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Fans Asked to Remove Pro-Arizona Law Shirts Druing NBA GAME

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:21 PM
I'm surprised by some of the comments, I mean really...

How dare TNT, politics doesn't belong in basketball?

In that case, how dare that person wear something political to a basketball game.

And last I checked, freedom of speech does not apply in a private venue. They weren't in public they were in a privately owned arena.

Just sayin'... there are bigger battles.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

I guess you just read over the post the where I talked to about these stadiums are not 100% privately owned. The taxpayers pay for the stadium, which is housed by franchises. Some taxpayers pay for the stadium in full, others might pay some.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Some pickles are dill, some pickles are sweet. It doesn't mean that all pickles are either/or. Do you have proof that this particular stadium is not privately owned and operated?

Defending such silliness is pointless, as I said, there are much bigger fish to fry than worrying about boneheads in a stadium.

A thought, how about we solve the problem of immigration or at least work to it, instead of worrying about a couple of fans? They aren't going to stop the problem with their shirts, in fact if anything, they just made the entire idea look just a little more dumb-er...


And I did skip over a few posts, to be honest, I wanted to respond without reading more of the same, thanks.

[edit on 5/18/10 by niteboy82]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by XNeMeSis21

Kobe's wife wore the shirt yesterday, before the first game of the Western Conference Finals (the third round) between the Lakers and the Suns. The t-shirt "incident" occurred before/during a game during the second round of the playoffs with the San Antonio Spurs. Which round it is can have a bigger impact on what is "allowed." Also, she's Kobe's wife. Not many people are going to ask her to do something like take off a shirt that says something political (so wrong, but still true).

I could be wrong on this, but I don't think they show Vanessa (Kobe's wife) on TV that much (or at least not until the end of the game).

Same could be said for those guys that wore the shirts though. The odds of them being CLEARLY seen was probably small, depending on where they were sitting.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

I am all about solving the problem of Illegal Immigration as are the 72% of the American Citizens nationwide. We should have this Law as a Referendum Nationwide on the coming ballots in November and have this issue laid to rest.

The referendum and also increased support from the Federal Gov to actually step up to the plate and strengthen the border with manpower and enforcement.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

There is no need for a referendum, and I don't care about a poll. Why worry about a poll and what percent think what? Its the law, period. Passing laws to enforce laws? Instead of solving problems, this is undermining the solutions already in place.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by niteboy82

Exactly Laws should be enforced, since the Federal authorities had been so lax under w/e administration past/present, enough had been enough. Arizona had to take this step to be able to enforce the law themselves where before it was only up to Federal Gov to enforce.

Now people are throwing a stink for the Federal Laws getting enforced by a state.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:46 PM
this truley hilarious i honestly completly disagree with the new law viva los 1070

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by g146541
You are a guest in said stadium/ arena.
Guests can be asked to leave for any reason.
is it any more complicated than that?
if you think so stop paying them money to sit in their seats, but then you've done as they asked by not being there.

You are a paying customer, not just a simple guest. A paying customer is enabled to have the right to wear a shirt that doesn't have anything explicit on it, such as a dead baby or naked people having sex. A t-shirt that asserts support in a law made up of random numbers is not graphic or explicit in any way, shape, or form.

Trust me, in a court of law you would lose with your argument, and I would win with mine, every time...unless politics entered the courtroom. You cannot make someone leave, simply because they have a shirt that says, "I support Random Bill #". It is not hate speech, and it is a violation of the Constitution.

Why do you think they weren't kicked out, and allowed to return? They realized there was nothing wrong with what the t-shirt said, and how it expressed support of the bill. It was a simple statement, and did not have any racist overtones.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Yog-Sothoth]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:00 PM
Politics do not belong in sports, period.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:39 PM
I used to support the Suns, when they were in the playoffs (not much of a b-ball fan), but no longer. Ironically, it was Phil Jackson who stood up for the people of AZ, over our own team. Until they come out and admit they were wrong, and apologize to their fans, I will not watch their games. F them. Go Lakers.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
As another poster said, I can understand the concern as far as security goes had some other fans [after a few beers] who were against the law decided to take issue with the guys in the shirts. However, removing them was a pre-emptive action as there is no way to really tell if a scuffle or all out brawl were to occur.

Bottom line is their freedom of speech was violated.

My ONLY problem is when people use their freedom of speech to purposefully stir up trouble. You gotta be responsible with your rights. With that said, regardless of what I think of their decision to wear the shirts, they are allowed to do so without recourse.

edit: clarification

[edit on 18-5-2010 by nunya13]

Well put it this way. With what you have said, and your attitude towards things, you should be removed from not only this site, but the internet as a whole. If you wear anything questionable down to Red Lobster, we will ban you from all public places as well.
We cannot help the fact that some people react voilently to the color blue, we are just taking a precautionary measure to make sure nothing happens. We deem that you might be dangerous.

Kind of the same silly BS is it not?

[edit on 18-5-2010 by j2000]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by niteboy82
I'm surprised by some of the comments, I mean really...

How dare TNT, politics doesn't belong in basketball?

In that case, how dare that person wear something political to a basketball game.

