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Exposing Conspiracies the Right Way: Operation Blackjack

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posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 03:43 AM

I have been a lurker on this forum for a few years now. What made me finally join was my fascination with Operation Blackjack. As a psychologist, this was the type of conspiracy I had been waiting for. Here's why:

It wouldn't surprise me that "they" monitor these kinds of forums, just in case there ever was a massive info leak, you know, maybe some important guy slept with some lower ranking guy's girl and he got pissed and decided to quit and leak something important.

Now, if TPTB did indeed leave some kind of subliminal message warning of the 9/11 attacks, it wouldn't have been taken as seriously as it would today, because we simply hadn't seen anything as crazy as it before. We hadn't woken up.

After the tragic event, coupled with the explosion of the internet, I think TPTB already knew that conspiracy forums like ATS would spring up everywhere, and already had it planned to put the next warning through places like here.

I think they saw ahead of time that truth-seeking and figuring out the power structure would almost become the new form of entertainment for all progressive thinkers, as for me personally, it became really difficult to care about things like MTV when I knew in the back of my mind that it was possible that we may be living in a deluded society. I've always wanted to be a wise citizen, capable of thinking outside the small sphere of my own life.

Enter Operation Blackjack, a game spanning over 6 months and across numerous other such forums, whom we seem to have a serious disconnect of information with.

You might say, "oh, TPTB are all evil Satan worshipers, why would they want to warn us?"

One theory is that they have to warn us before they carry out such an attack, as part of their rituals.

My own theory is that it's simply a matter of karma, a clear conscience, and they might have it in their interest to save people that live (on a daily basis) the same truths they are so in love with.

Astrology. The occult. I have love for our leaders, even in the event I'm included in a mass killing, because I can relate to the idea that we are all just connected in the game of life anyways.

With all this buzz about the new age, it's so obvious that the NWO is coming, and to tell you the truth, sites like these are proof of the Age of Aquarius itself. Aquarians LOVE to "know" things. Our security depends on it. Economists say we are in the information age, and the internet itself is how I know this age is about to take off. ALL of us here, no matter what sign, are "wanna be" geniuses, we are playing the game of life, which happens to be becoming more like the Aquarian archetype everyday.

What separates 'us' from 'them' is the fact that they have the money and/or status we need to get good info. Would you be on this site if your father was the leader of the Illuminati and told you everything you wanted to know?

Now, look at it from their angle. Even if Operation Blackjack is just a hoax, if it was set up by them, which I think it was, it's the first time they've ever reached out to a network like us. My hope is that they recognized that we at least put forth the effort to think on a world scale, unlike most people, and if you believe you get what you wish for, we are the least likely to be confused amongst the "sheep", if fan were to be hit by sh*t.

I think the goal of the Aquarian apocalyptic game is to, basically, kill off the most ignorant people in the world as possible, saving the smartest ones. This is tricky when the world is as it is today. We are scattered amongst countries, religions, races, and many other dividers that cause further ignorance.

So pretend with me here for a sec that Operation Blackjack is what it appears to be, the first major attack on our citizens, and we even know the date. Nobody knows who or what to believe, and even if you were right, what makes you think people will listen to us?

Face it, most of us have no diplomacy skills, no tact.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:05 AM

Try to tell your friend to take a 3 day trip out of the city because you just know something bad's going to happen. Oh no, they have work, they don't have the money, they need to know why, and rightfully so.

We all SHOULD question.

Showing him your favorite ATS threads won't convince them of anything. This is the predicament I feel like I am in from Op BJ, and hopefully it's a farce, but something also tells me this is the first time that the sheep should be involved in this mind game we here are playing against TPTB.

We live in a society where we are bombarded with 3,000-5,000 advertisements a day, corporations and people trying to impose their opinions on you all the time. So rather than imposing your opinions, your beliefs, what you want them to do...

Just lead. I don't care if this Operation Blackjack is a hoax. It is the first time we must confront ourselves with the reality that the truth game has become no-holds barred. I was spooked by it, compiled the main facts and dropped it in my sister's email, and she still didn't believe me enough to at least save a plane ticket for that day. How about I just play along with the creators of it?!/event.php?eid=111679998877626

The strange part is, something like Operation Blackjack got played on us, and I find it sad that it's been almost a year and not one thing mentioning it on a social network with over 300 million users. I think we are even lucky that it didn't happen last year. There's stuff way stupider than this on facebook that get thousands of replies everyday, and suddenly, one worthy of being considered a matter of life or death, and nobody's ever bothered to try to tell their facebook buddies about it?

So let's be the first. If I have people commenting on this, being like "yeah, what the hell, this is strange", then my family would be more open to considering it.

You could argue that I am only adding to the fearmongering, but that is exactly the kinds of games that you must learn to play if you are to save your oblivious loved ones. Because telling people doesn't work anymore. Some of your loved ones will even laugh at you if you talk about 9/11 for what you think it was. So learn to laugh at yourself, and just make moves.

Help me ATS, let's promote this. I didn't start this bullsh*t, someone else made it, I'm just a messenger who's wising up.

