posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Hi All,
I was reading through some german news articles today and found one that might be of interest to the ATS community. It regards the Voyager 2 Probe
being supposedly intercepted by unknown forces. I will translate the article below for you so that you dont have to fiddle around the the online
Heres info on the spacecraft in question:
This is a brief summary of the article, not word for word:
33 Years ago Nasa sent out a spacecraft (voyager 2) containing a gold record (CD) welcoming potential aliens to earth. The disk contained a welcome
message in 55 languages, noises of nature (waves, birds) and some clasical music (mozart). The spacecraft travelled to the edge of our solar system
sending back signals which take around 13 hours to reach earth. On the 22nd April 2010, these signals became distorted and then ceased all together.
Experts at Nasa are tying there best to come up with a fix and still cant figure out why the signals suddenly stopped as it was expected to carry on
for a long time yet.
"UFO Expert" Hartwig Hausdorf, says it looks as though somebody has interferred with the device or taken it on board a ship.
Here is the article in german:
Personally, I am not too convinced with Herr Hausdorfs theory as he seems to have plucked it out of thin air, however it is quite strange and Im sure
you people would take an interest in it. I think its probably just a technical fault although I would love it to be something more.
EDIT: Here is a less sensationalised NASA Report:
[edit on 11-5-2010 by Pryde87]