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So after UK showdown number 3, who are we voting for?

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:21 PM
So we've got the 3 main guys who are on my TV at the moment: Brown, Cameron and Clegg. Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem.

To the UK members: Whose gonna get your votes? And why? Have they managed to change your opinions from the first debate, or are you just unwilling to be part of getting any of them into power?

I'd like a nice political debate, since I don't really know anyone who'll debate with me in person

And lets see how this unfolds...

We really didn't get as excited as America did with their president, did we?
I bet we're not on those TV.
Except maybe for the bigot comment...

Ay x

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:42 PM
Im voting monster raving loony party. well the country will be just as safe with them as it is with the main three.
I dont see the point in voting for the main three the EU control us now anyway.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by badvok123

This is sort of a silly thread for me to post really, since I'm actually just under 3 months too young to vote. But I'm completely into it and I wish I could vote!
It's horrible seeing loads of people who don't care not using theirs when I'm like BUT I COULD HAVE THAT VOTE! I understand some of this stuff!

None of them are clear winners really, I don't like Cameron, I don't think Clegg will be very good, I'd vote for Brown, and yet, thats only really so he can get us out of the mess as he's got more experience than the rest. And I want to punch him less...

But yeah, it's all a big mess innit, really!

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:59 PM
Vote for the best dancer.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:01 PM
Neither will get my vote directly as neither is my MP and we are not (thankfully) voting for a President per se.

I am still weighing up the possibilities, but won't be supporting the party led by Mr Clegg. He is just so shallow and a bit like a cyborg as he sucks up to everyone. He knows he won't get in, so he'll promise everything to get himself into the position of King Maker.


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:01 PM

I'd vote for Brown, and yet, thats only really so he can get us out of the mess as he's got more experience than the rest. And I want to punch him less...
But yeah, it's all a big mess innit, really!

I think i disagree with every single part of that.

Especially the punching him in the face part.

But to be honest I really wouldn't vote for any of them just now (edging towards clegg more than anyone though) as none of them really speak to me or make me feel like I SHOULD vote for them (although again Clegg is ahead in my opinion)

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Ayana
I'd vote for Brown, and yet, thats only really so he can get us out of the mess as he's got more experience than the rest.


It's him who ensured us a long, deep recession.
He was Chancellor of the Exchequer before being PM and has been pretty poor at both.

He could have saved some money when we were doing well but instead decided to just spend it all.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Noooooo! Clegg's just a moron. Like the above poster said, he can promise everything, he wont get in.

His plans are flawed, he has no clear future. He just can't get in. It would be a very bad day from Britain if that happened.

I think Labour continues to be the way forward. In my opinion anyway.


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Who will i vote for?

Probably my kids....they don't argue between themselves as much as those three.

Oh and they aren't rude to people they speak to in the street.

Really haven't a clue who to vote for to be honest, which is a shame at this stage in the game. You'd have though one of them would have sold themselves to me by now but unfortunately none have.


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
It's him who ensured us a long, deep recession.

I find it hard to blame Brown entirely for the global recession, although he didn't help us at all, no.

Labour just calls to me more than any of the rest I'm afraid. The other two's plans make me shudder.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:08 PM
As a previous poster says non of these three are standing in my area so it is just a matter of selecting which party to vote for and I say None of the Above.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:09 PM
I am voting for the paedo in mi5 that puts cameras in peoples homes in there bathroom, to record kiddies having baths.

the great british democracy where irish get tortured and 3 politicians hate people asking them questions about where our jobs are going, while mi5 fill peoples bathrooms with cameras.

I am not voting for any of them.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
I am voting for the paedo in mi5 that puts cameras in peoples homes in there bathroom, to record kiddies having baths.

Is he even running in this election?

Whoever this random person you're talking about is....

That's a strange thing to vote someone in on isn't it?
Why would you want to vote for this guy?

[edit on 29/4/10 by blupblup]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by andy1033
I am voting for the paedo in mi5 that puts cameras in peoples homes in there bathroom, to record kiddies having baths.

Is he even running in this election?

Whoever this random person you're talking about is....

na, but i wonder who he is backing, lol.


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Ok i'll bite andy.....links to proof that anyone ever put cameras in your bathroom?


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Its a bit more complicated than that im afraid and i would far rather be in the Uk at the moment than pretty much any other country out there...

Onto who i will vote for...

Cameron? NOPE, he clearly cant handle the pressure and seems to back off when there is an argument put to him, he will only make the upper-class richer and the poorer-class poorer.

Clegg? NOPE, although he seems to have good intentions i think he will be a pushover against the big-guns at the G8 etc, he and his party dont have enough experience in these trying times either.

Brown? Possibly, although he was partly accountable for our situation, i honestly see a difference in him with regard to the current climate. Remember, its a global meltdown not a UK meltdown so its not all his fault. And yes i agree he shouldnt have used that word but lets be honest, who doesnt say things behind peoples back??? If anything it just shows that he is human afterall.

Salmond (Scottish First Minister (reside in Scotland))? PROBABLY, why? Well because i would like to see Independance some day soon as i think we can handle our own affairs, we pretty much do anyways so its not going to hurt to keep our own money either.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Well, I listened on the radio, so perhaps my impressions are less affected by play acting.
I'd say Cameron did well with his opening speech, but failed to engage in debate much worse than the others after that. He relied heavily on sound bites, most of which are disingenuous.
Clegg started weakly, but did offer an alternative view in debate as it progressed. He could have done better with a bit more precision on the disparity between "efficiency" & cuts.
Brown was clearly frustrated by the fact that it is very difficult to explain economics in approx 1min statements, but he did speak about more of the substance of the economic situation than either of the others.
That said, I'm still voting LibDem because, for me, the crucial issue this election is that we need a change in the way UK politics works & they are the only party that can deliver that, even if they must be junior members of a coalition, or by supporting a minority or pathetically majority government.
On the issues, Brown won it. Sadly, knowing that MSM needs sound bites, most people will think Cameron won it. Well, lets also remember that MSM has been grooming us for a Conservative govt for a long time. Cameron played to his supporters. His supporters own most of the means to influence public opinion. Therefore Cameron will be next PM. The question for us is do we want pure neo-con in sheep's clothing or do we want to temper that failed ideology with Vince Cable?

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Clegg was nearing on embarressing. All he did was play the innocent guy and complain, complain, complain.

Cameron by far won and i will be voting for the tories. My mind was made up before the debates mind.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by jonny2410 Clegg was nearing on embarressing. All he did was play the innocent guy and complain, complain, complain. Cameron by far won and i will be voting for the tories. My mind was made up before the debates mind.
Yeah, exactly as I predicted. Ho hum...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 05:05 PM
Gordon brown helped wreck the whole worlds economy and there is people here wanting to vote for him, come on now.....

Are you sure you do not want mi5 putting cameras in your bathroom watching your kids if labour get there way and they will.

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