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Environmental Damage On A Biblical Scale?

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 01:54 PM
That is the question that keeps bouncing around inside my mind as I try to wrap my head around this ongoing oil deluge happening in the Gulf of Mexico. I read some time back they believe around 5000 barrels of oil are gushing into the ocean every day. If that is true, then that means over 500,000 thousand gallons of oil are bubbling up towards the surface, (or1,900,000 liters) and hurricane season is almost upon us. So I started thinking, how are hurricanes formed? What are in hurricanes? We know hurricanes generate a lot of lightning… can one hurricane set the entire Gulf of Mexico on fire? Is that possible? Second, hurricanes gather water from the warm waters of the Gulf and the Atlantic… Will/Can hurricane(s) grab tons and tons of oily water and dump them on the bread basket of America (the world) just before, or during the Summer growing season? What will all that oily water do to the soil, will it ruin the soil for years, decades, or will it have no zero affect? If it does cause the ground to poison, what does that mean for the United States, let alone the rest of the world?

If you know you can only grab the food that is in the stores right now, and that’s it, and the worst case scenario happens…how polite are you going to be… what will you do to feed your family??? If people are starving all over this country, will the government pass laws making it illegal for people to horde food? Will religious people believe because this country has fallen so far from God, that this is our punishment from a wrathful god, and if we want to be saved from starvation we must all repent and force Sunday worship onto the entire country and perhaps the world? Or to put this in one simple sentence… Could this oil catastrophe mark the beginning of Revelations? So when I say biblical I mean biblical... Will this be the catalyst that sets the entire world aflame? I don’t know what the answer is, but I know for a fact we’re all going to find out.

So I guess in order to get this conversation started, are you thinking along the same lines that I am, or do you believe nothing of any major importance is going to happen… and hell no crude oil aint gonna hurt the land and lightning aint gonna set the Gulf on fire…. I’m really interested in what you people believe is going to happen.

What say you????

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 25-5-2010 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

I watched oil light on fire from a lightning strike to a tank in Houston so it can happen. They have also said they burn the oil on the surface. The answer is yes, lightning could set the oil on fire.

I parked a machine that had an oil leak. The machine has been gone for three years and nothing is growing in the spot today. Nothing but dirt. I would say oil and farming not a good mix. If storms can pick up fish and frogs and drop them miles away I guess oil isn’t much of a leap! My 2 cents.

Edit to add: Oh and I forgot about the heat... Storms love warm liquid!

[edit on 25-5-2010 by liveandletlive]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:35 PM
interesting questions you got there. Sounds to me like youre coming from a sabbath keeping perspective otherwise the sunday observance thing would be a non issue....might even be anticipated in a positive way if you were already used to sunday sacredness. Sad fact is most ppl have no clue where sunday observance comes from....but fortunately in english we have a clue in the name itself "SUN- day" in, the day of the Sun.

well anyway, the US and other countries have 'blue laws' already on the books that need only be enforced in certain thats already a done deal.....

as far as bringing 'everyone' on board....Steven Greer put it pretty well on coast to coast once when he asked the rhetorical question of 'how would it be possible to bring a bunch of people from different religious and cultural perspectives together in a common cause?' His following hypothesis was good and basically posited that there would have to be a world catastrophe that demanded intervention beyond so called human that point a being or entity would appear in some form, probably 'alien' to introduce itself to humanity as the guiding truth or 'savior' everyone would be clamoring and begging for. This entity could not possibly be able to be claimed per se by any one religious group without risking alienating the rest....hence a truly ecumenical influence that draws everyone together toward a common goal....

anyway.....its a message that wont get to very many ppl frankly because most ppl just cant imagine its possible.....

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

Thanks for the responses thus far.

Here is my fear. 5000 thousand barrels each day… depending on what kind of barrels they want us to believe they’re referring too… 100 gallon or 120 gallon barrels… We are talking over 15 million gallons of oil is floating on or towards the surface from 1 mile below sea level. There is no way in hell anyone can know for certain where all that oil is going to be at any given moment. We are talking about a cleanup that will take years… YEARS! But that’s the easy part.

