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Wikileaks & UFO's

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posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

wikileaks is going to expose the ufo's and aliens in project bluebeam. if the government annonymously sends stuff to them it will get released and they can work on the back end. they are not officially releasing the information. even though it looks like they were trying to hide it, they look like they were protecting us anyways

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by bluntheaded
reply to post by InfaRedMan

wikileaks is going to expose the ufo's and aliens in project bluebeam.

They are? How do you know this?
C'mon... fess up! Are you from wikileaksleaks?


posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Aftenposten published all cables that contain the word "UFO":

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by hinsch
Aftenposten published all cables that contain the word "UFO":

Cheers Mate! I'll check it out!


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Great topic.

In my opinion, the coming months will be very telling for those interested in the UFO phenomenon with Wikileaks. Either they have something, and it will eventually surface, or they have nothing, at which point I'll seriously begin to sit on the side of the fence that sees the UFO phenomenon as nothing but smoke and mirrors.

IRM, you mentioned wikileaks possibly not caring about appealing to a minority (UFO enthusiasts). IMO, any groundbreaking shred of UFO evidence would instantly become interesting to a large majority of the population. All anecdotal, but I've had many conversations with random individuals who are very open to the possibility of alien life, but don't spend any deal of time considering it because of more pressing matters or because there is little credible/real info. Should wikileaks have/release something of value, these kinds of individuals (which again, IMO, make up a great deal of the population) would suddenly become much more interested.

If absolutely nothing interesting comes out of wikileaks on the topic of UFOs/E.T, I think it may reflect the unfortunate truth that we may be a bit more alone in this corner of the galaxy than many on this site would lead you to believe. Alone in the sense of intelligent/advanced life, at least. I fully believe based on recent findings that the universe is teaming with microbial life. But unfortunately, that doesn't excite most people.

I can't think of any reason someone with real information wouldn't consider wikileaks as the premier outlet to release the kind of concrete evidence UFOlogists/enthusiasts are calling for. I also can't think of any reason Julian would hold it back.
edit on 10-1-2011 by SaosinEngaged because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

Nice, rounded, well thought out post. Thanks for sharing your views on this SaosEngland!


posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by zaiger
Ssshhhhhhhhh...we're not allowed to talk about the ambassador trainings without the express written permission of CSETI Inc. You'll get us all into trouble.

Expect a 'moth' to be beating against your window one's like the sign of the black thumb...doom!


I must have initially missed this post Kandinsky. I near coughed up a lung!

ATS Gold!


posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 06:18 PM
if your're right about a whole group of people maintaing this secret you should think of it this way. For arguments sake lets say they are keeping it a secret. the mere fact that they are doing this reveals theres a great advantage to keeping it that way. so great that those whistle blowers you desire to open up have no need to and if they did they would actually be hurting themselves. as for wikileaks, i believe that all they did as for right now, is just reinforce what we already know: terrorist interrogationsare brutal and borderline torture. whether its right or wrong, is a whole nother topic altogether

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 12:57 PM


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Must be big money keeping everyone happy.
Where are the whistle blowers supposed to go.
No cartel money for them.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by bluntheaded

"Project Bluebeam" is fictional so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for WikiLeaks to expose it.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

So here's the big question. ...why aren't we seeing any whistle blowers from these so called shadow groups inside our governments and military in regards to UFO's, Aliens and Advanced Propulsion's? ...Why isn't someone stepping up? ... We're talking about the biggest secret ever witheld from the human race here, should it be true. ... So where are these reports? Why aren't they there? Why aren't they coming in? I find them conspicuous by their absence! Don't you?

"Lieutenant Jones, Project X-A4 is in need of your expertise. We also demand your loyalty and oath of confidentiality in your association with this project. Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Please carefully read and sign the confidentiality documents on the desk before you."

...pause... Lt. Jones reads and signs the documents.

"Now, Lieutenant, you'll appreciate that the wording of this document leaves your superiors a great deal of flexibility in policing and enforcing the confidentiality of this Project, including serious repercussions for violating same. Is THAT understood?"
"Yes, sir!"

"Fine. That's just fine, Lieutenant. Come with me, I'll show you around your work area and introduce you to your direct report and chain-of-command."

Lt. Jones follows his nameless, plainclothes, sans-insignia escort out of the building. They walk together in silence across the tarmac toward a hanger in the distance. At about the half-way point, Lt. Jones' arm is tugged by his handler and they stop.

"Lieutenant. Before we proceed I wish to emphasize the significance of the secrecy of this project and how much it depends on your perpetual and confidential participation."

"I fully understand, sir. You can count on me. I will never breathe a word of anything I see or do here to anyone."

The handler-escort stares for a long minute toward the distant mountains shimmering in the heat. He speaks, slowly and deliberately, "I have been asked, Lieutenant, to make sure you appreciate the importance of the secrecy of this mission. It is my job. It is a difficult job. But I love my job. Take a look out there, Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Jones squints as he strains to see across the glare of the expansive desert. Beads of sweat start to trickle down his forehead.

"It's a big desert out there, Lieutenant. You need not worry about it, we'll take care of you. We need you. But, frankly, we don't have much of a need for, say, your wife, your children, your parents. Even if something should "happen" to you, and even after you have served well and died of old age, should anything, EVER, be revealed and traced back to you, I can assure you that the bones of your ancestors will bleach white for generations -out there. 'Nuff said."

Lieutenant Jones turned and stood for moment as he imagined the endless canyons, crevices and dry washes of the immense facility around them. He knew it was completely out of the public eye and stretched for thousands of square miles in every direction.

Without another word the two began walking again, a little slower this time, toward the gray hanger built into the side of the gray mountain before them.
edit on 6/20/2011 by Outrageo because: ...that's why...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:14 AM


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:16 AM


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Must be big money keeping everyone happy.
Where are the whistle blowers supposed to go.
No cartel money for them.

LOL! Could be T&L!


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Outrageo

It sounds like a Hollywood cliché Outrageo! LOL! Nice creative writing skills though

Here's the thing. People break confidentiality all the time. Also, there are many self sacrificing personalities within the army, alphabet agencies and beyond. People who are willing to give their lives for the greater good. We saw it in WW2 with kamikaze pilots and other untold acts of bravery. We see it in the spooks that are trained to take a bullet for the president. Odds suggest that at least one of these personality types would find themselves amongst the need to know crowd in regard to UFO's too.


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Must be big money keeping everyone happy.
Where are the whistle blowers supposed to go.
No cartel money for them.

LOL! Could be T&L!


If you could claim all the technology the whistle blowing deal might be sweet.
People are hampered by knowing what happened to Tesla, even if the technology is officially alien.

Considering all the money spent on hiding and not telling the whistle would be just about
impossible to find. If anyone has a story like Bill Lyne he gets the debunking term we all love:

More dumbed out posturing as we get for any Tesla suggestion he did anything past a motor.
Wiki reports what others find and since most finds have been fended off perhaps by deafening
silence or uproar of disinformation the definite ball of wax disclosure from Wiki is far away.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
the definite ball of wax disclosure from Wiki is far away.

With this part I agree. However our reasons for such appear to be different.


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

How many whistles have not been used.
Like who took Hitlers body or escorted him into hiding.
Finding the alien disclosures expected from Forrestal.
There must be many since 1945.
Past 1945 people look for clues into past mysteries.
But since WWII we have a bunch to contend with.
The UFO saucer being a constant mystery.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:18 AM
A SHEEP gave birth to a dead lamb with a human-like face. The lamb was born in a village not far from the city of Izmir, Turkey.

for more info ->

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