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Free energy motor

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posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by georgejetson

What...apart from it being touted as magnetic and not being electric, you mean?

Or should i be reading sarcasm in your question, masquerading as a genuine comment?

Have you actually looked at the guy's written stuff?

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 05:09 PM
I've seen countless videos like this one and the joke is they are all labeled as free energy.

When ever you see a video with a title of "Free energy" I recommend not even opening it.

The Double-Damned Sun does not even run on free energy and you expect some guy to invent it?

Over unity my be possible but even achieving over-unity would not be free.

alternative energy applications like solar panels or windmills are extremely expensive and terribly inefficient, they are as bad as our out dated combustible engine but are becoming more appealing due ONLY to the rising price in oil.

The true future of energy is with the Moon and it's large cash of helium 3 deposits from the sun. Helium 3 provides a highly efficient way of achieving nuclear fusion with minimal waist...

It's very surprising to see how uninformed the ATS community is when it comes to the worlds energy paradigm.

Oil is the cheapest way to fuel entire countries no matter how expensive a barrel of oil gets. Just like oil the more people demand solar panels the more the price of silicone gets and the more expensive it is to use them. wind mils required to much space.

One thing that would be efficient is a solar island, water desalting plant. The steam could be used to create energy while cleaning the sea water for public consumption.

You put one of these babies in cities near the sea it will help create both energy and clean water. But oil energy would still be required at least until mining the moon for helium 3 become a normal way of life.


posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 06:01 PM
It is true, as soon as free energy is harnessed it is no longer free, as it contained or made to do work and so is no longer free. But after it's work is done and you no longer contain it, it is free again.

If energy cannot be destroyed then all energy is originally free because no energy is ever created by man.

The video is not that exciting a similar thing has already been created as someone pointed out on the first page, however nothing came of it for whatever reason.

These devices are highly engineered and very expensive to build so are not useful to the common man and would probably be used by the rich as a cheaper way to make energy to sell to others.

It all come's down to the fact that if it is not open source and fairly easy to make yourself then you must still pay someone else to do it for you or sell it to you, because people don't work for free.

It takes some effort to even stand up and move, so if one was to consider one's own effort as cost then everyone pays to get out of bed in the morning ! Which would mean getting out of bed in the morning is not free, that sounds a bit of a stretch.

So what is the definition of "free energy" we are using here ?

My definition is that I don't need to give something to somebody else to obtain it.

With my definition there is free energy all around us there for the taking, there is no need to pay somebody else to get it for you unless you want more than you can gather yourself.

I have no doubt that the inventor has paid a very high cost already for this device, and i'm not talking about his own time and effort, I would say he has put out money to pay for the machining of parts and I doubt he made the magnets so he would have had to work to make money to buy them.

Far from free.

Free energy is much simpler than that.

Potential differences can be easily harnessed and they occur naturally this is where real free energy is.

Study Tesla's work until you understand it and you can gather all the energy you want, however it won't be free unless you are free.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Izarith

The true future of energy is with the Moon and it's large cash of helium 3 deposits from the sun. Helium 3 provides a highly efficient way of achieving nuclear fusion with minimal waist...

It's very surprising to see how uninformed the ATS community is when it comes to the worlds energy paradigm.

Did someone go on a helium 3 diet and reduce their "waist" line? Please help me deny ignorance on this!

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by LuxFestinus

It is possible that he meant Hydrogen 3 or tritium. Another thread in itself.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:19 PM
And there is no need to bring Nicola Tesla's name into this thread one bit!

sorry, Yes the man was a genius but dont tarnish the mans name by shouting TESLA when some new tool with unsubstantiated claims pops
onto the boards.the man is no longer here to give an opinion so i dont
think it appropriate to say his name amongst this type of stuff.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Free energy...I don’t get it, whats free about it ?

Is it free as in cost/money, or free meaning not using the earth’s recourses? eg: coal, oil, ect.
Either way someone has to make the machine / panel / wind turbine.
It takes energy to do that, let alone heaps of money,
Then I'm assuming they sell that energy to the public, I doubt they would let it get to and use in your home /workplace for free.

Can someone please enlighten me on the use of the word FREE ENERGY.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by stealthyaroura

If you read my post again you'll see that I did not say the man had any connection to the device in the op's video or "free energy".

I was just encouraging people to do research.

If you got the impression that i was trying to connect him to it some way I am sorry I did not, if it offends you that people mention him and his work, I won't mention his name again in this thread.

Anyway I am more interested in what the term "free energy" means in this context.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by FermiFlux

That motor the guy made can power a normal automotive alternator/generator?
I'm using your post because you make sense, and it seems to me that you know what you're talking about.

Semi tractor-trailers use inverters to run ac applications in their trucks. Refrigerator/microwave. Those inverters get their energy from if not the battery, then from the generator; powered by the engine pulley?