I can hear the experts now…So an entire ocean can lose its ecosystem, that aint important, it will grow back, so just relax… the earth was here long before man and it will be here long after. This entire thingy will have zero long term effects, keep moving people there is nothing to see here, no really... keep moving. What? … Yes, that area of the world can create hurricanes that can have a diameter of over 50 to 100 miles. We also know those storms can travel right up the east coast, or come in over Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida… and from there they can head right through the middle of the country. But, you shouldn’t worry your pretty little heads about that, oil is so much heavier then water, a storm would have a hard time picking it up… and even if it did, by the time it reached landfall the crude would be so diluted, hell I would give a glass of water to my own child… What? No I don't have any kids...

And I know some of you are worrying about some kind of fire danger… That aint anything to worry about either… the oil is in water and if you know anything about fire, it hates water… so you aint got anything to worry about there… What… well yes oil has been known to catch fire, yes lightning strikes have caused oil fires in the past… Well yes, oil can burn on top of water… What? Oh we aren’t talking about all the natural gas that is leaking… hell if we started talking about that, well then sure, yeah… then it would be time to be scared… but until we start talking about it, it aint anything worth worrying about… see, do I look scared? Everything’s fine!!!

I thought about leaving the Bible out of this, but then I decided, no… bring the bible front and center… because if this oil gets caught up in a hurricane, this country and our entire world is in bad f’en shape. And that’s the nicest way to put it! If for some odd reason all that oil does catch fire, its possible it will become the largest man made explosion that could, in fact, be heard around the world… imagine how much air would need to be sucked out of the clear blue sky to ignite that fire… one big whoosh!

There is no way in hell 15 to 17 million gallons (and counting, adding to daily) of oil is not going to cause worldwide issues… there is no way in hell… Let alone, hurricane season is here in two weeks. A tropical storm can be generated at any time… Let alone Hopi Prophecy number 7. Let alone the Sun turning black and the moon turning red… (from a fire maybe??? which is why I bring it up) Let alone 1/3 of all the fish in the sea are supposed to die from a seal being broken… Let alone all the other really neat prophecies predicted not only by the Bible, but by many other people throughout history… For me, sometimes I question if we are in the last days, I know the Bible demands that we are… but I still attempt to live in denial and then something like this happens. I realize there are many on this board who consider themselves atheist… however, that aint gonna save you from what might be coming… there I go trying to live in denial again…

How is this going to end any other way then badly? Can any of you think of a nice way for this to end??? Thankfully I don’t like fish and I live on the West Coast… Outside of that, I do like to eat food, and if this hurricane season starts up sooner rather then later… Without question or reservation, we are in a word… screwed! But then again I‘m probably just being paranoid, lets listen to the experts, they‘ve been planning for something like this to happen for a very long time… other then not being able to stop that black death from spewing into the ocean, outside of that, they’ve got everything else under control. Right???

--Charles Marcello

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:08 AM
It would appear science is starting to wake up to the possibilities mentioned within this thread. I have a bad feeling something is coming. I don't know what it is, but as I look at prophecy as I've said, and look at the world, I can't help but wonder if this oil spill is the start of all the stuff that is predicted... I know we don't have long to wait, two weeks to a month tops... I just hope (pray) this is just a weird feeling that means nothing.

But this story makes me sick. You will have to make up your own mind, but if I lived anywhere near that area of America I would start preparing now. Don't go crazy just buy simple things that can be used throughout the year. Save at least 5 gallons of water per person, and if you have family that lives away from the area, preferably on the west coast or way further up north, call them... Talk to them about possibly coming for a visit. If things get bad, its better to talk about it now, and work towards being your own savior, instead of waiting for the government to fail you. Be smart.

