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Gen. McChrystal Called In to Explain His Anti-Administration Comments

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posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Have you read the article?

Yes I did, and as open or real as it was written it was in poor taste for the general to have that in print. He is the president's top commander and what should be kept behind closed doors, like opinions, was not. When he retires he can write all the books he wants about how much he dislikes Obama etc, but while in the role he was in he needed to keep tight lipped.

I see he is gone and anyways I like Petraeus more...Petraeus is a true genius in his leadership abilities and in the end we are better off.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by whywhynot
Gen. McChrystal for PRESIDENT!!!!

Great idea!

I'm sure he'll have no problems with his generals badmouthing him to the press. The Joint Chiefs can hold press conferences to criticize Pres. McChrystal.

I mean...he'd be a hypocrite if he tried to punish them for insubordination, right?

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by DCPatriot

Originally posted by D377MC

How about the guy recognizes we are fighting a useless, illegal war and is trying to preserve young men's lives...? Anyone consider that option?

This was a calculated decision by the General.

This 'humanizes' him to the general public. He will make a formidable opponent for the Democrat Party in 2012.

Sure. Last time we had a general relieved of command who then went on to run against the president who relieved him (in a time of war, no less), it was McClellan getting trounced by Lincoln.

And I can't imagine a general who publicly denigrates his Commander-in-Chief in a time of war, violating the Military Code of Justice would have any trouble getting respect from the military once he becomes CINC.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by mothershipzeta

And I can't imagine a general who publicly denigrates his Commander-in-Chief in a time of war, violating the Military Code of Justice would have any trouble getting respect from the military once he becomes CINC.
I guess that would all depend on what opinion the military has of the CURRENT CinC!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:38 PM
replaced by obama

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by ghostpigeon
I can't stand you petty people that read what ever you want into a post so as to be able to do nothing more then argue.

Quote;"If I didnt know better"does that mean anything to you or do you want to argue about that to???I know these wars are never won but McCryslal might have been getting to a point where the Taliban were in check and doing it his way.The way Obama bootlicks the Muslims you can't have any sort of victory here,just turn tail and run,this is what Obama thinks would be a victory.

Your on ignore TROLL.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Battleline

You seem a little confused here.
The Afghan war strategy is McChrystal's, not Obama's. Obama ran as being IN FAVOR of the Afghan war, made it crystal clear he would continue it. Nobody is turning tail, a big mouth general just got his ass kicked, that's all.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

Had the tide of the war not turned in Lincoln's favor, he would of lost election. Even Lincoln expected to lose the election, but then the course of the war changed.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by mothershipzeta

No, the job of a solider is to protect the U.S.A from all enemies foreign and domestic. It is not to be a sheep, doing what ever you're told to do. So you've got it wrong. So the comparison with a Christian being a pharmacist is wrong. If the real enemies were sought after, there would be people in Washington and else where brought to trial or executed.

Of course, you can refuse to obey unlawful orders - torture and other war crimes. But objecting to a specific war when other wars are OK is ridiculous.

I would say that it's criminal to bring our soldiers and really all of the American people into a war based on bad intelligence. If you think this war is ok, you are wrong. If Osama really was the culprit, he'd be found already. The FBI was involved in the incident at the WTC in 93 and that's fact. I think we have the same case with 9-11-01. In my view, all the world wars have been in vain. Every death in vain. These people are blindly following orders and being wounded or dying all because of greed. Greed is the real crime.

As for your quote from the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Section 88, it's morally wrong and just further shows the corruption of our nation. Our nation, federal government and military are a joke. This nation is nothing like it was supposed to be. It has been infiltrated and is being destroyed from within. If anyone wanted to fight the real war, they'd begin with the corrupt politicians and those that fund them.

Our so called Patriotism is a joke. our rights are not even protected anymore. Freedom of speech is no longer protected. Just ask the Christians that converted from Islam to Christianity, and went to an Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan. The Muslims were offering to teach people about Islam. They had a questions,answer booth and the Christians were harassed, assaulted and eventually arrested for doing nothing but wanting to ask questions. The hired thug security pushed them around and their camera and then lied to the police.

The video is here and speaks for itself.

Arab Festival 09: Sharia in the U.S

[edit on 23-6-2010 by TruthSeeker8300]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:50 PM
I saw this story on my local news earlier today and i heard them say that he may lose his job over this?

