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Are we witnessing a war within TPTB?

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 03:58 AM
On May 6th 2010 at 1:51 pm "Dow is crashing"

This was posted to ATS "Global Meltdown" forum

It's about the sudden 1000 point drop in the Stock Market.

** Later that evening **

8:45pm It's now obvious why the market ''crashed''


sources are posted that show a vote in the senate to break up
the big banks
was to take place later the same day. The implication
is given that the vote failed because of what was happening to the market.


The 7th response after the OP

Worldwatcher (super moderator)
"Timing is everything, had this happened earlier,
our oil friends would have been in big trouble too,
but it happened after the oil markets closed, coincidence..

Two weeks later

April 20th, Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Are we witnessing a war within TPTB?

David Grouchy

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:34 AM
The stock markets and all of that crap needs to be crash, and allowed to burn down. Anybody who makes money off of money, who doesn't produce any actual good or service needs to be put out of business. TPTB are using them to enslave us, and we're too deep into the artifice of modern civilization to realize it. Perhaps if the 'big one' hits California and takes out Hollywood, then people would have to do something other than stare at the idiot box and they would the bars of their cage.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:38 AM
Every time they go after the banksters we end up giving them a bailout.

As i see it politicans can not act because the bankers have dirty on most politicians like when they have been bribed so both their heads are on the block.

We are heading for riots and the amro will be pushed as the solution along with it's carbon tax that will come with your bank statment.

Well at this stage we have the option of excepting amros for our money that will be worth a lot less than before or we can tell the vermine to stuff it which means good bye debt, taxes, big bro and we get to take back wealth from these people that have been robbing us.

Trying to carry on as before is not the answer and we need to be ready so two options are put on the table and let the people chosse which path is best.

Living in the UK i can not wait to take down all them CCTV's all over the place and to see our leaders in court answering for the wrongs they have done.

News will show riots and try to scare people into excepting the NWO so we need to get on air so our point of view is put across instead of wathing the state propaganda machine.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:38 AM

The stock markets and all of that crap needs to be crash, and allowed to burn down. Anybody who makes money off of money, who doesn't produce any actual good or service needs to be put out of business. TPTB are using them to enslave us, and we're too deep into the artifice of modern civilization to realize it. Perhaps if the 'big one' hits California and takes out Hollywood, then people would have to do something other than stare at the idiot box and they would the bars of their cage.

Thank you
for that heartfelt
expression of hopelessness.

David Grouchy

[edit on 14-5-2010 by davidgrouchy]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:53 AM
I've been thinking along similar lines, I think the main camps are Money and Oil with both split into factions based on family and geography. The main schism has been exacerbated imo because Money is worried about the climate/air we breath and want to stop ease back on using oil, Oil sees this as an attack on their wealth and as they have the upper hand at the mo are saying we use oil till our asset has been realised.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Let me suggest we do as the queen would do from Alice in wonderland.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 05:14 AM
There is a war with in TPTB.

There always has been and there always will be.

It's amazing what world events can ensue after a conversation over coffee. Really expensive coffee.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:18 AM
Interesting thoughts. We are indeed puppets, if these type sinister events are arranged as punitive actions by banks. It's kind of sickening to think about, but wouldn't surprise me at all. I wonder if we will ever know for sure.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:32 AM
the computer trading algorithims did their jobs, there just was no human interface that could oversight the cascade instantaneously as was needed

the crew that was trying to cap the well with concrete plugs using a special 'hot' concrete mix, for the purpose of sidestepping the 12 hour 'cure' required when using the normal plug mixture.
i guess to meet the deadline for turning the well & rig over to BP

just two instances of error... no direct conspiracy or infighting by the elites

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by St Udio


Just like two planes can knock down three buildings one the same day two other planes spontaneously combust and evaporate into thin air for the first time in history.

Some people watch to many movies.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by warpcrafter
The stock markets and all of that crap needs to be crash, and allowed to burn down. Anybody who makes money off of money, who doesn't produce any actual good or service needs to be put out of business. TPTB are using them to enslave us, and we're too deep into the artifice of modern civilization to realize it. Perhaps if the 'big one' hits California and takes out Hollywood, then people would have to do something other than stare at the idiot box and they would the bars of their cage.

See? That is the plan. Keep us all worried about the next "big one," or the next "terrorist attack," and we fail to even notice TPTB's dirty dealings in crashing the world's economies to usher in their new world order. I do believe there is in-fighting within the halls of government, the American people are being blackmailed and ripped off every day by professional criminals that we ourselves elect to public office. I see two factions within the NWO, one is all about culling the population by war, disease, and starvation, while enslaving the ones who are left to serve their desires, while the other side is guilty over what they have done, are trying to fix what has been put into place, and is trying their best to inform the American people about what is happening right now, and what will happen in the near future. We all listen to both, it is simple perception, based on knowledge and research, or not, that tends to form which one you believe.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:48 AM
Nope. There is no war within the ranks of the NWO.

Recriminations, arguments, blamegames, etc but no serious infighting or splits.

They are in one accord. More so now, when their control is threatened by their own stupidity and incompetence. They will unite more together now to save their skins. The NWO plan proceeds as plan. The military and medical industrial complexes are still in control.

Disinformation will continue to rule to lead seekers up blind or ridiculous avenues. One world government is on the cards

Wouldn't be so bad, only that no human ruled political system had ever succeeded - communism, socialism, capitalism - had all been subverted by flawed men. So too will One World government, despite its promises. It's only another path enslavement of mankind to protect the priviledged few.

How do I know all these? The answer is because I am human just like them, think like them, and observe just like them. 'Know your enemies, know yourself, a thousand battles fought, a thousand won.'-Sun Tzi

It is only often by miracles do information get leaked out, such as the climategate emails, UFO whistleblowers, embedded information in highly popular media, etc.

Just as the NWO had inflitrated and corrupted every organisation that seeks to elevate and free mankind, so too had a few brave and courageous humans lay within their midst sending information out, as well as those who are more perceptive who question and figure out their game plans...

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:48 AM
double post. sorry.

[edit on 14-5-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

See? That is the plan. Keep us all worried about the next "big one," or the next "terrorist attack," and we fail to even notice TPTB's dirty dealings in crashing the world's economies to usher in their new world order.

Maybe I'll consider
something different then.
How about this. There may be
more than two factions within TPTB.

Maybe there are severl old factions and
one new one. Old ones are things like Big Banks,
Big Oil, Defence contractors, etcetera. The new faction
are fronted by the ones calling for a "New World Order", and
these announcements are not for us, but to let the old powers know
that they _have_ to make a place at the table for them, and no choice.

David Grouchy

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:04 PM
** update **

So here it is two months later and
it looks like the factions have reached an agreement.

"Let's default the US poor and blame the Tea Party instead."

ATS: debt crisis sends first waves through wall street

David Grouchy
edit on 26-7-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

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