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Oil Spill clean up in the Gulf IDEA..

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Sitting and watching the boob tube this morning, i was thinking about the horrible oil slick moving toward the coast of the USA, from the gulf of mexico.

It hit me that oil floats in water and somewhere, underwater, there is an oil rig head broken and difficult to fix.

As the world waits and watches like a slow motion car wreck, i think i came up with an idea.

I ask only for your input .....

Just like a hot air balloon captures warm air in an atmosphere, couldn't we place a large "balloon" around the oil leak, capturing the oil as it displaces the water in the cavity, and have a pump hose built in to the top of the structure to vent and pump out the oil to a waiting ship..

wow one sentence,, but lots of thought went to this idea and bigger brains then mine might improve the concept,,,,, yet

its so simple.......

your thoughts..??


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by darrman

Send that one to the Coast Guard ASAP.

That is a good idea and such a bladder already exists somewhere - it need only be rigged to do the job you suggest.

*My solution is to allow entrepreneurs access to it. To let people capture as much oil as possible - providing they can do it at the source of the leak.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by darrman

Great idea, hopes someone who cares is observing your text...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by darrman
Sitting and watching the boob tube this morning, i was thinking about the horrible oil slick moving toward the coast of the USA, from the gulf of mexico.

It hit me that oil floats in water and somewhere, underwater, there is an oil rig head broken and difficult to fix.

As the world waits and watches like a slow motion car wreck, i think i came up with an idea.

I ask only for your input .....

Just like a hot air balloon captures warm air in an atmosphere, couldn't we place a large "balloon" around the oil leak, capturing the oil as it displaces the water in the cavity, and have a pump hose built in to the top of the structure to vent and pump out the oil to a waiting ship..

wow one sentence,, but lots of thought went to this idea and bigger brains then mine might improve the concept,,,,, yet

its so simple.......

your thoughts..??


Do you mean the actual wellhead? First off (if thats the case) its almost a mile underwater, ROV's are the only visitors to that area, and they are very small and incapable of doing very much. Second the volume and pressure at which the oil is coming out is immense. A friend of mine in the area (S.E. LA) suggested using explosives to seal the hole. it would have to be a huge bang, which I am sure we are capable of, but my only concern is that it could possibly make the hole larger

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by inbound

I trained as a underwater welder but age and ears not handling the pressure caused a change... but it is not that difficult to accomplish ..

just need the WILL.. and the way is clear IMO ..

where to find the blatter,, hmm try GOODYEAR..

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by darrman
reply to post by inbound

I trained as a underwater welder but age and ears not handling the pressure caused a change... but it is not that difficult to accomplish ..

just need the WILL.. and the way is clear IMO ..

where to find the blatter,, hmm try GOODYEAR..

just talked to a buddy of mine down there, he says BP is sending in a dome like devce that will fit over the well head, a pipe to the surface will transfer the oil to a ship- however, this has been done in shallow water- less than 50'. Never before at 5000'. So they are gonna give that a whirl- the well head has got to be obstructed though- thats a lot of pipe and such that all cam crashing down, heck even a couple three could shelve that idea

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by darrman

fun stuff

if i do say myself

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by darrman

test one


posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:34 AM
What is the deal with 3/31/2010? Why am I finding detailed information about the oil spill dated before it happened? Why am I finding maps of the oil spill with dates on it of 3/31/2010 when in fact it happened on 4/20/2010 which just happens to be Hitlers Birthday? Why am I finding that mass amounts of shares in BP where sold on 3/31/2010? Why does it seem that there is evidence that certain individuals knew something big was going to happen? How did they know it was going to involve BP? Why did BP choose to hold off for relief wells when they could have stopped the leak completely? Why does it appear that our government waited as long as it could to do anything and have not did much? "We regretfully admit that something has happened off of the Gulf Coast. More to come." Why was that said before anything happened?? What is the deal with 3/31/2010????? I believe there is a reason for this spill and it was no accident. I believe WE THE PEOPLE need to figure out the truth. ((COR BEAU QUARTE ABU)) is behind obama when he speaks about drilling oil. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!



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