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Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds

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posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:31 AM
With great interest in this website and it's author, i read his new vigiliant work on dumbing down society and would like to share with you people.

It is now known – thanks to the meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England – that the pineal gland is the primary target of fluoride accumulation within the body.

Which fits in perfect with this quote...

The pineal gland is known to serve an esoteric fonction. It is known by mystic groups as the the “third eye” and has been considered by many cultures to be part of the brain responsible for spiritual enligntement and the “link to the divine”. Is enlightenment out of bounds for the modern man?

If you wanted to prevent the mass population from waking up, targeting the pineal gland would be your offensive move, since it is known for enligntement.

Here's the rest of the article, made by the author Vigilant and not me.

Dumbing Down Society


[edit on 29-6-2010 by jonnyc55]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:10 AM
Yes, they also don't want many critical thinkers because then congress would have to work harder at earning their paychecks. They would actually have to use their brains for once.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:25 AM
I have doubts about the reliability of the article -

Today, children who show too much energy, character or strength are being willfully sedated with powerful drugs which directly affect the way their brains function. Are we going in the right direction here?

They're referring to ADD and ADHD diagnoses there. But it's not sedatives they're being treated with, it's stimulants. It seems counter intuitive at first, but that's where the other error in that quote comes in. Clearly, it's not the case that "children who show too much energy, character or strength" are the ones being diagnosed with ADD.

There's a real problem there. It might be over-diagnosed, but that doesn't mean it's all just a scam. I don't know what causes it but lots of people have considerable attention problems. It affects mental acuity in general.

Stimulants like Adderol and Ritalin work by pumping what's essentially pure amphetamines into the brain, and one of the side effects of this boost is that certain neurotransmitters are a bit balanced out, making the kid "think" a bit better. It works because these kids have a deficiency in one of these neurotransmitters.

If it were just given to random kids, which it is in many occasions, it would actually make them more energetic and strong-willed.

The article seems heavily biased and if it can't even get that much correct, I doubt the rest will be either. Which is a shame because I basically agree with what he's saying.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Almost Half of Americans Take At Least One Prescription Drug
Half of elderly take three or more

Our nation is the most medicated and over vaccinated nation in the world, still we suffer from the same diseases that drugs are suppoused to control, we have extended life but no quality of life and children now are starting to suffer diseases that were in the adult population only and un heard off in the younger one.

No, Americans are not getting healthier or better they are just conusming more drugs.

The reason behind all this, profit makings, and big profiteers careless about the consequences of their drugs and manufactured food on the people that uses them

America's Most Medicated States

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:53 AM
From the header of that website...

"Symbols rule the world, not words or laws"

or governments or people - yes, we're under the power of the deadly TRIANGULATORZ!!!

Whilst I (for once) actually agree with the spirit of the article - Vigilant Citizen is full of paranoid, scare-mongering and nonsense illuminati/pop-video guff.

It also sells books to aid you in sheltering your mind from illuminati disinformation, I don't know if they do tin foil editions though. Reeks of snake-oil.

However, I don't want to undermine the OP - but would be very cautious of anything linked to this website.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:59 AM
Well, I always knew "Tap water" Is poison. I have very limited consumption of the stuff myself water, on thhe entire I usually try to avoid it. Always said it was poison, Everyone used to laugh at me and think I was nuts. Guess who's laughing now!!!!

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:37 AM
While I tend to agree that society in general is "dumbed down" I do not think it is fault of the government, well at least not entirely.

Let me ask you a question. How is it that you, or I, or other members here, and others in general, have escaped this master plan? I do not know about you, but I grew drinking nothing but tap water, hormone laden foods, and preservatives galore and I still am able to think critically, I'm not certain as to effects on my pineal gland specifically but all other areas function well

I think the majority of individuals that I consider to be in this "dumbed down" state, have only themselves to blame. To me there seems to be a correlation between a rise in materialism and decrease in intellectual ability. Spend a little time in the mall and a little more in the library and watch the results.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:20 AM
I wonder if the media, films and programmes try to show vigiliant and conspiracy people as nut jobs? To turn people against them.

There is an article on mass media brainwashing on that website, its a good one because its full of evidence and facts. This is it.

When people are mocked for what they beleive, they give up.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Son of Will


These children are vibrating (spiritually-physically) more so than those 1-2 generations back.

Funny thing is our creators didn't think it through (Genome science). These kids could be formidable enemies of our rulers. Distributing these ADD-Neuro-Brain meds unplugs that from happening.

A lot of squealers had to be tied off over the years to hide it all (100+) scientists suicided and murdered

[edit on 29-6-2010 by superluminal11]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by searching4truth

Good for you, perhaps you are in the new group of humans that are getting a gene that keeps them healthy regardless of what they put in their bodies, This gene will not let you get fat, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mental imbalances, diabetes and hart disease

Now for the rest of us regular old fashion Americans that still hold the genes of our ancestors, we will be milked by big pharma after we reach our 40s and 50s.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:25 PM
Society doesn't need any help from anyone to be dumbed down. It does a pretty good job all on its own.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Please source this magic gene. It sounds like complete bs to me, but I'm willing to look into it.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 12:58 PM
I would just like to say that I live in the third world. Most places don't even get chlorine in the water let alone flouride. Kids are lucky to get to see a doctor when their sick. If they have ADD or ADHD the medication they get is a good lickin' once they get on the parents last nerve.

