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Info Concerning False Flag June/July from CIA Source

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+10 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:18 PM
This comes from Steve Quayle and I thought I would post it to bring it to the attention of the ATS community which might not frequent his website.


He has a hunting client who is retired CIA who told him that the grid would go down in June/July. Our friend told me, "It is to mask the global monetary collapse." He then went on to say that it would be, "either an EMP attack or the Chinese would shut the lights out 'with the push of a computer key.'"

He then said something that I didn't understand (until I heard Hawk's broadcast.) He said, "they are going to evacuate the don't want to be next to a railroad track."

Take it for what it is worth but certainly not out of the realm of possibility with last year's report of China hacking the US power grid.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 07:56 PM
So what did he hear on Hawk's broadcast? Thanks.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:16 PM
well if the retired CIA was Robert Steele then I
would probably believe it a lot more.

However, the plan does sound doable
and could work theoretically.

But bringing the power grid down
is gonna do more, it's gonna
shut down the internet.
That means alt means of
communications will be needed.

Old CB radios run on battery power
in vehicles just might come back in style.
I have 2 in my closet I haven't used
in years. They don't have chips in them

They are transistor operated.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ararisq

Does your source link have a link to it's own home site? I didn't find one on my own. Thanks.

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:20 PM
something fishy here.
the US power grid is not hooked
into the core network. It's a standalone
from the internet. China can't hack that
unless they were on site. If the power grid
goes down u can bet ur dollar the US
gov is doing it, not the Chinese.
but it may get blamed on the Chinese.

HAM operators using generator power
could be base of operations for citizenry.
I'd suggest stocking up on fuel for vehicles
and generators. Cause u won't be able to buy
gas at the pump and you surely won't be able
to get cash from the banks or an ATM.
Keep a full tank of fuel. Stock up on water supplies.
Keep a public band radio with lots of batteries
and flashlights. As we don't know how long
the power is gonna be off.
Oh, and dont forget the food and ammo.
Spend ur cash wisely as u may not get a second
chance. Stay away from crowds, go rural.
Horses make a good alt means of transportation
to conserve fuel and they can go where cars cannot.

That is .... IF .... this scenario is true.

[edit on 27-4-2010 by boondock-saint]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I agree, wouldn't be the Chinese doing it, it would be the US. I don't usually listen to these people who claim to have talked the CIA agents and the like, but that sounds like a very likely scenario. In fact if I had to bet on a scenario, this would rank pretty high up there.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:35 PM

"they are going to evacuate the don't want to be next to a railroad track."

What the hell is that suppose to mean?

Gonna be kinda hard for me to avoid...

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

I haven't listened to it yet, I might listen to it tomorrow if I get the time. I only listen to it every once in a while but this might be worthwhile.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:45 PM

"they are going to evacuate the don't want to be next to a railroad track."

For some reason that makes me think of how some of the FEMA camps are connected by railroad tracks....

Entirely insane scenarios pop into my head after hearing about that little detail.

+9 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:45 PM
You have now diverted a false flag by posting it on the internet. There plan is ruined.

If they where to pull of a false flag, it would be known about before.

You thwarted there plans.


posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by TrainDispatcher

"they are going to evacuate the don't want to be next to a railroad track."

What the hell is that suppose to mean?
Gonna be kinda hard for me to avoid...

cities make a great place for authorities to round
up mass amounts of people cuz they can encircle
the area and hunt inward.

As far as the RR tracks. This could be a way for authorities
to move around the country without using fuel.
As trains run on steam or coal and take their fuel
source with them. And rails run through basically every area
on the map and are accessible to highways at crossings.
That will be there means of travel for boots on the ground.
just lower a ramp and the humvees can slide right off
onto the highway.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
You have now diverted a false flag by posting it on the internet. There plan is ruined.

If they where to pull of a false flag, it would be known about before.

You thwarted there plans.


Not quite, revolution is the idea in this scenario.
USA pulls off a successful false flag but the people know it's a lie... Civil unrest breaks out... second American revolution occurs. Massive rioting and no power, people become quarantined. The knowledgeable ones are killed off and the one's that knew nothing are thrown into a cashless monetary system.

Perfectly logical scenario.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 08:59 PM
Is there really a point to discussing these threads? It always follows the typical format; "I heard from a good friend of mine who's a friend of __________ (fill in the blank with any government, military, banker you want) who said that________________ (input any doomsday scenario you prefer). Just thought you guys should know."

If this guy knew the information he claimed and he was that loose lipped about it, he would be dead. There are not many ex-government agents that are going to give up there secrets under interrogation and torture from foreign countries. What makes you think they will give it up on a whim in normal conversation? If disclosure was their objective they would go into hiding and warn others from there. It wouldn't come up as some flippant comment to some random nobody who has no ability to do anything about it.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:05 PM
Wait so another false flag this time in June or July. What happened to the one on April 30 is that going to happen to. Or the Earth is going to shake itself to peices today? As some of the threads I have read this week. So pick a day is all I ask...

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

"As trains run on steam or coal " ???????

Are you sure you are living in this century? The railroad I worked on had
Diesel engines putting out about 3,000-4,000 HP. Steam and coal?

[edit on 27-4-2010 by endtimer]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Good call on the radios but some potentially bad news: Chips are basically millions or billions of transistors. The good news is that even devices with chips could work if completely disconnected during the attack. If you had 5 computers, likely 2 or 3 would probably work if they were disconnected and packed away in a typical storage room fashion.

I've got a good collection of old radios & walkies as well as some old shortwave gear. Nice to have. Shortwave and CB is still very much alive in other parts of the world. Amazing to hear south and central america coming in with the skip/dx & mighty clear these days -off and on.

Take your best radios and store them in old surplus weatherproof AMMO cases with a couple bags of that silica gel you find in new shoes & electronics boxes along with some extra wire and a rolled up dipole antenna.

My next suggestion would be to get hold of a couple car alternators with built in voltage regulation... If things were mighty bad there's still a way to generate even if it's a stationary bicycle. Hey, maybe we'll catch each other on 38LSB or 27.555USB, all out of breath from peddling.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Evacuating a city is going to be troublesome with the power grids out.

No Traffic lights

and few gas stations working without manual/hand pumps to pull the gas outta the ground tanks.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by blackman12

Educating yourself in how the dumbed down people operate is probably a good idea for when you have to play it down. I recommend an hour a week watching entertainment tonight. Just turn on the last 10 minutes of it and that should do it... The first 2/3 of that show is a long commercial about the last 10 minutes of content anyways.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
reply to post by ararisq

Does your source link have a link to it's own home site? I didn't find one on my own. Thanks.


Here is a link to his web site: Steve Quayle's World

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 10:08 PM
How, exactly, would this be a "false flag" if the Chinese were responsible? Wouldn't that be actually a precursor to war? Unless you mean the US would blame the Chinese for the outage, but even that would be tough to swallow considering its the Chinese that own most of America's debt - if they wanted to eliminate us, they'd simply stop funding us.

And an EMP would at best take out a city, and perhaps not for that long. EMPs are difficult to create, so it'd be hard to pin that on a terrorist organization (which wouldn't be necessary since we're already "at war" with them).

I dont buy this in the least. A massive power outage wouldn't cover economic collapse, it'd merely double the nation's woes.

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