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You know what they say about High-Fructose Corn Syrup right?

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:42 PM
HFCS and Sucrose(table sugar) are almost identicle and, up until recently, were thought to be metabolical twins. In other words, they were thought to induce the same metabolic/physiologic response.

Turns out...that's not the case.

A sucrose molecule is glucose/fructose that is chemically bound. HFCS is simply a mixture of about 55% fructose/45%glucose, there are no bonds. Researcehers aren't really sure why, but HFCS has a more severe metabolic response per gram than does sucrose.


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by denynothing

Miss the point much? They say that it is natural and not that bad, yet you have to go through all these different hoops just to make it. I saw no scare tactics here, but what I did see was someone tryin to take the time to educate some people on something that they possibly may not have known. Are you saying that we should just continue to fill ourselves with this crap, because the process it goes through wasn't bad in your opinion?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Maybe thats why I and allot of people I know feel like # all the time!
And Fibromyalgia? Could there be a possible link?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by concerned190

Comments pertain to the OP:

I won't even get into how your alarmism makes me feel, but you get a 2/10 for your presentation. One long paragraph of ranting, with the sources all sent to the bottom, is a very poor model to base an essay/article/post on. Or were you simply trying to get people to give up on reading before you called them stupid? ("Before you idiots put two and two together...") Bad form, OP, bad form.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by denynothing
I understand that this is worrying and brainwashing, but your first part of your argument was talking about the equipment. OK me being an Ap bio student I know what some of those are and let me tell you centrifuges arent something to be afraid it just separates things in a test tube. I understand that this a growing threat but by stating "and other high tech equipment" your just promoting fear through your scare tactics.

Agreed, I was going to bring up the same point. While the majority of your post was informational, OP, the first part was simply demonizing high-tech equipment to instill fear in the readers who weren't educated about such things. In my book, that makes me take your post less seriously, because while you have useful and potentially factual information, you've dumbed down your argument to frivolous scare tactics.

EDIT: Question for you all. I'm not particularly an expert on nutrition, but I know quite a bit. What do you guys think we should use instead of HFCS? Just good ol' natural sugar, or? Now, don't be confused, I'm not defending the use of HFCS, I simply just want to know if there is an alternative that I don't know about!

[edit on 7-6-2010 by ProUSA]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Niccawhois

Yes. Avoiding sugar and HFCS and anything that spikes insulin will help those that suffer from fibromyalgia greatly. Exposure to HFCS will hasten the onset of diabetes and insulin resistance and there is a strong association between hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and magnesium deficiency (a deficiency that contributes heavily to fibromyalgia). Insulin tends to inhibit intracellular absorption of magnesium (causing pain, muscle fatigue and hypertension).

These data suggest that insulin resistance and magnesium depletion may result in a vicious cycle of worsening insulin resistance and decrease in intracellular Mg(2+) which may limit the role of magnesium in vital cellular processes.

Here's a good resource for magnesium, insulin and fibromyalgia:


[edit on 7-6-2010 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:49 PM
Yo thanks, OP- I was just talking to my brother yesterday about these commercials and how much they irritate me. I avoid it and purchase products that don't include it on the ingredient list; it makes me feel better. xox

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by concerned190

I agree that it is far from a simple process. A simple process was the way we used to eat, before the likes of GREEDY industry like M, got it's filthy fingers into everything.

You know, the good old days, where the process entailed picking the veg, cooking it and eating it, or just picking and eating.

Not many centrifuges involved then were there!

Our UK population is getting fatter and fatter too. It's due to the same crap foods, and poisons they put into them.

I bought a bottle of lemonade today, and out of about 8-10 brands of lemonade on the shelves, i had to search for the one, single brand that didn't have any artificial poisonous sweeteners in it. ONE out of maybe 8 or 10 brands! (and that wasn't really lemonade as such, but a well known lemon and lime drink, so i failed really)
What the hells wrong with good old sugar anyway?! Real sugar, from beet or cane..that we all used up until greedy industry got involved and discovered a way to dispose of toxic industrial byproducts packaged as sweetener? Ahh..i just answered my own question i think.

