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NASA sets up shop off the British coast, accidentally nukes a hole in the atmosphere

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posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Ulala

well said mate....i couldnt agree more...
i lost a cousin on Piper, and back then nobody said any anti-american comments.

and yes i agree a poor thread..,,,,,,,as it says in my signature: Deny Ignorance ....not be ignorant or rude !!!!!!!

thanks...added as friend


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:40 PM
The "B" in "BP" does not stand for "BRITISH" anymore. it is a redundant abreviation which has stuck.

BP - is a multinational company (mentioned numerous times above and includes references) therefore it should be a joint cleanup effort.

Britain Offered to help -

And you guys refused.

An Analogy For You -

If Cadburys sold chocolate to Australia which had been contaminated due to being dropped on the floor. Who's to blame when people become ill?

The Country in which "Cadburys" originated being the UK (Regardless of wether it was brought out) or America who actually now owns Cadburys (Kraft) and should be monitoring food hygiene?

It falls on the idiot line worker who dropped the chocolate and did not follow procedure - he should be fired and alas cadburys would be sued.....

Edit* - After reading your replies OP it seems as if you have some sort of resentment?

Where did you learn that "BP" stands for British Petroleum (as this isnt the case anymore) and who exactly do you think is to BLAME for said fiasco.

Also can you reply to the statement above that shows how Britian clearly offered to help but were declined? Thanks!

[edit on 14-6-2010 by ainsley]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by alaskan

'British Petroleum' was once owned by the British government, who sold their shares long ago, 'BP' is'nt even based in Britain anymore, see the previous treads.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by snoopyuk

I am sorry to learn about your cousin and his death on Piper Alpha. I saw the memorial to those guys in Strathclyde Park, nr Glasgow, a few months ago, be assured it is lovingly well maintained.

No flags, no blame ... just a stone to remember them.


I'm getting more annoyed with the number of threads about this Gulf incident and the anti-British rhetoric being flung in the direction of the UK by a minority of US contributors.

You'd think theirs was the only loss.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Holy cow guys, how many more responses can I expect repeating the same thing over and over?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:54 PM

I'm getting more annoyed with the number of threads about this Gulf incident and the anti-British rhetoric being flung in the direction of the UK by a minority of US contributors.

You'd think theirs was the only loss.

News of the rejection of Britain’s offer of help comes amid rising criticism of BP and increasing anti-British rhetoric among some American politicians and media. One prominent US blogger on the spill, Roy Eisner, even proposed a nuclear attack on Britain.

The media seems to be spinning a storm from this - ignore the lot.

[edit on 14-6-2010 by ainsley]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by alaskan

What response were you looking for?

British people have bad teeth?

~insert cliche' British joke here~ ?

EVERYONE is to blame for the spill, we all let this happen in our own way. The British no more than anyone else.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:57 PM
Here's another non-hypothetical analogy: The Bhopal disaster.

Union Carbide, a U.S. company, was responsible, and who has had to compensate those affected? Nobody, apparently.....

Over two decades since the tragedy, certain civil and criminal cases remain pending in the United States District Court, Manhattan and the District Court of Bhopal, India, against Union Carbide, (now owned by Dow Chemical Company), with an Indian arrest warrant also pending against Warren Anderson, CEO of Union Carbide at the time of the disaster.[8][9] Greenpeace asserts that as the Union Carbide CEO, Anderson knew about a 1982 safety audit of the Bhopal plant, which identified 30 major hazards and that they were not fixed in Bhopal but were fixed at the company's identical plant in the US. In June 2010, seven ex-employees, including the former chairman of UCIL, were convicted in Bhopal of causing death by negligence and sentenced to two years imprisonment and a fine of about $2,000 each, the maximum punishment allowed by law. An eighth former employee was also convicted but had died before judgment was passed.


So what are you saying the differences between the two situations are, precisely, Alaskan?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by alaskan

What response were you looking for?

British people have bad teeth?

~insert cliche' British joke here~ ?

EVERYONE is to blame for the spill, we all let this happen in our own way. The British no more than anyone else.

It will probably boil down to ....... "Without us you would be speaking German!"

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:11 PM
I don't know why people are trying to turn this into some kind of my country VS your country crap.

I specifically said I wasn't slandering britain, and I really don't see how you people can't understand that I'm just saying we should do things differently!

Oh america hasn't been held accountable for things like this in the past? Thanks for stating the obvious, now let's talk about doing it differently. Let me repeat that because I know a lot of you aren't going to get it.


This whole thread was based on the fact that we're doing things wrong, and SURPRISE, the armchair researchers come in and reveal the fact that we've been doing them wrong for a long time now.

So again, let's talk about doing it differently instead of arguing the same old back and forth "nuh-uh you guys were in the wrong that time, the other time, this time, and some other times" crap.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by ainsley
Also can you reply to the statement above that shows how Britian clearly offered to help but were declined? Thanks!

Lots of people offered help and were declined. Do you know the specifics behind any of it? Because I sure don't.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Signals


At least we British have ''OUR OWN TEETH'' and not some made out of plastic or grown from an Agar jelly disk......

