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Why Can't I Own a Canadian?--A Religious Letter

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by nophun

There it is again in a nutshell. No one can have an opinion about gays unless it is sanctioned by the gay community. I guess that is what passes for free speech nowadays.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I have seen no gay bashing. I have seen people with different opinions. People like you always call that bashing. So much for tolerance. Actually if you read the entire thread the most hateful comments are directed not at gays but at people of faith.

"Glad to see this little treatise is getting some traction. I have a tendency to trot it out when the gay-bashing begins and it sure creates a bunch of huffing and puffing (and giggles from the other side)".

Hmmm...please point out to me and the rest of the world where that statement accuses anyone of gay-bashing in this thread?

"People like me" know, the intolerant ones...are keen to know.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by jfj123


So are you saying all women are emotional and illogical?

Goodness me jfj123, Here you are doing it again..just like your Hitler and racism/racist comments. Showing insecurity.

I know women who are more on target and secure in their debate points than are you. You do know that occult beliefs and practices are religious in nature do you not?? I Know women who do not practice the occult pattern...their yes is yes and their no is no..they do not practice drama.
Once again this concept seems to go over your head.

So any group of people expressing their opinions is censorship and without honor according to you. Interesting....

Confirming my point here again by this drama technique.

It's a reasonable example which can be applied to almost any type of similar situation. Just using your logic

No...skewing another's logic by drama to shift the concept to the drama ..not the point being made. Some would call this misdirection..drama to misdirect the readers off the point/points being made.
This is textbook of politics, even public education, and also the news media today. We know this by the poll numbers of peoples tuning out or turning off most of the MSM. They are going elsewhere for their news and information's. Same thing with the distrust of politicians, also public schooling financed by politicians.
It has turned out to be the same case with this beauty pageant and the judge in it. This judge did drag the contest into the gutter for their cheap emotional drama politics.

I'm only referring to the voting process. The fact that a group of people vote (ie express their collective opinions) about someone. You could apply this to almost any similar process. I liked the way you tried to deflect from the subject though....good try !

The voting process in this nation has been hijacked by the emotional/drama process associated with marketing/ the very souls of the public for political lucre. The very same process attempting to be used by this gay issue. As I said from the beginning ..someone is targeting this group for votes..particularly in high electoral vote states. Drama, accusations, controlled media is in on the method.
Yes. I understood you were only talking about the voting process. The process is much larger than voting. Once again broaden or narrow to suit your bias. Just like a politician. But you won't tell readers this is what you are doing...hence I will.

i]Don't forget the etc... part.. and of course you do or you wouldn't be here.

Lighten up Have a great weekend orangatom/rick

No .I will lighten up when I decide to lighten up. Not on this topic however.


I have seen no gay bashing. I have seen people with different opinions. People like you always call that bashing. So much for tolerance. Actually if you read the entire thread the most hateful comments are directed not at gays but at people of faith.

Exactly one of the points I have been making. And you have done it with an economy of words. Thank you.

There it is again in a nutshell. No one can have an opinion about gays unless it is sanctioned by the gay community. I guess that is what passes for free speech nowadays.

Once again ...the point I was trying to make...economy of words again.
Well said.

Also Rick1, Concerning the Bible..which many on both sides of this debate seem to miss...or they just don't know the history. The Bible is also History.

There is no instruction both Olde and New Testament for the Lords people to define themselves or glorify themselves by their sexuality. You will not find this. You will find this in the Bible both in the Olde and New Testaments about the nations surrounding Ancient Israel.

You will also find that Ancient Israel got caught up in this method of operation and attempted to privily codify it into and over the top of the Law Of Moses and pass it off as if it was part and parcel of the Law of Moses. It was no such thing. This is one of the reasons they lost the land by 70AD.

Someone is attempting the very same process here today ..illustrating that evolution is not happening. It is the same olde playbook and history repeating itself.

Defining ones self as greatness and acceptability through sexuality is precisely what the nations surrounding Ancient Israel were already doing. This is why the Israelites were instructed to not do as the nations around them where already doing. Such that they would not commit the whoredoms of the nations surrounding them...and thus not defile the land.

This is also why the Bible is not liked by those pushing this position and other worldly feminine occult positions. This concept must be kept hidden from most peoples..not known or understood. Occult...hidden..concealed..even esoteric in its religious nature.

Politics, the Main Stream Media, these gay groups, and also Public education are all Occult in their nature for the purpose of hiding and concealing this history/knowledge.

