posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Hey Onequestion,
First off, 10 points does relate to two pentagrams. The first is right-side up signifying the triumph of spirit over matter. The second is upside-down
signifying the triumph of matter over spirit. When overlapped it is a symbol of balanced spirit and matter. Kind of like someone who has achieved
spiritual insight, but has not lost their grip on reality. A very delicate symbol not often associated with simple practices as most laymen are either
too spiritual or too materialistic to be balanced.
The Golden Dawn image posted earlier relates to a practice known as Qabala, a theosophical practice related to the Tree of Life and the 10 sephiroth
emanating from the Godhead therein. It's not a horribly complex thing to explain if you're interested, but, to understand the finer details (like
BINAH and AIMA) would require a little more in-depth study.
Suffice it to say, in Qabala, Binah is the third emanation of God and represents the feminine nature of reality. This balances the masculine nature
(called Chokmah) creating the spirit and matter overlap I explained above. The elements as used in the quote work like this:
| Upright |
Fire - the Will of man
Water - all of man's knowledge
Air - all of man's conceptual ability
Earth - all of man's faith
Spirit - man's ability to merge with God
| Inverted |
Fire - misdirected efforts
Water - a stagnation in emotions
Air - a time of rest without new ideas
Earth - crises of faith
Spirit - man's constant questioning of God's existence
When overlapped these "elements" fuel each other on: misdirected effort allows for correction, getting comfortable with your friends and family
causes unrest which makes you seek new associates; the recuperation before new ideas flourish; every crises in faith allows man to reaffirm his
beliefs, or cast them off; every question of God can allow one to become closer to God.
It's more complex than that, but there you go.
I 'spose like all things there are a multitude of meanings for the decagram or the decagon. I could maybe try and look up some more for you if
you're interested.
~ Wandering Scribe