I don't care if I am wrong. It's better than knowing I could have done something right, and not have done it, and then having your fears come true.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:11 AM
now I'm more confused than I was
fore I started this here thread.

Are you saying they're coming after
us rednecks first ???? lol

As it is difficult for me to fathom
you using the "critical thinking" term
in the same paragraph as "MTV".

And I'll be the first to admit
I have no tact ....

but I can buy those at the local
hardware store purdy darn cheap

and btw
welcome to ATS

[edit on 13-6-2010 by boondock-saint]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:13 AM
I think that Operation Blackjack has been played out for far too long on the internet to be considered an attempt by a lone individual as many people seem to suggest. This could be one of the attempts of some one from the TPTB to interact with the conspiracy theorists. As far as the motivation for this kind of interaction is concerned, I believe that no one would keep uploading the slides on the Daily Telegraph for more than 6 months just to play prank on conspiracy theorists. This could be a part of government program to profile certain individuals/sections of the society.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Everyone is entitled to there opinion.

Yours may be correct but I'm a little confused.
You talk about TPTB and NWO.
Obviously they wish to control the masses.

So why, as you say here,

I think the goal of the Aquarian apocalyptic game is to, basically, kill off the most ignorant people in the world as possible, saving the smartest ones. This is tricky when the world is as it is today. We are scattered amongst countries, religions, races, and many other dividers that cause further ignorance.

would they want to save the very people that are awake to them???

Surely it would be just the opposite...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
now I'm more confused than I was
fore I started this here thread.

Are you saying they're coming after
us rednecks first ???? lol

As it is difficult for me to fathom
you using the "critical thinking" term
in the same paragraph as "MTV".

And I'll be the first to admit
I have no tact ....

but I can buy those at the local
hardware store purdy darn cheap

and btw
welcome to ATS

[edit on 13-6-2010 by boondock-saint]


I was just poking fun at the stupid # I don't care about anymore after 9/11.

I can't help that I'm not entertained by reality TV.

As for the rednecks, if you are on this site, it's probably because you believe chaotic events are going to happen, and you probably want to survive. What makes you think it all the world's problems are going to be solved through one such event? If my suspicions are true about Aquarius, it's more likely to be a sequence of chaotic events, where you must make informed decisions.

Do I take the vaccine or do I not take the vaccine?
Should I leave New York for a few days?
Do I take the mark of the beast or not?
Do I follow the crowd and revolt?

These are all imagined, yes, but Operation Blackjack is the first game where you have to decide if our "dreams" (the end of days movies, our fascination with escapist music, conspiracies) really do start becoming reality.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:21 AM
your thread started great but then you talked about a lot of things that are kind of PROBABLY exaggerated myths

there are probably no New World Order, not physically, but they probably want to use carbon taxes and creation of a organization to control it, so it would be like a new economic paradigm or something like that ...

you talk a lot about Illuminati too, so, I dont like to talk about that, thats too much speculation

you dont need to be "Illuminati" to be considered an elitist, just because the guy is a psychopath and wants more and more money, more and more control, doesnt mean they are part of a legendary organization, they probably are just part of the same religion, in the sense of having the same crazy objectives of control ... but I doubt it is a ritual or something like you suggested

about this operation, it is possible that it is just a test, to see the reaction from people online, I DOUBT they would dare to do exactly like it was written in that article, they would need to be completely crazy and they are expecting that the public is completely dumb, which is something I have doubts, they cant be that dumb ...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by order in chaos
I think that Operation Blackjack has been played out for far too long on the internet to be considered an attempt by a lone individual as many people seem to suggest. This could be one of the attempts of some one from the TPTB to interact with the conspiracy theorists. As far as the motivation for this kind of interaction is concerned, I believe that no one would keep uploading the slides on the Daily Telegraph for more than 6 months just to play prank on conspiracy theorists. This could be a part of government program to profile certain individuals/sections of the society.

Taken from an Alex Jones thing ("oh god" i know, but this paragraph was good)

"In this sense operation blackjack may be described as an example of the new and improved version of predictive programming, as the target audience is not so much sensitized to real events underway, but rather to the anticipated event not coming to pass. In the end the viewers sit down underneath a tree, completely exhausted from their quest, and realise that the predicted date they focused on has long since past without anything occurring. As a result, they will think twice about following clues again lest they will embark on another such wild goose chase. And then, when a large part of the awoken has turned to other matters, the globalists can commence with their next false flag attack in full impunity."

That is exactly how I feel, and that is why I think it's actually going down this year.


[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by aquaman411

As a psychologist

See, that means you "over think" things.....

Yes some may wait for a predicted event.
Others, like me, just live on with it just in the back of our minds.
Considered but not controlling.....

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:32 AM
As far as 9/11 symbolism in movies and other forms of entertainment is concerned, we have found that many references(such as the date and the references to twin towers) were made in bits and pieces. Some of these references could be attributed to the script writer's creativity and imagination. However, certain references(such as the lone gunman episode) are quite blatant in their portrayal of the plot. Even if these references are classified as mere imagination of the story writer, I think they could be easily categorized as a prophecy and not an interesting script.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:33 AM
Your rhetoric belies some of your assertions.

