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I Have Become A Racist...NOT

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posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:09 PM
Alright, these threads and the ignorance that protrudes from them has gotten ridiculous. I think you guys know which threads I'm talking about. Maybe the mods can set up another board for us to talk about immigration issues with people who actually use their brains and provide something other than racist nonsense. I've been visiting this site for years, did not become a member until a few months ago and all of a sudden, the racists are everywhere. Never have I seen this amount of bigotry on this site and it's literally sickening. It's funny because they act like they're not racists, they try and hide it and say that it's not racism but I and others who aren't so close minded see right through it.

I have always tried to have a little more faith in my fellow Americans but these threads prove why I can't. Not to mention all the other junk that goes on in our country and no one does anything. On a site like ATS, that is so open to other ways of thinking and still, ignorance and racism manages to seep through. Maybe the mods can take my advice and help us out. I don't care about people being angry about people burning the us flag, or too many illegals or whatnot but a lot of these people who post in these threads just show their flat out bigotry and ignorance and I'm over it. There's no winning with these hell bent America is a superWhitepower people.

They have such a huge problem with people being proud of being Mexican yet they have no problem with any of the losers up on Capitol Hill with dual Israeli/American citizenship. They say, "You're supposed to assimilate" well, why don't you go after those people that still have their devotions split, or shall I say, more aligned towards Israel as we have seen by the actions we take that benefit no one but Israel. Do you not see your hypocrisy?

I posted in another forum hoping to get people's attention. Trying to get them to understand that their arguments are moot and doesn't lead to anything but nonsense. I posted evidence that what Mexicans are doing now to the US, Americans did to Mexico. Americans took it a step further though by actually fighting for "independence" which makes no sense because it wasn't their land to begin with. Last I checked, Mexicans weren't fighting for independence here and even if they tried, I know, and can say with almost 100% certainty than about 90% of Legal Mexican Americans would not stand for it either. I posted and proved to you that America did not pay for these states they took from Mexico. They paid them for the damage done to their country during the war and demanded Mexico hand over these territories. Then through fraud and manipulation they took away most of the land owned by Mexicans living in these states even though they promised them equality and security. Yet, still, the ignorance seeps through. The ignorant racists turn it into, "Oh well, that's expansionism, it's ours now hahaha" The hypocrisy and ignorance is too freckin much!

This is exactly why we're hated across the globe and it sickens me that I have to be associated with this nonsense. The funny thing is that Americans like these are so sure that the rest of the world hates them out of jealousy. Ummmm nope. It's because of the ignorance and arrogance found in threads like these that is rampant throughout this country. I will always have love for this country for everything it's given me but until things change I'll be looking towards elsewhere as soon as I'm done with school and have something to offer my future home. This poison is only going to lead to something worse that I want no part of. I only hope it doesn't come soon or I'll be forced to cut my education and leave.

I noticed the hatred these close minded Americans, our government and corporations bring upon us the first time I traveled to Europe. People, not all, but some kept shouting insults at my friends and I simply because we were American. I didn't understand. I was like, "what the heck, why do they keep talking &#*! to us?" then one day we were walking through the Marienplatz in Munich and came across some stupid Americans being loud and obnoxious and insulting a street performer. I hung my head in shame and kept on walking. I was like ohhhhh, ok, this is why my Canadian cousins tell me they go to great lengths to make sure everyone knows they're Canadian when they travel abroad. I would too if I were them. To be honest, it scares the *#&$ out of me to travel abroad and be recognized as an American because people like the ones posting in these forums have made it dangerous for me. They spread their poison and I feel bad for them because they're so sure of themselves that they are so right. You guys are fighting for my freedom huh? More like taking it away.

Everytime you post your racist nonsense, the SLPC and government uses it to their advantage to take away more rights. Everytime you post your racist nonsense, you show to the world how ridiculous you are and it jeopardizes my freedom to travel without fear of reprisal for YOUR actions. Enough is enough. MODS if you want to help us out then please start another board where this racist nonsense will not be tolerated and only informed opinions backed by reputable sources will be allowed. If not, I will be forced to relinquish (or well stop logging in because for some odd reason we can't delete our accounts
) my membership to this site much to my disappointment. I really hope it doesn't have to come to that. If it does, I will be forced to make another conspiracy forum and I will gladly accept any help from anyone who wants to help me out. I can't go on without my conspiracy fix, I'll probably go crazy having to subject myself to the MSM nonsense. I'll go crazy without other members on here who open my eyes to other ways of thinking that improve myself and my life tenfold. I will be done with finals mid next week and if nothing changes by then, I am willing to devote a huge chunk of my time thereafter to getting another site up and running asap. What ever happened to deny ignorance?

