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Dear ATS, do you support the kid, or do you suspect him?

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:13 AM
This is an issue that is bugging me. And it scares me that this kid has a fallowing, and his idols and sourcing scares me even more. I have a growing suspicion yet an even growing disappointment for humanity.

But I can't make that decision for all of you, it's for you to decide. But I'll make this thread to vent and to reflect.

We'll just call him Robert (or NsaneSk8er007).

Whether or not you like Alex Jones, Robert is the new youth 'Alex Jones' and is in close contact with him. I see that it may be of some importance to establish some kind of consensus on this upcoming public figure, we already seam to with other people.

He started gaining popularity with the swine flu shot's, by fighting his school administration and blogging about it online where he grew quite a fallowing to this day. At the time I thought it was neat. So I fallowed him for a short while, and that's when my opinion began to change.

Here is one of his latest videos:

I watched many of his videos out of curiosity, and have also briefly communicated with him on you-tube, I also read his conversations with some of his audience where I grew rather suspicious. He became very hostile to those that criticized him, and also began deleting comments that he didn't agree with or want others to see.

I talked with others privately about their opinions and/or experiences with him, and they were similarly on the same page as me, (not saying any of you should be.) I attempted to correct many of his mistakes, as well as the legality of the school's rights over him on campus due to contract, such as restricting him from attending a school game; which he exaggerated and blatantly disagreed with - without consideration... or possibly purposefully ignored.

Bottom line opinion, I believe he is another self centered Alex Jones, out for popularity and money.

So what do you think folks?

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:31 AM
I personally like what he is doing, but his facts are as you say, coming for mr jones. And thats not so credible. I'm 17, and i would join if it weren't for that fact.

And this video would be easy to attack, along with the group, in MSM.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:37 AM
Well he sounds retarded. I'll give you that. There is no science to back up the claim that vaccines cause any of the illnesses that people say they cause. How is there is a tremendous amount of science to back up the claim that vaccinations stop children from getting killed from a variety of diseases.
I can just see it now
"u-oh I got polio"
"Yeah but at least you did not get any mercury from that shot when you were 5"

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by zaiger
Well he sounds retarded. I'll give you that. There is no science to back up the claim that vaccines cause any of the illnesses that people say they cause. How is there is a tremendous amount of science to back up the claim that vaccinations stop children from getting killed from a variety of diseases.
I can just see it now
"u-oh I got polio"
"Yeah but at least you did not get any mercury from that shot when you were 5"

LMAO, I'll remember to say that next time someone goes on about the vaccines.

In the past few kids had complications, and we have been vaccinating for generations. But now more and more of the youth are having complications. I doubt it's the vaccinations..

(meh mouthfull)

I say it's the food and water.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by zaiger

Yes, you are right. Most vaccinations do what they say they are going to do. They induce the body to produce antigens which do fight disease.

However ...

There is also no evidence to suggest that vaccinations are safe and the "experts" certainly have no clue.

There has never been a placebo controlled, double blind study into the long term effects of vaccinations on humans.

Most study's are extremely short term and are funded and done by the companies that make them. Rather than independently studying them, the majority of the worlds governments accept their findings.

There are thousands of adverse reactions reported each year and yet only 10% of adverse reactions are reported by doctors.

The vast majority of the diseases they are purportedly providing immunity for are for one treatable and manageable and some are even beneficial for the human body to get at early ages.

I would never inject my child with these things, unless it was a clear matter of life and death.

As for this guy on the youtube vid, if he is deleting comments that disagree with his point of view then he cannot be trusted either.

Only healthy debate with those that disagree with you properly educate those that are listening.

edit to add - vaccinations have not statistically effected the mortality rate. They have only effected the rate of infection and complications ... yes I know I have to provide a source ... I just can't find it ... But I will and I will post it!!

Here ya go! -

[edit on 29/4/10 by Horza]

[edit on 29/4/10 by Horza]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Scarcer
He became very hostile to those that criticized him, and also began deleting comments that he didn't agree with or want others to see.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

This was posted as a comment on the first page to the above video but hasn't been deleted ... yet:

Sure vaccines are bad, the air is bad, the food you eat is bad...
Know what else is bad? When a kid keeps making videos that are exaggerating, self centered and worst of all, trying to be another Alex Jones.
When I first saw a couple of your vids I was like, "yeah that's great that he's trying."
Now I'm calling "B#*@ $%!T" on you. Have a nice day.

Here is a little test ... Lets see if this comment sticks around or it gets deleted ...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Horza

Originally posted by Scarcer
He became very hostile to those that criticized him, and also began deleting comments that he didn't agree with or want others to see.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

This was posted as a comment on the first page to the above video but hasn't been deleted ... yet:

Sure vaccines are bad, the air is bad, the food you eat is bad...
Know what else is bad? When a kid keeps making videos that are exaggerating, self centered and worst of all, trying to be another Alex Jones.
When I first saw a couple of your vids I was like, "yeah that's great that he's trying."
Now I'm calling "B#*@ $%!T" on you. Have a nice day.

Here is a little test ... Lets see if this comment sticks around or it gets deleted ...

That comment is my own. Actually, look at the author. Not sure if he still resorts to deleting comments but you sure as hell don't see any other negative comments.

This is the first time I've watched his videos for a couple months.

Likely I'll be flamed or deleted.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Scarcer

Ha! ... thats quite funny ...

I did have a quick look through and only saw a few other negative comments.

So we will see what happens to yours ...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:06 AM
1 minute 21 seconds.
wanker. If I want to hear Alex Jones, I will watch Alex Jones, and if I want to read about how vaccines are #e, which I do belive (altough it would suck to have the only kid on the block with Polio) I'll check out a source that is actually focused on Child health, with anchors who don't have their hats on the wrong way.