So, if I made a machine like the guy in the video made, I can use a grip of car batteries, then invert them into ac power? My goal would be to unplug from the power grid, and still have lights and stuff working in my house.

How many batteries would I need; to store in order to utilize, say, 7,000 watts? As I understand it, solar power utilizes batteries the same way. Inverts it from dc to ac currents.

I'm so ready to get underway, I guess this free-energy stuff is gonna require some capital to invest. I won't mind making one last payment.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
Free energy...I don’t get it, whats free about it ?

Is it free as in cost/money, or free meaning not using the earth’s recourses? eg: coal, oil, ect.
Either way someone has to make the machine / panel / wind turbine.
It takes energy to do that, let alone heaps of money,
Then I'm assuming they sell that energy to the public, I doubt they would let it get to and use in your home /workplace for free.

Can someone please enlighten me on the use of the word FREE ENERGY.

I belive what they mean is that it uses no oil/ resouces to run the machine once it is made.
Your car takes a heap of money to make but cost another heap of money to keep it running, remember how much that last tank of fuel cost you ?

[edit on 24-4-2010 by Reevster]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Wait this is not real, because magnets can't do work.

Oh wait that's changed now..Magnets can do work, but they run down like a battery.
The power output will never exceed the power used to magnetize the magnet right?
That's impossible!

Lets see if another miracle occurs and this actually makes it into the market for people to actually buy.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69
Free energy...I don’t get it, whats free about it ?

Is it free as in cost/money, or free meaning not using the earth’s recourses? eg: coal, oil, ect.
Either way someone has to make the machine / panel / wind turbine.
It takes energy to do that, let alone heaps of money,
Then I'm assuming they sell that energy to the public, I doubt they would let it get to and use in your home /workplace for free.

Can someone please enlighten me on the use of the word FREE ENERGY.

I'll give it a shot...
After you are done paying for the manufacturing of this motor...
The energy it needs in order to start producing it's own energy becomes less than the energy the motor puts out. Once the motor runs none-stop, it will require zero energy to produce energy.

My question is how do I stop the motor, without damaging it, if and when it needs maintenance/service.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:07 PM
While reading through the preceeding posts, it occured to me that we should no longer use the term "free energy" but should call it "cheap power".

With this term in mind allow me to lay out a proposal which may have some appeal to those with deep pockets and a lot of time on their hands.

I recently watched a program about a company placing "tidal turbines" in the Hudson river in New York City. It should not be to much a stretch, as the company owner suggested, to place similar devices into the gulf stream off the east coast of the US. In conjunction with these we could place a platform on the surface of the ocean to house maintainance personel and equiptment. These platforms could be covered with solar cells and have a series of large Sterling motors mounted below them using the heat differentials of the ocean water for power. Oh yes, I almost forgot, we could mount windmills atop the platforms to utilize any wind which may be available, and wave bowies along the sides.

I will be the first to admit that such projects will not be cheap and the output will not be free to consumers. The main point will be that over the service life of a system built of a very large scale, the price of the energy made available should not increase because of an increase in the price or value of the reserve resourses. Nor would there be an appreciable depleation of these resourses in the foreseeable future.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Toecutter.

Hey there, i was not pointing at you, just every time some new misunderstood piece of electronic apparatus appears or is mentioned
Tesla's name seems to pop into the debate.

nothing personal, maybe i do get a little upset by a lot of stuff
that gets said about the great man.he's an idol of mine.that's all.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:32 PM
There is no such thing as free energy motors, there is only more efficient energy motors that run on more stable/plentyfull power converters oil, wind, magnets, electricity, solar. Even if you can somehow harness the magnetic/gravitational pull of the cosmos have on eachother to run a motor, it wouldn't be free it would be more efficient and use a more stable/plentyfull system. Free means converting energy from a massive system like wind, water and dead biomass/oil to a bassic system/function like a house fan. The biger cog turns the smaller cog that turns the even smaller cog and so on. In a binary universe there is only efficiency of known processes for specific tasks. Free is a missleading word because it implies it will last forever in a curent state of thought/mater nothing is the same forever even the sun will one day be gone. So the energy it provides for the life on this planet will be gone, if life is still reliant on the sun when its gone then that life will be gone to.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Isn't magnetism defined by electron spin states? Therefore a small sharp burst of energy could re-magnetise them and align them back to make the desired field, in 400 years time. It looks to take less energy to do this as you are merely aligning electrons. This happens in a cable with current passing through it and is why speaker cables 'wear in' more obviously in nice hifi systems. People claiming magnet motors violate thermodynamics is rubbish. They simply get their energy from another source - the same source that makes electrons spinning in an atom a 'perpetual motion machine'.

Either way, they're a better storage source than 100 year old dinosaur technology. Swappa-magnet anyone?


hang a 10kg weight off a magnet on a metal beam.

