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Boy Touches Breast = LIFE IN PRISON

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:27 AM
As I am sure its been posted this will get appealed and it will be appealed because this is out of line... Wonder tho what it would of been like in front of this judge if A. she was a hot blonde *( and for all you who wanna squawk on that... look at the case where the chick dipped into mexico with the 13 yo boy and then compare it to those two famous cases of school teachers gone naughty, you guys know the one the 2 hot blondes) B. If it was a guy. There needs to be a no tolerance kind of law a mandatory type thing for this stuff. As the song goes "Children are our future" Our future is bleak as it is. We are the ones responsible for our own salvation lets make it a lil bit safer for the kids. By saying in the beggining it will be appealed and most likely a reduction of sentance will occur by no means I agree Life is too harsh. Throw the book at her and any other pedo that gets busted.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 02:13 AM
The punishment in relation to the "crime" is astronomically outrageous. It's scary to think where the legal system is headed when situations like these can lead to life sentences.

On the other hand however, those that are saying the sentence should be determined by the victim's statement are exposing the double standards that exist in our society today. If this were a man that asked a 13 year-old girl to touch his penis because he wanted to have sex with her, how many of you would feel as much sympathy? It's kind of funny, albeit disturbing, how gender alone can make the victim's level of suffering more important than the actions of the perpetrator.

[edit on 9/6/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek

Just out of curiosity, what do you think the age of consent should be for sex?

Honesty counts.

16 seems to work for the UK, however i think the law needs ammending so that people who are within 2 years of each other can have sex without being arrested. So a 15 year old can have sex with her 17 year old boyfriend for example. Actually for the other ages i would increase it to 3 years difference.

However this case is an adult woman trying to coerce a young boy into sex and lets be clear once again. If this had been a man abusing a young child then would we see this argument about extreme sentencing? Of course we wouldn't and there are many threads on ATS to prove this. I even authored two threads where men who had animated (not real) child pornography were imprisoned and many on ATS were all for the sentencing.

Some are saying that you get less for murder, but murder is a crime that often isn't repeated by an individual. Most murderers seem to only do it once, often out of passion or because they were drunk or something along those lines.

Paedophiles on the other hand have a very clear reoffending rate, that is why they need putting behind bars for the rest of their lives if they ever act upon their compulsion, because they will end up wrecking the lives of children.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:16 AM
The sentence is a bit extreme, but the example made out of her will speak for itself. Enough of the unspoken mentality that an adult female with a male child is not as bad. Molestation is molestation. No matter what the gender.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by baked
The sentence is a bit extreme, but the example made out of her will speak for itself. Enough of the unspoken mentality that an adult female with a male child is not as bad. Molestation is molestation. No matter what the gender.


It's really quite sad when an adult woman abuses a child you often get the "i wish i was at that school when i was a kid" mentality from various people . Yeah ok some boys might be ready for it but many are not and feel just as bad as girls do under such circumstances.

The double standard has to stop.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
Julie Stewart of the group "Families Against Mandatory Minimums" tells us:

We are following this to its bitter end -- fighting to get it overturned in the State Supreme Court -- to try to make sure that this is overturned not just for her case, but that they overturn the law.

Once again, one-size-fits-all government policy imposes its nasty results.

LIFE IN PRISON over these charges? What's happened to reasonable sentencing in America?

Court proceedings:

Wait what ?

If this where a man standing trial for the pedophilic crime mentioned would "Julie Stewart of the group "Families Against Mandatory Minimums"" still stand up like this for him!? ...I think not ,she would not touch the case with a 10FT pole.

owh my the hypocrasy.

This woman did not go to jail because "a boy touches breast" as it is put in the title of the thread.She also solicited sex from the 13 year old boy.I have seen a couple of threads about pedofilia here on ATS and all of them always reffered to men commiting these crimes (wich is not correct ofcourse) and nothing but deathwhises and mentionings of to low punishments in court.

But now we have a woman making a 13 year old touch her sex and solicits intercourse with this boy followed by a life sentenced and everybody panics ,disagrees with the verdict and feels for and even stand up for this woman/pedophile.

I am amazed to put it mildly

"Julie Stewart of the group "Families Against Mandatory Minimums"
^Can this even get anymore twisted?

[edit on 9-6-2010 by Rafe_]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by celticniall
and if this had been a male coercing a young child of 13, we would all be hankering for a life sentence and castration.....

She is no better than the male heart bleeds......

Are you kidding me?