Sorry but I had to respond to that !!!!

Have a Nice Day yowl...

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by alaskan


This thread is a good example of how the people (and I was hoping more enlightend on ATS) can quickly turna discussion into something it's not.
When death and destruction 'personnally affect ' peoples lives then a topic of discussion, however meaningful or frivalious can offend quite easily..

My sympathies go out to anyone who has lost their life in the support of ours and that is a sentiment forgotten to quickly by todays generation of short attention span individuals....

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by alaskan
My point is that I haven't heard a single thing about punishing Britain in any way, even though they're the ones responsible for the parties responsible for the gulf oil gushers...

...except for the crap about some people acting like we're offending the country by being upset with them.

Scoring highly on the small-minded 'collective responsibility' factor is never a positive attribute.

If your way of thinking was indeed the way forward, Japan would be quite within their rights to land a couple of nukes on some major cities in the U.S. as 'punishment' for unnecessary collective punishment during WW2.

Alaskan..... you're not Sarah Palin are you? You sound quite like her....


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by alaskan

One problem that you have overlooked in your analogy is ......

That BP is a private company which is nearly half-owned by Americans, therefore the UK Government has no responsibility over a private companys actions.

NASA on the otherhand is a US Government funded organisation so the US Government would be responsible for any of its actions.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:44 PM
We've all been drilling for oil for decades near coastlines, whilst nukes aren't tested near our own civilians.

I remember Gerald Celente talking a few months ago about the great blame game we will all be playing over collapsing economies. Obama blaming "British Petroleum" is a sign of the blame that will be sent backwards and forwards when the euro zone goes under. We know we're all screwed when we're arguing with each other while fighting wars, economies collapsing altogether and more wars to still come!

Nice one Obama for calling it another 9/11 when killing 1,400 civilians in Pakistan is slowly producing a Pakistani 9/11.... except that analogy is at least accurate. Maybe he'll send more drones to take out his frustrations.

The fascist and corrupt Obama regime is as much, or more liable for letting the oil drilling become entirely out of control. This disaster could have probably happened with any oil company from any country.

BP changed its name to 2 letters because it's almost as much an American company as a British company now. BP doesn't have to be an acronym - it's TWO LETTERS!

p.s. sorry that his father was tortured by fascist British governments, but time to grow up Obama.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Ulala
reply to post by snoopyuk

I am sorry to learn about your cousin and his death on Piper Alpha. I saw the memorial to those guys in Strathclyde Park, nr Glasgow, a few months ago, be assured it is lovingly well maintained.

No flags, no blame ... just a stone to remember them.


I'm getting more annoyed with the number of threads about this Gulf incident and the anti-British rhetoric being flung in the direction of the UK by a minority of US contributors.

You'd think theirs was the only loss.

I think this oil spill should shed light on the decades long disasters around the world committed by other companies.

Over three decades of oil drilling in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Chevron dumped more than 18 billion gallons of toxic wastewater into the rainforest, leaving local people suffering a wave of cancers, miscarriages and birth defects.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I have pointed this out frequently - but it seems to get missed

Sitting on my desk is the card of the Business Unit Leader - Global Environmental Management Business Unit

BP Amoco Corporation

and yes it has the new Logo on it

Stop calling it British Petroleum - its no more British than my dads ex employer Total (formerly Elf or Total Elf Fina or Pecheny Eugine Khulman or Chabonage De Francais (CDF) - is now French)

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 07:44 PM
I wasn't aware the US government were paying for the cleanup. BP is using set aside funds to cover the costs, and they make enough in a week to comfortably afford it. Your government haven't paid out yet as far as I can see.

I have another hypothetical situation for you.

A German corporation, part owned by the US with majority of US staff, set up shop in California. Let's just say nuclear energy. The plant is run under US jurisdiction, with US inspectors and follows all US laws, as it should being in US territory. The company shall be called GE, now the new multinational name, but previously German Energy.

Uh oh, looks like they employed a gaggle of Homer Simpson's to both work inside the plant and to enforce the health and safety codes, and the plant explodes killing a lot of people and causing widespread environmental disasters.

Do we blame Germany for the mess? Do we blame the US government? Or do we blame the people on site at the US facility who were incompetent and intent on pushing the plant to make maximum profits for shareholders, flaunting rules and ignoring the advice of experienced technicians?

If you have answered the latter, then you would be correct. Asking Germany to foot the blame for something so far out of their hands would be ridiculous, as it would be to lay every responsibility for the gulf coast leak at the UK's doorstep. Britain has no jurisdiction in the US as far as regulating oil rigs goes, ergo it would be nonsense.

People should focus on the cleanup and getting down to the true reasons the well blew up in the first place, instead of this back and forth namby pambying.

My thoughts to all affected.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 08:39 PM
The US government could have no laws regulating drilling and BP or any other company would be liable for any damages, common sense really. If you damage something, you're responsible.

Nationality really doesn't matter. The company needs to pay for what they did, and they should be more than happy to do so.

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