Im pretty sure that is still legal to say what you want in this country, but honestly who would know beter about a flawed admin. than a high ranking general?

Its not like an E2 said these things i believe this man knows what hes talking about and it gets under the admins skin when they hear the truth

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 03:28 PM
The General did nothing he didn't mean to do. It's so obvious that this is just part of a much, much larger picture. It's time to "connect the dots"
In order to win the wealth game, new players needed to be brought in.

News of Afghanistan's mineral wealth deepens suspicion of US aims

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:39 PM
One thing I've learned around here: Obama could do the right thing and most of you would still whine. He can't win, period.

They say this war is to keep us safe from "the terrorists". Well, the terrorists can attack us right now. What are we safe from? Why are men dying? Money, Drugs and Gold. I don't care who happened to be CIC right now, it would probably be the same. Quit thinking this general is some kind of hero. He's as screwed up as the rest of Washington. No he wasn't trying to blow the whistle. No he wasn't falling on the sword or being noble. He is out for himself. He's going to cash in on this chip.

And now we've got silly people called for a military coup against Obama. Guess the Constitution is only meaningful if your horse is out front eh?

[edit on 23-6-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by antonia

wait til we get a republican in office again, suddenly we'll have the best president ever right, Until then, conservative tears of sadness that a democratic president isn't doing what they want.

the best comments yet are people saying bush was better.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by piddles]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by mothershipzeta

And I can't imagine a general who publicly denigrates his Commander-in-Chief in a time of war, violating the Military Code of Justice would have any trouble getting respect from the military once he becomes CINC.
I guess that would all depend on what opinion the military has of the CURRENT CinC!

They can have whatever opinion they want - so long as they don't air it. Most members of the military actually take their oaths and obligations seriously, something MCChrystal obviously doesn't.

Let me know the next time a soldier writes a critical email about his drill sergeant and is not punished when his email is forwarded to said sergeant.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by LittleIndianJr.
I saw this story on my local news earlier today and i heard them say that he may lose his job over this?

Im pretty sure that is still legal to say what you want in this country, but honestly who would know beter about a flawed admin. than a high ranking general?

Its not like an E2 said these things i believe this man knows what hes talking about and it gets under the admins skin when they hear the truth

Too bad the applicable part of the Uniform Code of Military justice applies to officers. A private isn't bound by Section 88.

Generals are not exempt from military regulations. And, technically, McChrystal could be court-martialed and sent to Leavenworth for a year, so be happy he got off better than a second lieutenant would have. He even gets to keep his pension.

You can say what you want at work, too - but don't be surprised when you're fired when your boss finds out you're talking crap about him.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

[edit on 6/23/10 by mothershipzeta]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:43 PM
Yeah, he's more than likely going to resign
I liked him too...

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I think this McChrystal played a nice little timed move to save his face. In the RollingStone article he himself mentions his strategy as "bleeding ulcers" and agrees the war cannot be won. He may have come to face the facts that he was loosing with evergoing body bags being piled up under his own strategy and even his own junior officers not happy with the instructions he passed and they certainly were not happy with him.

He wanted out without loosing face and saying he has failed as a General and his strategy COIN is failed as well. What better way to go out than saying derogatory and insulting remarks about his boss so he can be fired thus skipping over his own failures.

These 'War of Lies' will result in utter failure.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:07 PM
I'm disappointed the McChrystal resigned.

He stood eye to eye with the president and he blinked.

I agree that the president had no choice but to remove McChrystal from his command, but I think McChrystal should have stood his ground and forced the president to remove him, rather than merely accepting his resignation.

I'm hearing now that McChrystal will stay in the Army and in Afghanistan.

He took the easy way out, I think, but it's his career and legacy, not mine.

[edit on 2010/6/23 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Afghan politicians rally around Gen. McChrystal

Why wont Afghan politicians rally around Mc Chrystal when they are the most corrupt themselves. Perhaps the reason for rallying around the now ex-General is he makes it easy for them to make money.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
No, we entered these conflicts based on the best military intelligence available, which the Congress upheld when voting to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

We entered Iraq because Iraq had a proven history of hostility and threats toward America, ........

Yes, Iraq was a threat to the USA, to our interests in the Middle East (namely Israel), and to stability in the region. The Iraqi people CHEERED when Saddam finally did his little dance at the end of a rope.— Doc Velocity
[edit on 6/22/2010 by Doc Velocity]

Thank you for proving what I initially felt;

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