As the title says. I've been holding on these pictures for more than one and a half year now, and feel ready to share with you.
They are blown ups of the picture from the following link.
The following pics have all aspects of technological débris, except for a few where it looks like life forms. I'll present to you 3 versions of
almost each photos. One will be original, the other one, the shape is highlighted by "pen", and the last is the drawing alone of the shape. They
look exotic and I hope it will make you "dream" as it did for me.
I'll begin by the "less" impressive ones or more subject to interpratation, and will finish with what I think is the best. Have fun!
The first one, I call The Worm.
This one is the Strange Arc. Right in the middle.
The next one is Decorated ornament wall. On the standing piece, you can see what looks like part of a flower and evenly spaced dots just under
Here is Chrome pipe and Sandy Star.
The next one is simple and elegant. I call it The Pad.
Now, the pieces of résistance, starting with the Engine.
Exploded something. Like a broken container.
My two favs, Insectoid weapon...
...and Wheeled Bone-like structure.
And, perhaps, a trace left by something alive that turned, underground, as in the Alternative 3 infamous Mars Landing...
In context, you will not find the rover's wheels traces near the last one.
Let me know what you think, and there are still things to be found on the original pic!
Have fun! Salutations!