I refuse to buy anything that has artificial anything contained within, as much as i possibly can, but i have to tell you, it's not that easy to do..almost everything on the shelves contains either MSG, Hydrogenated fats, artificial sweeteners, artificial colours, and/ or the rest of the junk they pile into most things.

We never eat packet, pre-prepared rubbish either. I can make a meal for my whole family (4), that is very tasty, low fat, nourishing, full of vitamins and minerals and very satisfying, for about £3-4 or less. I do this often, and only use fresh ingredients, apart from powdered spices or dried herbs etc.

Our kids don't have fizzy pop, they have juice mixed with water. When we give them sweeties (candy to you yanks) none of them have artificial this and that in either, and anything with H.F. and MSG or A.S. in it goes right back on the shelf for the depressed looking fatties wheezing up the isles behind us to pick up and shove into their trolley.

It can be done, but your shopping trip will take a lot longer, having to read through all the labels, until you get used to the brands and products but it's still possible to buy food without crap oozing out of it (Just still possible). I'm not talking necessarily about Organic only foods here either.

I suppose if the evidence, seen with our own eyes is lumbering around, sweating on relatively cool days, filling up the diabetes wards and heart units, is right in front of us and we still don't get the message, it will be our own fault for allowing these foul, horrible companies to do it to us and laugh all the way to their banking mates.

The solution, is to boycott as many products as possible that contain all this crap, and sooner or later, if enough people do not buy the stuff, they'll wither have to change their ways, or go out of business...either or works for me.

The power is in our hands and in our pockets. If we don't pick the stuff and don't buy it, things will have to change.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by concerned190

Not many centrifuges involved then were there!

What the hells wrong with good old sugar anyway?! Real sugar, from beet or cane..

I know that the centrifuge part was refering to the picking and eating of vegetables but I would just like to say that beet and cane sugar also use centrifuges in their processing. Even natural sugar like panela, rapadura or turbinado have to go through a process so that it can keep.

Remember that canning, pickling, drying and salting are also processes that have been used for ages to preserve food. Nothing wrong with processing in general.

I have to go with the blame your willpower and not processed food crowd on this one.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by daskakik]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:09 PM
Yeah I posted something on this not to long ago...
very bad for you...
Look at obesity charts after this stuff was administered...
Liver scarring as well...

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:15 PM
I disagree completely about HFCS.

I have been consuming it my entire life, in unhealthy amounts.

I am 5'11 , 120 lbs, age 29, iq 152

I am not obese in anyway or form.

It has not made me sick, I do not take any medicines and I have been healthy and in top shape.

There are literally thousands of additive chemicals in foods these days, and you guys are worried about HFCS give me a freaking break come on!

HFCS is the LEAST of our worries!!

Heres an example. 12 additives to worry about.

Propyl Gallate
Potassium Bromate
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)
Sodium Nitrite (Sodium Nitrate)
Food Colorings

Trust me, HFCS is nothing compared to the real monsters we are up against.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:29 PM
I don't know if this was posted yet, but, I had to post it:

[edit on 7-6-2010 by jdills1196]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by daskakik

I take your point about the sugar, but we buy raw, unrefined sugar, not the white stuff, the raw browny/golden type.

It's not made using a centrifuge, but comes from the juice of the plant, and retains a lot of vitamins and minerals that white, processed sugar doesn't.

Point taken though..but to clarify, i'm not frightened by technology, far from it, but rather the sheer amount of additives and proven poisons, actual poisons that are actually chemical carcinogenics and other acknowledged toxic substances.
It's just that the products that contain the majority of these things, either in the greatest quantities or greatest combination's in a single product tend to be those foodstuffs that have undergone the largest or more complex industrial processing before it lands on your plate.

I'm generalizing of course, but the point is well known to most.

That's really why i was talking about centrifuges, as a coverall for heavily processed junk.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by spikey

The raw sugar is known as rapadura, pilloncio and other names around the world. It is also processed. It is cooked down into a syrup and then dried. The cooking down producess caramelization and gives it it's golden color. Some say this also increases the glycemic index which causes spikes in blood sugar levels much like the HFCS in the OP. Not saying I really buy into that but "you know what they say about raw sugar right?"

If you look hard enough you'll find people for and against just about everything in this world.

