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My unexpected discovery. The Hollow Earth Theory.

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

It was NO compliment!

That comet didn't emerage it past by
you hollow earth people begger belief

You also believe the earth is expanding, do you want to explain that as that would mean your crusty shell around the hollow earth
would have to get thinner.

As for the other video an entrance to a cave, his lid is most likely ICE he said its 5 ft thick how did he measure that from above. If thats the best you have got WACKJOBS from youtube best of luck with your theories!!

Speaking of WACKJOBS, you seem to enjoy their company here. I wouldn't type here if I were you. You might become one, assume you're not one already since your own brain obviously Isn't expanding.

Expanding Earth theory goes back a long ways before Hollow Earth Theory and might account for continental size differentials, among other things such as prehistorical Giganticism, provided that the Earth's Mass is for some reason increasing over time.

I get off on weird theories. Not that I necessarily believe in them, but I explore them and tuck them away in the back of my mind should something come up later in my travels to tie-in with them.

Don't knock them, unless you want my MIB friends to pay you a visit. And you KNOW they're real because You're Here.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

The HE theory's been around a loooong time and I think even in some translation's of the bible it has a tribe entering into the light of day, from the darkness of the ground.
Could very well be that in olden times the ancient ones had to leave their underground realms (for whatever reason) and may have others still down there that may emerge some day...

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

Give 'em hell Captain!

Over the past 5 years or so ATS has a lot more skeptics, trolls and naysayers than before.
People need to open their minds more, so if there's a big upset in the applecart they don't all go pear shaped...

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by WatchRider

Ha I agree there. All these people need to stop coming on here with the sole purpose to bash others. It is disconcerting that these people take the time out of their day, to come onto a CONSPIRACY FORUM, just to bash other people and call them "WACKJOBS." You people are so great.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider
reply to post by CaptainLJB

The HE theory's been around a loooong time and I think even in some translation's of the bible it has a tribe entering into the light of day, from the darkness of the ground.
Could very well be that in olden times the ancient ones had to leave their underground realms (for whatever reason) and may have others still down there that may emerge some day...

Those are mostly misinterpretations, borderline Hollow Earth Theory. If there's any truth to emerging from the underground (bomb shelters), they were probably reclaiming the surface world following an ancient nuclear war.

Or, conversely, if this theory holds true for all planets, Earth might be the most unique one in the solar system having a breathable atmosphere on the outside as well as the inside. All life might begin Within worlds and, as in our case, eventually work their way to the surface if it can support life of that kind.

My problem is that it's all very, very theoretical with few hard "proofs" to latch onto.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:38 PM
Thank you CaptainLBJ, WatchRider, and Dextraphite. thank you for coming to the aid of the theory. I wouldn't expect any aid for myself, after all, Ill be the first to say I have some pretty whacked out ideas. Since our present educational system will not allow such freedom of thought its the only thing I can do.

As for the detractors you will notice I have been a member since 2002. Actually longer because I was a member of the two previous ATS boards, they do not bother me. I find most of them to be illogical as Spock would put it. They only seem to want to tear down and never offer any constructive thoughts. They seem to only want to put people back in the box. The only box I'm going into one day, is going to be made of wood!

MIB's? LOL LOL, everyone knows they wear regular clothing lol

Personally, I believe this HE theory is more than theory and based in a long lost fact. One that some people will go to any length or price to keep buried.

My problem is that it's all very, very theoretical with few hard "proofs" to latch onto.
I am certain that is by design. If you had a "Environment" that had a 35% oxygen content that allowed you to live 10 life times long, no illness, no disease, no fear of meteorites or tornadoes, and a real heaven on earth, how far would you go to protect it?

There is still something wrong..

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

Let's hit it on the head then, in the hopes of stirring up some intelligent activity here...

What's up with all these planetary probes bringing back mysterious circular "hot spots" located near the poles of other planets--including the outer planets of our solar system? This is what reeled me back into Hollow Earth Theory after putting it on the back burner in the 90s.
Hot spots or polar openings were predicted by HE theorists decades previously. Today, scientists can't explain them adequately. Ditto for auroras simply being the solar wind caught in the ionosphere. Venus has no magnetic field, and outer planets should not have auroras being so distant from the sun.

Then there's our mysterious North Pole and all the trouble it's caused explorers. People being discredited, called liars, imprisoned... There's that "missing continent" up there too. First there was Sannikov Land, then Crocker Land and then Bradley Land. None of the three officially exist yet over 3 different exploration parties claim otherwise--and all generally in the same area, years I load the freeware Marble virtual globe and right smack in the location where this land mass supposedly occupies the map says "North Magnetic Pole"! I won't say it's a polar opening, but I'll say that Something's there and it would be an impossible coincidence otherwise.

edit on 17-5-2012 by CaptainLJB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

My problem is that it's all very, very theoretical with few hard "proofs" to latch onto.
Let me start with this.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence in which an inference is required to connect it to a conclusion of fact, like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or the intervening inference.

