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Large arsenal of links to medical studies on cannabis

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posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 01:00 AM
I must also admit. It could have well saved me.
I was designated as an A.D.D kid by my school in grade 4
I took Ritalin for four years.
I'll be honest it worked wonders...while I was at school"
Thing was, thats all i would think about.
I turned into an academic zombie.
I stopped taking it in grade 8. My marks fell but werent as bad as before.
So it was a good compromise.
Now in high school as much teens are I was wreckless and of course trying to find my self.
I skipped everyday for 2 years and just chilled with friends.
It wasn't till I started using heavier, that was when I realized...I gotta get on this school #.
I'll be honest.
I would use before class and you know what...
In math, sure I was quiet and asked alot of questions.
My religion teachers loved it.
Though at the same point I was going through that "awakening phase".
I graduated a year and a half late.
Don't regret a thing
I am exactly where I need to be.
And I can thank the herb.
As it made me more attentive to THE WORLD.
Not MTV and fake life styles.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 05:03 AM
One link to add: In my opinion the best cannabis documentary out there:

How Weed Won The West (2010)

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 05:15 AM
its all good till you have to quit for a job. Been smoking for years and been sober for a week. People say pot makes you unsocial, I have slept the past week. Before I quit I barley had disterbing dreams but now I dream every night and I hate it.

im bypartisan, should be legal compaired to other drugs... even liquor in my opinion is much more damaging.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by robbinsj

It is true cannabis will make you drowsy and to sleep deeper, which in turn means the probability of seeing dreams diminishes. Some people like seeing dreams, some people do not like seeing dreams, it is very personal.

I think the reason you don't see as much dreams is that you can subconsciously process the same things while being awake while under the influence, and your body can focus on the resting&rebuilding part while you sleep, not the processing (dreaming) part.

edit: btw, i am very proud of ATS for creating this substance discussion section on the forums, and allowing threads like this. It was my biggest grief when i joined this site to not be able to talk about the conspiracy on drugs, since it is one of the most remarkable conspiracies of population control out there. What is more fundamental then the right to decide what goes on in your own body, and ultimately in your mind?

[edit on 7/1/2010 by above]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Now this is handy, thank you very much.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 06:56 AM
Iv smoked MJ on a daily basis for over 20 yrs now.
I have an IQ well above average, have worked all my life.
Most of my friends smoke it and the ones that dont smoke are fine with me doing it.
I have a very well kept house and a great wife and 2 brilliant children.
We are all very healthy with no previous health problems.
Every one i know who smokes weed are doing just fine in mind body and soul. and if you do go mental on MJ then its more than likley you would of gone mental without it aswell.

Everyone i know who drinks alchohol on a daily basis is sick in the head with mental health problems and no job.

You know why MJ is illegal ? because it brings people together. What i mean by that is people get creative and talk about deep stuff and how they love life and so on...
people could put their heads together and figure out what is really going on and who the real problem makers and get organised in some way or another.

Alchohol is legal because you cant have an intelligent conversation you are most likley to take things the wrong way and get violent easier, it has the opposite effect of MJ this is why it is legal because its creates chaos. Nobody can get organised into social groups that want better for everyone else.

Its is a human right to experiance anything we like as long as we are not harming anything or anyone else.

We are being denied to be human.

Disclaimer. I am in no way promoting the effect of MJ.
I am just expressing my right as a human on this world.

if you want to ask more then u2u me.

[edit on 1/7/10 by Ezappa]

[edit on 1/7/10 by Ezappa]

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 10:40 AM
Weed is dangerous. The world is also flat.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:57 AM
Best. Thread. Ever.

2nd line.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 11:07 AM
Excellent post, OP! I just sent this link to my entire family!

We've been smoking together for roughly three years this October. I cannot tell you how true I consider some of these findings, just based on my experiences. For one thing, both my younger sister and I saw a huge increase in our grades once we became regular smokers. We were always good students, but we were able to straddle 90-95% averages in our senior years, which helped immensely during university applications. You can imagine our bliss - achieving higher grades with less stress?

I love this stuff, and I don't think I'll be quitting any time soon. If I could somehow coax my mother into applying for medical MJ, she'd be in heaven (she's been smoking to ease pain from major spinal injury, and yet she doesn't think she'd be granted medical status).

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:52 PM
These links:

Death by different drugs (doesn't include marijuana)
Compare tobacco and marijuana

Have been terminated by the government.

Have a nice day.

Hah, but the fact that so many studies show benefits with marijuana use in face of its illegal status, a status that gets families shot at or killed in raids, is indeed a conspiracy in itself.

People are drinking themselves to death all over the world, abusing or harming while drunk... and alcohol is legal? For shame, government.

For shame.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 04:00 PM
just made my firs herbal tee out of cannabis

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by alaskan
Congratulations folks, this thread is now in the alternative substances forum, where nobody from the main forums will see it again...

Where was this thread placed, originally? Medical conspiracies? (I am unfamiliar w/ most categories.) The very 1st page is a keeper, period. Multiple thanks.

It is, foremost, a conspiracy. At the flick of a switch, the media are prone to go rabidly against it. I have seen this several times in my span of time, and it's frightfully obvious that tptb need to really turn up the heat when doing so. Any manner of twisted reality comes to mind. I can still remember verbatim, nearly, a paragraph from Reader's Digest describing a 'pot trip'.

'He lit a small pin joint after leaving the party, and started his Volkswagen Beetle. The street became a bizarre farrago of myriad flashing, swirling lights, and he swerved to avoid a tree which had decided to 'cross the street'. He plowed into three nuns and a dumptruck and then exited the crumpled vehicle. Bystanders saw him dance a little jig before skipping away.'

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:59 AM
interesting news today:

Ancient Cannabis: Uncovering a 2,700-Year-Old Stash


archaeologists uncovered a grave discovered in Gobi desert where a shaman was buried with a load of cannabis sativa

[edit on 15-7-2010 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:29 AM
btw, every single link to is broken

Edit: apologies - I realize you put this together awhile ago and said some links would be broken.

[edit on 7/18/2010 by SquirrelNutz]

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by fordrew

srry for off top
but nuthing is impossible
since smoking kills and alcohol also
lets demand the same warnings on the bottles
as the cigarettes have nowadaysseems fair wright

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by icecold7
reply to post by fordrew

srry for off top
but nuthing is impossible
since smoking kills and alcohol also
lets demand the same warnings on the bottles
as the cigarettes have nowadaysseems fair wright

why would you bump a 6 moth old topic to tell me this? Are you high right now?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by fordrew

ofcourse i am duh

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:34 PM
All the pot users I know - and I know quite a few - are, for lack of a better word, idiots. They should just legalize it for medical uses.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by alaskan

Cannabis laws do not make any sense.

Marinol is legal. It is a liquid pill form of fat soluble THC.

Cannabis is illegal and considered a schedule 1 narcotic, which means it has no medicinal use, because it contains THC.

The same EXACT substance that is in marinol.

One is considered medicinal while the other is not.
No sense. None. It makes no sense whatsoever.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by pikappa
All the pot users I know - and I know quite a few - are, for lack of a better word, idiots. They should just legalize it for medical uses.

I know several people that have never used cannabis that are idiots.
Actually I know more people that have never touched cannabis that are idiots than those that have.

So what is the cause?

Correlation is not causation.

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