I'm just saying that processing isn't always bad and as muzzleflash pointed out the additives are what we should be on the look out for, many which are far worst than HFCS.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I disagree completely about HFCS.

I have been consuming it my entire life, in unhealthy amounts.

I am 5'11 , 120 lbs, age 29, iq 152

I am not obese in anyway or form.

It has not made me sick, I do not take any medicines and I have been healthy and in top shape.

There are literally thousands of additive chemicals in foods these days, and you guys are worried about HFCS give me a freaking break come on!

HFCS is the LEAST of our worries!!

Heres an example. 12 additives to worry about.

Propyl Gallate
Potassium Bromate
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet)
Sodium Nitrite (Sodium Nitrate)
Food Colorings

Trust me, HFCS is nothing compared to the real monsters we are up against.

Not to worry, it'll catch up to you...

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by daskakik

We're quite active, so spikes BSL aren't really a's an energy boost essentially.

Moderation is the key word, for most things really though eh.

Don't misunderstand, there are plenty of things i could list off about myself and lifestyle, health regimen wise, that are not particularly ideal shall we say, so i'm not some health nut or fanatic.

I'm basically a proud parent, who has real concerns over what my family ingests on a regular basis. Knowingly feeding them food containing poison, isn't what i consider to be a good parent, not when there are alternatives that are just as economical, although possibly not quite as practical or easy to immediately shove into one's face.

To be frank, i know very little about HFCS or it's effects, so i can't really offer anything more than has already be said on it, but i will be looking into it. As i said, my main concern is as you and muzzlefish point out, with foodstuffs containing the known carcinogens and the plethora of other toxic or unhealthy chemicals and additives, and of course 'frankenfoods' and GM.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
When will anything on television be truthful? They can advertise a meal from McDonald's being low fat and hoards of people will rush to buy it.

Interesting you mention that? It's a joke. Commercials are created to SELL products, not to educate people about anything. It's too bad that most are informed by their TV and believe they are learning facts when they watch commercials. Um, knock, knock? Is anyone home inside that hollow metal head?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I disagree completely about HFCS.

I have been consuming it my entire life, in unhealthy amounts.

I am 5'11 , 120 lbs, age 29, iq 152

I am not obese in anyway or form.

Classic Ectomorph. You're 120 at almost 6 feet're a twig. Has the term genetics ever meant anything to you?

It has not made me sick, I do not take any medicines and I have been healthy and in top shape.

Oh, I'm willing to bet that you have a very fatty liver (from the fructose) and you've probably developed atherosclerosis from glycation, oxidation and poor blood lipid profiles.

You're not seeing any physical signs of being unhealthy because you're not fat.

HFCS is the LEAST of our worries!!

Trust me, HFCS is nothing compared to the real monsters we are up against.

Sorry, but the general population and the research suggests otherwise. Your individual experience means nothing by itself, expecially if you don't understand the biochemistry at hand.


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:10 PM
Why can't we have supermarkets that care about their customers, to the point where they refuse to market certain all dangerous "products"?

The manufactures of dangerous foods spend a lot of money advertising their foods. However the right advertising campaign, without the right facts (and legal consultation, to take advantage of the First Amendment) could be a very powerful form of advertising in itself. E.g. "If people want to get thin, live longer, be happier then they should shop at your supermarket."

Meanwhile: "Protect & Survive" against the supermarkets false choices. Spread the word to those you love (without managing to look a freak!) The best thing, any US citizen can do for their health is give up Economy chicken (and if possible their eggs to0.

I've been to a battery farm, and seen the levels of insecticide they use to control mostly flies. The chemicals are so powerful that the fie need only land on the wall, before it picks up enough poison to die. However in-between dying the flies often land in the chicken feeders-cages where the chickens happily eat them.
Not only that but do you really think the chickens never breath the spray when it's being applied? Add to that the cruelty, and various ideas (with some evidence) that what you eat, is what you are (mentally as well as physically) and you have yourself a no-brainer for giving up.

There's plenty of other ways to cook, and not cooking is rather like not eating properly (just more subtle).

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Wow the brainwashing never stops. trying to tell people its not bad for them? jesus i hope we're smarter than this

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