Maybe I was just a perverted kid, but if an adult woman wanted to do these things to me when I was 13, I would think God was hooking me up!!

Talk about being the school hero.....I'd probably have to wear gloves to protect my hands from the constant "high fives" I would be receiving.

This is tragic to me. Tragic in the way this stupid woman wasted her life on a bad decision, and tragic that she is now going to be wasting tax payer dollars to house her for the remainder of her life, while the prison system cites "over crowding" and releases people who are actually far more of a danger to society.


posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
Are you kidding me?

Maybe I was just a perverted kid, but if an adult woman wanted to do these things to me when I was 13, I would think God was hooking me up!!

Talk about being the school hero.....I'd probably have to wear gloves to protect my hands from the constant "high fives" I would be receiving.

This is the problem with society, why is it you don't see the difference? Yes some young boys might be ready for it but many are not and many young boys are abused and remain silent because of attitudes just like yours. They are scared they'll be laughed at for complaining, seen as unmanly or "gay" for refusing the advances of an older woman because of attitudes just like yours.

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
This is tragic to me. Tragic in the way this stupid woman wasted her life on a bad decision, and tragic that she is now going to be wasting tax payer dollars to house her for the remainder of her life, while the prison system cites "over crowding" and releases people who are actually far more of a danger to society.


You don't think she is a danger to society? Are you kidding me? Why is it people like you are all against men who abuse young girls and boys but when a woman does it then hey it's all good, the kid should be happy, high fiving his mates and feeling great.

This woman is a paedophile, paedophiles are predatory by nature and they will harm kids. Maybe the first boy would be happy about it, maybe the second would as well, the third one may have his entire life tainted by it.

That to me suggests a very clear danger to society.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

Smoke screen event perhaps to take attention of other topics. Hot issues do that. I guess she should go to jail for getting raped repeatedly in her life and then acting out what has been done to her aye? Nobody saw that coming. Oh and she was drunk? heh I see cops trying to bang 16 year olds nowadays. Afterall it make's no sense aye?

The constitution is supposed to be the law and no state or municipal legislature can remove that but I guess through fancy legal footwork you can amend and amend it until its a broken dead body of laws that control freaks feed on. The united states is like an old dinosaur getting ready to die. The people are smartening up. That's good because after what the bankers did, the rules should be simplified and refined.

You can't keep throwing people in jail people have to be helped but if help is refused then jail should be mandatory. There are hundreds of ways a person could be helped outside our current system of understanding ("Doing time, doing vipassana" comes to mind), maybe thousands of ways.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
Are you kidding me?

Maybe I was just a perverted kid, but if an adult woman wanted to do these things to me when I was 13, I would think God was hooking me up!!

Talk about being the school hero.....I'd probably have to wear gloves to protect my hands from the constant "high fives" I would be receiving.

This is the problem with society, why is it you don't see the difference? Yes some young boys might be ready for it but many are not and many young boys are abused and remain silent because of attitudes just like yours. They are scared they'll be laughed at for complaining, seen as unmanly or "gay" for refusing the advances of an older woman because of attitudes just like yours.

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
This is tragic to me. Tragic in the way this stupid woman wasted her life on a bad decision, and tragic that she is now going to be wasting tax payer dollars to house her for the remainder of her life, while the prison system cites "over crowding" and releases people who are actually far more of a danger to society.


You don't think she is a danger to society? Are you kidding me? Why is it people like you are all against men who abuse young girls and boys but when a woman does it then hey it's all good, the kid should be happy, high fiving his mates and feeling great.

This woman is a paedophile, paedophiles are predatory by nature and they will harm kids. Maybe the first boy would be happy about it, maybe the second would as well, the third one may have his entire life tainted by it.

That to me suggests a very clear danger to society.

[edit on 9-6-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

There are many acounts where youngmen who where sexually abused by woman show very agressive behaviour towards woman later in life as a cause of this caused by feelings of humiliation due to acts forced upon them.It really is not different from young girls.As almost always is the case these things slowly boil up towards the surface years after the actual abuse.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

You may want to hold back on the accusations of her being a pedophile, since most likely at 13 this boy had already gone through or was in the process of going through puberty.

Pedophilia refers to pre-pubescent children, which at 13, just wasnt the case.

Lets stick to the facts and not emotion based arguments.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 06:12 AM
I was talking to a friend about this yesterday evening and she made, what I thought, was a good point.

A boy of 13 who has sex with an older woman and gets high fives all round, from older guys as well as peers, is bound to get a strong impression that sex between adults and minors is perfectly acceptable. The positive re-enforcement might even lead to him believing that it is better than acceptable, he might get the impression that it's preferable.