Edit: This applies to both sides! The Mexican and the White racists. Although it is clear there is more on one side than the other.

Mod Edit to remove excessive ellipsis.

[edit on Mon, 10 May 2010 20:30:59 -0500 by MemoryShock]

[edit on 10-5-2010 by conspiracy88]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Would you mind removing a few dots from your rant's title so the recent posts page would load correctly?


posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

My bad

How do I remove some of the dots, I didn't realize there were so many hahaha.

*Oh, nvm, DUHHHHHHH. OK. Fixed.

[edit on 10-5-2010 by conspiracy88]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Great thread. Pathetic seeing all the racism here. Disappointing too.

Being upset about illegal immigration is fine, but being upset because of the music being offered in Wal Mart?

[edit on 10-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by conspiracy88

Well, it has not been fixed on MY ATS. What the hell.

Oh how I wish there were anti Stars now!

Okay, what the heck mods, MY ATS was set up with three columns, now it is locked to two. Maybe if I clear my cache.

[edit on 5/10/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

It may take a moment or two for the issue to be fixed on MyATS. Please be patient.

Edit for spelling.

[edit on Mon, 10 May 2010 20:32:38 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Why quit your account here? If the issue bothers you so much, just stay away from those threads and spend time in the ones you like.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Night Star

I agree. And we should take it a step further and just plain boycott those threads. I am going to start doing so today and I think anyone who is against racism should do the same. You aren't going to change the mind of a racist on a website forum.

Let those threads become cesspools of hatred and intolerant and implode on themselves. Better yet, let these people know that the majority on ATS won't stand for it AT ALL.

I understand that certain issues such as students being required to remove their t-shirts are primo topic material for ATS, but it inevitably degrades into a bunch of racist rants disguised and American pride and love of country. I honestly believe that "they" have something in the works and are vehemently trying to get us to a boiling point with the racial tensions. I don't know what the ultimate motive is but it is EVERYWHERE in the news now all of a sudden and with how controlled the media is, it only means there is an agenda to be had with the saturation of these kinds of stories.

Let's let people on ATS know we aren't going to stand for it anymore. Boycott these threads. No matter how much they make your blood boil.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Night Star
Why quit your account here? If the issue bothers you so much, just stay away from those threads and spend time in the ones you like.

because then it would not appear as dramatic, would it?
OP if people want to discuss things like race who do you think you are to say thay should not. you are so enlightened that you get to say whats ok to talk about? no topic should be taboo simple as that. whats next on the Oh no you can`t talk about that list? eh. as long as theres no direct insults, or violent sentiment what are you afrade of? i seen two threads that were huge(30 pages over 100 flags) get deleted and it just takes the integrity of the site away. if that happens again i`ll only come here to see what crazy threads there are and seek a better place to discuss grown up topics

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:43 PM
I'll have to completely agree with the OP. I don't really post that much in these forums, i'm more of an observer. There was a thread about students getting sent home because of the shirts and bandana's. So i'm like ... okay, maybe those kids would have gotten jumped and put into the hospital. So, i'm posting this defense and have a mass of people arguing the claim?? One even said "If they want to fight them, then let them fight."

What have grown adults of our country turned into? Simple minded characters that can't solve problems in an adult, careful, and peaceful way. I'm only 20 years old but as I was posting my claim and witnessed all the negative responses that glamorize the flag and the fight, I was taken aback. I read the responses and it took me a minute to realize, these people are all angry, hateful men and woman that refuse to see logic from any other stand point. To this, I shake my head and hope any reading this will take a look into mirror and at themselves. Question your motives. Look deeply into what you preach on these forums and realize just how shameful you have become.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:48 PM
You are absolutely close minded homes. You cast your judgments all over people who you've never personally met or even tried to get to know ... You call them racists for believing in speaking the language of an area if you move there... believe in paying taxes like everyone else.... believe that if you use government assistance meant for citizens that you should be a citizen? All i see is you preaching and moaning about how other people are racist and close minded you should know that when you point a finger there are 3 pointing right back at you.