This is why I say declare or force/intimidate ones greatness and acceptability by their sexuality..hetero or homo..both the epitome of stupidity. It is in like manner to declaring ones excellence/acceptabilty by ones racial make up. Both are the flesh. It does however make for good drama in its methods and techniques. Once you begin to catch can see it coming ..over and over.

To do this you must censor...opposing opinion. And this is precisely the direction our Politicians are going on this issue as well as many other issues. Censoring dissent/opinion. The MSM are willing partners in this as well as is public education.
Peoples who do not emit the sanctioned/authorized versions of acceptability are labeled by automatic default as Haters, Gay Bashers, Hitlers, or whatever new label comes up next. This is what I mean by predictability of methods and techniques. You can see them coming after awhile.

The very term ..Enlightenment comes out historically from Occult vocabulary/ and practices. There is nothing enlightening about this type of thing. Hetero or homo both.

There are two different lights being talked about here. There is Light and there is light.


[edit on 5-6-2010 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:50 AM
One side of my family came here during the war of 1812 to help keep Canadians from being "owned".
Later they fought in ww1 and ww2, and Korea to keep Europeans, North Africans, and Koreans from being "owned".

What were Adolf's religious views?
"In a proclamation to the German Nation February 1, 1933 Hitler stated, "The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life."[7]

Glad we didn't get owned by him.

We are very proud to have contributed to why the Maple Leaf is the symbol of un- owner-ship around the world.
It is worn by some Ameicans travelling everywhere exept at home.

There was a thread here the other day:
"American is a Christian country prove me wrong you can't"
or some such like that there.

So here are some questions I am curious to have answered and the pine trees are silent on the subject so I am asking here:

So is it safe to say that the "christian country of the US tried to own Canada in 1812 and got sent home re thinkin'?
Was God on your side that day?

"the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

Was The All Knowing's intel faulty?
Who owns the Iraqi oil wells now?
Why are US troopd guarding the Afghani Poppy fields...
who ownes the profits from the opium?

Where did Jezeus(sp?) say anything bad about homosexuality?

Here is a list of God's critters that are from time to time gay:
"Homosexual behavior has been observed in barnyard animals (bulls, cows, stallions, donkeys, cats, rams goats, pigs), 18 species in captivity (including rats, antelope, elephants, hyenas, monkeys, apes, rabbits, lions, porcupines, hamsters, mice, porpoises). For example, two female macaque monkeys were observed giving each other orgasms. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in several species in the wild-- anolis lizards, mountain sheep, seagulls, langurs, bonobo chimpanzees."
( the clams are even bi- valvial too

So, did God make a batch of abominations?
Are Christians telling God he made a batch of abominations?

If God "screwed up" why is that not called the "Missionary position"?

If God gave Christians "dominion" over these animals or "stewardship" over these animals, is God going to be mad because we sluffed off on the job and let them choose to become Homosexual...
Where is the menu of sexual choices these animals have to choose from?

Who does God hug and kiss on the cheek when he comes home from the office?
Eternity is a long time to be lonely
Wouldn't that be....well....Hell?
Don't tell me he is like Gordon Lightfoot's
" the old man from the forest".
That would be so sad.

dispite my prolly lame attemps at being entertaining
I really mean these questions in all seriousness.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:53 AM
Gordon Lightfoot
The Old Man Came Home From The Forest

"Oh the neon lights were flashing and the icy wind did blow
The water seeped into his shoes and the drizzle turned to snow
His eyes were red his hopes were dead and the wine was running low
And the old man came home from the forest
His tears fell on the sidewalk as he stumbled to the street
A dozen faces stopped to stare but no one stopped to speak
For his castle was a hallway and the bottle was his friend
And the old man stumbled in from the forest
[ ac.guitar ]
Up a dark and dingy staircase the old man made his way
His ragged coat around him as upon his cot he lay
And he wondered how it happened that he'd ended up this way
Getting lost like a fool in the forest
And as he lay there sleeping a vision did appear
Upon his mantle shining the face of one so dear
Who'd loved him in the springtime of a long forgotten year
When the wildflowers did bloom in the forest
[ harmonica ]
She touched his grizzled fingers as she called him by his name
And then he heard the joyful sound of children at their games
In an old house on a hillside in some forgotten town
Where the river runs down from the forest
With a mighty roar the big jet soars above the canyon streets
And the con men con but life goes on for the city never sleeps
But to an old forgotten soldier the dawn will come no more
For the old man has come home from the forest"

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Danbones


So is it safe to say that the "christian country of the US tried to own Canada in 1812 and got sent home re thinkin'?
Was God on your side that day?