Many are uneducated or undereducated but even those that are educated are dumbed down. No special project needed. People are busy earning a living. Add that to non-transperacy by governments, profesional liars for leaders and controlled MSM and you have the recipe for a dumbed down population.

Just my .02 worth.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by searching4truth

Good for you, perhaps you are in the new group of humans that are getting a gene that keeps them healthy regardless of what they put in their bodies, This gene will not let you get fat, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mental imbalances, diabetes and hart disease

Now for the rest of us regular old fashion Americans that still hold the genes of our ancestors, we will be milked by big pharma after we reach our 40s and 50s.

Nope, as far as I am aware I am just as normal of a human as everyone else. Actually, at this point in my life I am starting to have watch what I eat so that I don't turn into the stay puff marshmallow (wo)man. The rest of the list doesn't seem to be a problem for me, at this point, thank God. Actually, the women in family are all quite healthy, the men have heart issues, but sad as it makes me they tend not to heed the advice of their cardiologists and think the pill will fix everything instead of laying off the fatty foods and booze.

I didn't stay that I eat all that garbage now, but growing up absolutely. I remember hearing how healthy genetically modified food was when I was child, my parents bought it, and we ate it, I don't know about exclusively but at the time there wasn't the organic movement that there is now, you ate whatever the grocery had.

My father's head about exploded when we wanted bottled water because "it comes out the faucet for damn near free, but you want me to pay $1 per glass."

What I am trying to point out is that by and large the majority of members here did exactly the same thing. If the cause of a dumb society was that the government or whomever was putting chemicals into the food, we would all be suffering from the effects of it.

The fact that this site and others exist, is a testament to fact that there are many people who seem to unaffected by these chemicals and in many casing even more determined to understand what is going on.

As I said previously, I absolutely believe that a rise in materialism is related to the apparent decrease in intellect. I also tend to believe that ADD and ADHD are beyond over diagnosed. I think largely parents simply either can not or do not want to deal with a child's energy level.

Parents today want the perfect quiet child, and most seem willing to drug them to accomplish this. I've seen it on more than a few occasions where the parents request Ritalin or Aderall for the child because they feel they child needs it.

I suppose by todays standards myself and siblings would be considered hyper, my sister's teacher actually asked my parents if she was add, you know what my parents did, took us for a walk every night to wear our little behinds out. No drugs, and they aren't the type of people to avoid or dislike useful medications (I was sick for a few years as a child and was on all sorts of medicines).

They, like me I suppose, believed add to be a fake illness and the cure for childhood energy is do things with your child and give them activities to do.

I do wonder what the effects of these meds on little forming brains will be. I don't know if there is direct link, but I know of two individuals in the same high school class that were on Ritalin from elementary school and they both committed suicide, now granted that was 2 out of probably 30 or so but I do wonder.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth
If the cause of a dumb society was that the government or whomever was putting chemicals into the food, we would all be suffering from the effects of it.

I don't think this is accurate. People's have different genetic makeups. Some people are easily susceptible to the excitotoxins like aspartame and msg, while others aren't. Surely this would be the case for all the various toxins. I think some people are slightly effected by the whole lot, and others much more so.

I know that I was pretty well effected by eating junk foods and hfcs drinks daily. Once I switched to whole foods, and cut out all sources of hfcs, my IQ was raised quite dramatically.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Once I switched to whole foods, and cut out all sources of hfcs, my IQ was raised quite dramatically.

How can you possibly know this?

You must have the numbers handy to make such an assertion that they were "raised quite dramatically." Did you take an IQ test before and after?

What were the results? Can you post images of the tests? They weren't internet IQ tests, were they?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by TheComte

I took one in school at age 17. I don't have the paperwork. I just remember the number.

I took another one for the army which was a thinly veiled IQ test. The AFQT portion. I looked online to find the equivalent sd15 IQ score. My IQ went up 14 points after a year of switching to whole foods and taking a few nutritional supplements.

So, to answer your question. The way I can possibly know this
is because I remember my score from high school, and remember my equivalent score from the AFQT. It's really not too difficult.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by unityemissions]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

14 points? And it was all from the foods, right? There was nothing else that could have possibly contributed? Ridiculous.

My IQ has just been lowered dramatically by reading your response.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by TheComte

It certainly must have, because I also mentioned taking nutrient supplements.

You're a fool for being so close minded. Perhaps you should do a little bit of research before being so judgmental. I've read numerous articles that point in this direction.

Just give it a try. I'm sure you'll find a ton of evidence.

Here's a quick link from something I've got lying around.

15) A study of one million students in New York showed that students who ate lunches that did not include artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes did 14% better on IQ tests than students who ate lunches with these additives.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by unityemissions]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 12:12 AM
One million students, eh? That is quite the study. The logistics of it must have been a nightmare. Let's see NYU has an enrollment of 40,000 students so this must have used over 20 NYU-sized schools in their study, every student. The mother of all studies. I guess we could be talking about primary school students, but still a lot of people to be involved.

I would like to take a look at it. Do you have a link to the research paper? The link you gave is just a blurb on a blog.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by TheComte]

[edit on 30-6-2010 by TheComte]

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