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5 Reasons Obama Is the Same as Bush, Clinton

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:25 AM
I'm reluctant to post this because I try to avoid the political forums as much as possible, but I think this article does a decent job illustrating how the Republicans and the Democrats are the same thing with a different coat of paint.


Some excerpts:

No Change

Obama, while pledging to change the rules in Washington, is playing many of the same old games. Most notably has been the effort by his administration to buy off political challengers to the president's favored candidates with promises of jobs. First it was the failed bid to get Rep. Joe Sestak not to challenge Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter, who lost to Sestak in a rare primary failure. Then it was revealed that the administration tried it again with former Colorado state house speaker Andrew Romanoff who is challenging Sen. Michael Bennet in the Democratic primary.

No Transparency

Amid promises of transparency, Obama is running secret wars a la Nixon and Bush. The Washington Post, for example, reveals that the administration, which arrived with plans to cut back on the wars, is expanding "a largely secret U.S. war against al-Qaeda and other radical groups" in Yemen, Africa, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

I'm not posting this to bash Obama, but to point out that no matter which side of the aisle is in power, the results are usually the same.

I won't be debating. Flame away if you're somehow convinced that there's a difference betwixt the two parties, and that shooting the messenger will help your cause.


posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:42 AM
Most of the governments power structure is so wholly intertwined with unelected corporations that government has basically been neutered.

The way it exists today - Government is there to facilitate corporate growth.

Corporations make the economy, and they break the economy - the government are the patsies, left out to dry in tough times.

But I agree, there has been little change in anything substantial - bar the flavor of the rhetoric - and in all honesty, its pretty much been that way since before (possibly excluding) JFK.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:46 AM
text book description of fascism

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by TheAssociate

I'm not posting this to bash Obama, but to point out that no matter which side of the aisle is in power, the results are usually the same.

That's a hard point to argue. Sadly it is the case.

Every time these candidates come up and tell us they are a Washington outsider or they will change the way government works, I roll my eyes, you just can't be led to believe these people, know that they will lie to you, spot the lies they tell, and make your choices for your candidate accordingly.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by TheAssociate

know that they will lie to you, spot the lies they tell, and make your choices for your candidate accordingly.

Well stated, and great advice.

I don't profess to have the answer to what seems to be a lose-lose situation, but I do second the above advice. Most of them are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Thank you all for the replies, insight, stars and flags.


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