Canada has been at the forefront of intrigue and machinations of different groups operating in your country for over 200 years.
Canada was a base of operations for the British..both in our Revolutionary War as well as the War of 1812. Canada was also a base of operations for people working for the Confederate states as well as England. So too was Mexico for that matter.
Canada is still at it today. Not the ordinary Canadian..but the nation and certain groups working and using Canada as a base of operations.
And England or the Crown has operated through Canada for most of the time Canada has been around. And not always for the best interest of Canada.

Since America joined secretly and privily in the English Dogma and Dictum of

"Angle Saxon Superiority and Rule of the World"

along with Canada.. this has not been a problem for Canada. Our Government, like Canada, has willingly joined in the New World Global Movement. And not always in the best interests of the American Peoples.

Is this a time warp technique you are using??

"the former Palestinian foreign minister Nabil Shaath says Mr Bush told him and Mahmoud Abbas, former prime minister and now Palestinian President: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,' and I did."

You are parroting out the standard M1A propaganda techniques here.

Those familiar with Occult vocabulary and techniques know that when George Bush declared in an interview about his religion....that he believed in a "Supreme Being" that this did not refer to the God of the Bible.
This term "Supreme Being" is from Occult religions.
A Believer in the Bible would not hesitate to declare that they believe in the Bible and the Lord Jesus the Christ for Remission of Sins....not in a "Supreme Being."

Those well versed in the Bible also by Biblical Knowledge...know about counterfeits and counterfeit doctrine and dogma.
The secret to a counterfeit is not that it is the opposite of the real thing but as close to the real thing such that it could pass for the real thing. And "Supreme Being " among most peoples is close enough. They will easily bite.

The inside essence of the Nazi party is that they were interested in Occult and Occult practices and religion..dogma. I should not have to tell you this.
You can find it often on the History Channel..also called by some of us ..the Hitler Channel. They too will lie and deceive you on this channel concerning much of history...and substitute counterfeits for what happened in history.

Occult pagan religions use/misuse variations of sex, drugs, music..and their dogma to control the public. Sexuality, particularly around certain holidays and festivals is often found among these religions and priesthoods.

Was The All Knowing's intel faulty?
Who owns the Iraqi oil wells now?
Why are US troopd guarding the Afghani Poppy fields...
who ownes the profits from the opium?

We went into Iraq to keep the oil off the market. Saddams main crime is that he was selling oil as an independent in the oil for food program..thus depressing the price of oil in the marketplace. Independents are not tolerated in a rigged marketplace such as is oil. Same thing happened in the Falkland Islands, Same thing in Vietnam. How to keep the oil off the market. This is not Christianity is business and much of business..particularly the oil business is to keep oil off the market and prices up. Oil is a rigged market and government is in on it. Not just our government but many others as well...including Canada's government.

Where did Jezeus(sp?) say anything bad about homosexuality?

This is a type of humanistic/counterfeit question..of the Counterfeiter. It attempts to conceal, mislead or imply guilt about those who know and understand what is in the Bible. It is textbook of this genre.
As I stated several times...there is no instruction in the Bible to declare ones greatness or acceptability by ones sexuality. The Pagan nations were already doing this very conduct...leading to various types of whoredoms.
This is why God's people are not to go down this all.

Here is a list of God's critters that are from time to time gay:
"Homosexual behavior has been observed in barnyard animals (bulls, cows, stallions, donkeys, cats, rams goats, pigs), 18 species in captivity (including rats, antelope, elephants, hyenas, monkeys, apes, rabbits, lions, porcupines, hamsters, mice, porpoises). For example, two female macaque monkeys were observed giving each other orgasms. Homosexual behavior has also been observed in several species in the wild-- anolis lizards, mountain sheep, seagulls, langurs, bonobo chimpanzees."

Great...textbook. Well said here Danbones. Well said.

Like others on this thread and other threads you approve of men being like the baseness of other animals.
Notice that other animals were not given a Bible to guide them in their lives. Why is that??
It must be such that they can declare their greatness by sexuality ..being like other animals. Astonishing!! Well said here. Well said Danbones.

So, did God make a batch of abominations?
Are Christians telling God he made a batch of abominations?

In the Bible..abominations is often used in relation to whoredom.
Contrary to popular belief..abominations and woredoms does not always mean sexual..but it is related. Abominations is doing those things God told His people not to do such that they become defiled. It originates from Spiritual abomination and Spiritual adultery first. One must first be spiritually adulterated or a Spiritual Whore. If one is spiritually adulterated/spiritually whored out first ..then will naturally follow all the other the point where these abominations will overtake toto. And we see this all around us. It is even glorified as the best and preferred way to "Travel."