As well, perhaps to gain yourself a clear conscious?, it is beguiled in abstract (soooo predicatable from such genres) so as to not really say anything more than what we here at ATS do to varying effectiviness anyway...

Question Everything.

For whatever it is worth...operation blackjack seems to be a conspiratorially specified variation of unrealized perceptions/expectations.

One whom wanted to exploit Eckhart Tolle could have plagerized such an ideal...however...I do find the 9/11 reference in Neo's passport as displayed within the first Matrix movie to be supportive of a portion of what you say...

Edit for spelling.

[edit on Sun, 13 Jun 2010 04:43:33 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Faiol
your thread started great but then you talked about a lot of things that are kind of PROBABLY exaggerated myths

1. "there are probably no New World Order, not physically, but they probably want to use carbon taxes and creation of a organization to control it, so it would be like a new economic paradigm or something like that ..."

2. "you talk a lot about Illuminati too, so, I dont like to talk about that, thats too much speculation

you dont need to be "Illuminati" to be considered an elitist, just because the guy is a psychopath and wants more and more money, more and more control, doesnt mean they are part of a legendary organization, they probably are just part of the same religion, in the sense of having the same crazy objectives of control ... but I doubt it is a ritual or something like you suggested"

3. about this operation, it is possible that it is just a test, to see the reaction from people online, I DOUBT they would dare to do exactly like it was written in that article, they would need to be completely crazy and they are expecting that the public is completely dumb, which is something I have doubts, they cant be that dumb ...

1. the NWO is a political thing, which is really just belief. Belief is metaphysical. It's too hard to discuss the new economic paradigm yet because we haven't seen the fall of the current one, basically, let's hold off on discussing what the NWO will be like and discuss the people we need to become in order to see the dawn of it

2. you missed the main point of operation blackjack, because the Prime Minister thing was the first ever most subtle hint shown to us by "them", that is, if you believe it was set up by them. It'd be like them whispering to just us, "hey, keep your head up, we do exist". The only people that would've gotten the hint were people looking for weird coincidences like that, ie conspiracy nuts.

3. It is very possible that it is "just a test", but would it be a test that you would wanna fail if you were me, and the love of your life just went to new york city for the summer? I don't think they would do exactly what they wrote up either, but we can worry about that after Phase 1 or 2 or whatever, whenever those damn bombs go off.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by aquaman411

conspiracy nuts.

Hey, back off!!!

I resemble that remark!!!

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Your rhetoric belies some of your assertions.

As well, perhaps to gin yourself a clear conscious?, it is beguiled in abstract (soooo perdicatable from such genres) so as to not really say anything more than what we here at ATS do to varying effectiviness anyway...

Question Everything.

For whatever it is worth...operation blackjack seems to be a conspiratorially specified variation of unrealized perceptions/expectations.

One whom wanted to exploit Eckhart Tolle could have plagerized such an ideal...however...I do find the 9/11 reference in Neo's passport as displayed within the first Matrix movie to be supportive of a portion of what you say...

"Your rhetoric belies some of your assertions.

As well, perhaps to gin yourself a clear conscious?, it is beguiled in abstract (soooo perdicatable from such genres)"

Expand, please.

As for the Operation Blackjack part, this is going to sound crazy, but what seduces us has changed. That is the byproduct of an ADD society. The mixing of the ethereal and the real is what made me realize Operation Blackjack was more cutting edge (new age) than anything I've ever seen on here.

On a more normal level, Hot women (women that understand seduction) subconsciously wield this power I am trying to explain over men today. they don't need to know about NWO conspiracies to mindf*ck you over and over again, and they are beginning to realize they won't want to sleep with anyone that doesn't get this if they don't have money or fame to back themselves up.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by virgom129
reply to post by aquaman411

conspiracy nuts.

Hey, back off!!!

I resemble that remark!!!

hahaha, if you don't wanna get realllly bagged on, don't read my facebook article lol

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by aquaman411

NPs, but can you answer my first post?


posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by virgom129
reply to post by aquaman411

As a psychologist

See, that means you "over think" things.....

Yes some may wait for a predicted event.
Others, like me, just live on with it just in the back of our minds.
Considered but not controlling.....

answered the wrong question lol

[edit on 13-6-2010 by aquaman411]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by aquaman411
"Your rhetoric belies some of your assertions.

As well, perhaps to gin yourself a clear conscious?, it is beguiled in abstract (soooo perdicatable from such genres)"

Expand, please.

No thank you. "Age of Aquarious," said it all, really.

Subcultures always seem to think in a propriatary fashion...which is to not say it may be incorrect. There are communications occuring under the literal radar.

I merely think that there is a reason why you would know this...

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by aquaman411

That was my second post...

Please look at first...

I'm a perfectionist, must be my Virgo side

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by aquaman411


That Carlos Jung is a sick mo-fo...

What is a bothan he refers to?

I'm up way past my bedtime, literally guys. I'll see ya' 2morrow. Have a good whatever these next few hours are. I'm already into 2morrow, it's 3AM here.

Interesting OP.

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