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“For It”: MSA Student Confesses She Wants a Second Holocaust

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:41 PM

"Last night NewsReal Blog’s Editor-in-Chief David Horowitz gave a talk at UC San Diego to counter the Muslim Students Association’s Israeli Apartheid Week. (Horowitz made a point to properly describe the event as “Hitler Youth” week.) He was literally giving his speech at the same time as notorious anti-Semite Norman Finkelstein.

During the Question and Answer period Horowitz had a chilling exchange with a member of the MSA in which he prodded her to reveal the depraved depths of her Jew-hatred. What’s shocking is not so much that she holds such views, but rather that she was willing to admit it:"

I find it more than a bit ironic that...

Her own countryMEN wouldn't let her go to school.
They wouldn't allow her to speak.
They wouldn't allow her to have her face uncovered.
They wouldn't allow her to say S**T against their country/society/etc.

I also find it ironic that we're the "Great Satan" yet her fat jihad-lovin' ass is here going to school.

Screw her. I hope she ends up on some watch list from this crap. Welcome to celebrity status, bitch.

On the bright side, she's not denying the holocaust happened...

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Who honestly cares? Is this news?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

What I find absolutely ironic, is that you would brand Norman Finkelstein a "notorious anti-semite"; particularly under the light that both his parents are holocaust survivors, he is also a jew and is one of the most honest and brilliant sociologists stemming out of Princeton and the university of Chicago.

Finkelstein has endured wave after wave of smear campaigns from AIPAC and the ADL for being critic of the zionist revisionism of the Holocaust.

On the other hand, brilliant non-zioinist jews like Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein have praised him for the exact same reasons the zionist movement wants him vanished from academia: uncovering the propaganda.

You should do some more research and READ before drinking all the kool-aid.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by PatesHatriots
Who honestly cares? Is this news?

People like you caused the Holocaust.
People like me will, and the OP will prevent another.

I am a Zionist for a reason.

It's time for people living in America to act American, or get the hell out.
Muslims should assimilate, or leave. We aren't Nazi's in America, we don't believe its okay to exterminate a race.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by RadioKnecht
What I find absolutely ironic, is that you would brand Norman Finkelstein a "notorious anti-semite"; particularly under the light that both his parents are holocaust survivors, he is also a jew and is one of the most honest and brilliant sociologists stemming out of Princeton and the university of Chicago.

Did I? Funny, I don't remember saying that. Could you please go back and find the exact quote where I say that Norman Finkelstein is a notorious anti-semite? I'll wait here.

Originally posted by RadioKnecht
You should do some more research and READ before drinking all the kool-aid.

Try taking some of your own advice. Those knee-jerk reactions are going to give you arthritis. Go back and READ what I was commenting on. It was the fact that a woman was:

1. Hoping for the death of thousands of people.

2. Sticking up for a group of people that wouldn't allow her any sort of free speech in the first place.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by PatesHatriots
Who honestly cares? Is this news?

Then why are you even posting in this thread?

Run along, troll.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by i944002

Yet you advocate an entire race of people need to leave... Okay...

And by the way my kosher friend, I guess I am responsible for the holocaust to think that it's not news that some irrelevant mouth piece got into a heated exchange with some moron audience member in a Q and A. You mean to tell me there's tension between Jews and Arabs? I refuse to believe that! By all means this completely meaningless act and even more meaningless news story from a strongly slanted propaganda source about an issue none of us in the first world care about is absolutely news I guess in this modern age.

Honestly, who cares. Just the same tired meaningless crap we're barraged with every day. You people want to knock each other off? Fine, just don't do it in my country and don't waste my time with your trivial idiocy.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

To figure out what your aims of posting this propaganda is. Honestly, why should any of us care? You tell me, why?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by PatesHatriots
To figure out what your aims of posting this propaganda is. Honestly, why should any of us care? You tell me, why?

Hmmm, I thought I was pretty clear in what I was bringing this up for.