When one knows this pattern and what is declared in the Bible...and one can think further than the next sound bite...even from their learns to spot a counterfeit..and also the counterfeiter.

dispite my prolly lame attemps at being entertaining
I really mean these questions in all seriousness.

I agree with you here Danbones. You are indeed serious.

And like the counterfeiter have mostly questions. In like manner as did the serpent to Eve in the garden.

Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Ye shall not surely die!!


[edit on 5-6-2010 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by nophun

There it is again in a nutshell. No one can have an opinion about gays unless it is sanctioned by the gay community. I guess that is what passes for free speech nowadays.

Hi orangatom/rick, how is your weekend so far ?

Thanks for the post.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
yes is yes and their no is no..they do not practice drama.

Ask me yes and no questions and I'd be glad to answer them

So any group of people expressing their opinions is censorship and without honor according to you. Interesting....

Confirming my point here again by this drama technique.

I'm simply asking a question. You're the one creating the drama. If your logic works for one group, it must work for all groups.

I'm only referring to the voting process. The fact that a group of people vote (ie express their collective opinions) about someone. You could apply this to almost any similar process. I liked the way you tried to deflect from the subject though....good try !

The voting process in this nation has been hijacked by the emotional/drama process associated with

irrelevent. Nice attempt at deflection though

i]Don't forget the etc... part.. and of course you do or you wouldn't be here.

Lighten up Have a great weekend orangatom/rick

No .I will lighten up when I decide to lighten up. Not on this topic however.

I guess you told me huh


Just curious as to why you're posting under 2 names?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Honestly? All I can say is 'Pshaw!'

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by rick1
reply to post by nophun

There it is again in a nutshell. No one can have an opinion about gays unless it is sanctioned by the gay community. I guess that is what passes for free speech nowadays.

You just posted a link showing your religious nuts censoring the "gay agenda", Right after you seem to be asking for free speech to bash gays.

You have no god given right to hate people because a 2000 year old book tells you to.

[edit on 5-6-2010 by nophun]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

First Orangetom

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions.
First I asked questions so xians would have a chance to respond politely.

here I go:
1 point at time due to word count

Comparing me to a snake for pointing out potential flaws in the Christian
reasoning is well....

Why we stopped Hitler the Christian from owning everything...
He didn't believe in reasoned debate or free speech either.

Assuming that the people I quoted would lie out of hand with out proof just doesn't fly without proof:
here is the BBC quoting the same :

"Does Bush believe he fights a titanic battle with the anti-Christ?
Mr Bush is certainly not the first president to invoke God in time of war, but his approach is markedly different from his predecessors. "
Here is the Guardian reporting the same...I see no retractions from them which if the story was untrue there would have been.

The US went to war in Iraq because:
Iraq was in league with al Qiada- and helped do 911-a lie
they had WMD a -lie
the took babies out of incubators - a lie
oil 4 food
etc etc etc

George Galloway showed who was really involved in the oil for food with Saddan
Christian menbers of the coalition of the willing!
Galloway filed a libel suit over the story and won £750 000 from the Daily Telegraph last year.

Galloway also accepted undisclosed damages and a public apology from the Christian Science Monitor over an article it published alleging he took money from Saddam's regime. That report was based on documents that later proved to be forgeries.

turning that part of the world into an uninhabital wasteland with toxic DU fullfills a prediction in the bible that the area would become an uninhabitable wasteland for eons and you can't have the second coming till it becomes true.

But, this Bible prophecy does (very accurately and remarkably) describe the Gulf War I + Gulf War II invasions of Iraq (Babylon) ... and remember, Saddam Hussein even described himself as the new Nebuchadnezzar (the famous ruler of ancient Babylon) ...

Also you didn't deal with the issue of Hitlers use of Christianity as part of his justification..
the germans were slightly over half Protestants the rest mostly Catholic I have read.

From the Huffington Post:

"John Hagee, the controversial evangelical leader and endorser of Sen. John McCain, argued in a late 1990s sermon that the Nazis had operated on God's behalf to chase the Jews from Europe and shepherd them to Palestine. According to the Reverend, Adolph Hitler was a "hunter," sent by God, who was tasked with expediting God's will of having the Jews re-establish a state of Israel.

Going in and out of biblical verse, Hagee preached: "'And they the hunters should hunt them,' that will be the Jews. 'From every mountain and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks.' If that doesn't describe what Hitler did in the holocaust you can't see that."

the group that most supports the Canadian government's war effort are:
are ZIONISTs and CHRISTIANS!!! and Christian ZiONISTs
That's PM Harpers base.
you make my point for me there..

re 1812
"Some British officials – and some dissident Americans – charged that the goal was to annex part of Canada...