10kg*9.8 = 98Nm of force.

work done = 98x0 (0 distance moved)

Work = 0

But hold on, it's holding the weight up against gravity for years and years without doing any work? Where is all this energy coming from to do that?

This is the 'riddle of neodymium' hahaha.

I've seen a monopole magnet motor demonstrated that when a conventional magnet was held near, it spun up by itself and then when removed again slowly spun down. It had a decent amount of torque on the spindle and was a demonstrator with 1/50th of the density of magnets possible in the future. It has been shown to various phds/lecturers (including one that worked on CERN), politicians, scientific advisors and has stumped every single one of them. I can't go much further than this but yeah... look out big oil! Dinosaurs went extinct and the technology perpetuated on them I hope does too.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:26 PM
Ah yes I see stealthyaroura. I missed the inventors reference to him. I thought you referred to me, my mistake sorry.

Time will tell, if this invention is genuine and useful it will make money for the inventor, not sure where free come's into something like that though. It looks like a pretty expensive bit of kit to me.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:35 PM
Nikola Tesla harnessed zero point energy about 100 years ago. It's very real, no matter what the doubters say. Many people have done this. We've had tons of whistle blowers come forward that have worked with the free energy devices in our secret black projects. The US has had Tesla free energy devices for at least 50 years now. Meanwhile we pay $2.75 at the pump to give more money to the new world order trash running everything. Bush kills over 1,000,000 innocents for oil we haven't needed for 50 years now! He's no Christian - he's a satanic bloodthirsty killer, no better than Hitler. It's all a BIG joke! We are already on mars, we have an underground base there and they lied about the sky being red - it's blue. All this has been kept from the American people.

We also have teleportation, time travel and even starships that can go faster than the speed of light but the slaves are told that the space shuttle is our BEST and only spacecraft designed in the early 70's! Ha! Nevermind that we had antigravity already working in the 50's before it went into the black world and was never heard about again.

Even the former President of Lockheed said that "we can take E.T. back home again now!"

We have a control freak priest class run amok. Their greed and evil desire for total control of the "slaves" has kept free energy away from humanity. This is totally criminal and immoral just like the disinfo agents on ATS that knowingly lie about things to hide the truth from the masses. They are the lowest form of scum and they know what they do is pure evil. They will all pay for their treachery someday unless they repent and come clean before they die. That's what many of the whistle blowers are doing now. It's never too late for you paid ATS disinfo traitors! Give up your 30 pieces of silver and be a human being for once. Be a part of a massive new Renaissance on the planet instead part of the dark forces that have kept humanity in bondage to the new world order. Surely some of you are smart enough to make money some other way than by lying and keeping humanity down. Surely you can make something more of yourself than being a Benedict Arnold to your fellow man. God wants you to do good, not evil. Suppressing technology and lying about things to hide the truth are pure evil. You all know this deep inside your soul. It's time to grow up so we can all go to the stars! We are all ready to go for a ride in a starship but that's never going to happen until the men and women serving this evil system wake up and say ENOUGH! Your fellow man needs you to do the right thing. peace

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
reply to post by FermiFlux

That motor the guy made can power a normal automotive alternator/generator?
I'm using your post because you make sense, and it seems to me that you know what you're talking about.

Semi tractor-trailers use inverters to run ac applications in their trucks. Refrigerator/microwave. Those inverters get their energy from if not the battery, then from the generator; powered by the engine pulley?

So, if I made a machine like the guy in the video made, I can use a grip of car batteries, then invert them into ac power? My goal would be to unplug from the power grid, and still have lights and stuff working in my house.

How many batteries would I need; to store in order to utilize, say, 7,000 watts? As I understand it, solar power utilizes batteries the same way. Inverts it from dc to ac currents.

I'm so ready to get underway, I guess this free-energy stuff is gonna require some capital to invest. I won't mind making one last payment.

Hello. Yes, if the machine is proved to be doing what they claim it is doing then eventually, through some industrial modifications the motor would indeed run a normal automotive, indefinitely.

To invest in this kind of uncertain technology for conventional use would require a lot of research and a certain know-how with the way these things work. Unless you're capable of producing a working model, I would steer clear until an infallible product is confirmed.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 09:47 PM
Alot of talk about whether or not this technology should be labelled as "free energy".

The whole concept of this system is that more energy is coming out than is being put in. So if you project your thinking forward, surely there would be some sort of alterations made to the systems to allow it to run forever. And by that I mean, a small amount of the output power would be returned in some way to supply the input power once more, thus allowing a closed system, capable of being made portable, which you could plug in any kind of electrical hungry system.

When you look at it this way, the closed system would be producing its own energy forever, meaning this energy is now free. The only cost would be the one-off purchasing of the system. The use of such a thing could indeed be factored into almost everything in the average day of an individual.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by FermiFlux]

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