On its own, it is the nature of circumstantial evidence for more than one explanation to still be possible. Inference from one piece of circumstantial evidence may not guarantee accuracy. Circumstantial evidence usually accumulates into a collection, so that the pieces then become corroborating evidence. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inference over another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more valid as proof of a fact when the alternative explanations have been ruled out.

All we have is a great deal of Circumstantial evidence to support the HE theory. But is it enough to base a fact on? There is far too much " C evidence" to just dispel the notion out of hand. We can not count on the government releasing any information or to take a official stand on this debate so it is left up to each individual to become a Juror and weigh the C evidence for themselves.

Then there's our mysterious North Pole and all the trouble it's caused explorers. People being discredited, called liars, imprisoned...
And don't forget being called Whack Jobs LOL LOL LOL

If there is sufficient C evidence to support the HE theory, then why is it not common knowledge and taught in schools? Because, it seems, there is a powerful force that does not want knowledge of this land to become public. But why?

I suspect certain secret societies have been instituted to foil the knowledge of this land. When these members gain powerful positions in governments they thwart any research or information into the dark pits of ignorance. But again, why?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

But this is all based upon the theory that an actual cover-up really exists. For that matter, whether or not these "secret societies" really exist as we perceive them--hiding secret information passed down across generations...or are they just buddy groups who like to play games?

I still need "hard" evidence to swallow it comfortably.

For every theory proposed, there is a theory to counter it. And it seems that every time that happens, a bag of mixed nuts is thrown in to further mess things up (in a case like this, beauties like, "I've been Inside the Earth, Jesus lives there, as does Santa Claus!" and the "Pay me $200,000 and I'll take you there and Cure you of cancer!"), and evaporate any credibility there might have been because casual readers and researcher will be blinded by it all; quick to tag the whole thing "hoax" or "ignorance" or something worse.

That's the problem I have with All of these unknowns presented on ATS. Be they evidence of lost civilizations, OOPArts, Giants, Aliens, flying saucers, name it.

You can't prove anything without good evidence, and unfortunately it's dirt-simple to destroy that evidence, discredit it, or at least hide it away.

Hollow Earth Theory is Big. The mother of all conspiracy theories and the sort of mind-blowing thing which would turn our understanding of the universe literally upside down and inside out...if it's true. Big claims need big proofs. And it really hurts when Hollow Earthers are put into the same category as Flat Earthers, or even worse those Koreshian guys who think we're Inside the Earth and the sun above is the literal center of our universe...

For a while I used to think Hollow Earth Theory was the key to everything simply because it Was so wacky and everything over the years was being steered Away from it. That is to say, aliens/saucers were Always said to be from Up There and Never Down Here--literally 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Perfect misdirection. The same for the origin of strange beings and creatures. Never down there beneath us despite all these legends of dragons and what not coming from the inner Earth. Even when the first UFO flaps came about--curiously after our first Atom bomb tests--it was always Up There and never Down Here. Like aliens from another solar system just coincidentally showed up here at this key time in our history; but if there was directly a threat to their own world under our feet... I found it more comfortable to go with the Nazi theory of man-made UFO origins. Some people like to tie the two together, I dunno. I've got no Facts to go on. I think everyone involved in Operation High Jump is dead now, and that would at least confirm Nazi saucers, or at least Saucers period. Nobody's talking of course for fear of what might happen to them. Fear is quite a useful tool.

edit on 17-5-2012 by CaptainLJB because: Captain's Log, Supplemental...

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

I tuck them away as well in the BIN where they belong,expanding earth

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

That is to say, aliens/saucers were Always said to be from Up There and Never Down Here--literally 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Perfect misdirection.
I have to agree with you on that point, not the only one though. Misdirection and disinformation seem to be the norm.

I just stumbled upon a book entitled Genesis for the New Space Age Secret Development of the Round Wing Plane, the Extra Terrestrials Inside the Earth, and the Arrival of the Outer Terrestrials 1980 by John B. Leith Im going to have to give this book some reading and consideration. Germany and the south pole along with a hidden history of conflict and cooperation between the upper and lower worlds.

Generally I am speaking of two worlds, the haves, and the havenot's. I remember reading sometime back, a song, poem, cant really remember what it was, but it was about two villages, one on top of a mountain and the other in the valley below. The people in the valley below got it in their mind that the people above were holding a vast treasure, hidden from the people below. And of course, the people below wanted that treasure for themselves.

A great war ensued, great destruction. The people holding that treasure fought as though they were posses as too did the forces attacking. Everything and everybody was destroyed in this war except for a very few people from the valley. They reached that place that held the secret treasure and upon viewing the area there was only one small rock, they lifted it and below it was a simple scripture engraved in stone, "Peace on earth, Goodwill to Men".

When mankind is not equal or at least offered the opportunity to become equal one force or power will eventually attempt to find that balance, and since we are a race of instincts with its roots in the reptilian DNA, we will use violence to achieve our goals as the first reaction. And it is this predisposition I find is the trigger.

I believe there is another more ancient race that reside within this solar system and it is counting on that battle of the villagers to take place so they can, as they put it, "Reclaim", this wondrous planet. Their hands as they see it would be clean from any direct involvement. They then could say, don't blame us, you did it to yourselves.