[edit on 10-5-2010 by conspiracyrus]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by conspiracyrus

The OP did not say that at all. He/she was referring to the "I have become a racist" thread. We all agree that illegal immigration is a serious problem. Hating a group of people, who may or may not be illegal immigrants is foolish and closed-minded

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

from reading his post it sounds that he is accusing everyone of being racist

"I've been visiting this site for years, did not become a member until a few months ago and all of a sudden, the racists are everywhere. Never have I seen this amount of bigotry on this site and it's literally sickening"

It sounds like hes painting with a very large brush

"Trying to get them to understand that their arguments are moot and doesn't lead to anything but nonsense. I posted evidence that what Mexicans are doing now to the US, Americans did to Mexico. Americans took it a step further though by actually fighting for "independence" which makes no sense because it wasn't their land to begin with"

preaching that someone else's opinion is "moot" because they don't think as he does...

this guy is a troll

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by conspiracyrus

The racists are everywhere, there are tons of them right now. Not everyong on the site, but I have read loads of posts ranting against Mexicans. I understand the issue of illegal immigration, but racism is ridiculous. The OP is charged up, but not wrong.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by conspiracyrus
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

preaching that someone else's opinion is "moot" because they don't think as he does...

this guy is a troll

Wait a minute. If someone is a racist then their opinion should be moot to non racists. No-one has to accept racism as a valid point of view. It's far to self centered. It's strange when you see someone you know become a racist, even for a few minutes. What they say is completely moot and totally offensive. Just a little racism surfacing; nothing to see here. Unless it becomes a serious problem

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

im saying that his overall attitude isnt conducive to rational thought .... he has to "prove to others that their opinion is moot"? hes over zealous at best.... and he didnt give one example of where he saw this racism hes trolling and everyone should know it.

Sure there is anti Mexican sentiment right now in America.... how could you blame the border states? they have to deal with the drug cartels ... kidnappings and murders... id be mad as heck and yes i would see it as perfectly logical to blame Mexico in their shoes.... its not racism its just where the blame happens to fall in their minds

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by mark_price

But he makes no mention of the example of racism that hes trying to prove to be moot. He purposefully leaves it out so that you can identify with his perception of the "supposed" event. Hes pandering for e-lovin... nothing more.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:31 PM
I too am sick and tired of the racist bashing from bible belt freaks. I was a lurker and joined a few months ago and had to make a post about Lucifer because every single day it seemed was a new post with Lucifer in the title. I felt i needed to defend my love, Venus.

I don't know what happened to get all these bible thumpers to start posting here. Maybe they feel they are doing "gods work" by posting quotes from the bible to convince people into believing what they have blindly followed. I am tired of it and the racism is disgusting. I couldn't believe how many flags that other thread got.

His thread had the most flags by far for that day and it was a thread about being racist. What is this, 1950 America? Is he going to Lynch some mexicans? Drag some mexicans behind his car?!? And people supported him!

We are in trouble. We can coexist. Peace and love, PEACE AND LOVE!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:00 AM
Did you actually bemoan racists, then proceed to complain about Israelis?

Understanding the Illegal immigration issue means understanding that there is some racism involved. People should be allowed to speak freely on this site. If you don't like it leave or better yet don't get into debates about race and make your points. In the real world there are racists.

Mods, while you're at it could you please censor real life for me? I is scared.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:08 AM
OP - I agree with what you're saying and I am astonished by the surge in racial motivated threads as well, especially against Mexicans and those of Hispanic decent. It almost feels like there is this seething hatred brewing in the hearts of Americans. In the artificial words of Glen Beck "People are angry, and they're not going to take it!" But, it's true. People are mad. They're mad at how it seems like America is headed into the gutter. There's a whole list of reasons why Americans in general have had enough.
So, what do you do when you've had enough? You lash out. You find a scapegoat to blame all of the worlds problems on. A few months ago it was Arabs, now its Mexicans. And I mean, why not right? They're an easy target. They're being allowed into this country illegally by our government, they are being employed even though they're illegal while legal citizens are without work. Let's not forget that the majority of illegals live in very poor socioeconomic conditions which just furthers the negative behavior that feeds the hate that many are directing towards them as a whole - citizens included.
It's just a shame that people are so fed up they don't even care that they are being racist. They look at people like myself, a half German half Puerto Rican college educated individual who holds multiple degrees, who has served in the military, who is a productive member of society, who has a family and a child that he only wishes will grow up in a decent world, yet given all that, I am still automatically labeled due to the color of my skin.
I suppose, more than anything, I am dissapointed in the direction that humanity is headed.

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