Jump forward a few years and he's 35, in the care of a 13 year old girl who has a crush on him ..... somehow I doubt anyone would be lining up to give her high fives at school on Monday, the guy might get a few slaps though.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

You may want to hold back on the accusations of her being a pedophile, since most likely at 13 this boy had already gone through or was in the process of going through puberty.

Pedophilia refers to pre-pubescent children, which at 13, just wasnt the case.

Lets stick to the facts and not emotion based arguments.

My argument is not emotion based, i use paedophile in the modern meaning used by most people. I am well aware of the usual definition but someone hitting on a 13 year old will often be referred to as a paedophile.

Check my thread history i have defended the rights of people to own cartoon pornography involving children, as long as no one is harmed then i say do what you like. If someone has an attraction to children, while i find that distastful, they can keep their freedom as long as they never hurt a child. These are hardly the thoughts of someone acting upon emotion.

This women was coercing a minor into sex, she is a disgrace and needs to be kept in prison or mental institution for the safety of children she may come into contact with. Also consider that just because this boy is 13 it isn't much of a leap from 13 to 12.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 07:08 AM
You know darn well if that was a grown man who let a little girl touch his peter, you wouldn't have made this post. That's the double standard. Women want equality, well here it is. Time after time after time, women get a slap on the wrist for sexual conduct with minors while men get locked up for hard time (and deservedly so) but it's about time that women started to get treated equally in these cases.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 08:51 AM
does she not deserve sentencing equal to a sexual predator? im not familiar with the laws in nv. to put the law in perspective i would need books pertaining be selfish if an ugly man were to force a 13 year old girl to touch his penis and then ask her for sex; minding that the child is a friends child, escalating the moral implications of the issue: what would you mandate be befitting punishment.

and if she does set a precedent in nv. then cool or uncool? because laws are made to be followed and new precedents created.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Most people are also idiots, so relying on a definition common to them is intellectually dishonest.

The proper term would be ephebophile.

Pedophile brings to mind a small child, toddler, or infant.

True pedophiles should be executed immediately upon conviction.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by brainwrek
Well, the definition, as you brought up earlier, pertains to prepubescent children.

I have not seen any confirmation that the 13 year old boy involved in this story had gone through puberty yet.

I do know if my 14 year old daughter was at a friends house and the friends dad asked her to touch his penis and have sex with her .....

There would be some big problems in store for the friends dad, call it pedophilia or whatever you like, it is way wrong. Male or female perp, still wrong, either way.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 09:59 AM
her charges are also related to public justice and not just precedents or allocating her a just time in relation to similar crimes committed in the same county,state,nation.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Most people are also idiots, so relying on a definition common to them is intellectually dishonest.

The proper term would be ephebophile.

Pedophile brings to mind a small child, toddler, or infant.

True pedophiles should be executed immediately upon conviction.

Sorry but i don't draw much of a line between an adult having sex with a 12 year old and an adult having sex with a 13 year old. Are you honestly telling me that you think these two ages are drastically different? As i told you earlier i think law should be amended so that if a 15 year old has sex with his/her 13 year old boyfriend/girlfriend that they are not arrested. However when an adult has sex with such young children (and yes they are still children) then that adult is just as bad as a "true" paedophile.

Further, while the dictionary definition of a word is important, the common usage, ignorant or not of the actual meaning should not be ignored. It is afterall the common usage then ends up defining the dictionary definition, not the other way around. So whether it is technically correct or not i will continue to use it. Also you mention it brings up the idea of a child, well anyone under 18 is a child in this country.

Maybe you should stop quibbling over a definition when we're talking about a boy who was 1 year older than the word apparently applies to. I ask again, do you honestly see a massive difference between a 12 and 13 year old kid? If she can do such a thing to a 13 year old she can easily do that to a 12 year old, the ages are just so close.

She needs to be kept away from children and prison is a pretty good place for that.


I may have missed it but did you reply to the point about the roles being reversed? If say a 34 year old man had touched the boy or indeed a girl of 13 against his/her will then would you be defending that man as well?

[edit on 9-6-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by brainwrek
Pedophile brings to mind a small child, toddler, or infant.

An ephebophile brings to mind cheerleaders and Japanese girls in school uniform. I'd imagine a 13year old boy who is so traumatized that he needs professional help is probably closer to A than B, but regardless, both groups are firmly out of bounds for an adult.

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