag attack. In other words, not enough people were worried "enough" about the Muslims, so an incident was created to get everyone on board.

Looks like it worked! Today, in spite of plenty of evidence that says Muslims were not responsible for 9/11, Westerners everywhere are afraid of them, and many even "hate" them.

Who gains, besides the obvious (Israel)? The people who run the world, those infamous "Powers that Be", they have made changes, especially within America, due to 9/11, that they might not have been able to have otherwise. What happened to our imagined "freedoms"? They're mostly gone now, post the Bush era. Could that have been the plan all along?

Continuing this "plan", if we can all hate each other enough, maybe we can repeat some history, and some serious mutual annihilation will reduce the masses of "useless eaters", so our masters can one day enjoy their much-desired future Utopia (where they rule, and we (all) serve.

As mentioned by other posters here already, Western governments, CIA, Mossad and other intelligence operations, these folks are in the middle of all the chaos, time and time again!

Sure, we can all learn about Islam, find out how retrogressive it is, how they would prefer to take us all back a few centuries, how they treat their women, etc. And OK, we'll get that old hate going again. But, have we just played into the hands of our masters...again?

It seems like whoever is in charge of this game down here, they are geting to the point where they want an all-out, hot war, with many millions of victims, on all sides. You do know that after the previous world Wars, the former "world order" was almost instantly replaced with what came after. Which was so much closer to what today we usually call the "New World Order". Since it's worked so beautifully in the past, shouldn't we prudently think it will likely happen again? And then what? After they've torn the world apart, how ill they put it back together again?

After saying all this, I would not want to sweep Islam under the rug just yet. In fact, my own research indicates the TPTB have assigned a special role for Islam to play in this stage of their plan to make a worldwide "Plantation" for their pathetic slaves (us) in the coming NWO.

A half-century ago, the Jews were written into the script, big time. Today, it's Islam's turn. We're going to see more of it, and here's a bombshell for some out there: Our children, or grandchildren, etc...THEY will be a type of future "Muslim", if our master's diabolical plans succeed!

Here's why. To have a successful Plantation, you need to have good slaves. And the best slave, is one who will not rebel, who will actually believe it's God's (allah's!) "will" for him to toil for his masters. It's all been done before, with the "serf religion" (christianity), but that hand has been played.

I call it the "slave religion of the future". It's NOT Islam! But, Islam has been given a big part to play. I blog about it, for those who want to read more...

JR MacBeth
MyBlog: Gathering Storms Ahead

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Well, let's see what the Religion of Peace has been up to recently...

45 Killed in Pakistan Homocide Attack...July 9, 2010

Dozens killed in Baghdad suicide bombing...July 8, 2010

Suicide car bomber kills soldier in NW Pakistan...July 6, 2010

Suicide bomber kills 25 Iraqi Shi'ite pilgrims...July 7, 2010

Suicide bomber kills five in Baghdad...July 9, 2010

Al-Shabab Vows Jihad Against New Troops...July 7, 2010

Police raid Islamic University: 7 arrested...July 8, 2010

Trans-Atlantic airlines plot: the frontline troops...July 8, 2010

Explosions Kill One, Injuries Two Occur in Elasha Biyaha Village...July 8, 2010

Yep...more of the same...destruction, mayhem, pain and death from our friendly neighborhood Muslims.

So, how can all of this be happening, when Islam (supposedly) preaches peace and tolerance? How can it be, when (supposedly) it is only a tiny minority of Muslims who support the use of deadly acts of violence to achieve political and religious goals?

Because, of course, the preceding two statements are hogwash.

Islamic Terror Caused by Small Minority of Muslims? Facts Prove Opposite

Here are only a few noteworthy excerpts...

a) Muslim support for terrorist attacks against civilians:

Jordan: 88% sometimes or rarely, 11% never
Lebanon: 58% sometimes or rarely, 33% never
Pakistan: 44% sometimes or rarely, 35% never

b) Suicide bombing...Muslims who call it justified range from 13 percent (in Germany) to 69 percent (in Nigeria)

c) When British Muslims were asked, "Is Britain your country?" only one in four claim that it is. Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law

d) Sixty-eight percent support the arrest and prosecution of those British people who "insult Islam."...

e) All the Muslim populations polled display a solid majority of support for Osama bin Laden. Asked whether they have confidence in him, Muslims replied positively, ranging between 8 percent (in Turkey) to 72 percent (in Nigeria)...

f) Some 47 percent of 62-year-olds surveyed were inclined to support terrorism ...

I really have to wonder when the world is going to wake up to the reality of what Islam really stands for, what it is all about - and what their intentions are for mankind?

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

Muslims pay tribute to UK's armed forces in Afghanistan

Maybe, you could look at news sources that aren't far-right orientated?

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

All that shows is that there's a lot of catching up to do!

Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan

Iraq Body Count

So, how can all of this be happening, when America (supposedly) preaches peace and tolerance? How can it be, when (supposedly) it is only a tiny minority of Americans who support the use of deadly acts of violence to achieve political and religious goals?

Please note: this is not intended to be anti-American, just show mobiusmale the bigotry of his post and that we're really all tarred with the same brush. I could say the same for UK but stats are harder to come by.

And i see no evidence in your link to Right Side News showing the source of the stats quoted in the article. So if you can provide backup to these claims/polls/studies it would be much appreciated.

I could also link to many stories showing UK/US causing many of civilian casualties and deaths.

So if someone blows up civilians in a marketplace with a IED in the name of Islam that's wrong, but if they drop a massive bomb from a plane onto someone's house in the name of freedom that's ok?

You need to realise that until you clean we clean our own houses it's hypocritical to complain about how dirty someone elses is.

Also, it seems from your own source that Muslims aren't the only ones that like to kill innocent civilians:

I remember after 9/11 some nutcase in California killed a turban-wearing Sikh from India, because he thought he was an Arab.

There was an incident in Dallas immediately after Nine-Eleven. Another nutcase armed himself and drove around in his pickup on a killing spree. One victim was an Indian mini-grocer who'd lived there, legally and peacefully, for about 30 years. As I recall, this nut also killed a Pakistani shopkeeper, similarly situated and injured a Mexican. And as I recall, several such incidents occurred nationwide.

[edit on 9-7-2010 by Nammu]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 07:44 AM
At least they're playing amongst themselves.

As for blaming America for this, I'm sure Obama will blame Bush. That seems to be his standard answer to everything he's screwed up lately.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 07:52 AM
My quote from my signature says it all:

The elimination of Religion is the most effective step mankind can take for the goal of world peace.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

Very well stated.

It's nice to see the defenders of this religion, established by a pedophile, defend it's virtues so vigorously.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Nammu

Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan

Iraq Body Count

What is interesting is that the "Iraq Body Count" link that you use to somehow support your arguments show nothing but Muslim on Muslim violence in recent days (months?). Whose side are you arguing...but thanks for the additional information.

The U.S. and allied forces kill civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, true. What shocking news this is...that in a war zone, sometimes civilians get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Do we ruthlessly target civilians to make a point...or get revenge...or to strike fear in the population? Not usually. Is this a tactic commonly used by Muslim extremists? Absolutely yes.

So, how can all of this be happening, when America (supposedly) preaches peace and tolerance? How can it be, when (supposedly) it is only a tiny minority of Americans who support the use of deadly acts of violence to achieve political and religious goals?

Clever, and of course turnaround is fair play. But you miss the mark in two ways. First, the United States is not a reiligion...Islam claims to be one. Second, the post remarks on on-going violent acts by a group of people who claim to peaceful...but clearly are not. So, how does talking about the U.S. or Britain diminish my point?

This is like me saying that Islam is a religion founded by a homocidal maniac, and they continue to follow his example...and you countering by saying that Drug Lords order their gangs to kill people

Please note: this is not intended to be anti-American, just show mobiusmale the bigotry of his post and that we're really all tarred with the same brush. I could say the same for UK but stats are harder to come by.

If I told you that Germans tried their best, during WWII, to wipe out the Jews and the Gypsies, would you claim I am bigoted against Germany? If I said that the Japanese went into Najing and butchered over 200,000 innocent Chinese people during the war, am I an anti-Japanese bigot?

If I noted that there has been a real rash of pedophilic episodes involving Catholic Priests and Brothers, am I anti-Catholic? If I were to point out that in America and Canada, at one point, we were involved in the genocide of the Native peoples, now I am an anti-North American bigot?

Because someone points out the crimes of a person, or an identifiable group that is perpetrating crimes, it does not make them a bigot...simply a reporter who is no afraid to call a spade a spade.

And i see no evidence in your link to Right Side News showing the source of the stats quoted in the article. So if you can provide backup to these claims/polls/studies it would be much appreciated.

What, before we post on ATS now we need to quote the sources of our sources or our sources? Give me a break. If you are not satisfied with the information presented by the author of the article linked to, why not try to find some contradicting evidence from another source? Then we can have a conversation.

I could also link to many stories showing UK/US causing many of civilian casualties and deaths.

So if someone blows up civilians in a marketplace with a IED in the name of Islam that's wrong, but if they drop a massive bomb from a plane onto someone's house in the name of freedom that's ok?

You need to realise that until you clean we clean our own houses it's hypocritical to complain about how dirty someone elses is.

Again, this thread and post is about what Islam is doing, and what they are really about. If you want to start a thread about atrocities that Western powers are responsible for, then you should do so.

But, even if I were to agree with you about your view my mother used to say to me, "two wrongs do not make a right".

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