And last I checked, freedom of speech does not apply in a private venue. They weren't in public they were in a privately owned arena.

Just sayin'... there are bigger battles.

Technically your wrong. When putting on a paid venue and you sell open tickets to the public, it's a public place. This is also the reason you must follow standards with fire codes, etc.
You are mistaken for a private invitation to a house. That would not be public as it was a person to person invite only. The second you open it up to the general public, is the second you lose the control your talking about.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Un,fkn believable! Keeps getting better every day!

If I were those guys, I would have marched to the Suns operation office and immediately cancel my season tickets while shredding the remaining tickets in my hands in front of their faces and walk out!

Heard of the First Amendment?!!

Now, I want to Buy one of their sweatshirts!!!! Really!, and I am in the Midwest.

Start Printing shirts Please!!!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:58 PM
you know what, we americans are being too nice. we go as far as turning against ourselves to defend these people and i've had enough. we need to get serious and set things straight. we need to tell these people to stfu or gtfo, quit hand feeding the same people who would much rather see you burn.

i was out fishing today when a fish and game officer came. these illegals were keeping every single fish they caught regardless of them being way under size and not having a license. they all got tickets and when the officer left they tore the tickets up and laugh, this is the respect they show for our laws. screw it, boot them all out, if you do not have the papers, GET OUT.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
you know what, we americans are being too nice. we go as far as turning against ourselves to defend these people and i've had enough. we need to get serious and set things straight. we need to tell these people to stfu or gtfo, quit hand feeding the same people who would much rather see you burn.

i was out fishing today when a fish and game officer came. these illegals were keeping every single fish they caught regardless of them being way under size and not having a license. they all got tickets and when the officer left they tore the tickets up and laugh, this is the respect they show for our laws. screw it, boot them all out, if you do not have the papers, GET OUT.

Wow thats crazy, they dont even have to obey our laws

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by prionace glauca

People ought to be able to express their contempt for our abominable society and the way it is. It would be nice if we aimed our efforts at being a local society but people should be allowed to go anywhere anytime they want. We should adopt peaceful principles but be responsible to ourselves instead of employ someone else to be responsible for us it will only lead back to this decrepit system.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:14 AM
This whole Arizona thing is getting WAY outta hand!

In a really slumping economy you have San Diego (and many others) boycotting Arizona and Arizona now boycotting San Diego (as well as others). These places are missing out on alot of $$. And for what? Because Arizona is now publicly enforcing a law that was on the books in the 1st place? Wow!

Anyone who is in favor of someone being in the country illegally and taking our jobs, our Social Security, our Disability, our Benefits, driving illegally, maybe driving drunk, causing accidents and so on, really needs to do some soul searching. Think of how many accidents and injuries that would be prevented, not to mention the courts time.

It's not wrong to want illegals deported. It IS wrong that they don't obey the laws we all have to abide by and bypass the system and cross a fence to get money that a real law-abiding, non-hopping fence American would be getting.

Hey, if they come legally and have the paperwork I'll be the 1st to greet them, welcome them, offer them a job and say Welcome to America --here's a hot dog, some apple pie, a coke and can I offer you a ride in my Chevrolet? If they don't, they're sent back.

It's high time we start pulling together. Boycotting a city or a state in an economy like this has got to be the most un-American thing you can do. You're only causing more real Americans hardships that they wouldn't be experiencing.

Let's Unite & Stand and turn this One Nation Under into One Nation Above...the rest!

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Critical_Mass

First of all I do not know you well enough to accept said date.
Second if we are going you are paying, I do not come cheaply.
And thirdly do I have a mustache? What if I am a hot chick? And btw my mustache is quite sexxeh I’m told. And my powers of persuasion would keep you from giving me the boot.
But if I did accept and you did boot me even after paying said fee I would have to accept your decision. After all it is your home.
And to the other guy that said something about citizens and taxes please reread my rant I did put in ( ) that it was sarcasm.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Yog-Sothoth

I assume you are going off of the spirit of “The customer is ALWAYS right.”
This is a lie and anyone who has ever been on hold with customer service knows this is fact.
I used to work my weekends as a bouncer for a BIG nightclub locally. It was our policy if we don’t like it you leave.
Just because you are a paying customer affords no rights or responsibilities.
Now in a court of law, well I’m not a loyer see I can’t even spell it right. But you may be right, but I don’t think so. Then you will have spent thousands on a lawyer in a frivolous court case to get reimbursed for a hot dog and a ticket.
Anyone who has went after a large corporation for a small suit will tell you the time and money lost was simply not worth it. After all the retainer fee is a skybox season ticket they will have spent nothing.
And the reason they were returned to their seats wasn’t for legal reasons. The suns saw a HUGE PR nightmare if they followed through with said action.
But either way if the suns did or did not own the building it was “rented” to them for their venue and if said individual caused a potential security/safety risk they could have ejected anyone they wanted. Everyone wants safety and security, how do you think the Patriot Act passed?
I do love my First Amendment rights as well as yours and theirs; it is the only thing that allows us all of our freedoms after all.
And I do agree with the gents in the orange shirts too. Maybe it wasn’t a subtle thing they did but sometimes you gotta get a bigger hammer to get the job done.

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