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Voters Shifting to GOP, WSJ/NBC Poll Finds

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Republicans have solidified support among voters who had drifted from the party in recent elections, putting the GOP in position for a strong comeback in November's mid-term campaign, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The findings suggest that public opinion has hardened in advance of the 2010 elections, making it tougher for Democrats to translate their legislative successes, or a tentatively improving U.S. economy, into gains among voters.

Republicans have reassembled their coalition by reconnecting with independents, seniors, blue-collar voters, suburban women and small town and rural voters—all of whom had moved away from the party in the 2006 elections, in which Republicans lost control of the House. Those voter groups now favor GOP control of Congress.

"This data is what it looks like when Republicans assemble what for them is a winning coalition," said GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who conducts the survey with Democratic pollster Peter Hart. He said the Republican alliance appeared to be "firmer and more substantial" than earlier in the year.

A big shift is evident among independents, who at this point in the 2006 campaign favored Democratic control of Congress rather than Republican control, 40% to 24%. In this poll, independents favored the GOP, 38% to 30%. Suburban women favored Democratic control four years ago by a 24-point margin. In the latest survey, they narrowly favored Republicans winning the House. A similar turnaround was seen among voters 65 and older. "This is the inverse of where we were four years ago, and in a way that projects to substantial Democratic losses in November," Mr. McInturff said.


Sure nice to see the swing. Knew it was coming eventually but the sooner the better. I think this clearly shows POTUS Obama and his policies aren't what the people voted for or want (now they know what he is doing and trying to do).

What is very interesting about this poll is they NBC was involved. The WSJ must have kept a close eye on them. Time will tell.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:13 PM
I am shocked!

This is great, they did so well this last decade I can't wait for the success again!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

Well, at least-if the Repubs do win- you can see the country go to heck as a Capitalist one and not a Socialist one.

We got that going for us at least-the Amercian way baby......


posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:28 PM
It's amazing but not at all surprising how short people's memory is. Apparently no one seems to recall that it was these alleged 'capitalist' policies that put us in this mess to begin with. But most of us could see this coming nearly from the outset. No magic wand to fix everything so we'll just switch to the other side. No doubt THEY'LL fix it. Will people EVER learn?

And no, I'm not. I wrote-in Ron Paul.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:36 PM
yes we had it so bad under George W Bush, If I remember correctly we still lived in the greatest country on Earth under him. Now we live in a country that is going down the tubes fast. Why do Liberals have such a problem with reality. things we're a lot better under George Bush.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
yes we had it so bad under George W Bush, If I remember correctly we still lived in the greatest country on Earth under him. Now we live in a country that is going down the tubes fast. Why do Liberals have such a problem with reality. things we're a lot better under George Bush.

George Bush is who got things like they are now. You are playing pretty fast and loose to be accusing people of having problems seeing REALITY.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Good news? No matter who's in power it's the same crap

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:46 PM


hmmm, which one do I pick. I guess I will go with NEITHER!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:46 PM
More left - right diversion, although sadly it's seemed to seep into this very forum.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Thanks as per usual for another fine thread.

Polls are fun. I especially enjoy "cherry picking" data to support my cause
and ignoring the data that doesn't. Just like the poll.

Here some tasty morsels:

Q4 In general, do you approve or disapprove
of the job that Barack Obama is doing as president?

Approve .................................... 50
Disapprove ............................... 44
Not sure .................................. 6

Q4a Do you generally approve or disapprove
of the job that Barack Obama is doing in handling the economy?

Approve ............................ 48
Disapprove ........................ 46
Not sure .......................... 6

Q4b When it comes to dealing with the war on terrorism,
do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama
is doing?

Approve ........................................ 48
Disapprove ................................... 42
Not sure ...................................... 10

Q.6 The Tea Party Movement

Very positive = 16 Very Negative = 20

Source ( Left sidebar: See full poll results)

I love data. I'm an Infovore.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:54 PM
What difference will it make? Republicrat, Democran, they all work for the same criminal elites who are hell bent on stealing everyone's money and resources.

When will people learn?

[edit on 13-5-2010 by Striker122]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by damwel

OH yes He did It all on his own...Who was in Congress?
In Fact He warned of this...get your facts straight

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Striker122

I agree and that is why I will support someone like Sarah Palin. She is from outside the D.C. clubs and away from the elites. She would do a good house cleaning and exposing what the current folks are up to.

If not Palin, someone that is outside the grip of the DNC and RNC. I think she is the only current potential winner. IMO. Not Rommey, not Paul (too old), etc etc.

The good thing is the Dems are stuck w/ Obama for 2012. Unless Hillary pulls off some odd dealings.