This if true would be viewed as reason enough for the continued secrecy at all cost, but, in my humble opinion, it is this very secrecy that will trigger that all cost war.

Both the upper and lower have the very same adversary and it is he who put that engraving under the rock in the first place with full knowledge of what it would lead to............

Peaceful reunification is our only hope to dash the adversaries plans. Open and public exchanges must be offered. Exchange students is a good start. Both sides must accept each other as equals or the war will ignite. They must come down off their mountain, and we must elevate ourselves out of the valley.

If these things come to pass no power in the universe will be able to stop our march to the stars. Take any thug out of the streets and send him to the hollow, he will come back a changed man!

Sorry Captain LBJ, I tend to ramble at times, but you are absolutely correct.

Hollow Earth Theory is Big. The mother of all conspiracy theories and the sort of mind-blowing thing which would turn our understanding of the universe literally upside down and inside out...if it's true.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
reply to post by CaptainLJB

I tuck them away as well in the BIN where they belong,expanding earth
You seem to find everything is funny, good for you.

But I think you might find this more to your liking, and they are looking, for you.

And since you seem not to be able to control your laughter here in this forum then maybe the following is more in your ball park.

Now, go away, shoo, skidatle,

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

If the earth was hollow, wouldnt the water fall in and drown all the peeps down there...

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008
reply to post by CaptainLJB

I tuck them away as well in the BIN where they belong,expanding earth

You mean inside your Shrinking brain.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by fluff007

I have no response to that. In lieu of what has been stated... well your question has already been answered. And critical thinking might benefit you and grant you with an answer.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

The book looks interesting, but I wouldn't put too much trust in it.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLJB
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

The book looks interesting, but I wouldn't put too much trust in it.
I'm already there, with a truck load of salt

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:38 PM
wait a sec, if there is a sun in the cores earth wouldn't that create molten lava... amzingly, this theory is bs imHO

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Re: The guy who got the patent on the "Hollow Earth".

Here is his complete book online...

(1) Journey to the Earth's Interior by Marshall B. Gardner [1920]

(2) Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction -


In January, 1956, Admiral Byrd led another expedition to the Antarctic and there penetrated for 2,300 miles *beyond* the South Pole. The radio announcement at this time (January 13, 1956) said: "On January 13, members of the United States expedition penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles *beyond* the Pole. The flight was made by Rear Admiral George Dufek of the United States Navy Air Unit."

The word "beyond" is very significant and will be puzzling to those who believe in the old conception of a solid earth. It would then mean the region on the other side of the Antarctic continent and the ocean beyond, and would not be "a vast new territory" (not on any map), nor would his expedition that found this territory be "the most important expedition in the history of the world". The geography of Antarctica is fairly well known, and Admiral Byrd has not added anything significant to our knowledge of the Antarctic continent. If this is the case, then why should he make such apparently wild and unsupported statements - especially in view of his high standing as a rear admiral of the U.S. Navy and his reputation as a great explorer?

This enigma is solved when we understand the new geographical theory of a Hollow Earth, which is the only way we can see sense in Admiral Byrd's statements and not consider him as a visionary who saw mirages in the polar regions or at least imagined he did.

After returning from his Antarctic expedition on March 13, 1956, Byrd remarked: "The present expedition has opened up a vast new land." The word "land" is very significant. He could not have referred to any part of the Antarctic continent, since none of it consists of "land" and all of it of ice, and, besides, its geography is fairly well known and Byrd did not make any noteworthy contribution to Antarctic geography, as other explorers did, who left their names as memorials in the geography of this area. If Byrd discovered a vast new area in the Antarctic, he would claim it for the United States Government and it would be named after him, just as would be the case if his 1,700 mile flight beyond the North Pole was over the earth's surface between the Pole and Siberia.

But we find no such achievements to the credit of the great explorer, nor did he leave his name in Arctic and Antarctic geography to the extent that his statements about discovering a new vast land area would indicate. If his Antarctic expedition opened up a new immense region of ice on the frozen continent of Antarctica, it would not be appropriate to use the word "land," which means an iceless region similar to that over which Byrd flew for 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole, which had green vegetation, forests and animal life. We may therefore conclude that his 1956 expedition for 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole was over similar iceless territory not recorded on any map, and not over any part of the Antarctic continent.
edit on 17-5-2012 by neotech1neothink because:

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Jordan River
wait a sec, if there is a sun in the cores earth wouldn't that create molten lava... amzingly, this theory is bs imHO

Small sun. Wide open space.

Hey, River Jordan, I wouldn't light a candle if I were you. If the heat doesn't slowly cook you alive, the flame itself will burn up all the oxygen in the room and you'll suffocate.

Candles, IMHO, are utter BS. Couldn't exist. Only see 'em in those ancient religious paintings.


See, I can be just as big an a-hole as anyone else here! Know why? Because I've been exposed to so many A-holes all my life, I can emulate one with 100% efficiency, right down to the hairs and stench!

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