I'm not US or xian bashing here.

the OP was about LITTERAL followers of the bible.
I'm working on:
Litteral Christians are allowed to own people from other nations
and use this to justify wars of conquest that only benefit
the Luciferian NWO

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by jfj123


I'm simply asking a question. You're the one creating the drama. If your logic works for one group, it must work for all groups.

Tell me you outgrew public school thinking?? ie...a television education.

It must "not" work for all people. Exactly the tack I am taking.
This group...the homosexual groups are not interested in extending tolerance to others from whom they demand it. And Prez Hilton led the charge on this to show and illustrate this in a public forum where it could no longer be contained, hidden, and covered up. Many willingly jumped on this bandwagon...even cheered this crudeness and crassness on if it was excellence...entitled.

This is the reality of what is seen out here by some yet never discussed by others including the body politic and the MSM and public education.

The voting process in this nation has been hijacked by the emotional/drama process associated with

irrelevent. Nice attempt at deflection though

Very relevant because it works on the same default settings, drama, and emotions...indicating the source of it.

Just curious as to why you're posting under 2 names?

I have not posted under two different names. I have never posted to Rick1 until today. I noted this in your previous post and wondered when you would bring it up in insecurity. Thanks for making that point clear for us.

nophun and others,

You have no god given right to hate people because a 2000 year old book tells you to.

See what I mean in my previous posts. When you don't agree with something ...there is something wrong with you are automatically a hater...and whatever else can be convenient or conjured up.

Comparing me to a snake for pointing out potential flaws in the Christian
reasoning is well....

Why we stopped Hitler the Christian from owning everything...
He didn't believe in reasoned debate or free speech either.

Surely you jest?? Hitler was no Christian and neither is George Bush.
The very history you point out clearly indicates that there is something hidden and concealed..Occult going on here. Known only to a chosen few.
Usually for Profit..not Prophet. I can make the very same argument for the history of Rome..or godless nations like Soviet Russia and Communist China.

You are going to have to work harder to pull this one off. And I don t know much history but I can see through that nonsense. It is difficult for most to comprehend unless you know something about the other religions. It is also not a pattern of understanding which will be taught in public schools or by the media.

The BBC and the British Government are and have been masters of the slight of hand against many nations...going back before WW1, the Ottoman Question, and other intrigues. I have listened to the BBC but began to question them and the British Governments motives when I heard them announce after the Falklands Island war that the British Government was taking bids for oil leases off the Falkland Islands. This was about a year after the war was concluded.

Those poor soldiers/sailors on both sides died for oil. In this case to keep it off the market and out of the hands of Argentines.

Many are still dying for oil ..and to keep it off the market in like manner.

As to George Galloway..the Huffington Post..I wouldn't use any of them as a source except to illustrate their drama techniques. Same thing with the Labor Party.

England is going into the Dregs and rapidly following the template of the Labor Party since after WW2. It is strangling them economically...politically and socially. In another 20 years England will no longer be England. Canada is slated to follow the same template. However I understand that there is a quiet building revolt against the labor party going on in England right now.

The labor party is following the Luciferian NWO template as is the BBC shilling for them...the Guardian as well. George Galloway is too.

Also you didn't deal with the issue of Hitlers use of Christianity as part of his justification..
the germans were slightly over half Protestants the rest mostly Catholic I have read.

Hitler like George Bush and other leaders unto this very day are astute politicians. I should not have to tell you this. They will say anything and everything to get support for their policies. If they must Appear to be Christian to get support they will do so. IN like manner to today ..if they must appear Anti Christian to do so they will do so.
The essence of politics is to barter, trade, and or sell off the very souls of a people/nation for lucre/power...but first they must sell their own souls to this system. This is not new if you know what is written in books on devout occult religions.

Try... Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.. circa 1870/1871.

John Hagee...good grief..I wouldn't quote John Hagee as Christian nor John McCain as well.

the group that most supports the Canadian government's war effort are:
are ZIONISTs and CHRISTIANS!!! and Christian ZiONISTs
That's PM Harpers base.
you make my point for me there..

They are also working here in this country and towards the same goals. I don't support Israel today as if they are the same Israel of Ancient times. I don't think so. Today's Israel has no Biblical Claim whatsoever to that land. They have only the claim by the ancient laws of conquest. But Biblical Israel..they most certainly are not.
I also do not agree with the Muslim Positions. I know what is the central objective of Islam. And it is not peaceful. Neither for the Jews or anyone else. What happened in England with the Bus/transportation bombings cleared this up very well.

