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what is love

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:12 PM
i always wonder what is love and how do you know your in it for eternity with your paratner, I've noticed as we get older doesn't it fade, well i think it does, im only 25 before the jokes roll in

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:35 PM
I have so much experience not finding my soulmate I expect to know when I find her. The ol' try a thousand ways and eventually you may get it right trick!

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Been asking myself those same questions!

How do you know? I don't know, maybe it's different for each of us? i've seen love defined online but I really don't buy into ''if you tick these boxes, you love them'' I think it's a little more personal/individual than that! but they're guidelines right.

As for love fading over time? maybe so.....if you can fall in love I suspect you can fall out of love!

A soulmate! somebody who just seems perfect in every way, like they were made for you! natural affinity, I think it speaks for itself! over time you will know!

How do you know if they are the one? imagine life without them! how is it? are they the person to always pick you up when you're down? are they the first person you think about each waking morning? again maybe it's a more personal/individual thing?

I'm still figuring it out myself, but yeah, it's a tough one, nobody can answer it for you imo! you'll eventually get the answers yourself.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by valiant]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 10:00 AM

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

When you wake up thinking about them
When you go to sleep thinking about them
When you care more about their happiness than you do your own
When you know you would do anything for them

And when they do the same....

That's when you know.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

if i think about myself and i sound lazy compared to that statement

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

When you wake up thinking about them
When you go to sleep thinking about them
When you care more about their happiness than you do your own
When you know you would do anything for them

And when they do the same....

That's when you know.

I couldn't agree more.
He just left, and I miss him already....

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 06:40 PM
Everything Gazrok said definetly explained it. But it is hard to explain. Its a whole mix of things, and it can be different for everyone. But I think the most noteable is careing about there own happiness more than your own. When you would do anything just to see them smile.

When the future is no longer scarey because you know you have the one person you could ever need by your side along with you on the ride of life.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

When you wake up thinking about them
When you go to sleep thinking about them
When you care more about their happiness than you do your own
When you know you would do anything for them

And when they do the same....

That's when you know.

Especially when they do the same.

Otherwise it'll just be creepy.

or if she's like... a lot of women? Even if she's the same way, just cuz you're doing that.. you are weak and creepy. "Only women are allowed to do this."

Yea ok..

[edit on 23-4-2010 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 02:23 AM
I don't believe in "one special person made just for you."

If you are an normal, tasty human of reasonably clean habits and are moderately polite, then most members of the opposite and/or desired gender should be able to live with you. And verse visa.

Ask the previous generation (no, not the 70's "me" generation, that basically invented divorce, but the ones who fought world war two) and they will tell you it isn't magic.

You find someone you are willing to trust, and then you build a life with that person. you put MORE into the relationship that you get out of it, but YOU DON'T CARE, because you feel blessed, simply to have this one person on your team, building a home, building a family, building a lifelong relationship.

That's what love is.

It isn't flowers and champaigne.

Love is dropping out and taking a second job on the weekends to pay her way through law school, trusting that she won't leave you after she graduates.

Love is sacrificing your career for his, with the trust that he won't eventually leave you for his younger, prettier secretary

Love is keeping the farm running, alone, until he comes home from the war

Love is when you push your lover up to the lifeboat with your final ounce of effort, because that life matters more than your own.

Nitzsche said, "Whatever is done out of love is beyond good and evil."

Jesus said, "No greater love has this, than that a person lay down his own life, for his friends."

There ya go.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 03:30 AM
I have no idea...

But I know a song for it!

posted on Apr, 25 2010 @ 10:16 AM


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Especially when they do the same.

Otherwise it'll just be creepy.

In your teens and 20's, sure...but personally, I think that real "love" is only recognized with age and experience (i.e. once both people have learned enough to know what they truly want in a mate)....

When I think back to when I thought I knew what "love" was....

Took time to learn the true meaning...and no doubt, we'll all make mistakes along the way...but we learn from them...regardless of the pain it took to get there....

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:35 PM
love is butterflies and missing someone and remembering all the things you like about them and never getting bored

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

When you wake up thinking about them
When you go to sleep thinking about them
When you care more about their happiness than you do your own
When you know you would do anything for them

And when they do the same....

That's when you know.

For me,

When you take them to every doctor there is,quit your job to take care of them,change their soiled undergarments at all hours of the night and then sit by their hospital bed holding their hand for days until they pass away,and realize you are broke and bankrupt,but would do it all again without question because you miss them so much.

THAT is what LOVE was.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Oneolddude

Originally posted by Gazrok

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

When you wake up thinking about them
When you go to sleep thinking about them
When you care more about their happiness than you do your own
When you know you would do anything for them

And when they do the same....

That's when you know.

For me,

When you take them to every doctor there is,quit your job to take care of them,change their soiled undergarments at all hours of the night and then sit by their hospital bed holding their hand for days until they pass away,and realize you are broke and bankrupt,but would do it all again without question because you miss them so much.

THAT is what LOVE was.

You just gave me a hell of a lump in my throat then!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Oneolddude

awww that is so sweet

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by jumpingbeanz

how do you know when you have found your soulmate?
how do you know if they are the one?

The way her lifless corpse smiles back at you while you roll her out of the truck and into the river.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Now THAT (above) is creepy....

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:23 AM
I believe the traditional wedding vows are the literal definition of what love is...

If you are not only willing but enthusiastic to love and honor someone, through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon them your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others... then you truly love that person.

To love is to need, and to be loved is to be needed. If it's love, you need each other and thus complete each other; and that is your bond to keep you strong through whatever may come.

A highly popular mindset in our modern age is that you must first feel happy, complete and content solely just in and of yourself first, before real love can ever come into your life. A great many people genuinely believe that, but I do not. I believe this mindset is absolutely contrary to the very foundation of what true love is built on.

You'll never have a true love with someone who only just enhances your already marvelous life. But if you have a hole in you that know only the right person can fill in order that you can find your true contentment in this life, then you are capable of knowing real love.

My two cents.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by unworldly
I believe the traditional wedding vows are the literal definition of what love is...

If you are not only willing but enthusiastic to love and honor someone, through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon them your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others... then you truly love that person.

To love is to need, and to be loved is to be needed. If it's love, you need each other and thus complete each other; and that is your bond to keep you strong through whatever may come.

A highly popular mindset in our modern age is that you must first feel happy, complete and content solely just in and of yourself first, before real love can ever come into your life. A great many people genuinely believe that, but I do not. I believe this mindset is absolutely contrary to the very foundation of what true love is built on.

You'll never have a true love with someone who only just enhances your already marvelous life. But if you have a hole in you that know only the right person can fill in order that you can find your true contentment in this life, then you are capable of knowing real love.

My two cents.

I liked that!

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