I'm truly not trying to be an alarmist, but we all must be smart, and prepare for the worst while hoping (praying) for the best. If the time comes, all of America is going to have to pitch in and do all we can to help save lives and possibly be prepared for massive relocation, FEMA Camps, that will make Katrina look like a sleepover. As disgusting as that sounds, it is something, if you live in that area of America, you really need to start thinking about.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 29-5-2010 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

I appreciate your use of the Texan slang. You sure do talk a lot for someone not being able to do do anything about it. Or is there something you can do? How can you prevent, contribute or otherwise raise our awareness to a level beyond what we already know? Al of us can switch on a television and hear critics on terrible things happening all over the world and comment on them seconds after the event happens. One in a five hundred do something about it.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:40 AM
The oil and hurricane season probably will not have an effect on eachother... One of the BIGGEST oil spills in history happened in 1979 and lasted for 9 months and it was in the Gulf of Mexico During Hurricane Season

There were 4 storms that happend right over the spill and nothing happened to the land...there was no, "oil rain" or any of the sort and life went on...

Everyone needs to realize that this HAS happened before and it is NOT the end of the world

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by jimmyjimbob

Well I have family and two friends that live in that area of the country. Each knows they have an open invitation. Plus, if the official word is put forth by the Government, local or Federal, my family and I will contribute all we can, in any way we can. Always have always will. However, waiting for me to do something is not the answer for those in that area. Being their own hero is what needs to start now. They have time to prepare, they have the time. People in that area just need to take simple steps towards preparing now. If they do that, then they will make the beginning stages so much easier on everyone, including themselves, if things turn ugly. We cannot deny this possibility, we must not put our heads in the sand, or deflect by asking others what they'll do... Everyone who lives in that area needs to do simple things. If you have family call them, let them know they have somewhere to go if things turn ugly. Ask them what they need. I know I have, and will do more... But I cannot make people prepare.

Where I live our biggest fear is forest fires and every year I make sure our house has space between it and the forest. Plus we have extra batteries and extra food to feed my family for at least a week. Not to mention we have gallons of water stored, and we live in an area that has fresh water everywhere. Its about being prepared because we never know. I know fire season is coming so I go outside and make sure our house has some protection. I know bad things can happen at any moment, so we have a little protection against the unknown.

The Gulf States and the areas north of there have a serious threat that could become a serious problem. Everyone everywhere should be telling them to buy extra food, extra water, extra this extra that... If we don't and just one storm happens before this thing is completely fixed... that entire area is going to go nuts and people will die because of it... and it will only get worse from there. Its time to be smart... do simple things to prepare... that's it... be smart!!!

--Charles Marcello

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Goradd

I thought the leak only lasted a little over a week and then the clean up took months... I'm trying to figure out how what happened in circa '79 compares to today. Please enlighten me.

--Charles Marcello

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Do some Research....the spill was spewing 30+ thousand gallons of crude oil a day and lasted for months...and it just so happened that both spill oil rigs are made by the same company...Oil is Oil there is no difference

There is a news segment that shows how similar the spills are....again do ur research

[edit on 29-5-2010 by Goradd]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Goradd

When I'm wrong I admit it... the leak I heard about was not the one in 1979, however, as I am researching this now,

When the Ixtoc I burst into flames on June, 3, 1979, Wes Tunnell and other researchers had to figure out how long it would take the current to carry the oil, in one form or another, 600 miles to south Texas.

``We projected that it would reach the Texas coast in about two months. It exactly did,'' he said. By August, ``it coated the Texas beaches in a ribbon of oil 30 to 50 feet in width from Rio Grande to Port Aransas.''

In some places, the coating of oily sludge was only an inch deep. In others, it was a nearly a foot-and-a-half layer, he said, turning off tourists.

``The south Texas restaurant and hotel organizations, at the time, claimed that they lost $50 million in revenue. Back then that was a lot.''

Read more: here

I'm still researching, but I found this part of this one article interesting... Six hundred miles before it reached Texas... We aren't talking about 600 miles away... but then again... does it really matter... the amount of oil lost back then was incredible. Be back later.

--Charles Marcello

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