If they want to go at it ....the Jews and Islam...Bon Appetit. We need to stay out of it. Let them have it all.

re 1812
"Some British officials – and some dissident Americans – charged that the goal was to annex part of Canada...

I doubt this because this fledgling country, at that time, could not even handle what we had here...much less any other country. By the time another 40 plus years were transpired this country was involved in a very bloody Civil War...instigated encouraged and managed from England through the Confederacy. England and her minions were still trying to destroy this country.

I'm not US or xian bashing here.

Don't worry about this..I can handle it. Same thing with the gay groups. But thank you for the consideration. On that serious note ..I consider this to be generous of you. Thank You.

the OP was about LITTERAL followers of the bible.
I'm working on:
Litteral Christians are allowed to own people from other nations
and use this to justify wars of conquest that only benefit
the Luciferian NWO

There are no such instructions to carry out this kind of conduct in the Bible. Wars of Conquest. God's Word is not promoted by the sword in making converts.
While slavery is condoned ..there are instructions for treatment of slaves and it is not what is portrayed in the media.

Economic affluence has negated the need for slaves in Western countries.
Machines have replaced the olde traditional slavery.

However if you are well read in inflationary or depreciation monetary is one method of stealing the very soul of a people of a nation and getting them to work for rock bottom prices/wages. Just like in or after a war. A type of slavery. And this is in fact what NWO policies and techniques are in their ultimate goals. One of which will be to reduce the worlds population to manageable levels. To some 500,000,000 people.

You will find this on the Georgia Guidestones. Line 1.

This is the template for the New World Order United Nations template. It is also why the United Nations spends alot of monies studying how to replace the worlds religion with a religion frank. A common religion.

You are quite correct in describing the NWO as Luciferian. Well said here.
This is something I ran across in studying Occult religions ..the difference in Luciferianism and Satanism...and how it has survived through the centuries. How it has sponsored wars and destruction across the globe..even sometimes masquerading itself as Christian to seduce people into believing what they require at the necessary moment.

Also thanks for not having the drama levels of jfj123 and some of the others. It is a refreshing change.


[edit on 6-6-2010 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 05:15 PM
hey Orangetom

I'm really after the mistaken notions that people use to justify war...because they are a manipulation that takes advantage of people's faith...religious and political...
"Through deception though shall wage war"

Just look at Obama - a peace prize and he just sent special forces to 75 combat creations of the US government.
Al Qaeda was created by the CIA, in their offices in Washington D.C., According to Richard Clark in his most recent book. It was created for Saudi Arabia to bankroll Osama bin Laden, through the House of Saud, "in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union during the 1980's and Riyadh and Washington together contributed an estimated $3.5 billion to the mujahideen."
richard clarks bio:

Gee, funding terrorists what does the patriot act say about that?

Zbigniew Brezinsky has admitted to "creating" the Taliban.
we know all about who funds them too.

After all Jesus was the "prince of peace", so making war seems like something Christians ought to be opposed to I would think.

Personally though
I think religion should stay out of politics, other peoples' bedrooms, and
educational systems.
Democracy and religion don't work when enforced on other people,

Undeniable fact - the US declared war on Canada in 1812, and if your reasons are accurate they should have declared war on the British, which they did not...

When investigated the US's reasons for going to war
they keep coming up totally fraudulent.

The Gulf of Tonkin by the US government's own admission was a complete fabrication
Again the guv and the sheeple fell for a hoax.
Go get those goddless Commies !!!

"One of the Navy pilots flying overhead that night was squadron commander James Stockdale, who gained fame later as a POW and then Ross Perot's vice presidential candidate. "I had the best seat in the house to watch that event," recalled Stockdale a few years ago, "and our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets — there were no PT boats there.... There was nothing there but black water and American fire power."

I have yet to see a military action by the US that has not been in hindsite initiated by fraud, and commited by a gullible people.

After the Hagee quote about Hitler doing God's work:

Hitler said the Jews could leave Germany and go where ever - they could even have the isle Madigascar...
Why didn't they come to The US or any other common wealth country?
Because the Jewish lobby bribed the governments of same to prevent them from entering. This is well known.

Christians went right along with it..
No Israel, no second comming.

It is people, not some celestial sky god who have to take responsibility for
all these inhumanities, we have the right to self determination and justifying actions against other people by the use of religion
is a cop out.

Learning to share is something a 5 year old must learn.