Oh by the way, if you are under 19 and agree with me, you can join my facebook group!

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:13 AM
lmao. That cracked me up.

Well here is the video where I participated commenting on the most. I remember a couple instances of emotional outbursts and people getting comments removed and such.


TTDMFfreaknew: Ok Robert. I post a comment, you freak out, then post a link that wasn't there before, so i COULDN'T read the damn policy, thejn you delete my comment. Your the last person i thought would delete a comment, you being a "Truther". What ever, unsubbed. 3 months ago

CapnWack Comment removed

There's a few more things, but I'm not going to devote too much time looking through his comments.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by Scarcer]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:14 AM
about the vaccines... it would have been better if we hadn't started using them, except for people traveling to other countries, but we started, and we can't exactly stop now. most people who get auto-immune deseases don't even realize they had it, and it goes away after a bit.

are vaccines nessisarry in today's world? alot of them are. chances are very small that you will develop an auto-immune desease, and much much smaller that it will be at all serious. there is a much higher chance that you will get sick from what they prevent, than getting an auto-immune desease.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Scarcer

I have a few things to state :

1) He's a kid.

2) Alex Jones is an agitator and or shill.

3) Anyone following Jones better be looking for who's directing him.

Alex Jones Thinks "Swine Flu" Is Mass Conditioning For F.E.M.A. Camps and the United Nations?

Alex Jones is the "Eric Cartman" of the conspiracy theory genre.

South Park - Eric Cartman 9/11 song

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:35 AM
Pretty much anyone can gain a following these days, even this guy:

I don't really think the fact that the person mentioned in the OP has gained an audience means a whole lot. If anything, it just goes to show how easily people are led.


[edit on 29-4-2010 by TheAssociate]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by TheAssociate
Pretty much anyone can gain a following these days, even this guy:

I don't really think the fact that the person mentioned in the OP has gained an audience means a whole lot. If anything, it just goes to show how easily people are led.


[edit on 29-4-2010 by TheAssociate]

Oh... ow... ow i didn't need to see that, nor listen to that.

And on the semi contrary, yes he has a fallowing... of haters.. it seams

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Scarcer
Bottom line opinion, I believe he is another self centered Alex Jones, out for popularity and money.

So what do you think folks?

Well, money and popularity has been one of the biggest aspects of human life since the dawn of age. What makes you think it would be anything else? The problem is, as I have said many times, is that once that ego is nurtured and allowed to grow it consumes the mind and the body and turns you in to something that you wish you hadn't started.

Look at my signature

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 05:02 AM
As an old guy I laugh at the youth that think they know anything.

They are so far away it isn't even within their comprehension to understand how far away they are.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Horza

There is also no evidence to suggest that vaccinations are safe and the "experts" certainly have no clue.

Please share what problems you think these vaccines cause. I have heard the claim that vaccines do not effect mortality rate but keep in mind polio may not kill a kid just leave him in a wheel chair with shriveled legs for the rest of his life.
But im interested in what you think these shots cause.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Had George Washington not done smallpox vaccinations to the men in his army (one in fifty men would die from the early vaccination procedure), we would be the Commonwealth of the United States and loyal subjects of the Crown now. Smallpox would of wiped out Gen Washington's forces if he had not done those vaccinations.

Just my two cents worth on vaccinations.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by zaiger

Hi Zaiger ...

There is growing evidence to suggest that vaccinations contribute to the incidence of auto-immunity, diabetes, asthma, ADHD and other childhood developmental delays, not to mention the adverse reaction from the vaccine itself.

There is also the problem of "Time Shift" eg Measles and rubella - these disease's are now increasing in older populations where the disease is significantly more dangerous.

Yes, polio was a dreadful disease and in examples like this I generally in favour of vaccination. I also favour vaccinations in countries with low levels of standard of living untill such times as those standards can be raised.

However when it comes to measles, chickenpox, rubella etc, I strongly believe that these are manageable and treatable conditions that are beneficial for humans to get when they are young. With our standard of health and living and with the right amount of education and awareness, the risk of severe complications are very low.

The last point I want to make is that I fully support a vaccination schedule that is safe, effective and transparent. The current Australian and the US schedule does not satisfy any of these criteria.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Horza

There is growing evidence to suggest that vaccinations contribute to the incidence of auto-immunity, diabetes, asthma, ADHD and other childhood developmental delays, not to mention the adverse reaction from the vaccine itself.

Really? Growing evidence? Care to share any? Im pretty aware that our current "medical" community has really not held back in diagnosing things like ADHD and developmental delays.
For example Ritalin was first invented in 1945 and found to be a stimulant in 1955 and right about 1960s they started to diagnose kids with minimal brain dysfunction now called ADD and ADHD. They had the cure before the "disease" pretty shaddy, yeah?
Anyways polio was around in the days of the egyptian and was first recognized by modern medicine in 1789 we got the cure in 1955. So i would love to know this growing evidence you have.

There is also the problem of "Time Shift" eg Measles and rubella - these disease's are now increasing in older populations where the disease is significantly more dangerous.

What does that have to do with the vaccines people are getting today?

Yes, polio was a dreadful disease and in examples like this I generally in favour of vaccination. I also favour vaccinations in countries with low levels of standard of living untill such times as those standards can be raised.

So polio is fine but the one for whooping cough has to go???

The last point I want to make is that I fully support a vaccination schedule that is safe, effective and transparent.

How is it not safe or transparent? I think it is pretty transparent as the anti-vaccine crowd is perfectly fine with making up everything they do not know.

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