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Megaphone: Undeniable Proof of Israeli Propaganda on Forums like ATS

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+145 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:28 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, for years we've been bombarded with accounts that seem to appear and vanish in the blink of an eye, their sole purpose to blast us with pro-Israeli propaganda.

Now, I can show you at least one of the tools the Israeli government is using to this end. I present to you:


What is Megaphone?

Megaphone,’s software, is delivering real time alerts about key articles, videos, blogs, surveys and update messages from the coalition to community members. Members can easily voice their opinions and work together to support Israel on the public opinion front.

In short, it allows an army of people to quickly locate anti-Israel sentiment on the web and drown it out with a flood of pro-Israel propaganda. It also to a certain extent allows users to automate some actions, such as down-voting & up-voting comments on Reddit.

Who is behind Megaphone? is a coalition of Jewish and pro-Israeli organizations working together to help the Jewish community voice its opinion in an effective, active manner. It has put on its flag a goal to improve the channels of communications between the different organizations, their members, the state of Israel and the outside world. was first founded by WUJS and is now supported and operated by our partners. It is a non-for-profit organization that is supported by donations. If you wish to donate please contact us here. We appreciate all help offered. Thank you.

I would like to suggest that ATS take immediate action to determine if this software is being used on their forums, and block it. We are here to deny ignorance, not support the propaganda and censorship methods used by an apartheid regime.

More info can be found here:

[edit on 1-6-2010 by D.E.M.]

+40 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:29 PM
And what about organizations that are pushing out Anti Israel propaganda? Is it the responsiblity of ATS to block them, too?

+13 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

Blocking is not so much an issue I think as exposing and being aware of this type of mind game.

I predict these types of software programs and organizations are going to explode in the coming years(in relation to all subjects that is).

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:34 PM
Great find!
I think anyone here using a third party software (like the one mentioned above) should have their IP banned forever. I'm sure it won't stop it, but every little bit helps.

Is there anyway to detect the use of this software?

+62 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

That is not the point. The point is that we have, right here, a national government creating and distributing software with the sole purpose of pushing it's propaganda across multiple sources, and using software exploits to manipulate those sources into showing only their viewpoint.

This is Orwellian to an unheard of extreme. It is one thing to use shills, I'm sure every government does. It is an entirely different ballgame to create a way to automate such shilling, and thus drown out the opposition by sheer volume.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Frankly, they would never be able to get a foothold on ATS. This is a place designated for critical thinking as well as questioning the official line. Political propaganda is something that you don't need a Ph.D to deconstruct. All it takes is a bit of critical thinking and discernment.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:39 PM
So who is going to be the first one to test this theory by posting an anti-Israeli thread? I'm interested in seeing if this is true or not. An ATS sting operation anyone? Maybe Springer or Overlord could get in on this one.

Peace be with you.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:40 PM
Who wants to be the "guinea pig" and install the software? I'm calling NOT IT.

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

I don't think any organization needs to push anti-Israeli sentiment. Israel’s actions do a pretty good job of giving reasons to think anti-Israeli, which is why Israel needs to push their pro-Israel rhetoric to counteract their actions.

How would you like it if China and Russia gave the land of America back to the Native Americans? They were here first. At least they had control of the land within the last 500 years. Before the creation of the state of Israel, the jews had not had control of the land since the 7th century. 1300+ years.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I'm pretty sure that if this software exists and has been utilized here, there should be plenty of evidence already. ATS has always had a large amount of anti-israeli sentiments and threads for as long as I've been here. And that's just the anti-nation-of-Israel sentiment. There's plenty of downright anti-semitic stuff as well.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by jefwane]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by jefwane
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I'm pretty sure that if this software exists and has been utilized here, there should be plenty of evidence already. ATS has always had a large amount of anit-israeli sentiments and threads for as long as I've been here.

True. But now we apparently know what we are looking for. If this program is indeed true then at least our eyes will be a little bit more open.

Peace be with you.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:53 PM
"Google allerts" will do the exact same thing if given specific words to look out for. After a short while, a few days, it will scan and post any examples of specific words to your email in-box in real time.

For example, if I were to set up an alert using the words....

Israel, murderers, palestinian, aid, flotilla, armed and illegal, google allerts would send an email and a direct link to the words wherever they appear.

I agree totally that there are among us those who use such software. Alas when google itself is capable of doing the exact same, i dont know how it could be stopped.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by janon

Would any anti-israel organisation be so smart to use their tool to counterattack their posts?

+45 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:03 PM
User 'Yitro' is one of these bots.

All of their posts are identical with minor adjustments made to the later copypasta.

+35 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by D.E.M.

Here is how Israeli propaganda arm is doing it

This was found posted on Reddit

Note in the above screenshot: From the private version of megaphone:

Here is how a part of Israeli propaganda arm is doing it:

This message was broadcasted probably yesterday on the Israeli propaganda software

Similar to that other social networking (forums/ you tube/ facebook pages etc) websites are also being infiltrated to contain the incident in similar fashion by posting pro-Israel statements to muddy the waters.

Not just forums but polls are also being manipulated

Here is a screenshot from "Israel Fan" Facebook page trying to modify poll results.

You will notice that earlier today the poll result was this

but few hours ago the poll was reset due to unexplained reasons and here are the results as of now.

The agents are out in full force to muddy the waters as if the MSM is not enough.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Crimson_King]

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Crimson_King

Thank you Crimson, I included a link to the Reddit article, but the screenshots being here are excellent evidence and very damning.

The more people we spread this to the better, I very much appreciate your contribution!

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Crimson_King

Good job, it's obvious that these propagandists are the first line of defence for Israel. Unfortunately for them, this crisis seems to be much too severe for them to counter; it seems that Israel will lose the PR war, and even the mighty United States of America will be forced to accede to public opinion.

edit: the "good job" is a reference to the research of the poster "Crimson King" and is an endorsement of his investigative skills; it is not a veiled attack on the state and/or citizens of Israel.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by SmedleyBurlap]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by captiva

Google alert does not "instructs" you to post "pro israel" topic..does it?

reply to post by Dumbass

Not taking chance with jewish adware..goodluck with it. Those who are right and speak truth dont need such means...such tools are hallmark of propagandes.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Crimson_King]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by D.E.M.

very well done at your find dude
... im glad someone is pro activly trying to oust these misinformists / propegandists , as they are a total plauge on ats!

thes epeople always pop up, and the supporters start posting whenever isreal do anything wrong.

theirs one site (im looking for it now) which is for providing isreal "information" (propeganda) to the massess, while all under a quote by a nazi general (i forget which one) about the use or propegands! ... says it all really, when isrealis are using nazi morals!

i found another one too... (im still looking!)
as soon as i opened the site this popped up

ACTION ALERT: Report Jew hatred, Holocaust Denial, and Jihad on Facebook!

dear oh dear.

@Crimson_King (i just read up , i was sitting on the create reply page for ages)

did i just see a website tell people to go to /b/ to post !?!?!?
they have to be desperate hahahaha!

[edit on 1-6-2010 by boaby_phet]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 04:23 PM
...the software may be new but, really, this is old hat stuff and pro-israel (at all costs) zealots arent the only ones who play that way... it just comes with the territory of free speech... their intent is to intimidate you into silence... ignore 'em and ramble on...

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