"Jesus died for our sins" if true, is no excuse to go and commit more sins.
It was to wipe the slate clean so we could stand up like men and take responsibility for our decisions and actions...
and make the creator proud
not disgusted
Dogma and responsible, inteligent thought are incompatible

1812 being legit?
You gotta prove it my friend

[edit on 5-6-2010 by Danbones]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Dallas1611
You know...this is probably one of thousands of similar stupid questions by people who do not understand the Bible nor how to apply its words.

And once again, any and ALL questions posed here can easily be answered by CONTINUE reading the Bible and comparing scripture with scripture.

And yes, queers are still an abomination in the eyes of God as found in Romans chapter 1 and various other New testament verses.

Not only have they always been an abomination since the beginning of time, before the law, during the law, after the law, but also now in the church age and into the millennium.
Eating/drinking blood is another abomination that has always been forbidden too, but that's another topic.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Dallas1611]

This is a perfect example of why the poster made this thread in the first place. This is ignorance; not everyone holds the same religous belief. I is absurd to judge everyone based upon one religion. I am more of budhist and budhism does not condemn homosexuality; at leasat the modern version.
I think this is just like racism; yes people have their right to their opinions but do they really have the right to bash others?Is hate really such a bigh right that a whole religion can use their beliefs to discriminate against one group? What about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist church; is that really ok to hate that much?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Danbones


I'm really after the mistaken notions that people use to justify war...because they are a manipulation that takes advantage of people's faith...religious and political...
"Through deception though shall wage war"

I would be hard pressed to debate this point with you because this is also what I think. Most war is deception and often at the expense of the ordinary person of all the nations. In this manner war itself is a decption on the people of a nation. One learns to ask the question..what religion is this when one sees it being practiced over and over in history...the religion of deception??
It becomes obvious by the manner in which it happens over and over and over..that war is part of a very devout and zealous religion at the very frequency of it's taking place.

However...what is not often recognized is that the body politic of any nation is of faith...another faith..not the one advertised. A faith not known by most of the people they intend to rule/deceive/control.
They will use/misuse any religion to keep and maintain this control. The gist of it is that the public must never catch on to what is happening ..never connect the dots. Government schools only educate sufficiently to keep the people working as needed and then distracted/entertained/amused.
This becomes obvious even by reading many of the posts here on ATS/BTS. Amusements Amuse

Without thinking..Amusement/Amuse

Understanding about the two religions, the two lights is key.

Just look at Obama - a peace prize and he just sent special forces to 75 combat creations of the US government.

Obama is no different than the other Presidents who preceded him. Only a different variety..but Occult nonetheless. The problem with this administration just like the Administrations in England that it becomes more and more obvious that they represent someone ..just not the American Peoples. In like manner the English Government represents someone ..just not the English people anymore.

That I can tell ...our government has been slowly hijacked from us here in America since at least the Spanish American War. There were attempts from the beginning of this country to steer it away from the Constitution and substitute something privily over the top of it ...just as did the Hebrews in Ancient Israel..nothing new going on here.

Al Qaeda was created by the CIA, in their offices in Washington D.C., According to Richard Clark in his most recent book. It was created for Saudi Arabia to bankroll Osama bin Laden, through the House of Saud, "in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union during the 1980's and Riyadh and Washington together contributed an estimated $3.5 billion to the mujahideen."
richard clarks bio:

I somewhat believe this as even Hitler was financed in the early days by Wall Street and loans and technology from America. So too was Soviet Russia, also Communist China today. In like manner Japan was built into its Empire on the backs of western monies and technology transfers. We have built our own enemies...over and over and over.
I speak here not of America per se..but internationalists...financiers who's loyalty is not to the country in which they live or dwell..but their loyalty is to their investments.
And these people/groups will pit one country after another against each other to protect their investments. They will even use/misuse religion in their efforts. This is the trail of what we call History of logical reasonable men. And it is they who are financing governments, nations, and the education systems of these.

Zbigniew Brezinsky is an too is Henry Kissinger. They are the visible faces for something not seen.

After all Jesus was the "prince of peace", so making war seems like something Christians ought to be opposed to I would think.

There is no such instruction to spread the Gospel..the Word by the sword. It does not exist.

Unfortunately ..most Christians are ignorant about many things ..including the Bible..sad to say but true. They are often dumb as a box of rocks about things biblical..much less about Occult religions and Occult history.
I am often want to state so in my posts about Believers.
However...many atheist are also dumb as a box of rocks on the same topics. And our public education systems excels at turning out this kind of "Wildlife" steeped in base animal passion and beliefs/entitlements.
All I have to do is look at the overall quality and fingerprint coming out of England, Canada, and Australia...and it is very heavily atheistic in its nature. Its prime religion is Humanitarianism..or Humanism. The deification of men and men's reason/thinking. Demigods.

