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Tarred Out

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 01:08 PM
I've replied to other threads with this idea, but I feel that now, it really needs it's own.
If the Gulf Coast is already, or will be, sometime this summer, rendered Kaput, then is this phony Kabuki dance, between the U.S. Gov't and B.P. , merely a stall for time? Should the oil giants be committing funds to relocate a couple of million U.S. citizens into the SouthWest, especially California? Using their world wide financial might, and selling out the present teetering California State finances, Big Oil, can quickly drive the Golden State into bankruptcy. Then the gates can be thrown wide open, and replace countless scads of illegal alien families with true blue, multigenerational Americans. Just now, are these real Americans, being "tarred off" the Gulf Coasts, like the Okies were dusted out, seventy five years ago, during the great Dustbowl? These hard working Cajun and Creole newbies with a big piece of that $20B escrow fund, in their pockets, could simply buy their California dream. But, will Obama's crew, really let B.P. relocate say 25,000 voting couples, into several safe dem cong. districts in California, with their quicky motor voting, and residency loopholes, in order to vote out a baker's dozen of lefty California Dem. congressmen / women, this fall?? I'd like to hear back from some of you, on this proposistion. Does anyone else feel a giant stalling, being orchastrated, as you read and listen to the B.S. being broadcast day by day? Does anyone else feel that the Gulf is already lost, for generations, to our coastal fishing industries? And you'll make my day, if you think it out before replying to this thread. I really need your best thoughts on this!

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 01:39 PM
You mean bring in those guys to compensate for the ones that came after Katrina? You're right! Dang! It was the game plan all along! Is it an agenda to oust Obama?or relocate everyone to.....dare I say it?!.....CAMP FEMA! Martial Law in the works?

Where is the celebrity outrage?!
No but seriously, where is it?

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