How about this? Would you care if someone was talking about the destruction of all Muslims? Would that be classified as "propaganda" in your books??

Or would you just say, "Eh, who cares?"

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

Just addressing the quoted part of your post: how can Finkelstein, a Jew, be anti-Semitic?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

If it was an irrelevant mouth piece repping his propagandist views utilizing his first amendment rights in an unimportant setting, yeah who cares? Idiots are allowed to be idiots in this country. And luckily we're able to use our first amendment rights to say their idiots and that it isn't news. The majority of the world's population is unintelligent and will say unintelligent things when given a forum to do so. Is it really news and worth my time when they do so? Especially when it's unimportant propaganda of some generations old feud that's completely tired and a waste for anyone not directly involved.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by PatesHatriots

Idiots are always idiots, but the part I was addressing was the woman that was making those comments. It's sort of like a black guy saying that the KKK has some pretty good view points.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Instead of uber pownage, like you claim...

The Jewish speaker sounded like a jackalope who refused to answer any of her question, then forced her to answer his absurd questions which had nothing to do with anything she said...

Then he proceeds to tell her she has a "terrorist neckerchief".

Um. Yeah.

Obviously they are both retarded.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by FalselyFlagged]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:23 PM
OP, I'm also of the 'who cares' majority

Jews go hysterical if they aren't in the news on the hour, every hour

It's called 'monomania'

It's neurotic

Surely that 'notorious jewish shonk, Freud' suggested some solutions ?

If not, too bad

I'm sick of hearing about jews

And I'm sick of what they do

Now off you go and get hysterical some more, huh ?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Norman Finkelstein is not an anti-semite. He's a Jew in case you missed the last name. How is a semite an anti-semite? Not to mention that Palestinians are semites, too.

Finkelstein wrote a book on how Holocaust charities defraud holocaust survivors, such as his mother. Good read, "Beyond Chutzpah"

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by i944002

I am a Zionist for a reason.

It's time for people living in America to act American, or get the hell out.
Muslims should assimilate, or leave.

I really hope you catch the irony and contradiction in what you are saying just right there. Calling for the deportation and mass eviction of those not fitting in, is the most un-american thing there could be. It was the Nazis who called for the mass deportation of those not acting "German" enough when national socialism was in power. Those who got deported and faced annihilation were the jews.

Ranting for minorities to "get the hell out" is the first step in racism, ethnic cleansing and bloodbaths.

We aren't Nazi's in America, we don't believe its okay to exterminate a race.

Are you positive and absolutely sure of what you are saying?
Just check the following threads and count the flags, stars, and nods of approval.

$250,000 for every illegal caught or killed

I have become a racist

I'm really scared of what's happening to the "land of the free".

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by signal2noise

"Last night NewsReal Blog’s Editor-in-Chief David Horowitz gave a talk at UC San Diego to counter the Muslim Students Association’s Israeli Apartheid Week. (Horowitz made a point to properly describe the event as “Hitler Youth” week.) He was literally giving his speech at the same time as notorious anti-Semite Norman Finkelstein.

Now the question would be, do you think Finkelstein is a "notorious anti-semite" or not?

If you think he's not, then I stand corrected, as I reckon this is part of someone else's quote. If you think he is, then you are not worth the trouble of arguing with.

And sorry to break in the news, but Israel is conducting policies tantamount to Apartheid in Palestine.

You would have had to be meetings such as the one in Hyde Park in London, in January of 2009, and see so many people marching against the war in Gaza -jews and israelites included- to get the conviction that what is going on in Palestine is morally, ethically and humanly WRONG.

Ideology (and zionism IS an ideology) is a straightjacket that binds our minds, our eyes and our hearts. Free your mind.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by RadioKnecht]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

thats the problem with the world right now no one can do anything about people like this

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by lurk114

May I enquire what would you have done to "people like this"?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by lurk114

edit* double post*

[edit on 13-5-2010 by RadioKnecht]

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