Demigods is also what is being encouraged by the NWO goals. Feudalism..feudal thinking and fiefdoms. A return to the olde feudal systems using technology to control and regulate the new feudal template.

Personally though
I think religion should stay out of politics, other peoples' bedrooms, and
educational systems.
Democracy and religion don't work when enforced on other people

I think religion should stay out of politics as well. For by men's logic and reason we now have an occult religion dwelling in politics ..often masquerading as Christian when it is no such thing.
Also politics is become of such whoredom in its occult workings that this system used to be interested in a candidates tax forms years they are interested in such smear techniques that it is they themselves interested in peoples bedrooms. They are become the very thing they like to rail against. They are whores and whoremasters. They are part of a counterfeit system...and the counterfeiter.
While I understand your point you are trying to make..I don't think you are taking it sufficiently far.

As to Democracy...I think Democracy is a hoax. It is part and parcel of this counterfeit system of which I speak. The very Occult system...of counterfeits, wars, and rumors of wars. I think democracy is part of a hidden religion while claiming to desire separation of church and state. I think democracy is a lie.

I am all for separation of church and state. But the history of logical, reasonable, intelligent men shows no separation of church and state...even amongst a democracy. There are valid historical reasons for separation of church and state...if one knows the history.


Learning to share is something a 5 year old must learn.

I don't have a problem with learning to share. I have a problem with it when it becomes an entitlement regulated and controlled by government. Here you are back to religion government decree...lack of separation of church and state. Divine right of kings.

I do not believe in entitlement thinking and politics/religion. I think it is a fraud and a scam.

I am going to disagree with you here...

Dogma and responsible, inteligent thought are incompatible

Depends on the dogma..and its source.

When you read books like "Morals and Dogma" which is occult in its nature..they disagree with you as well. And "Morals and Dogma" is the pattern of operation which governs the actions and thinking/rationale of most of our current day crop of politicians and leaders. This book will also even cover the proper ceding to ones passions in the quest to become the absolute master of everything as they state.

It is people, not some celestial sky god who have to take responsibility for
all these inhumanities, we have the right to self determination and justifying actions against other people by the use of religion
is a cop out.

Danbones, This quote of yours above...looks very reasonable and logical until one reads the history of men. Particularly the history of men since the French Revolution and into the 20th century.

During this time period..the time of Enlightenment..reason and logic of the glory of men and man's greatness. More people have been killed, slaughtered, and outright murdered across continent after continent than in centuries before.

This is the major problem with your argument against what you thinking is religion and dogma.

This is why I strongly suggest you rethink what is dogma and religion. I suggest you are only seeing a small part of the picture. That your education and beliefs allow you only to see a small provincial part of a bigger picture. It was designed to keep you this provincial.

More people have been killed in and across this world since the time of Enlightenment than in the centuries a much shorter more brief period of time.

This is how one knows the numbers do not add up to good logic by common sense..once one knows the history. This slaughter is continuing and will wax human logic and reasoning.

I tend not to put alot of stock in the greatness of men.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 04:50 PM


posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:08 PM
Homosexuality is a sin, not because it is enumerated in Leviticus but because it is fornication of any kind.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:10 PM


Originally posted by Dallas1611
You know...this is probably one of thousands of similar stupid questions by people who do not understand the Bible nor how to apply its words.

And once again, any and ALL questions posed here can easily be answered by CONTINUE reading the Bible and comparing scripture with scripture.

And yes, queers are still an abomination in the eyes of God as found in Romans chapter 1 and various other New testament verses.

Not only have they always been an abomination since the beginning of time, before the law, during the law, after the law, but also now in the church age and into the millennium.
Eating/drinking blood is another abomination that has always been forbidden too, but that's another topic.

[edit on 1-6-2010 by Dallas1611]

This is a perfect example of why the poster made this thread in the first place. This is ignorance; not everyone holds the same religous belief. I is absurd to judge everyone based upon one religion. I am more of budhist and budhism does not condemn homosexuality; at leasat the modern version.
I think this is just like racism; yes people have their right to their opinions but do they really have the right to bash others?Is hate really such a bigh right that a whole religion can use their beliefs to discriminate against one group? What about Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist church; is that really ok to hate that much?

Almost every Japanese soldier who beheaded a baby, or murdered a civilian was a practicing Buddhist. Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

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