Now, between now and then, my eyes and ears are open and we'll see who best represents my views/beliefs then.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Target Earth

Take a pill for the love of God. No one said he did it all on his own. That's YOUR way of thinking. You know, everything is black/white, dem/repub, liberal/conservative, AM/FM, Coke/Pepsi...

But just like you folks are quick to sadlle the current President with everything that happens in Washington, quite frankly the buck stops with POTUS. Don't reinvent history. Things weren't so great under Bush. He dragged us into 3 wars that bankrupted this country for starters. Things were circling the drain before he even started to pack.

Until the majority of people (especially people like you and your counterparts) get their collective heads out of their polar views of politics and realize that you're being played like a $1 tin flute we are ALL screwed. Wake up Spanky. It's them vs. us. Get it? Them vs. us.

Holy crap...

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by anon72

To be honest I don't trust any polls. I could do 20 polls on the same topic and get different results each time or choose an area that I know will give me the results I want.

I don't trust democrats or republicans, they are both evil.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:10 PM
If anything, the mid-terms will be a referendum on big government. Within the GOP, the conservatives are reasserting their ideology into the party, if they didn't, the TEA Party would sabotage the Republicans. To me, that is a good thing, because Bush was no conservative.
And, Obama is no liberal. They are both corporatists, as was Clinton.
I would hope to see the new congress address the balance of powers to reign in the executive branch. To do this they have to have the support of the American people. I believe the Republicans that are running should make this a campaign issue as it is a winning theme. Along with true campaign finance reform, like throwing out AIPAC among others.
That is unlikely to happen, but what is the biggest shame of all, is that the GOP will not denounce the war in Afghanistan. This tells me the status quo will be maintained in that regard, and for that reason alone I would vote independent if given the choice, except for Ron Paul. I look carefully at who Ron Paul and Campaign For Liberty endorses.
The American people are engaged like few times in history and need to hold the new congress accountable regardless of party.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:14 PM
(Obviously), this is why things keep getting worse. The worst thing people can do is simply not show up at the polls. It disenfranchises them. The options are
- vote for a third party- which may or may not be recognized (as I understand it) even if they receive a plurality of the votes.
- vote for someone; even a mythical character- ie. Mickey Mouse, that is more likely to be a common protest vote
*-show up, sign in & get your ballot & return it blank. (this has been discussed on a number of political sites. I'm wishing for definitive confirmation. If anyone knows, it would be helpful)

It is my opinion that we could not do worse if we pulled in a rank stranger off the street.
A crippled Congress can at least do no harm. We need a 'none of the above' option.

I found a site last night, (Get Out Of Our House), but I ended up on a Libertarian site. I am apparently a "Left Libertarian", but I can't see myself voting in lock step with any "party".

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
It's amazing but not at all surprising how short people's memory is. Apparently no one seems to recall that it was these alleged 'capitalist' policies that put us in this mess to begin with. But most of us could see this coming nearly from the outset. No magic wand to fix everything so we'll just switch to the other side. No doubt THEY'LL fix it. Will people EVER learn?

And no, I'm not. I wrote-in Ron Paul.

Its not a short memory but rather a stupid mind.
The Tea Party acts like GWB was Jesus or something, they would kill for him.
They deserve everything thats coming.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:46 PM
Interesting poll when you really read into it.

The tell tale signs of a shift lie in the fact that 72% disapprove of the job that congress is doing or has not done. I think the turning point here was the total disregard for public opinion when HCR was pushed through to appease the President.

Furthermore, those that have very negative feelings towards Obama are at an all time high for him and the majority of those surveyed think Obamacare was bad idea.

The majority also approve of racial and/or ethnic profiling as a means to combat terrorism.

Good thread!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:16 PM
WTF!!!? How are people seriously saying GWB was any better...
God, has anyone else noticed what happened to this site after all the crud that's been going on with government lately? It seems like it brought in the infiltration of the sheeple who think they aren't sheeple. I suppose they're the same one's who've been posting all the garbage threads about race, mexicans and they're taking ower jobsssss. Any informed ATS reader will know that playing left/right paradigm is complete and utter nonsense. We need to take this website back from the crazies who infiltrated it. This was our little world to escape into from all the garbage out in the MSM yet somehow it's seeped in here.

EDIT: Before the sheeple post against me, I'm not a freckin democrat nor do I like Barry Soetoro as much as you rabid haters. I prefer not to label myself anything. I'm me and nothing in government represents me, nor you, but I guess you've failed to understand that. And if you haven't understood it by now I won't waste my time any longer.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by conspiracy88]

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